Perfect Timing (24 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

BOOK: Perfect Timing
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ya stretched her body when she became awake and then remembered she was not in her own bed. She and the boys had caught a flight from Dallas midday on Friday for Savannah to attend Maxi's wedding.

The sun was already flooding through the bedroom window indicating it was going to be a beautiful day. She was happy for Maxi and wanted only the best for her and Christopher. She and Maxi had spent some time together last night and had talked about a lot of things, but mostly they had talked about what the two of them had had to endure this year and how they had become stronger women because of it.

There was a knock on the bedroom door and Mya pulled herself up in bed. “Come in.”

“You're awake, sweetheart?”

The older woman who entered the room still looked good for her sixty-one years. Her hair was styled like Mya had always known her to wear it, long and loose around her shoulders. And it was beautiful hair, thick and black, with only a sprinkle of gray at the temples.

The one thing Mya had always liked about Garrett's mom was her smile. From the first time Garrett had brought her home to meet his parents when she was a shy girl of fourteen, his mother had made her feel welcome with that smile. And another thing she had always liked about her was that she was fair. She never took sides. Mya knew that although she was Garrett's mother, from the day Garrett had declared to his family that Mya would always be his girl, his mother had accepted that and had made Mya feel like the daughter she'd never had. That's why even with the problems she and Garrett were having, she felt comfortable in coming here to stay during the time she was in Savannah. To her, the Rivers's house had been her home, too.

“Yes, ma'am, I'm awake, Ma Rivers.” Mya sat up in bed. Pa Rivers had been the one to pick her and the boys up from the airport yesterday afternoon. Ma Rivers had been at choir practice. One of Garrett's sisters-in-law had come by before Mya could unpack and got the boys, eager for them to spend the night at her house with her three kids. By the time Mya had finished unpacking and had changed into something comfortable, Ma Rivers had come home. Mya had been in the bedroom putting things away when she had looked up to see the woman standing in the doorway. As if she had immediately known what Mya needed, she had held out her arms to her. Mya had quickly gone into the older woman's embrace and cried what she hoped were the last of her tears.

Joanne Rivers looked at the woman her son had always loved to distraction and continued smiling. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, I slept fine.” Mya glanced around. She was in Garrett's old room. His football trophies took up one entire area of the room and on the other side of the room was a wall he had dedicated to her. Mya believed every single picture she had ever taken while in high school was somehow plastered on Garrett's bedroom wall. Looking at them made her remember what everyone had said—Mya and football were Garrett's two passions in life.

“Well, Pa wanted me to let you know that breakfast is ready. You know how he is. He wants to spend time with his baby girl.”

Mya chuckled. The Rivers had a total of six children, all boys. At twenty-eight, Garrett was the baby in the family and when he had married her that had automatically made her the baby, too. “Tell, Pa Rivers, I wouldn't miss a chance to eat breakfast with my favorite guy.”

Ma Rivers nodded and turned to leave the room. She turned back around as if to say something, shook her head, decided not to, and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Mya pondered Ma Rivers's actions. Was there something she had wanted to say? Breathing deeply she pushed the covers aside and grabbed her robe. The bathroom was at the end of the hall and she needed to use it and to get dressed for breakfast.

A few moments later, dressed in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, Mya entered the Rivers's kitchen and stopped. Garrett was sitting at the table talking to his father. She placed her hand on her chest, surprised to see him. He sensed her presence and looked up. She held his gaze for several seconds as she tried to get herself together. She noticed that the room had gotten quiet. Also sitting at the breakfast table besides Ma and Pa Rivers was Garrett's oldest brother, Randy. At six-foot-eight-inches tall, Randy had a love for basketball and for a while had played in the pros before a severe ankle injury ended that career.

Taking a deep breath, Mya continued walking into the room. “Good morning, everyone.” As expected Randy stood and gave her a big brotherly hug. “You need to stop growing, Randy.”

He laughed. “Mya, at thirty-six I'm too old to still be growing. You, Mya Ki'Shae, on the other hand, needs to stop getting shorter.”

She smiled. “How's Andrea and the kids?”

“Everybody's fine. They'll be by later.”

When he released her Mya took the only chair not occupied at the breakfast table, which just happened to be next to Garrett. She only hesitated for just a second before sitting down.

“Good morning, Mya.”

“Good morning, Garrett. I didn't know you were coming here.”

“I got a call from Christopher inviting me to the wedding.”

Mya nodded. “Where did you sleep last night, since I used your room?”

He shrugged. “I didn't get in until five this morning so I haven't done much sleeping. But I did crash for a little while in Randy's old room. I felt like a midget in a room made for a giant.”

Mya couldn't help but laugh. And she could tell by everyone's expressions that her laughter was what was needed to make everyone at the table relax. Evidently Ma and Pa Rivers had not been sure how she would react upon seeing Garrett.

Breakfast had always been a special time at the Rivers's house and this day wasn't an exception. Ma Rivers brought everyone up to date on everyone at church and Pa Rivers talked about all the fishing he and Deacon Matthews were doing now since both men had retired. After breakfast Mya helped Ma Rivers clear the table and load the dishes in the dishwasher her five sons had chipped in to buy her a few Mother's Days ago. In fact they had purchased her all new appliances that year since it was no secret how much she liked to cook.

“I hope you're not too upset with seeing Garrett here, Mya,” Ma Rivers said to her after they had loaded the last dish.

“No, this is Garrett's home. I just didn't know he was going to be here.”

Ma Rivers smiled. “Neither did we until he called from the airport saying he was on his way.”

Mya nodded. So it had been an unplanned trip for Garrett just like she had thought. “I'm fine with it. Like I told you last night, I feel better after talking to Reverend Stonewall. I still hurt but I love Garrett.”

Ma Rivers smiled. “And everyone knows that he loves you. He always has.”

“And I think that had me worried most of all, Ma Rivers. The possibility that Garrett didn't love me as much as he always had. A part of me was convinced that I was no longer woman enough to satisfy him. I never had to worry about other women before but then I suddenly found that I had to worry.”

Ma Rivers waved her hand. “You still don't have to worry. If you could have only seen the expression on Garrett's face when you walked into the kitchen for breakfast you would definitely know that. Love was written all over it for everyone to see. And it's always been that way. Garrett has never been ashamed of loving you and admitting to anyone that he did.” She chuckled. “I remember one time he almost knocked Elgin's head off because Elgin told him that it wasn't cool for a guy to admit to liking a girl. Garrett had gotten all in Elgin's face and said that was too bad because he wanted everyone to know that he loved you and just how much.”

Mya smiled. Elgin was Garrett's thirty-three-year-old brother who was as big as a locomotive. Not too many people messed with him because of his size. She couldn't imagine Garrett being that bold as to get in Elgin's face.

“What Garrett did was wrong,” his mother continued as she took Mya by the shoulders. “But as painful as it is, you and Garrett have too much history, too many years behind you, to let something like this come in and destroy such a beautiful relationship. And I know in my heart the two of you will work this out. It will take giving on both your parts.”

The two women embraced then looked up a few moments later when they heard a sound behind them. It was Garrett. He looked at Mya, unsure of himself. He then spoke. “I was about to go over to Ben and Nina's house to get the boys and was wondering if you wanted to ride over there with me?”

Mya inhaled deeply, not sure she was ready to be alone with Garrett just yet. But then she knew they had to start somewhere. Things couldn't continue like this. She couldn't have his family feeling uncomfortable around them because of their situation. She nodded slowly. “Yes, I'll go. Just give me a second to grab my purse.”


At first, they rode the first couple of miles and didn't say anything to each other. Then Garrett spoke. “Mark called last night. He's been picked up by the Jacksonville Jaguars and he's excited about it.”

Mya nodded. “I'm glad. I know how much he wanted to continue playing football.” After a few moments she then said. “Thanks for the flowers, Garrett. They've been beautiful.” He had been sending her a beautiful arrangement of flowers every week for the past month.

“You're welcome, and I mean everything I write on those cards.”

She glanced over at him but didn't say anything. When she looked at him, the person she saw was the man who had always had her heart. The man who had given her two beautiful sons and the man who had always loved her. He was also the man who was romancing her by sending her beautiful arrangements of flowers. But….

She turned away and looked out the window. There was that “but” lurking in the back of her mind. Reminding her.

“What do you have planned for the rest of the day?” Garrett asked her moments later.

“I told Maxi that she could use me in whatever capacity that she needed to. I think I'm the one who's going to pick up the flowers from the florist to save Mrs. Chandler a trip. I think Maxi thought this would be just a small affair but it seems her mother had other ideas.”

Garrett nodded. “I told Christopher I would help him do some things today as well.”

Mya nodded. The car then became silent for the rest of the way to Garrett's brother's home.


verything was beautiful, Maxi thought, as she glanced around her mother's living room. Because of all the extravagance that had gone into her and Jason's planned wedding, she hadn't wanted anything elaborate. All she wanted was a small wedding in her mother's home with just family and friends. And she'd gotten just what she'd wanted.

Her mother, Ms. Bessie, and some of the other ladies from the church had gone out of their way to make her and Christopher's wedding one they would remember for a long time.

She knew Christopher had been filled with emotion when a number of people had hugged him and told him how glad they were to see him again. She also knew he had become even more emotional when the Blackwells had arrived and Joella Blackwell, being the very friendly person that she was, had gone around the room introducing herself as the proud mother of the groom. Maxi had met the woman last month when Christopher had taken her home to meet the couple that he considered as his adopted parents. She knew the Joella was a jewel and was glad she had been the mother Christopher never had.

Maxi also had a another reason to be happy. Her mother had confided to her earlier that she and Jim planned to marry over the Christmas holidays.

Maxi glanced across the room at her husband talking to Gabe and Garrett. Every so often she would notice how Garrett's attention would shift from the conversation and move around the room, no doubt looking for Mya. Maxi smiled. She had an idea just where her best friend was.

Leaving the living room she walked through the open french doors that led to her mother's beautiful flower garden. And there, like she knew she would, she saw Mya sitting on a bench underneath a magnolia tree.

Maxi couldn't help but remember the many summer afternoons she and Mya had spent sitting on that bench under that same tree sharing secrets like only two best friends could. She couldn't help but smile at the memories as she walked slowly toward her.

“Why are you so sad?” She asked the same question she had asked Mya that day in the schoolyard twenty-one years ago.

Mya looked up when she saw her. “I want my husband,” she replied in a voice that sounded very much like the one she had used that day, just like she was about to cry.

“Where is he?” Maxi asked, pretending not to know the answer.


“Then why don't you go to him?”

“Because I still hurt,” Mya replied softly.

“Then let him take the hurt away.”

Mya met Maxi's gaze as she tossed her words around in her mind. She blinked back tears. During the wedding when Maxi and Christopher were exchanging vows, her gaze had found Garrett's across the room and held. The force of his gaze had been like a soft caress, and she had read profound love in his eyes.

“Can we be friends?” Maxi asked in that same serious voice that she had that day.

Mya smiled. “Yes, we can be friends.”

“Best friends?”

Mya's smile widened. “Yes, the very best. For the rest of our lives.”

The two women embraced, knowing that they would indeed be best friends forever.

Maxi felt the presence of someone behind them and turned around. It was Garrett. She had wondered how long it would take before he came looking for his wife. She smiled at him. “Hi, Garrett. I think I'll go back inside and ask that husband of mine to dance with me. I'll see you two later.” She then turned and walked away, leaving Garrett and Mya alone.

For the longest time Garrett and Mya didn't say anything to each other. Then Garrett reached out and touched the wetness he saw forming around her eyes. “You're crying,” he said softly.

Mya couldn't do anything but nod. She held his eyes then suddenly saw the mistiness that appeared there. She reached up and her fingers slowly traced the lines around his eyes. “So are you.”

He breathed deeply. “Yes, because I know how much I hurt you and I never wanted to hurt you, Mya. I love you so much and you mean everything to me. You always have. Please believe that.”

He took a step closer to her and then with unsure movements, he reached his hand out to her. Mya looked at it for the longest time before placing her hand in his. He then took another step to stand directly in front of her. He leaned forward to capture her lips with his, but she pulled back. After a few hesitant moments she brought her hands to his face. And then she leaned in closer, slowly bringing her lips to his.

It was at that moment Garrett understood what she was doing as her tongue entered his mouth and instantly did a thorough sweep of the insides as if removing any trace of the other woman. He fought to hold himself in check while Mya plundered his mouth, doing what she felt she needed to do to erase what still held them apart.

Moments later when he felt the intensity of the kiss change, he joined his tongue to hers. He felt her shudder in his arms and heard the moan that sounded from low within her throat as he took charge, repairing what he had damaged. He kissed her with all the love he had in his heart. He kissed her with all the need in his soul, silently conveying to her just how much she meant to him.

She broke off the kiss and leaned back in his arms and gazed up at him. “I liked that,” she said conversationally.

He held her gaze when he said. “So did I.”

Mya drew a deep breath. She knew that under the circumstances Garrett wouldn't suggest anything to her so she decided to take the initiative and make the suggestion to him. “Are you going to continue to kiss me out here or are you going to take me some place private?”

She watched his eyes darken, and saw the slow, shallow breath that eased from between his lips. “I would love to take you some place private. Would you go with me?” he asked huskily.

Her lips curved into a smile. “Yes, I'd go.”

He smiled. It was irresistible, seductive. “Will you leave now?”


He took her hand in his. “Let's go.”


He thought about taking her to Lover's Cove, where they had made out the very first time, to relive the memories of that beautiful night. Then he decided this night deserved its own memories. So he headed for the Bowman Hotel, which was one of the most elegant hotels in the historic section of Savannah.

He had told himself not to pounce on her the moment they were alone in the room, but he couldn't help it. The instant the door closed behind them, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her like a starving man who was getting his first real meal in a long time. He feasted on her mouth and his hands were everywhere on her, as if verifying that she was real and there with him. Evidently she also felt the same need because her hands were all over him as well, and within minutes both of them were completely undressed.

He reached out and his hand slowly slid up her body, touching her everywhere as he realized just how close he had come to losing her, and thanking God he had not. “I love you,” he whispered as he picked her up in his arms and carried her over to the bed.

After placing her there, settling her head on the pillow, he began brushing kisses all over her body, nibbling gently, tasting, and teasing. He was desperate to show her how much he loved her, needed her, and wanted her. Only her.

He slid his hands between her thighs and discovered she was ready for him and the thought of that made his breath quicken and his body ache. “I love you,” he whispered again, thinking he could never tell her enough, intent on showing her just how much.

The mattress dipped under his weight when he joined her, placing his body over her, settling between her legs. He kissed her as his hands continued to skim over her, eliciting soft moans from deep within her throat.

He broke off the kiss when he began easing into her, wanting to see her, wanting her to look into his eyes to see just what she meant to him. He knew it was there in his face. Emotions he refused to hide.

Mya let out her breath in a rush when she gazed into Garrett's eyes, reveling in the knowledge that he wanted her and most of all that he loved her. His eyes told her everything. Their separation had been hard on him. She looped her arms around his neck wanting to feel connected to him in every way she could. Slowly, gently, he continued to ease into her and she raised her hips to take him in. And when he reached a point where he couldn't go anymore, he stopped.

A long moment passed and still he didn't move. He just looked at her. It was as if he wanted to always remember this time, tonight, when they had recaptured what they had almost lost. His eyes were locked on hers as if mesmerized. Her body quivered with need. She craved his mating. Wanted it with a passion.

And then he began moving. His strokes into her body were complete, hard, all consuming and she willingly surrendered to him as their passion for each other escalated. She cried out softly when the rhythm he'd set sent shudders of pure pleasure through her. This, she thought, was the kind of love they had always shared. Total, complete, fulfilling, and no one could ever take that away from them. She was his and he was hers. Always had been and always would be. He had branded her, claimed her long ago, just like she had him and tonight both of them were affirming what they had together. A special love that had survived high school, college, and beyond that—against all odds.

“I love you, Garrett,” she whispered to him softly.

It was as if her words were just what he had needed to hear. He leaned down and kissed her long, hard, and deep and his body continued to make love to her, sliding in and out of her body. Rocking her. Pleasing her. Loving her.

They came. Together. Their orgasm flooding through both of their bodies simultaneously, emptying their minds, filling their hearts and beckoning them to partake in such beautiful and powerful passion shared by a man and woman who love each other deeply. The pleasure was heightened by the sounds of their satisfied sighs as they reached the highest peak of total ecstasy.

Later when both of their breathing was under control, Garrett managed to reach for the telephone to make a call.

“Mom? Hi, this is Garrett. Are the boys okay? Oh, they did? All right.” He reached out and pulled Mya closer into his arms. “Mya and I have decided to stay out tonight. We won't be back until morning.” He smiled. “Maybe even lunch time.” He then glanced down at Mya who was watching him. “Yes, Mom, she's okay. We're both okay. Everything is fine. Yes, Mom, I'll tell her. Bye.” He then hung up the phone.

He turned and slipped his hands under Mya's hips, lifted her and placed her atop him. “Mom said Terry and Dawn came by and got the boys to spend the night at their place.”

Mya nodded. Terry was Garrett's thirty-year-old brother and Dawn was his wife. They were expecting their first child in a few months. His other brother Daryl, who was thirty-four, and his wife Tonya were also expecting in a few months. Christmas this year in Savannah with the Rivers would be pretty joyous with new babies to spoil.

“Mom also said to tell you,” Garrett continued, “that she loves you and is happy for us.”

Mya smiled. “She's been worried.”

“Yeah, the entire family has. They all love you, Mya.”

She smiled. “And I love all of them. I was very lucky when you came into my life, Garrett.”

“No, I'm the one who was lucky. But then I never believed it was luck that brought us together. It was our destiny.” He slipped his hand behind her head and brought her mouth down to him. He wanted to kiss her, to mate his mouth with hers and to make love to her all over again.

So he did.

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