Off Limits (Sparks in Texas Book 4) (12 page)

BOOK: Off Limits (Sparks in Texas Book 4)
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He slowly worked it inside her, adding lube
and fingers over the course of the next several minutes. Lacy
forgot to be nervous about what was coming as she worked overtime
not to come. Somewhere in the midst of Logan stretching her ass, he
bumped the vibrator up to the next speed.

She called him a long string of unsavory,
rude names, but he ignored her and kept going.

Lacy was so focused on not coming, she jumped
slightly when she felt the head of Logan’s cock pressing against
her ass. At some point, he’d covered it with a condom.


“Shh,” he soothed, running his hand along her
back. “Say your safe word if you hate it.”

He’d only pushed the head in before she
decided she wasn’t going to hate it. He was so much bigger than the
plug and his fingers, not just in width, but in length.

“How much more?” she gasped as he continued
to work his way inside with short, easy thrusts.

“Halfway there.”

“Fuck me,” she groaned, prompting him to
laugh a little.

“That’s not the safe word.”

She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Keep
going, asshole.”

He slapped her ass lightly. “That’s not it

During their previous sexual encounters, she
had been so focused on how fucking good the sex was and on finding
a way to get him back in her bed, that she hadn’t had a chance to
consider what it would be like to truly date Logan.

Words like fun and playful floated to the
surface. Even as he dominated their play, taking her to places
she’d never imagined in all her twisted, kinky fantasies, she
couldn’t deny that being with him was as much fun as it was

When he was fully lodged, he paused. “That’s
it.” His words sounded almost pained, which seemed weird to her.
She was the one being practically split in two. Then she considered
how much control it must have taken for him to move so slowly, to
give her this experience with as little pain as possible.

She took a second to adjust, marveling over
how freaking much she loved everything they’d done together.
Something told her a hundred years with the man wouldn’t be enough
to get him out of

“Lacy,” he murmured. He was holding on for
her. “Baby…”

“Can I come now?”

A short burst of laughter filled the room.
“God. You’re all kinds of perfect. Yeah. Come at will,

With that, he began to fuck her. He kept his
motions slow, easy. She appreciated his efforts at not hurting her,
but it wasn’t enough.

“Logan,” she gasped. “Please. More.”

“As you wish.” He reached down and found the
control to the vibrator. He cranked the thing on high and then it
was game over.

He took her hard, driving deep into her ass,
as Lacy came violently. One orgasm stretched into a second before
Logan joined her. His fingers tightened on her hips as he jerked
once, twice more. Then he fell to her side as she turned to face
him. She shuddered when he reached between her legs to turn off the
vibrator and pull it out.

“I think you killed me.”

He took her hand in his and gave it a
squeeze. “I was going to say the same thing to you.”


“Hmm,” he murmured sleepily, his eyes
drifting closed.

“Can we do that again?”

He chuckled, his lids lifting briefly. “Sure.
Give me a few minutes.”

She laughed softly. They hadn’t talked yet,
but at least he wasn’t sprinting for the door. They had time to get
into the heavy stuff. Later.

She sighed happily at the thought of what
else they’d do later before giving in to her own need for


* * *


Nineteen years earlier…


Logan studied the lake until he found his
sister. Sure enough, Rachel was boob-deep in the water, wrapped
around Rodney and kissing him like the guy was going off to war or
something. He wouldn’t mind so much, but last week she’d been doing
the exact same thing with Lee.

“We need to make a pact,” he said, glancing
over at Evan. The two of them were sitting in the sand, chowing
down on hot dogs they’d bought at the concession stand. He knew a
lot of his friends were looking forward to growing up, becoming
adults, but Logan figured they had it made. They were fifteen, out
of school on summer break and their biggest decision each day was
whether to hit the beach at the lake or head over to the park to
play baseball.

“What kind of pact?” Evan asked.

“We don’t hook up with each other’s

Evan glanced at Rachel and Logan spotted the
reticence on his friend’s face. He knew. Knew Evan had been looking
a little too often in Rachel’s direction. What Evan didn’t realize
was that Logan was putting the pact in place for his friend more
than his sister. Rachel was a man-eater.

“I don’t see what the big deal is if—”

“I mean it, man. I don’t want you hooking up
with Rachel.”

Evan frowned and then, because he really was
a good friend, he shrugged and agreed. “Fine. But same goes for my

Logan looked across the sand and spotted Lacy
building a sandcastle with her little friend, Bucky. “You got it,”
he said with a grin.

Evan rolled his eyes. “You realize I’m
getting the bad end of this deal.”

“It’s a bro code,” Logan said, reaching out
for the traditional handshake to seal the deal. “And it’s binding.


Chapter Seven


Logan stirred as a roar of thunder pierced
the quiet of the evening. He and Lacy had been dozing in bed for
nearly an hour, both of them physically exhausted.

Then he recalled the thunder. “Damn.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I left the windows rolled down on my

“I don’t understand why you drove here. You
only live a few blocks away.”

He reluctantly disentangled from her embrace.
“Made a furniture delivery, and then came straight here.”

“In a hurry to see me?” she teased.

Logan tickled her, enjoying her giggle.
“Yeah. I held out as long as I could, and then realized I was being
a first-class tool. Turned the truck toward your place and decided
it was time to set things right.”

He reached for his jeans and tugged them

The two of them still needed to have a
serious talk. Logan had spent the past five days trying to come to
grips with everything that had happened. Lacy had come into his
life—and his bedroom—and she’d saved him.

He had let Jane mess with his head, let her
convince him that his needs were wrong if he wanted a long-lasting,
normal relationship. Which he had finally been able to admit to
himself that he wanted this morning. He wanted what Evan and Annie
had. A loving, kinky, forever relationship. And there wasn’t a
doubt in Logan’s mind he was going to find that—and more—with Lacy.
She was perfect for him.

He’d accused her of pretending to please him.
He owed her an apology for that. Lacy didn’t lie. She was the most
genuine, honest person he’d ever known, yet he’d foolishly let his
insecurities cast her into shadows that simply weren’t there. There
wasn’t an insincere bone in her body.

“Tell you what. Why don’t you order a pizza
while I run out to take care of the windows?”

“Sounds good,” she said, lazily stretching.
The sheet drifted lower, giving him a perfect view of her

“Do me a favor and get dressed before I get
back. You and I need to talk, but there’s not a snowball’s chance
in hell of accomplishing that with you looking so sexy.”

A glimmer of nervousness crept onto her face.
He hated that he’d left her so uncertain. She’d just given him the
best—and worst—three weeks of his life. When he was with her,
everything felt right, but spending the past five days without her
had been brutal. Jane had left after a three-year relationship and
he’d gone to work the next day as if she’d never been there. For
the last five days, he hadn’t been able to work, eat, or sleep. He
had been miserable.

“Hey,” he said, grabbing her hand and tugging
her to her knees at the edge of the mattress. “It’s nothing bad.

She smiled, though he could read the doubt in
her expression. He had a lot to make up for.

Logan gave her a quick kiss. “Won’t be a

He didn’t bother with a shirt as he walked
out of her front door and downstairs. There were three floors in
the building and each one contained two apartments. It was unlikely
he’d run into any of her neighbors, but the more time he spent with
her, the less he gave a shit who saw them. It was a dangerous
mindset to have until he came clean to her brother, but he was
currently too happy, too sexually sated to give it much more than a
passing care.

He was halfway to his truck when he realized
Evan was standing next to it. His best friend’s gaze drifted from
him to the truck and back again, his expression going as dark as
the cloud-ridden sky as he took in Logan’s half-dressed state.

“What are you doing here?” Logan asked.

“Thought I’d swing by, see if I could figure
out who Lacy’s new boyfriend is.”


It was the absolute worst thing he could have
said, but Evan’s comment caught him off guard. Had Lacy told her
brother she had a boyfriend?

Evan was in front of him after three long
strides, which he followed with a hard right to the face.

Logan stumbled at the impact of the punch and
it took him a couple of seconds to shake off the pain, and then
regain his vision. When he did, he stood there with fists clenched,
ready to defend himself if Evan came at him again.

“The first one is free. I probably had it
coming. But you hit me again and I’m going to punch back.”

had it coming? You’re
questioning that?” Evan shouted.

“Alright. I definitely had it coming, but
you’re not much better than me. I know about you and Rachel.”


“So you
make out with my

Evan looked slightly chagrined, but it was
clear any guilt he felt was struggling to outweigh his anger at
finding out Logan was sleeping with Lacy. “How did—”

“Lacy saw you.”

Evan dismissed the accusation as
insignificant—which it really was. “Who gives a shit? We were
teenagers and all we did was make out one time. Is that all you’re
doing with Lacy?”

He shook his head.

Evan’s fists were still clenched. “That
goddamn bro code thing was

Logan shrugged. “I know. We were just kids,

Evan ran his hand through his hair as Logan
braced himself for another blow. Instead, his friend hit him with
something much harder to deflect. “I don’t give a shit about the
stupid vow. Never did. I thought you weren’t doing vanilla

Logan didn’t reply. What the hell could he
say? He’d fucked Evan’s sister six ways to Sunday, introduced her
to bondage, clamps, butt plugs and spankings.

Evan’s jaw clenched as the silence lingered
too long. “She’s my fucking sister, Logan!”

“And she’s a grown woman,” Lacy said, rushing
out of her apartment.

She was barefoot, but at least she’d had the
good sense to throw on a t-shirt and jeans. Evan really would have
beaten him to a pulp if she’d come outside in just a robe or
something. It was one thing to know your best friend was fucking
your little sister and another to have it slammed in your face.

Lacy stepped between them, clearly concerned
the fistfight was going to continue. “My sex life is none of your

“Dammit, Lacy. I’m always going to worry
about you. You can’t ask me to stop that.”

“Then worry about shit that matters. How
Logan and I have sex doesn’t qualify.”

Evan winced, but he rallied quicker than
Logan would have. “Please don’t say the word sex to me. I prefer to
think of you as my sweet, innocent sister. Pure as freshly fallen

Lacy rolled her eyes and snorted. “Yeah. That
snow was plowed a decade ago.”

Evan groaned and shook his head. “You’re
killing me.”

“Serves you right for hitting Logan.”

“He had that coming, and he knows it. So what
is this? A relationship? Are you two dating?”

Lacy looked at Logan and shrugged, taking her
time to reply. “I don’t…”

Evan’s face turned murderous. “Don’t say you
don’t know. I swear to God, if this is just a hookup, if you’re
just using her to get your rocks off, I’ll fucking kill you.”

Raindrops began to fall. Logan looked at
Lacy, even as he spoke to Evan. “I’m in love with her.”

Lacy’s eyes widened. “You’re in love with

“Of course I am. How could I not be? You’re
everything I’ve ever wanted.”

“Took you long enough to figure that out,”
she teased.

He pulled her into his arms. “I mean it,
Lacy. You’re perfect for me.”

“Then why did you leave last time?”

The rain started to come down harder. He
hadn’t intended to have the conversation with her outside, in front
of her brother and—he glanced around—the seven people who’d opened
their front doors in hopes of catching a fistfight.

“Looks like the two of you have a few things
to discuss.” Evan was giving them a chance to escape back

Logan nodded. “Evan—”

“Later, man. We’ll talk it out later. Make
things right with her first.”


Evan sighed. “And do me a favor. Never, under
any circumstances, talk to me about your sex life again.

“New bro code?”

Evan’s eyebrows lifted as he considered that
question. “If you fix things the way I hope, maybe the ‘bro’ part
of that code could become a legal, binding, official thing.”

Lacy interjected. “Dear God. It’s only been
three weeks, Evan. Go away before you screw everything up.”

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