On The Floor (Second Story) (26 page)

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Authors: Jennifer LaCross

BOOK: On The Floor (Second Story)
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I reach for the nightstand drawer and grab a condom. I start to move, trying to turn us over so I am on top, and Jake helps me by moving his hands under my back and flipping us. I set the condom on top of the nightstand and start to kiss him again, my hand moving to stroke his cock.

Ending the kiss, I slide my tongue along his jaw, moving down his neck. I take each of his nipples into my mouth, as I continue the rhythmic pumping of my hand. My mouth travels lower, until it meets my hand at the base of his cock.

"Suck me, Rachel..." Jake moans, quietly.

And that is all the encouragement I need. I lick up the length of his erection before taking the head into my mouth and sucking lightly. One of my hands continuing to work his cock, as the other moves lower, taking his balls in my hand tugging softly.

Jake's answer is a moan. I start to move my head down his length, swirling my tongue around the plush head. I take him deeper each time as he starts to thrust up into my warm, wet mouth. Finally, I have his entire cock in my mouth. I swallow, the muscles in my throat contracting around him before he pulls out and pulls my head off of him.

Jake groans as he pops out of my mouth. "God, Rachel. You seriously know how to work my cock," he says pulling me up for a kiss. He reaches for the condom and I hear the wrapper tear open before I feel him start to roll it on.

"Now climb on top of me and ride me until we come," he softly demands before lifting my hips and sliding his erection into me. I love it when he talks dirty. Sometimes he can have me nearly coming with his words alone.

He is so thick and so hard it's almost too much as I take him all the way inside me. We remain still for a moment, looking into each other's eyes as I adjust to his size.

"I love you," he mouths.

"I love you, too," I say back to him before I start to ride his cock, just like he told me.

I take my time working his length inside me, squeezing my inner muscles around him. I swirl my hips around, rubbing my clit against his pubic bone before rising and falling again. Jake's hands are on my hips, steadying me as I move.

And the whole time we look into each other's eyes. Our breathing is erratic and choppy, our hearts are beating fast, and our bodies are sweating as we move together towards our climax.

Jake starts to thrust up into me faster as he nears orgasm. "I'm gonna come, Rachel," he moans before sliding his hand from my hip to work my clit. "God, you feel so good."

He starts rubbing me with his thumb, causing me to move over him faster as my body starts to chase the impending release.

"Fuck... oh god... fuck... Come with me, Rachel..." he says, right before he uses the hand that is on my hip to hold me down on him. His groan is deep and loud as he throbs inside of me, my muscles beginning to spasm around him with my own release. I moan his name and rotate my hips around, his cock hitting all the right spots inside of me.

I collapse onto him as I catch my breath. His hands move to stroke my hair and rub down my back, calming my heartbeat.

"That was fucking incredible..." he murmurs into my hair.

"Fucking incredible..." I mumble back.

He chuckles before pulling out of me and rolling us over. He sits up quickly to remove the condom, knotting it and tossing it in the garbage. He's back before I can even get comfortable, pulling me into a cuddle.

"Can we spend every day like this?" he asks me quietly as I start to drift off to sleep.

"I wish," I reply, snuggling deeper into him.

He kisses the back of my neck before whispering, "Go to sleep, babe" in my ear.

And I do.




"So... What happened with Jake?" Jenna asks as we sit down for lunch on Sunday.

"He loves me," I say smiling before taking a bite of my salad.

"What?! Explain. Now," she demands, nearly jumping out of her seat.

I sent her text on Friday night letting her know we had worked everything out and that it was just a misunderstanding. But I saved this little morsel for Sunday lunch. I wanted to see her face when I told her.

"I mean, there's not much to explain. He loves me. It's pretty simple, Jen."

I know she's going to want a play by play of everything and I'll give it to her. I'm just messing with her. I guess being in love just brings out my playful side.

"Don't you fuck with me Rachel Anabelle Harris! I know what
he loves me
means. I guess I want to know how ignoring and avoiding you turned into him loving you."

"Oh that," I say smirking at her.

"Ha ha. You're so funny," she deadpans.

actually kind of funny," I say, pausing before I get into the story. "He thought I was pregnant. And it freaked him out a little before he realized that he was in love with me."

"He thought you were pregnant?"

"He saw a pregnancy test box in my drawer," I say, noticing the freaked out look on her face. "Relax. It wasn't mine. It was was a scare with one of the girls on my floor, but he didn't know that."

"So he loves you?"

"He loves me."

"Is the sex better?"

Of course she would ask that. "What?"

"You know? Since you're in love. People are always saying it's better when you're both in love with each other. But I have some pretty phenomenal sex with some guys I don't even really like, so... I was just wondering," she says shrugging a shoulder like it doesn't really matter. But when I look in her eyes, I can tell she wants to know. Has she never had sex with someone she was in love with? Or has she never had sex with someone who was in love with
? The way she said “both” was a little strange.

"I don't know. When we have that connection during sex, it's not as scary anymore because I know how he feels. I know he loves me and he is feeling everything on the same emotional level as I am. But the sex has always been amazing with Jake, so..."

"Ahhh. The sex god with the magical cock," she says, laughing at the face I make.

"Seriously, Jenna. You have no filter."

"I have a filter, it just let's more through than most peoples'. And you love it," she says with a smile.

"I love
, bestie. I tolerate the lack of a filter because of that fact," I joke.

"Whatever," she says, sticking her tongue out at me. "Get to the good stuff. Lay one of the lays on me. I want a fucking story."

And I give her one. But I give her a fucking story, not one where we were making love.

"Wow..." she says after I finish the story. “That was... wow.”

"Sure was," I say with a smile.

She starts laughing. "I hate to admit this, but I am so jealous of your sex life right now. I haven't gotten any in a while."

"What? Really?" I ask her confused. It's very unusual for her to go a week without picking up one of her
. So her definition of a while might vary from mine. "How long is a while?"

"Like around three weeks. Not since Will," she says, clearing her throat.

Wow. Have I been that bad of a friend that I haven't asked or noticed that she has been single since Will? Did she have real feelings for him? When he cheated on her, did it upset her more than she let on?

"Worst best friend award definitely goes to yours truly," I say, upset at myself that I let my own relationship cloud my mind so much that I missed my best friend’s heartache.

"Shut up," she says with a small smile on her face. "You've been busy with the sex god. I would expect the same understanding from you if I was bumping uglies on the regular with someone like Jake."

"Jenna!" I mock scold her for her language. "Bumping uglies?" I whisper at her. "That sounds so... unappealing!"

She laughs loudly at my response. And I can't help but laugh with her. After that sex story I told her earlier, I'm embarrassed to say
bumping uglies

"But seriously, Jenna. Talk to me. Are you okay with what happened with Will?"

"Will?" she says through her laughter. "I'm so okay with what happened with Will. I mean, I would have preferred him to tell me that he didn't want to be with me. You know, instead of catching him making out with that chick, but whatever."

And I can tell she is fine with it. When it initially happened, I could tell that she was a little sad. But she is definitely over that now.

Then what's with the dry spell?

"Okay, if it's not Will, then what's up?"

"I've been working on Nate," she replies. And I'm not sure what to take from that.

"I told you he is into relationships. What do you mean you're working on him?"

"It's not that he's into relationships. It's more that he doesn't want to sleep with someone he doesn't know. He doesn't like anonymous sex. I don't know why, if you are going to ask. I just want to show him that we can be friends and that I'm hot. And then we can fuck. Friendly fucking," she says, her smile growing.

"Um. Okay," I say, unsure.

"Relax, Rachel. I'm not a siren. I'm not going to lure him to his death with my feminine ways and deadly vagina. I'm just going to introduce him to a different type of relationship. A friends with benefits type of relationship."

"Okay. But Nate is a great guy and you know I think you're amazing. Why don't you just try to be with him, Jenna?"

"Because, Rachel. It's not my style," she says with a smile on her face. But if she thinks she's fooling me, she's not. Her mouth may be smiling, but it's forced. And her eyes? They're not smiling at all.

Chapter 19




The rest of my Sunday flies by and before I know it Jake and I are walking hand in hand up the path to his grandparent's house for dinner. They live in an adorable neighborhood on the top of a hill in an adorable little house. I mean, it has a porch swing and a big beautiful tree in the front yard. And the entire house is enclosed by a white picket fence. The house itself is a very pale yellow with white trim. And when we get to the front door, I see there is even an adorable welcome mat that says "Home" with a heart where the "o" should be.

Jake squeezes my hand and looks down and smiles at me. "I love you," he says, his smile growing.

"I love you too."

He turns toward the door, opening it without knocking. "Grams! Gramps! We're here!" he calls as we step into the small entry hall.

I hear some clanging and movement coming from where I assume the kitchen is. "I'm coming Jakey! Let me just put this in the oven!" Then I hear the oven door close as we make our way into the living room that matches the house in its adorableness. It has a very comfy looking couch and love seat in front of a chest that is being used as the coffee table. There is no TV in the room, and instead the couches face a cozy looking fireplace. There are pictures everywhere. Pictures of Jake, his grandparents (who I've seen a picture of in his room), and a young woman whom I assume is his mother.

I only have a moment to look around before his grandma comes rushing into the room. She is a very petite woman, with short dark hair. She has no grey hairs, few wrinkles, and she looks like she is in her early fifties instead of early sixties like I know she is. She is smiling and her whole face lights up when she sees Jake.

She moves right up to him and he releases my hand so he can hug her. She kisses him on both cheeks and pulls away from him, squeezing his arms and looking up at him. "I've missed you sweetie," she says before pulling away and turning towards me.

Jake grabs my hand again before saying, "I've missed you too, Grams. But I was kind of busy, you know. With my girlfriend," he says with a smile in his voice, squeezing my hand once.

"Well, that is the best excuse I've ever heard," she says smiling at me. "You must be Rachel. I am so excited to finally meet you. And even more excited that this grandson of mine finally pulled his head out of the sand and saw what was right in front of him."

"Me too...?" I say with a smile on my face. "And it's very good to meet you too, Mrs. Price."

"Oh, call me Grams," she says, leaning in for a hug similar to the one she gave Jake. "Feel free to grab a drink and make yourself at home," she says before turning to Jake. "Your grandfather is just finishing picking some tomatoes out back. He'll be back inside in a minute but if you want to show Rachel the view you should take her out now. The sun is just setting." She turns back to me. "The view from the back is amazing. Very romantic..." she says, smiling and winking over at Jake.

This woman is a ball of energy. And I love her already.

"Thanks for the tip, Grams," he says chuckling.

"Did you need any help in the kitchen?" I ask her.

"Oh no, dear. You relax and get the tour. And be sure to look at all the pictures. There are lots of embarrassing ones of our little Jakey," she says reaching up to pinch one of his cheeks.

He laughs. "I beg her to take them down every time I come home..."

"But the ones that he thinks are embarrassing are my favorite ones," she says smiling fondly at her grandson. When he gives me the tour, I realize that the ones that he thinks are embarrassing end up being my favorite ones too.

After the quick tour around the house we go out in to backyard to watch the sunset. And the sunset from their back patio was exactly as Grams described it. Very romantic. But I'm not sure if it had more to do with the actual pink and orange sunset covering the entire sky out over the ocean, or the person I was watching it with.




Dinner goes well. Like, really well. His grandparents are warm and loving. They talk about Jake's childhood, telling me the "embarrassing" stories that go along with the "embarrassing" pictures that were hung around the house.

Watching Grams and Gramps together, I can't help but imagine me and Jake together at that age. They hold hands, share secret smiles, and laugh together. They are a lot like my parents were when my mom was still alive.

They're soul mates.

And it's beautiful.

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