Passions of New Pompeii (9 page)

Read Passions of New Pompeii Online

Authors: Aubrey Ross

Tags: #paranormal romance, #steamy romance, #alpha hero, #gladiator erotica

BOOK: Passions of New Pompeii
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Panting harshly, he tore his mouth away and
demanded, “Look at me.” Her lids slowly lifted and her legs
released, coming to rest in the bend of his elbows. He supported
her weight and lengthened his thrusts. “Mine.” The word escaped
with his breath.


He hadn’t expected her to respond and her
acquiescence thrilled him. “Mine.” His tone was louder, more

“I am yours.” She smiled and tightened her
core around him. “And you are mine.”

The unexpected exchange was too much. He
thrust his entire length into her and released his seed, shuddering
violently with each blissful spasm.

He rested his forehead against hers and
closed his eyes, unwilling to separate their bodies. “I am sorry.
You should not be taken like this. I was rough and it was wrong

“You didn’t do this to me, Theos. I
encouraged you every step of the way.”

They both groaned as he lifted her off his
cock and set her on her feet. “Even so. I am not a very good

She chuckled and adjusted the fall of her
tunic. “You’ll do better next time.”

He righted his clothes and led her from the
alley, pausing to make sure no one noticed their emergence. The
street was empty. The houses close together and unremarkable.
“Which way?”

She shot him a playful smile. “I want to try
every way possible.”

They continued down the street in
companionable silence, awareness flowing between them. Knowing she
wanted him as badly as he wanted her intoxicated and unnerved him.
I am yours…and you are mine.
Her words echoed through his
mind, keeping his desire smoldering.

He was a slave! He had no claim to himself
much less anyone else. She found him amusing. If he allowed himself
to feel anything but lust for this woman, he was the worst kind of
fool, one who deluded himself.

She turned down a side street and led him to
a house slightly offset from the others. It wasn’t as large as the
palatial villas perched on the hillsides, but it was inviting
nonetheless. The front door opened after a light beam passed over
her body. Her brother had a similar device separating the villa
from the
. Theos had always attributed the phenomenon
to Venus. Was it possible these wonders were nothing more than

“Are you coming?” She tossed the question
over her shoulder as she moved farther into the interior of the

Trepidation stalled his steps and made his
heart pound. He didn’t sense danger or doom, more an overwhelming
impression that everything was about to change.

She noticed his hesitation and turned around.
“Are you all right? There’s no one here but me, I promise.”

He didn’t find her assurance comforting. His
world had been steadily unraveling ever since he was summoned to
her bed. She challenged his fundamental beliefs and promised
freedom, a concept he had all but abandoned in his youth. “I am
fine.” He made the assertion as much for himself as for her.
Straightening his shoulders, he took a deep breath and stepped into
her world.

Chapter Six

The door closed behind Theos and Elaina
smiled. They were alone, truly alone for the first time. There was
no possibility of interruption and no overeager guards to
interfere. His stance was tense, his gaze watchful as he moved
farther into the room. They were still on his side of the barrier,
but they were one step closer to her world.

She’d only glanced around and tossed her bag
on the bed when she’d checked in hours before. Though much smaller
than her brother’s villa, this house was every bit as lavish.
Sculpted marble and intricate mosaics, colorful wall murals and a
sunken tub. Running water and a high, curtained bed, the house
boasted all of the expected amenities.

“If this is not about pleasure,” Theos
prompted, “why have you brought me here?”

“Have you heard of the House of

He shrugged, his gaze moving around the room
before returning to her face. “There are temples all over the city.
What is your interest in this one?”

“It’s not a temple. I’m not even sure it’s a
physical place.”

“Then how do you hope to find it?” He glanced
toward the covered window, obviously curious about what lay beyond
the house. “Is it your intention to find it?”

She moved to the window and raised the shade,
revealing a steep incline and the energy barrier pulsing in the
distance. The sun had started its daily descent but had not yet
surrendered its light. “It’s my intention to expose what the
proprietors are doing. Visitors contact the House of Morpheus when
they want to live out particularly violent or depraved

His dark gaze searched hers for a long moment
before he asked, “Who decides what is depraved? Fucking in public
is considered depraved by many, and no one will deny that the games
are violent.”

When Laetif explained her concerns about
Mikko’s new endeavor, Elaina hadn’t thought about the parallel to
the gladiator games. But she should have. The similarities were
unmistakable. “This is different. If my information is accurate,
and I have no reason to doubt the source, these fantasies hurt, at
times kill Pompeii’s inhabitants.”

“As do the games.” He strode toward her, his
gaze narrowed on her face. “Are you still on a campaign to end the

“No.” The response sounded sharp and
defensive, so she pulled back and reconsidered the question. “I
don’t know. If gladiators were given the choice whether or not to
fight, I would not have a problem with the games.”

“I chose to become a gladiator. I am content
with this fate.”

“I know. Laetif told me.” Elaina sighed. This
wasn’t supposed to be about him. She wanted to work with him to
right a wrong, not continue to tear apart the things he valued.
“But you’re the exception, not the rule. Most of your brothers were
captured in battle or… Would you go on fighting if other options
were open to you?”

“What other options? Become a tradesman or a
soldier? Die of boredom or die on the battlefield?” He shook his
head and crossed to the window. “I would rather die with honor in
the arena, the crowd’s cheers echoing in my ears.”

She moved up beside him, leaning her hip
against the window frame. “The House of Morpheus allows visitors to
rape and torture innocent inhabitants. I will debate the morality
of the games another day. This needs to be stopped right now.”

Without turning his head, he asked, “What do
you want from me?”

The list was endless. She wanted his arms
around her and his body sliding against hers. She wanted the
unexpected warmth of his all-too-infrequent smiles. She wanted to
snuggle against him as she fell asleep, knowing he’d still be
beside her when she woke up.

“I’m hoping people will be more talkative if
one of their heroes is translating for me.”

“Your questions will have to wait until
morning.” He motioned toward the gathering darkness. “We have lost
the light.”

She nodded, feeling the distance between them
widening with each passing moment. “Why don’t we take a bath? It
will help us relax.”

“Whatever pleases you,

“Do you want to return to the

His head whipped around, anger burning in his
eyes. “Do not threaten me. You will not like the result.”

“I didn’t mean it as an ultimatum. I don’t
want you to stay here if you don’t want to be here. I’m giving you
the choice.”

“Spend the night pleasuring you or return to
the cold isolation of the barracks? Does that sound like a choice
to you?”

For someone content with their fate, he sure
had a lot of pent-up hostility. “You’re right. Please stay here
where it’s warm and comfortable. But if you don’t honestly want to
‘pleasure’ me, I’d rather you didn’t—”

He pulled her into his arms and silenced her
with his mouth. Their lips meshed and parted, their tongues gently
dueling. His hands ran up and down her back, pressing them together
from shoulders to knees. “Does this feel like obligation? How can
you doubt I want you?”

His cock bucked against her belly and she
gasped. “Maybe the bath can wait.”

“No.” He picked her up, cradling her against
his chest. “Anticipation only sweetens the pleasure. Where is the

Like Fedoran hot tubs, the baths in New
Pompeii were meant for soaking rather than cleaning. Theos set her
down in the large shower stall and they both washed off before
entering the sunken tub. Electricity wasn’t allowed in the city,
but running water didn’t violate the noninterference clause.

Theos sat on the tiled bench, submerged to
mid-chest. The water came to Elaina’s chin as she sat sideways,
legs extended along the bench, feet lightly resting against his
thigh. The throbbing demand she’d been unable to ignore had receded
to a faint ache, a banked fire waiting for a warm breeze to fan the

“Who told you about the House of Morpheus?”
Theos asked after a long, silent pause.

“Does it matter? They have no reason to lie.
In fact they stand to lose a lot if the operation is shut

He pivoted toward her, leaning against the
side of the tub rather than the back. “Laetif.” He didn’t wait for
her to confirm the guess. “You must be careful. Things are often
more than they appear when Laetif is involved.”

“You think she has an ulterior motive for
bringing this to my attention?”

“Laetif has an ulterior motive for everything
she does.” He grabbed her knees and dragged her forward. She bent
her legs as he spun around and she ended up straddling his lap,
their faces inches apart. “Her motivation might not diminish the
value of the information. Just be aware of her duplicity.”


He stroked her from knee to hip, his hands
even warmer than the water. Her thighs spread wide over his, the
water teasing her pussy. “I’ll be careful.” She canted her hips,
trying to bring her mound into contact with his hard abdomen, or
better yet, his cock. He made her feel wanton and needful.

“Lock your hands behind your head.” His voice
dropped, his tone taking on a demanding edge. “Offer me your

Far beyond self-denial or hesitation, she
raised her arms and arched her back, thrusting her breasts forward.
He squeezed one as his lips closed around the other, sucking with
firm insistency. Her nipples hardened in tandem, and tingling heat
rushed from her chest to the apex of her thighs.

With his free hand, he clasped his cock and
parted her folds with the wide, blunt head. She groaned and
wiggled, desperate for his fullness deep inside her.

“Be still. Let me guide you.”

His mouth shifted from breast to breast while
he traced her slit with his cock head. She tried to remain still,
to accept the sensations he triggered, but her core tightened and
her clit launched confusing shivers up her spine each time he
brushed across it.

“Please,” she whispered. “I need you inside

“I know what you need.” His fingers took the
place of his cock, the caress more focused. He rubbed her clit with
his thumb while his fingers circled her opening.

She clenched her teeth against the pleasure
spiraling up through her. If he’d just push inside, even with his
fingers, she’d come. But he kept her teetering on the brink,
release just out of reach. His lips pulled harder, his teeth
lightly scraping. She tossed her head from side to side, her hair
tangling in her fingers.

“Stand up.” His hands grasped her waist,
propelling her upward.

“Wait! What…” He pressed his mouth against
her pussy and she had her answer. She felt off balance and awkward
until he brought her knee to his shoulder and tilted her hips. Her
thighs were spread by the new position and his strong hands
steadied her.

His dark gaze bore into hers as his tongue
circled her clit. Each slow pass sent her arousal higher, making
her need more demanding. She clutched his head, fighting the urge
to grind against his mouth and drive his tongue deep into her

He explored her folds with patient licks and
careful suction, his gaze never leaving hers. He grasped her ass
and drew her closer, his tongue finally penetrating her trembling
body. “Can I come? Please let me come.”

“Come.” His lips moved against her then his
tongue thrust back inside.

She moaned deep in her throat as her orgasm
rolled through her. His mouth encouraged each spasm, prolonging her
pleasure until she was weak and trembling. Then he brought her down
into the water and kissed her as she settled astride his legs.

Framing his face with her hands, she returned
his kiss, thrilled by the proof of her pleasure lingering on his
tongue. “I want to taste you. You’ve done me twice and I’ve yet to
return the favor.” He kissed her again, tongue trusting boldly in
her mouth. “Does that mean yes?” She smiled when his mouth finally
released hers.

He shifted her to the bench then stood in
front of her, cock jutting proudly from his body. She reached for
his shaft, but he caught her wrist, his gaze glistening yet
unreadable. “Why…would you do this for a slave?”

The pain in his tone stabbed into her heart
and filled her eyes with tears. “You aren’t a slave when you’re
with me. I refuse to think of you like that.”

Theos searched her tear-bright gaze for any
hint of deceit or manipulation. She obviously believed what she
said, but her attitude didn’t change reality. “Your brother owns
me. Nothing you can say changes that fact.”

“Not for long.” She pulled her hand out of
his grasp and closed her fingers around his erection. “I’ll find a
way to free you. I have powerful friends.”

“As does your brother.” Theos eased her hand
away from his cock and moved out of reach. “I will help you
investigate the House of Morpheus, but do not make promises about a
situation you do not control. It is cruel.”

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