Perfect Match [Mé 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Perfect Match [Mé 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“There’s his truck! Tell him we’re here.”

“Did you here that? Chad’s pulling—”


Dakota froze in fear. He heard the gunshot through the phone, but also from outside of the car. This couldn’t be happening. They couldn’t lose her. He and Chad threw open their doors and ran.


* * * *


Elise opened her eyes and couldn’t believe that she wasn’t dead. Tracy had aimed the gun directly at her and squeezed the trigger. If it hadn’t been for Dale, she would be dead. Elise watched as he tried to wrestle the gun away from Tracy, not knowing who was going to come out on top. Tracy had a crazed look in her eye, and she was screaming like a banshee.

Not wanting to wait to see the outcome, Elise scrambled to her feet and ran for the door. She had made it three steps away from them when another gunshot rang out. Elise spun around on instinct to see what happened. Dale was holding his stomach, looking at Tracy in horror as blood seeped around his fingers and dripped to the floor. He dropped to his knees.

Elise covered her mouth with her hand in shock. She looked at Tracy and knew it was over. The crazy gleam in her eyes showed that she was no longer able to rationalize. Tracy pointed the gun in her direction.

Out of nowhere, a man dropped from the ceiling and landed directly on top of Tracy. The gun went flying out of her grasp while she screamed out, fighting her attacker. Elise recognized him from the bar. Before she could pick up the gun, another man rushed in from behind her. He picked up the weapon and immediately went to Dale. Taking his shirt off, the man rolled it into a ball and then helped Dale lay down on his back. He put pressure on Dale’s wound.


Elise spun around and almost cried in relief. Chad and Dakota came running into the barn. Taking her in their arms, Dakota ran kisses all over her face while Chad pulled her back against him. She had never been as thankful to be alive as she was in that moment. No one said a word, letting their touches do that for them. She knew how close she had come to losing everything, and knew just what she had to do to keep it.

“You bitch!”

Elise turned in their arms to see Tracy struggling against the man who had tackled her. They were both standing and the man held Tracy’s arms behind her, keeping her from going anywhere. Her black hair was a wild mess, and her eyes were filled with rage.

“They’re mine!”

Before anyone could say a word, Luke Thornton came in behind them and took charge. They watched as he handcuffed Tracy and radioed for an ambulance. Tracy wouldn’t stop yelling obscenities and continued to struggle against her restraints. Luke was speaking over her, stating her right to remain silent and all the other stuff that went with it. Elise tuned him out and snuggled back into her men’s arms.

“I can’t thank you enough, Russ. If you and Cam hadn’t still been out in the parking lot—I don’t want to think of how this could have ended.”

“I’m glad we could help.” Russ looked at her, and if she hadn’t been cocooned between Dakota and Chad, she might have been scared. He was a lot taller than them, with an intimidating physique and a face that brooked no argument. His jaw was square and accentuated by his military-style haircut. “Wish we could have met under different circumstances. I’m Russ Davidson, and that’s my brother, Cam.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Elise stuck out her arm, hating that her hand was shaking. The relief that this whole thing was over traveled through her body, making her want to sleep for days. “Thank you for saving me.”

“You seemed to be doing just fine on your own.”

Sirens could be heard as vehicles pulled up outside the barn. They turned to see Sheriff Whittington’s police car, along with an ambulance. A state trooper’s vehicle was also pulling up behind them. Elise sighed, knowing that they were going to be here for a while. But she found she didn’t care how long it took, as long as Dakota and Chad remained by her side. After everything was said and done, she would tell them how she felt about them and her plans for the future.

Chapter Fourteen


“How did it go?”

Elise looked up from her place on a white bucket, situated in their almost-completed dream house. Construction was still taking place, although in another month, it should be ready for them to move in. And she was more than prepared for that event.

It was three months after that horrendous night, when Tracy had tried to kill her. The unstable woman was now in jail, serving fifteen years for attempted murder and a whole bunch of other offenses the prosecutor was able to pin on her. Dale had made a full recovery and was serving a five-year sentence for his part in Tracy’s plan.

“Better than I expected,” Elise answered, looking past Chad to see where Dakota had gone. Not seeing him, she turned her attention back to one of the men she loved. “Mom and Dad will be at the wedding.”

“And how did they take it when you told them exactly what you write about?”

“They already knew,” Elise said wryly, pushing her glasses up. “Apparently, they were just waiting for me to tell them. They don’t feel it will harm his running as candidate.”

“And the fact that you are in a ménage relationship?”

Chad reached down a hand and pulled her to her feet. She stepped into his arms and rested her cheek against his chest. Closing her eyes, she still couldn’t believe her good fortune in finding love. She had never felt so content and hoped the feeling never went away.

“They said they would deal with it, whatever the media threw their way. A part of me feels guilty, though.”

“About us?” Chad asked, his apprehension shining through.

Elise realized how that sounded and immediately set the record straight. “No, silly. Not about us. I feel guilty for assuming they didn’t love each other. I’m finally realizing that love comes in all different shapes and sizes. Just because they like the public eye and want to live their life a certain way, I judged them. Their life seems cold to me, but that’s the way they want it.”

“And how do you want your life to go?”

“Exactly like this,” Elise answered, raising her head and looking up at him. “Having you and Dakota love me, sharing my life with you, and creating a future with you.”

“Good, because we have a surprise for you.”

“As long as it doesn’t involve my car, then I’m on board,” Elise said, smiling at his boyish grin.

When she had found out that Elliot had sabotaged her vehicle to help his friends keep her in town for a while longer, Elise didn’t know whether to be flattered or angry. Because she loved them, she decided to let bygones be bygones, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t hold it over their head.

“Nothing like that, I promise.”

Chad took her hand and started to tug her toward the stairs. It was still hard to believe that in a little under four weeks, they were to be wed and moved into their house, where they would raise their family. She loved how the layout was and could visualize what it would look like when everything was completed. As for now, the white walls were a blank canvas. The hardwood floors had dust all over them, but the promise of a polish stood out in her mind. She laughed at Chad, who looked like an eager little boy at Christmas. What had he and Dakota done, and why were they headed upstairs?

They entered what she knew was the master bedroom, overlooking a mountain range that provided a breathtaking view. Dusk was setting in, but the room glowed. In the middle of the floor was a mattress, surrounded by rose petals and lit candles. Dakota stood in the corner with a bottle of wine and three crystal wine glasses.

Her heart skipped a beat, knowing what they intended for this evening. She had asked almost every night for them to take her together. They claimed they wanted to wait until the right moment. She had almost given up on that ever happening. But here they were, with the most romantic setting a woman could ask for.

“What made you change your minds?” Elise whispered, not wanting to ruin the mood.

“Honey, we didn’t change our minds. We’ve always wanted to claim you together,” Chad explained, turning to face her. “We just wanted to give you time and space to make sure this is what you wanted, because once we consummate in this way, you are ours forever.”

“I want nothing more than to be with both of you, for the rest of my life.”

“Let’s toast to that,” Dakota said, stepping around the mattress and brushing his lips across hers. “Here, you and Chad hold our glasses while I open the bottle.”

It turned out that it wasn’t wine, but champagne. When the cork popped, they all laughed, knowing this memory would stay with them forever. Elise had never felt more alive than she did at this moment. Dakota poured the bubbly liquid into their glasses, and when he put down the bottle, she handed him his glass.

“To our future.”

All three held up their glasses in a toast and clinked them together. After having a sip of the gold liquid, Dakota took her glass from her hand and placed both of them on the floor, as Chad did the same with his. She held her breath as both of the men started to undress her.

Within a minute, she stood naked in front of them. Their loving eyes took in everything, and she found that she wasn’t embarrassed in the least. She was proud of her curves and knew how much they loved her body. Her pussy had been drenched since walking into the room, but now she was like a faucet. She felt a drop making a path down the inside of her leg.

Reaching down, she scooped it up with her finger. Bringing it to Chad’s lips, she watched as they parted and accepted her gift. His eyes closed, as if he were savoring her taste. It turned her on so much, she found she didn’t want to wait any longer.

“Fuck,” Dakota blurted out. Both she and Chad looked at him in confusion. “The condoms and the lube are downstairs on the kitchen counter.”

“I’ll get them,” Elise said, not wanting to waste a single moment. “You two get undressed.”

She heard them laughing at her enthusiasm but couldn’t have cared less. She was finally going to know what it felt like to be loved by both of them. Nothing was standing in her way now. Thankful it was turning dark, Elise ran out of the room in her birthday suit and down the stairs. Turning to the left, she entered the kitchen and saw the items needed. Grabbing them with both hands, she went to go back the way she came when she saw the can of whipped cream and strawberries.

Forgetting the strawberries, Elise decided to be a little daring. She placed the lubricant bottle and the condoms down on the counter and reached for the can. Shaking it like the directions stated, she made small circular motions over her nipples until white fluffy streams covered the rosy skin. Next, she spread her legs and tried her best to make a heart over her pussy. Satisfied with the results, and hoping the cream didn’t slide down her body before making it upstairs, Elise swiped the lubricant and condoms off of the counter. She was almost to the top of the stairs when Chad and Dakota appeared.

“Are you okay? You took so long, we thought something had happened.”

“I’m fine,” Elise answered with a smile. “A little sticky, but I’m hoping you can help me with that.”


Elise moved her arms, showing them her decorated body. The stairs were very dim, but they should be able to make out the white foam situated on her body. Both sets of eyes made a beeline for the whipped cream. It was hard to see the color of their eyes, but she just knew they had turned cobalt in color. A shiver went through her body at what it knew they were going to do to her.

Dakota reached for the two items she held in her hand, while Chad leaned down to lick the milky substance off of her breast. Her nipple hardened underneath his raspy tongue. She gasped and held onto the back of his head, threading her fingers through his hair. Dakota took two steps down and turned so that his front was to her back.

“Does that feel good, sweetheart?” Dakota reached around and, with one finger, swiped away the cream and brought it to his lips. She turned her head to see him slip it into his mouth and suck it clean. “Chad, make sure you clean her pussy off as best you can.”


Elise felt Dakota slip a hand underneath one of her thighs and lift, so that her foot was resting on the landing. The position caused her pussy to be exposed. Chad switched sides and licked off the rest of what Dakota had missed. He sat down on the top step, bringing her pussy directly to his mouth. With no warm-up, not that she needed any, Chad’s mouth found her clit in the mound of cream. He sucked it into his mouth like it was a lollipop. If Dakota hadn’t held her from behind, Elise was sure she would have fallen from the intense pleasure.

“You are one dirty little girl, Elise,” Dakota teased. “Chad, make sure you lick her spotless. We have major plans for tonight.”

“God, yes, lick me clean,” Elise whispered, panting as Chad did as instructed.

He released her clit and started to lick every last little bit of cream off of her. Chad parted her folds and licked each side, as if double-checking his work. Her pussy wanted attention, and she moved her hips forward, trying to get Chad to finish up quickly so that he would fill her up.

“Do you want us to make love to you?” Dakota murmured in her ear. “Do you want Chad in your pussy, while I take your ass?”

“Yes,” Elise moaned in agreement. “Please.”

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