Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2) (3 page)

BOOK: Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2)
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I watch as he brings the beer to his lips, his adam's apple bobs as he takes a gulp. After he sets the glass back down his tongue darts out to lick his lips. I watch in awed silence, because there’s no way that it’s normal for a man to make the simple act of drinking a beer look so...sensual.

“You sure you don’t want a drink?” He asks, noticing my staring.

I feel my face flame bright red. I really hate how easily I blush, it’s a dead giveaway for how freaking awkward I am. I shake my head ‘no’ and he grins at me.

“Oh my god I love this song,” Lee announces excitedly as a new song come through the speakers.

She holds her pool stick with one end planted on the ground and starts to sway her hips, grinding against the pole as she sings along with the song.

“Hotter than your swollen lips, your wet fingertips, hotter than your blushing face, pressed against a pillowcase, hotter than your waistline, moving up and down mine, hotter than you half open, half open.” Lee croons the words,  her gaze fixed on Nikki the entire time and it’s nothing short of sizzling.

“Is it just me or is that really hot?” I ask before I can think any better of it.

Asher starts to choke on his beer, looking at me with wide eyes. As soon as I realize I actually said that out loud I bury my face in my hands and wish for a quick death.

“Damn sweetheart, you can’t go around telling a guy you’re getting turned on by lesbian foreplay and then get all shy about it,” He warns with a chuckle. “I thought you were supposed to be all pure and untouched.”

Please, if there is a God, take me now.

” I mutter into my hands, unable to lower them and look at him.

After a moment I feel his warm, strong hands wrap gently around my wrists and pull my hands away from my face.

“So what’s the story on that?” He asks casually.

“My parents were crazy religious. I was home schooled and sheltered and now I’m a freak,” I admit with a self deprecating laugh.

“You don’t seem like a freak,” He assures me.

“Hey, keep it in your pants Wright,” Abby calls out a warning from a table away, where she’s snuggled into Ethan’s lap. Asher glares at her and flips her his middle finger.

“So, are
religious?” He asks, keeping the conversation going.

I let out a sigh and shrug.

“Not sure yet,” I answer. “I’m still searching, I think.”

“Well, if you ever need someone to talk to about it...”

I raise a curious eyebrow at him and he laughs.

“They say that if you want to know about religion, you should ask an atheist. So, I’m merely offering my services.”

“You don’t believe there’s a god?” I stare at him for a second like he’s a zoo exhibit.

I’d never met anyone who didn’t believe in god. I was always told that those types of people were evil and insane. But, Asher doesn’t seem to be either of those things.

“The idea of an all powerful being creating the universe is not only a logical impossibility, but also is mathematically highly unlikely.”

“So, where do you think all of this came from?”

“Stephen Hawking basically says that due to the laws of physics the universe can and will create itself,” He explains with a shrug. “But, I’m not trying to convince you that there isn’t a god. I think it’s really cool you’re searching for your answers.”

I look around and a warmth spreads through my chest. This is a scene I never imagined being a part of, sitting in a bar having a religious discussion, surrounded by people who want to be my friends.

It doesn’t feel like long before Nikki and Lee leave, Dex offers to take Remy home, and I start to think I’d better head back to the dorm as well. I glance at my watch and realize that it’s almost one in the morning. I can honestly say I’ve never had so much fun in my life. I’d watched Nikki and Lee play against Remy and Dex on the pool table and had enjoyed hanging out...with friends. I’ve never had friends.

“I think I’m going to head home. Thanks again for the job. I’ll see you guys soon,” I wave goodbye to Abby and Ethan.

A concerned look washes over Asher’s face.

“Let me walk you home.” He doesn’t even wait for an answer before he’s escorting me out.

“You didn’t have to walk me home,” I argue, twirling a strand of hair around my index finger.

“I don’t mind.”

I can tell he wants to say more and I can’t help but wonder what it could be. We walk in silence for a few minutes until we reach my building.

“This is me,” I announce awkwardly and then cringe inwardly.

Asher nods and gives me a small smile.

“Listen, no pressure or anything, but if you want I could give you my number. That way you could call or text me sometime. Nikki and them are really wrapped up in their own lives sometimes…” He trails off.

“I don’t know, at the party last weekend you looked pretty…busy yourself,” I mutter surprised by the sliver of jealousy. I don't even know Asher, why should I be jealous of the beautiful women who know how to please him? Maybe because I want to know how to please a man like Asher.

Asher shakes his head and looks at me with a sad resignation in his eyes.

“If you text or call I’ll be around.”

My stomach flutters and I can’t help but feel special. I have the insane urge to step closer to him and press my lips to his. What would it feel like? Would he taste like beer? Would he kiss me back? I shake these thoughts off and hand him my phone to put his number in.

“You only have two contacts in here,” He notes incredulously.

“I only got a phone two days ago, I never had one before. And, I don’t know a lot of people yet.”

had a phone before?”

“I never had anyone to call.”

After programming his number he calls himself with my phone and a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips.

“Well, I hope you call me.”

My heart gives an excited flutter.
Guys will say anything to get you into bed.
Remy’s voice pops into the back of my head and I cringe. I’m being just as gullible as they said I would be.

“I’m probably not ever going to have sex with you,” I say firmly. The heat creeps into my cheeks again.

He grins again and lets out a small laugh.

“That’s okay, I’ve been thinking you’re too angelic to try to put the moves on you anyway.” He winks and turns to leave. “Have a good night, Angel.”


Chapter 4


As soon as I enter the church on campus I feel torn. On the one hand this is a place I’m familiar with. The general atmosphere and decorative scheme is something I’ve seen almost every day of my life. And, the types of people I’m likely to encounter here will be just like the types of people I have experience interacting with. Unlike the lesbians, feminists, and tattooed sex fiends that I’ve recently taken up with. I try to use the same tone my parents would use when thinking of my new friends, but I just can’t. I kind of love those lesbians, feminists, and tattooed sex fiends They’re fun, exciting, and unpredictable. And, I honestly want to be like them.

This thought should probably send up a red flag in my mind, at least that’s what I’ve always been taught. Those people are the kinds of people who are sent by satan to tempt you away from the Lord. The problem is, I’m starting to feel really conflicted about all of the things I was raised to believe. Which fits with the fact that I feel conflicted about being here for the campus Christian Fellowship group.

              I heave a sigh and force myself forward. If I’m going to figure out who I am, and who I want to be I need to do this.


              The group ends up being pretty much what I expected. There was bible study and then discussion about how to keep your faith strong in the face of all of the ‘unholy’ temptations presented on a college campus. For some reason I have the urge to roll my eyes when the Youth Pastor says ‘Satan is always lurking, waiting for an opportunity to steal you away from the Lord’. I’ve been hearing this stuff my entire life and it’s starting to sound like fear mongering to me. It’s no different than the fight I had with my mother right before I left for college.


Eve, you need to pray about what you are doing to this family. Your father is just sick over you going away to a secular school.” My mother cried.

Mama, I just want to get an education. Why does it have to be this big deal?” I’d questioned.

There was no way she was going to talk me out of this, but I’d really prefer to know that when I leave they’ll let me come home eventually.

Because, secular universities are like the Devil’s playground. He disguises his propaganda as knowledge and tricks you away from the Lord.”

If learning about the world is going to make me question the Bible, then maybe I
be questioning it. Did you ever think about that?” I’d challenged.

Eve, I am going to make this real simple for you. If you go to that school, don’t you dare come back here. I don’t want you bringing the Devil into this house or around this family.”



              I shake of the memory and try to pay attention to what the youth pastor is saying.

“So, now let’s just take some time for fellowship. Get to know one another, I’m sure you’ll meet your new best friend here. It’s important to have friends in college who share a passion and devotion to the Lord,” He announces enthusiastically and then everyone starts to stand and start introducing themselves.

              A clean cut guy approaches me from across the room. He’s good looking, very ‘all American’ with blond hair styled meticulously, a button down shirt and khaki pants, and a friendly smile that says ‘you can trust me’. He’s definitely a tricycle.

“Hi,” I smile as he approaches. “I’m Eve.”

I offer my hand to shake.

“Brahm,” He offers his name and shakes my hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too.”

There’s certainly no nervousness around him like there was around Asher. But, there’s also no excitement or electricity.

              “So, tell me about yourself.”

“Well, I’m a freshman and I’m originally from Ohio. My daddy is a preacher so I grew up in the church. I was home schooled, so I’m still getting used to everything here,” I explain.

He smiles and nods attentively like a gentleman should, his eyes never leaving my face to roam seductively over my body like Asher had. ‘
Ugh, stop thinking about Asher’
I try to command myself.

“I’m from Indiana, Go midwest,” He attempts to joke. I smile genteely. “Do you like coffee?” He asks.

“Only as much as I like breathing.”

He stares at me blankly for a moment before he realizes that I was being facetious.

              “Right,” He smiles and nods. “Maybe you’d like to go have a coffee together? I’d love to get to know you better.”

Wow, I just got asked out on my first date. Granted the guy’s a bit of a dud, but maybe once I get to know him he’ll be more interesting. A real date, I’m actually giddy.

“Sure,” I say and follow him from the room.

We walk to the trendy coffee shop on campus that Nikki and I went to on the first day of class.

“So, what’s your major?” I ask as we wait for our coffees.

“Business. I want to open a good, Christian based business. I feel like we don’t have enough of those these days. You know, one that’s closed on Sundays, has morning group prayer, and doesn’t serve people who lead an ungodly lifestyle.”

I nod and bite my tongue. Somehow it seems like a bad business strategy in my opinion to refuse to serve anyone who has money. But, what do I know?

Once we have our coffee we sit down in the oversize chairs near the fireplace.

“What’s your major?” He asks.

“I’m not sure yet, I just want to learn about all of the things I don’t know,” I tell him the same thing I told Asher. But, instead of a smile this time I receive a frown.

“You should really find something to focus on, otherwise you could end up taking a lot of classes that won’t apply to the major you choose,” He warns.

I nod awkwardly and take a sip of my caramel macchiato. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I smile apologetically as I reach to check it. Only a few people have my number and I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t hoping it’s Asher texting me


Asher: Hey Angel, hope you’re having a good day. I was thinking of going to the planetarium this weekend if you want to join me :)

Eve: a day at the planetarium with an astrophysicist how could I possibly pass that up? I’m scheduled for training at the bar on Sunday afternoon but I could do Saturday

Asher: it’s a date ;)


My stomach gives a little flip. I’m sure he didn’t mean an actual date, but a day of hanging out with Asher is more than I could’ve ever hoped for. Now I just have to hope I’ll be able to figure out how to form a coherent, intelligent sentence around him.

Brahm clears his throat and I jump with surprise. I actually forgot that I’m on an
date with Brahm right now.

“Sorry about that, that was rude of me,” I apologize.

Brahm spends the next twenty minutes telling me about a missions trip to Guatemala he went on over last summer and I do my best to focus on him rather than thinking about Asher. I sigh internally, I may need a tricycle but damn that mountain bike for being so desirable.


              The rest of the week passes uneventfully and Friday night I try to get excited about a second date with Brahm.

“I have the perfect thing for you to wear,” Nikki announces excitedly bursting into my dorm room. I can’t help but laugh at her lack of boundaries. She’s more excited about my date with Brahm than I am. When I told her about it on Monday she was over the moon. I eye the gauzy black dress that she brought with her.

“This is going to look so fantastic on you.” She thrusts the dress at me and turns around so I can put the dress on.

The dress clings to my curves in a flattering way and I can’t help but feel beautiful wearing it.

“This looks great. Thank you so much.”

Nikki squeals and claps when she looks at me.

“Brahm is going to love you in this,” She announces.

I force a smile. Nikki pulls out a large make-up case and sets to work making me beautiful.

“Thank you so much for your help.” I give her a hug and she leaves before Brahm arrives.

I pace as I wait for Brahm, and it’s not long before there’s a knock on my door.

“Hi there.”

Brahm smiles at me as I open the door. As his gaze travels over me his smile falters. Okay, not exactly the reaction I was expecting.

“Do I look okay?” I ask self-consciously smoothing my dress with my hands anxiously.

“Well, it’s not exactly very modest is it?” He gives me a condescending smile. “You look beautiful, but as it says in Proverbs 11:22 ‘Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.’”

I blush, not even sure what he’s implying about the ‘pigs snout’ but it certainly doesn’t sound complementary. I turn and grab a sweater to put over the dress and he smiles approvingly.

“I just want you to bring glory to God with the way you dress, not incite lust in godless men,” Brahm explains.

I force another smile and follow him out of the dorm.

Brahm takes me to a Christian concert at the church and the rest of the evening is nice and enjoyable.

As he walks me back to my dorm I start to wonder if I might get my first kiss. I fiddle with my sweater as we reach my door. I turn to face him expectantly.

“I’m really enjoying spending time with you Eve, I hope we can plan for more.”

I nod and give him a small smile. He certainly is nice, and it feels really good to have someone interested in me.

“And, I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that purity is very important to me I’m looking forward to maintaining my purity until my wedding day. I take it very seriously and as such I don’t believe in even kissing during the courtship process.”

“Oh, okay.” I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

Is this guy for real?

              “Goodnight, beautiful.” He takes my hand and kisses it softly before turning to leave.

              The room is empty when I enter, which isn’t a surprise since it is a Friday night. I change into pajamas and snuggle under my covers, flipping the TV on. I have to say Netflix is great when you’ve missed years of pop culture and need to catch up. I fall asleep watching ‘Friends’ and thinking about my day at the planetarium with Asher tomorrow.



              Knowing that I’d have Eve all to myself today has made this week crawl by painfully slowly.               On my way to Eve’s I stop and get coffee for us, taking a guess at what I think she’ll want. She strikes me as a sweet coffee kind of girl so I get her a mocha and a blueberry scone. When I get to her building I realize I don’t know her dorm number so I text her to let her know I’m out front and within two minutes she’s standing in front of me in a blue tank top and a white skirt looking good enough to eat.

“Damn Angel, you look amazing,” I tell her as I hand her the coffee and scone.

              “These are for me?” She asks with surprise.

I nod and nervously bite my lip ring. Her gaze lands on my lips like it’s done before and I resist the urge to kiss her.
We’re friends.
I chant over and over in my head.

“I wasn’t sure what kind of coffee you liked so I took a guess.”

She takes a sip and a look of bliss washes over her face.

“You guessed right. I think if I had to choose between giving up coffee or oxygen I’d definitely choose to keep coffee.”  

“I couldn’t agree more.” I lead her towards my car.



I’m in awe as we explore the planetarium and Asher explains the physics of space to me. He might as well be speaking Latin for how much of it I understand. But, it’s so endearing the way his eyes light up as he talks.

A child's cries pull my attention from Asher and I notice a little boy by himself looking terrified. I look around for someone who might be his parents.

“Hold on a sec, I think that little boy might be missing his parents.”

I go over to him and kneel down.

He stops crying for a second. The little boy looks at me with a miserable expression and sniffles.

“Hey sweetie, I’m Eve. What’s your name?” I ask him.

“Bradley, I don't know where my mom is,” He says sorrowfully.

“Okay, let’s go find someone who can help,” I suggest, holding my hand out to him.

He stares at my hand suspiciously and looks over at Asher.

“Do you like knock, knock jokes Bradley?” Asher asks, crouching down beside the kid as well. Bradley nods wordlessly.

“Knock, Knock.”

“Who’s there?” Bradley asks.

“Cow’s go.”

“Cow’s go who?” Bradley asks.

“No silly cow’s go moo,” Asher delivers the punchline and receives a raucous laugh from Bradley and myself.

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