Out Of The Night (10 page)

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Authors: Geri Foster

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’s just hope your men can get them at the airport and kill them both. You know how I hate loose ends.”

“I know, Petr. If it were up to you, you’d kill half of Russia.”

“Da, I would. Dead men don’t talk.” He lit a cigarette and blew out a string of white smoke that mingled with the rank smell annoying Viktor. “I would have put a bullet between Archuletta’s eyes the minute the doctor said he had no memory left.”

“I know you would, Petr.”

“This way we wouldn’t be trying to kill him now.”

“Patience, my friend. Patience.”

Petr struck the steering wheel again. “Fuck patience. I want him dead more than you do.”

Viktor laughed. “How can that be? I’ve known the man for years. We have fought so many times we know how the other one thinks. But
my advantage is he cannot remember how I work because he’s lost his memory. He is nothing more than a pudding head.” He tapped his temple.

“I thought you said you did
n’t think he’d lost his memory.”

“On second thought, I do believe he can’t remember certain things. But I asked some questions and he knew the answers.”

“Then how has he managed to stay alive?”

“Luck, pure luck, my friend.”

“Then it’s time the luck ran out.”


Washington, DC

Fumbling for her car keys,
Anita Mitchell stepped out of the supermarket and ran into Brad Hall.

She stopped and gasped. “What are you doing here?” She looked around to make sure no one recognized them. “I don’t want to see you.”

Behind his sunglasses, Anita imagined his blue eyes weren’t as bright as they were last night. Like her, he probably suffered from the same hangover. At least she hoped.

“I’m not stalking you, Anita. I just want us to remain friends.”

Anita pushed past him and walked swiftly toward her Cadillac. She didn’t want to have a conversation with the man she’d just betrayed her husband with. Besides, she loved Joe. She’d loved him as much as she could, considering they rarely spent time together.

Brad trotted behind her.

When she got to her car, she clicked the door lock and whirled to face him. “I’m not interested, Brad. I’m a happily married woman who doesn’t want to cheat on her husband.”

lifted his shoulders. “Then what were you doing last night? There was no
happily married
in what we did.”

at rose up and fired her cheeks. Shame wrapped her tightly in a web of disgust. It didn’t help that he spoke the truth. They had been outlandish in their exploits. He’d managed to talk her into doing things she’d never even fantasized about. She’d been foolish to allow him to tie her up, spank her bottom, and have unlimited access to her body.

She shook off the mental image. “I can’t do that again. Not ever.”

He stepped closer, pressing her against the car. “Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy yourself, Anita. A man can tell when his woman is sexually pleased.”

Her mouth opened
, but words refused to come out for several seconds, and then she said, “I am
your woman.”

With her sacks of groceries in front of her, she pushed him away. Then she popped the trunk, loaded her bags
, and went around to the driver’s side. “Don’t come near me again.”

“Can we at least have dinner? I know you get lonely and crave adult conversation.”

“It’s best if we sever all ties.”

He put his hands in his pocket. “Okay, I’m fine with that.” He looked around the area. “You know I took a video of the whole night, don’t you?”

She slapped him so hard her palm stung. His sunglasses smashed to the ground, where she crushed them with the heel of her sneaker.

“Don’t you dare threaten me with something so vile.” Anger surged through her body with lightning speed. She pointed a
threatening finger and narrowed her eyes. “I’ll go to Colanglo, and he’ll have your ass.”

“He’ll have your husband’s first.”

Hatred seared her gut and crawled over her heart like a wayward spider. “Why would he do that?” She put her hands on her hips. “This is between you and me.”

“Not after you spilled your guts and told me everything there was to know about Joe’s work at the CIA.”

“That’s a lie.” She’d never been so insulted. How dare he say something like that about her loyalty? “You’re a liar. And I know there is nothing on any tape you have that has me saying a word about my husband’s assignments.”

“Don’t be so sure. The CIA can do almost anything.”

“I want to see you prove that because I can’t tell you what I don’t know. And I’ll gladly take a lie-detector test to prove it.”

Trembling, Anita got in her car, pulled out of the parking space
, and headed home. Yes, the creep might have recorded them in bed, but no matter how much she drank, she didn’t worry about her husband’s top security clearance because Joe never talked about work.

At times that bothered her, but today she was glad he’d never told her anything that would endanger the country.

Except one thing, and Anita prayed she hadn’t repeated that information. If she had, God help them all.


Pulkovo Airport

Abby pulled the small suitcase toward the waiting area. They’d barely made it through customs and now waited to board the plane to Cairo. Tony had been on the phone since they dropped the car off in the parking garage and entered the airport.

As she listened to his conversation, it sounded like he could be getting more of his memory back
However, not completely. She’d taken over the paperwork when they got to the passport counter because Tony drew a blank.

“It looks like we’re going to make it,” she said. “I don’t want to speak too soon, but with just minutes before we board, everything looks good.”

“Don’t let that lure you into a false sense of security. I’ve seen things completely blow up in my face at the last minute. It’s all a crap shoot.”

Finally, the line moved to board
, and Abby handed the ticket agent their boarding passes. The agent welcomed them with a smile.

Abby let out a deep breath as they made their way down the jetway and toward the plane. She took Tony’s hand, looked up at him, and smiled. “We’re still in good shape.”

“Famous last words.”

“I’m going to be optimistic until something happens that changes my mind.”

He grinned and Abby’s chest grew taut and her heart raced. God, what a handsome devil he was with his gray eyes and black hair. Even out of his normal mode of dress, he could rock any woman’s world. He certainly had hers.

“I like you, Abby. You sure you don’t want to have sex

She laughed. “Yes. Are you still convinced that line is going to work?”

“Hey, cut a man some slack. I only have half my memory, so I’m a little rusty.”

“You are. Normally you’re quite the charmer.”

“Really?” His smile widened and he winked. “Then maybe you should give in and go with the flow.”

She tightened her lips. “No.”

They reached the door to the plane and were directed to their seats. The only ones available were coach, but they’d take them. The four-hour flight would be over before they knew it. Besides, it would feel great not to be shot at for a change.

After sitting down and buckling their seatbelts, she turned to him. “Tony, I really think I should go back to Washington once we get to Cairo. You won’t need me. Besides, I don’t think I
should get tangled up in all this spy stuff.”

“Let’s talk about it when we get there. I’m hoping once I’m at the airport my memory might clear up a little more.”

She bit her bottom lip. “Maybe.”

“I think the more I’m around things I’m familiar with, the better I think.”

“Is that why you want me with you?”

He looked at her. “I know it’s asking a lot
, and there isn’t much of a reward, but being around you helps me think better.”

“But you thought I was in Cairo. I wasn’t

“I know. However, a woman did walk up to me and introduce a guy. She acted like I should know her and him, but I didn’t. That’s the last memory I have.”

“Did you think she was me?”

“She resembled you a lot. You could have passed as sisters. But now that I can see her face clearly, there were several distinct differences.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that.”

“She had the same color eyes and same blond
e hair. The difference was she didn’t have your freckles or your smile. Her smile appeared tighter and showed fewer teeth.” He grinned. “I know your smile like my own face.”

“Should I be flattered?”


Abby accepted
the compliment, leaned back and tried to relax. Outside the window, the blue skies were filled with fluffy white clouds, creating a serene picture. It brought back the moments she’d spent with her parents at their lake cottage. Those were wonderful times and they left her with great memories.

Then one hot August night, while
she’d been away in college, her parents went for an evening boat ride and didn’t return. Their bodies were never found, and she’d never been back to the lake.

As the flight attendants started to close the door, two men entered the plane with assault weapons and walked toward them.

Abby gasped and grabbed Tony’s arm.

“Take it easy,” Tony said under his breath.

“Oh my God. They’re even here on the plane.”


Dallas, Texas

Zoe completed a search on her computer after something snagged her attention. She stared at the column written by a watch group in D.C. According to a Jason Lamb, Senator Nick Parker, in charge of the Ways and Means committee for the DOD, had been using taxpayers’ money carelessly.

Because she worked for a security company, Zoe read a hundred similar articles written by Washington insiders who gauged government operations. They held bureaucrats accountable for their actions.

Curious, Zoe picked up the phone and punched in a number. She had to leave a message for a return call at a later date, but she could wait. She had a few other things she wanted to check out before talking to Mr. Lamb.

She googled Mohammad el Genoez. Within a few seconds, she discovered Senator Parker had signed a contracting job with him for two billion dollars. According to what she read, Mohammed el Genoez gave all the appearances of being an American loyalist. He came from a good family in Syria, was educated in America, and was the leader of an American coalition in Damascus.

So, why didn’t Zoe believe that? What made her dig deeper? She didn’t know and didn’t want to guess. Something didn’t line up correctly, and she had to find the connection that could expose the truth. Could Parker be a traitor, or simply a man bent on spending taxpayers’ money?

Frank walked out of his office. “Zoe, get John O’Shea, with the NSA on the phone. We have a problem in St. Petersburg and no time to lose.”

“On it, boss.”

“Has Mac checked in?”

“Not yet.”

“Tony and Abby are about to be captured. Somebody better act.”






Joe Mitchell waited for Hana to show the next morning with his food. When a man wearing a hood with holes cutout for eyes walked in, Joe inwardly groaned. He’d hoped to make a connection and to get her to help him escape.

The man’s mannerism told Joe if he tried anything, measures would be taken to eliminate his contact with any living person. He looked for signs Hana had said anything about them speaking the night before.

Had she, Joe would be treated more harshly and perhaps beaten senseless. Certain cultures considered it improper for a strange man to talk to another man’s wife. Joe didn’t want to offend anyone. He just wanted his freedom.

, as each day passed, and with the mention of el Jibar, his chances for enlisting her assistance grew from slim to nonexistent. He had so little time. If that monster got hold of him, there would be no mercy or hope. He’d seen firsthand what happened to a hostage in el Jibar’s hands.

The man had done unspeakable things to prisoners, and Joe didn’t consider himself a brave man by any means. No, he acted the part of a chess master by putting certain agents with specific talents in perfect spots to do what had to be done. As insignificant as it sounded, he simply moved people around
, so they could be used to the best advantage for the CIA. Unfortunately, those people’s lives now hung in the balance if Joe talked.

When the guard placed
the food on the floor, Joe said thank you in their native language.

The man stumbled backwards in surprise. “I should have known you would speak our language. What better way to get information.”

“I work in this area of the world. It is only a courtesy that I learn your language so as not to insult you in anyway.” Joe kept his head bowed, his demeanor calm and words soft.

“I know you are a spy.”

“Perhaps.” Joe rubbed his face. “But I don’t know all you think I do.” Putting his hands against his side, he stood. “Tell me, why have you taken me?”

“You are very useful.”

“To who?” He pointed, rattling the chain on his wrist. “You?”

“No, I simply set the trap.” His capture sounded proud to have been clever enough to grab a man of Joe’s ranking. “Another will come for you later today.” The man backed away toward the door. “Then you are out of my hands.”

“Do you know where I am going?”

“I know nothing. And I won’t ask. I will be paid
, and I don’t want to know anything else.”

“I can pay you very well
, at least double what anyone else is offering.”

His captor pulled the sack off his head and spit on the dirt floor. Finally
, Joe had a face to go with the name.

“I hate you Americans and your money. That is all you care about. It is your God.”

“You said you were in it for the money, not me.” Joe backed against the wall. “I simply suggested if that’s all you want, I have access to a lot of cash.”

Fear streaked across
the man’s face and drew his features tight and pale. Now the truth would come out. This man had made a promise to deliver Joe to the devil, and no one messed with him and lived to sing the song.

“Eat your food. In a few hours you will be gone from here.”

“I think we can make a deal, Hussein.”

He stepped forward and slammed his fist into Joe’s face. “How do you know my name?”

Joe tasted blood, but refused to go down. “I simply heard a conversation from outside. That’s all.”

“Have you been talking to the woman who brings you food?”
he demanded. “If you have, I will kill you myself.”

Joe held out his hands. “No, I haven’t said anything. I see her every day. But she and I have never spoken. I know it would be rude and impolite

The man stomped out and locked the door behind him. Hopefully, he
wouldn’t go into the house and question Hana. Only she could help Joe and hope grew smaller by the minute.

Joe thought of his family and how much he missed and loved them, the pride he held for his two sons. Both stood on the brink of manhood. Anita had done a wonderful job as mother left to raise them practically alone. A weaker woman would have left him years ago.

He contributed very little to his family, except a regular paycheck and occasional visits. He couldn’t remember the last occasion he and Anita had spent alone as husband and wife.

He counted the anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays he’d spent in other countries
, always assuming Anita would take care of everything. Now, he wanted to be home, so he could make up for all the lost time.


Not once had she complained that she wanted him home more. Perhaps if she had, he would have considered transferring to another division sooner. As it played out, only recently had he put in a request to be taken out of the field. He never expected them to send him here.

’d had his doubts the moment Brad Hall gave him his last field assignment. Even over Joe’s complaints about the area being too hot for him to get any work done, Hall had insisted he do one more assignment.

Joe had no sooner put his foot in Cairo
than they’d kidnapped him at the airport. That explained a lot. That Brad Hall had been in on Nick Parker’s cover-up about Green Gulf Construction.

Glancing at the bowl of food sitting at his feet, he shook his head. The c
urry killed his stomach, yet he dare not say a word. Spicy food had always had a way of tearing his insides to hell. But he would eat it to stay alive. If he became too fussy, he’d die of hunger.

He squatted and started eating. As he shoved the spoon in his mouth
, he wondered about his heart. His yearly physical uncovered that stress had his blood pressure at an unhealthy 196/100. He’d been put on medication, but he hadn’t taken anything since his capture. That explained the pounding in his temples.

He leaned back and rested his head on the hard wall. He tried to concentrate on being calm and relaxed, but it didn’t work. Any minute he would be in the hands of the most notorious terrorist in the world.



Boris took a short nap then rose and got dressed.

sat up in bed next to him, the sheet falling to his lap. “Where are you going?”

“I’m getting ready for the late shift.” Boris snapped the barren key chain on his belt and slipped his feet into his boots. “If I don’t show up for work
, they will suspect something and we can’t afford that.”

stood, completely naked, and walked up behind Boris to kiss the back of his neck. “Be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I plan to act like I am an innocent man.”

“When can we leave, Boris?” Dmitry pulled on a robe and tied the terrycloth belt. “I want out of Moscow.”

“We should wait a couple of months. Let all this shit calm down.”

“Are you going to tell Sergei?” Dmitry asked, inspecting his fingernails. “He’ll be shocked to learn we are moving away.”

Bile built up in Boris’s throat. “We may not have to. A few weeks ago he told me when the first of the month comes, he’s moving in with his girlfriend.”

Dmitry frowned. Boris looked at his partner’s disappointment, and sadness weighed on him like a wet coat. Could Dmitry love Sergei? “That will give us a good reason to leave. The two of us can’t afford this apartment.”

“I did
n’t think he was so serious about the girl.”

Boris placed his palm on his lover
’s face. “I know you wanted to fuck him. A threesome would be fun. But he isn’t like us.”

“What about the night of your birthday party
? When everyone left, the three of us had a good time.” They never openly talked about being gay. They never spoke the word, but Boris knew Sergei liked women, lots of women.

Boris turned away. “We were drunk, and I don’t even think Sergei remembers.”

“He does remember. I’m sure of it.”

“If he did, maybe that
’s why he’s moving out. He doesn’t want to live here because we make him uncomfortable.”

waved his hand and turned away. “Oh well, his loss.”

Boris slipped on his jacket and went down the three flights of stairs to his car. The drive to Lubyanka was only twenty minutes from his flat. As he drove, melancholy tightened his chest as he thought about his lover.

When Boris met Dmitry last year at a bar, he’d liked the attention the hot stud Dmitry gave him. Then when Dmitry had invited Boris to come spend the night at his place, Boris couldn’t pass up the offer. What harm would it do?

His life
had changed that night. He went from a horny straight, fat guy who couldn’t get laid to the boyfriend of a hot little fucker with the sweetest mouth on earth.

He rationalized in his mind that while he’d never been with a man before, the girls weren’t fighting to get to him, either. So, he decided sex was sex and he’d take it any way he could get it. Two months later
, they were shopping for a place to live.

That’s when they
’d met Sergei. Boris knew instantly Dmitry liked the young man with his long blond hair and cute ass. But their sexual preferences never came up. They lived together with Boris and Dmitry in one bedroom and Sergei in another.

It bothered Boris that
Dmitry openly flirted with Sergio, but not enough to cause an argument. He’d chosen to ignore the infatuation until his birthday two months ago. Dmitry had insisted on giving Boris a big birthday party, and of course, Sergei had to be there.

Two hours into the party, they were drunk. While
Dmitry had invited several of their gay friends, Sergei seemed to be having a good time. Everyone got really loose and before they knew it, most everyone had shed his clothes.

got all touchy, feely with their roommate, but Boris had too much to drink to say anything. Then Dmitry started giving Sergei a blowjob, and the next thing Boris knew they were all naked in the bed, taking turns kissing each other’s pricks.

One thing led to another and when they woke up, the three of them were entwined and very hung over. Sergei got out of bed last, and when
Dmitry tried to approach him, he turned and went into the bathroom.

After Sergei came out, he got dressed and left the apartment. Several days later
, he returned with a girl. Since then, she’d spent every night in Sergei’s bedroom.

hated the girl and had become more and more difficult to tolerate until Boris had stumbled upon an offer that would change their lives.


Pulkovo Airfield

The two men
with weapons drew closer and Tony tried to put Abby behind him, but he could do little with the armrest between them.

Tony held up his hands. “Why are you pointing a gun at us?”

“Follow me off the plane and back into the airport.”

“No, I won’t,” Tony said. “We went through customs and have our necessary paperwork. You’re harassing us.”

Several other passengers grumbled about the abrasive government.

“Do as you
’re told.”

Tony gritted his teeth.
“I’m not leaving my seat.”

As the guns drew closer, Tony’s heart sped up. At this range
, their weapons would splatter their remains all over the plane.

Lucky for them
, the pilot stepped out of the cockpit. “What’s going on here?”

“This man and woman must return to the terminal.”

“We’ve done nothing wrong.”

Again, their fellow travelers agreed. Someone shouted from the rear of the plane
, “Get these government men off the plane so we can leave. I have a connecting flight.”

The pilot’s brows drew together and
a frown replaced his cordial smile. “May I see your papers?”

When neither man answered
nor made a move to show identification, the co-pilot stepped out with a semi-automatic handgun.

“You men have to leave this plane. The SVR is on the way to escort you to their headquarters. They claim to have given no orders for these passengers to be detained.”

Slowly, the men lowered their guns.

Mac, dressed in a SVR uniform, stepped aboard, and Tony had never been so happy to see someone. “You men are to come with me immediately.”

That ordeal over and the door secured, the flight crew made preparations to taxi toward the runway.

Abby looked at Tony, her hands clutched around his bicep. “My God, that was close.”

Tony wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Too close.” He glanced around the cabin. “I thought we’d been exposed.”

ow did Mac know what was going on?”

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