Mr. Big: A Billionaire Romance (11 page)

BOOK: Mr. Big: A Billionaire Romance
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She smiled at him seductively as his eyes traveled over her body, lingering on her full breasts, and then lowered to her waist, hips, and thighs. He lifted his hands to touch her and from the moment his fingers met her skin, the desire for her that he had been holding back was no longer something that he could control in any way. His fingertips pressed firmly into her flesh as he touched and caressed her, running his hands up along her arms until he reached her breasts.

He cupped each one and lifted them to his mouth, taking her hardened dark nipples in between his lips and teeth, rolling them and biting gently at them until she cried out softly in need, and his answer was to kiss her lips with urgency as he laid her back in his bed, moving himself above her and resting his body against hers.

Mia reached her hands to his waist to slide his boxer briefs down off of him. The moment had come. She would have the answer to the question that was on her friends’ minds, and the reason she was laying beneath him just then. She could feel the firmness of him pressing on her, but it wasn’t until she slid his last article of clothing off and reached her hands down to touch him that she got her answer.

The rumors were completely true. Alexander’s erection was enormous. She gasped as her fingers closed around it and her eyes widened, feeling the throbbing heat in her palms. He looked at her with a concerned expression and paused in his soft kissing of her breasts.

“Are you all right?” he asked with wide eyes.

She stared back at his chocolate brown gaze. “Yes… I just… you’re so… big!” she said in a whisper.

He pushed himself up just a short way from her and looked at her seriously. “Am I too big for you? If I am, we can figure something else out.”

Mia’s mouth curved into a grin as she shook her head slowly from side to side. “Oh no… you’re just right for me.” She spoke in a hushed voice as she leaned up and brushed her lips over his. She began to stroke her fingers over his shaft and as pleasure overtook him, he laid back down with her and closed his mouth around her nipples once more, moaning softly as she rubbed her fingertips against him.

Not fully satisfied with gorging himself at her breasts, his kisses moved downward over her belly to the hem of her red panties. He massaged his thumbs back and forth over the tender core of her, making her arch her back and moan. He reached for the edges of the material and tugged it down off of her, until she was nude before him.

Placing his hands against her inner thighs, he spread them, kissing along them until he reached her soft folds. Parting his lips, he began to suck at her and kiss hungrily, his tongue tracing the outer lines of her, teasing and taunting before he slipped his tongue into her, maneuvering it so deftly that she began to push her hips up against his mouth, meeting him as he tasted her deeper.

Moaning louder as the pleasure he gave her compounded, she reached her hands down and raked them through his hair, twisting her fingers in it and tugging as his tongue brought her to a climax and she cried out, every muscle in her tightening stiffly.

At the sound of her release, he rose up above her, moving his body between her legs, and he carefully positioned the head of himself at her entrance. “I’m going to take my time with this at first,” he said softly as he gazed down at her, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

She drew in her breath, wondering how it would be, and a moment later, she found out as he began to push himself into her inch by inch, so slowly and gently, as her body gradually acclimated to his size and she was barely able to take him. She closed her eyes as he entered her, lifting her chin and tilting her head backward; it felt so good to her and even the little bit of pain she felt made her want more of him.

When he was finally inside of her fully, he began to move, still slowly, still carefully, until she was able to move with him, and as she did she knew she had never before felt pleasure like she was feeling with him inside of her. He gasped and moaned in chorus with her and they closed their arms around each other as their bodies rocked and swayed, their movements growing swifter as the waves of pleasure they shared overwhelmed them.

Alexander began to move faster in her and she matched his urgency and need with her own, feeling fire between them and sweat beading on their skin everywhere it touched. She lifted her hips to meet his, drawing him fully into her, and as she did so, he cried out and shuddered, groaning with intensity and she knew he was going to reach his ultimate pleasure. The knowledge of it brought her to another orgasm, and as she began to tremble in his arms, he flooded her with his own orgasm, and they clung to one another fiercely, barely able to breath, totally unable to move, both of them lost in each other, and in the bliss they had created together.

Their bodies finally relaxing some, he nearly collapsed as he laid beside her, and they both tried to catch their breath. She had never felt desire or pleasure or completely overwhelming satisfaction until that night with him, and it was almost incomprehensible to her.

She looked at him and promised herself that she would not let the tears at the back of her eyes be brought forth. She lowered her lashes and breathed deep, and he touched her cheek lightly and smiled at her.

“I’m glad that we waited at least a little while, but if I had known it would be that incredible with you, I would have taken you on the very first day.” He chuckled a little. “You are as beautiful inside as you are on the outside, and that was one of the most powerful and amazing experiences in intimacy that I have ever had.”

He leaned close to her and kissed her forehead and then kissed her mouth. “Get some sleep, beautiful lady,” he said quietly, and she promised herself that she would not go to sleep, because she never went to sleep at any man’s home ever; she always went home and slept in her own bed, but being there beside him calmed her, soothed her soul, and she found herself completely at peace.

Breathing deeply, she gazed at him for a few long moments, and then before she knew it, she had fallen sound asleep. Alexander kissed her forehead once more and then pulled the duvet up over her and wrapped her gently in his arms and she nestled against the muscled wall of his chest, and they both dreamed of each other.

Light streamed into the room through all of the windows, warming everything that it touched, including Mia’s foot as she stretched the one leg that she had sneaked outside of the covers. She yawned and stretched moving her body a little and then she opened her eyes and looked around.

At first she thought that she must still be dreaming; her dreams had been so hot and so sweet, but then she realized that she was not in her room. She was still in Alexander’s bedroom, and as her heart began to pound and her eyes widened, she turned her head slowly and looked over to see him sleeping soundly next to her.

Panic clutched at her and she gasped and began to carefully slide herself from the bed when she felt two strong hands on her waist, pulling her back to the center of the bed.

“Where do you think you’re sneaking off to?” his deep voice sounded in her ear. She could hear the hunger in his voice, and a moment later she could feel the rock hard stiffness of it on her hip.

She laughed lightly, or as lightly as she could. “I was going to go home. I didn’t want to wake you,” she admitted.

He made a low sound that might have been some sort of growl or grumble. “You aren’t going anywhere until I take you again,” he said firmly, and before she knew what was going on, he had her flat on her back and he was between her thighs again, rubbing himself against her body as his mouth captured her nipples. She felt herself begin to ache for him, and in no time at all she was moist and ready for him, and he knew just the right moment to enter himself into her again, sliding the tip of his erection in, followed bit by bit, inch by inch, of the fullness of him until he had filled her completely.

They were more familiar with each other in the morning, and it showed in their lovemaking, in the movements they made and in the uninhibited way they rocked their bodies and succumbed to the fire between them. He brought her to the hilt of pleasure, making her climax over and over until she was positive that she would not be able to breathe or move, and it was just as overwhelming pleasure began to weaken her that he gasped and cried out in release, spilling all of his heat and pleasure in the depths of her.

They fell back into the bed and as their breathing slowed and their hearts began to return to a regular beat, he leaned over to her and kissed her gently. “I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get enough of you,” he said with a wink and a smile. He took her hand in his and after sharing a few more intimate sentiments with each other, he fell into a deep sleep and she watched him for a long while before she slid from his bed successfully, cleaning and dressing herself. She left a note for him on her pillow, and quietly left his penthouse and the tall building that it was in.

Mia had a taxi take her home, and as she settled herself into a hot bath, she thought back over the night she had shared with him and wondered how she was ever going to be the same again. She realized as she soaked in the steaming water and bubbles that she had only considered that she would sleep with him once and then leave. It had never occurred to her that she would ever think about more than that with him, but as she let the hot water relax every part of her, she began to think that she might be interested in more than just a one night stand with Mr. Alexander Daniels.


Mia had texted her friends the morning after her wild and passionate night with Alexander, and they had all agreed to an emergency cocktail that night. Mia was particularly pleased with herself and her accomplishment, and more than that, she was thrilled that she was going to be heading to Italy.

She was the first one there, and though she didn’t mind waiting for her friends, she was anxious to see them, anticipating all that they would share and discuss, including her win.

Liam was the first of the group to arrive. He greeted her with a strong hug and a broad smile. “You did it! I’m so proud of you. I can’t wait to hear all of the juicy details!” he teased her with a laugh and a kiss on the cheek, and then he took a seat beside her and filled her in on his latest fun and flings.

They didn’t have to wait long for Maddie and Ava; both of them showed up within minutes of Liam, and within minutes of each other. They weren’t seated but a few moments when they urged Mia to tell them the news in detail. None of them wanted to wait to hear it.

Mia laughed and drew nearer to them, her voice low in a confidential tone. “Well, I finally spent the night with him, and I have got to tell you… that rumor is crazy true! Oh… my… god… is that man huge. He was worried about hurting me, and he could have if he hadn’t been so careful. It was easily one of the most incredible nights of my life.”

Ava clapped her hands together excitedly. “Well? Details! What happened?!” she asked with a wide grin.

“Well, I spent some quality time at the salon and spa getting ready for our date. I’ll tell you what, I was not about to let another date go by without him sleeping with me. I looked so damn good last night! I bought a super sexy red dress just for last night, and he loved it. He picked me up and took me to his home. You’ll never believe it when I tell you.” She looked around at them and shook her head, still amazed herself at the beauty of it, even just in her memories.

“He’s in a penthouse on Fifth Avenue, and it’s gorgeous! I’ve never seen a place like that before. I didn’t even know anyone lived like that! Anyway, get this. He bought the penthouse so that he could have the rooftop to make a garden.” She sat back a moment to let that concept sink in to her friends’ minds.

They looked stunned and she was pleased that they were as impressed as she had been with it. “So, he tells me he is taking me out for dinner, but what he means is out on the rooftop. We get up there and I discover that he as this incredible garden that he built pretty much on his own. It’s got everything; trees, bushes, flowers, and even a glass gazebo! He had a table all set up in the gazebo and there was a waiter who served us a five course meal.” She let her mind go back to the night she had shared with him, and as she did, her face softened and she could see it all in her mind as she spoke about it to her friends around her.

“We drank champagne, and there was candlelight… he hired a violinist for the evening, so there was live music playing just for us, and then we danced…” She trailed off quietly and was silent long enough that Liam cleared his throat and she came back to the conversation.

“I’ve never known a man like him. His taste is impeccable. He’s such a true gentleman. Every thought he has is about so much more than what he is going to get; it’s about what he can do, and about what the effects of what he does will have on other people. It’s amazing to spend time with him, to talk to him and see how he looks at the world. I’ve never even known anyone like him, let alone had a lover who was so thoughtful and respectful. What a lover. My god. I thought I was going to come to pieces in his arms. He was so concerned with being careful with me, pleasing me, doing whatever I wanted him to do with me, and yet he was still so turned on by me that he did everything he wanted to do—at least everything that he knew I would be all right with.” She sighed and smiled blissfully, thinking back on it.

Liam eyed her curiously, but remained silent.

“Then, this morning, I was going to leave and he pulled me back into bed. I thought he was sleeping, but I guess he wasn’t I guess I must have woken him up, but he was so fast. I had one leg out of the bed and he grabbed me and dragged me back into his arms before I even knew what he was doing. I’m telling you, it’s a wonder he’s not married. I can’t believe no one has nailed him down yet. He’s… really something else. He is everything a smart and romantic woman could want.” She laughed to herself. “Everything.” She shook her head and grinned shamelessly.

Liam bent toward her and looked her squarely in the eyes. “So… you like him. Are you going to keep seeing him?”

Mia was caught completely off guard. She blinked in surprise and everything in her told her to argue, at least a little. She wasn’t falling for him or making any plans. She had toyed with thoughts in her mind about what might happen, but that was all, and nothing was going to come of that, she was sure of it.

“Like him? Oh god no… no…” she said as casually as she could without sounding defensive. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, he’s amazing, but this was just a one night stand, right? It was just a challenge for the plane ticket and that was it.” She shook her head adamantly. “No… there’s nothing else with him after this.” She waved her hand almost dismissively.

She wasn’t exactly sure that she believed herself or that her friends believed her either, especially Liam, but she was determined to keep it just what it was. She didn’t even know if there could be any chance of anything else happening between them, but she was fairly certain that the best thing to do would be to just let it all go. She had done what she needed to do; she had fulfilled her part of the challenge and it was over. There was nothing more to go after. She was an independent single woman in the city that never sleeps and she wasn’t in the market for forever.

Liam frowned slightly and looked away from her, poking at his martini with the olive and plastic sword that had come with it.

Ava shrugged and waved her hand in the air. “Well, it’s done now, and we know, and you certainly did your part to earn that plane ticket, so sister, it’s yours. We’ll get it this week.” She lifted her daiquiri to her lips and sipped at it before setting it down and looking back at Mia.

“We’ve all been so focused on Mr. Big that I didn’t get a chance to tell you that I hooked up with Will Carter!” she winked and flashed a naughty smile.

“You did? How did it go?” Mia was surprised and glad to hear that Will was giving his attention to anyone else.

Ava tilted her head a little to the side. “Well, it’s good… you can tell the man has had a lot of experience, and he knows his way around the bed, and around a woman’s body, but he’s a little kinky. He likes to push boundaries and limits and even just the norm. Last time he wanted me to wear something that he could literally rip off of me. It was kind of wild and fun, but… he’s a little different. I don’t think he’s good enough in bed to justify keeping him around for much longer, but he’s been fun in the meantime. I think it’s time that I moved on.”

Mia listened to her and was thankful yet again that she had never been with Will. The man was a little too creepy for her; too insistent, too aggressive even in the office, and after hearing what her friend had just told her, she realized that his aggression during their business meetings was only a precursor to what really lay beneath, and that was something that she wanted no part of.

“I think that’s a wise idea, Ava,” Mia told her with a small smile. Then she turned her attention to Maddie who was tipping back her second cosmopolitan. “What about you, Maddie? Who have you been with lately?”

Maddie grinned like a Cheshire Cat and set her glass down on the table, running her fingers down it and laughing softly. “Well, I met this stock broker last week and sparks flew, so we’ve been pretty hot and heavy lately. His name is Dylan Jackson. He’s a very clean cut and well-dressed sort of man, and he has funny little quirks too, but nothing as kinky as Will.” She shot a dark look at Ava. Maddie was a self-proclaimed feminist, and she didn’t like any man being too aggressive with any woman.

Liam began to laugh a little as he looked intently at Maddie. “Dylan Jackson? Red hair… brown eyes… Capricorn?” He asked with a wink. She nodded.

“Yeah, how did you know that?” she asked curiously, looking at him with a lowered brow.

He chuckled to himself. “I had a hot fast run of an affair with him about six months ago. It was short lived; just three weeks, and you’re right about his quirks, but he is hot.” Liam laughed and Maddie’s mouth fell open.

“Oh my god! You’re serious!” she gasped, splaying her hand on the table between them.

Liam nodded. “Oh yes, very serious. I didn’t realize that he was bi.”

Maddie blinked in utter shock and took a deep breath as she reached for her drink. “Neither did I!” she said in a low voice. Then she looked up at Liam. “This is weird.”

He shrugged casually and gave her hand a pat. “Not in my world it isn’t. It’s fine, as long as you use protection, I guess, and I know you and I always do, but it is a little weird, isn’t it? I mean… the two of us here and him in the back of our minds.”

She shook her head. “It’s weird. It’s almost like sleeping with you, just off by one degree.” She spoke low as she wrinkled her nose. “I love you, Liam, but that’s just…” she trailed off a moment, “…wrong.”

He agreed. “It is.” Then the two of them were quiet for a moment. Liam looked at her and raised one brow. “Isn’t it strange how he absolutely has to be the last one to do and say everything? I mean, it’s fine, and I think other people might not even notice it, but I noticed it, and I think it was a little weird. He has to be the last one to email or text or talk or kiss or walk through a door. He has to be the last one out of the house or into the car. It’s just a little weird.”

Maddie’s eyes widened as she looked at him. “Right? I noticed that too! It is weird! He waits if he has to, no matter how long it is, just so he can be last! What is that? Who keeps track of stuff like that? It’s bizarre. He’s cute and he’s fun in bed, and he’s really polite and sweet, but he is just a little bit on the strange side.”

Liam laughed. “Yes, he certainly is.” He reached over and squeezed Maddie’s hand. “Don’t worry too much about us both being with him; he’s careful too. Let’s just agree that he has good taste in lovers and leave it at that.”

She laughed and nodded, and they gave each other a wink.

The friends talked through another hour and another round of drinks before going home. Mia was tired and happy when she stepped through her front door that night, but there was a thought nagging at the back of her mind; the thought that Liam had picked up on her uncertainty about what was going on with Alexander and how she was feeling about him, and if Liam could pick it up, it was more obvious than she had cared to admit, even to herself, and that was not good. It meant that she was not in control of it, and that worried her a little.

She went to bed tired and happy, doing her best to keep Alexander from her mind because the task was done, the challenge was met, and she needed to look forward without him as a distraction. She laid her head down into her pillow and began thinking about the places in Italy that she wanted to go while she was there, but somehow when she fell asleep, Italy faded away from her mind, and the only thing she dreamed about was Alexander making love with her in his rooftop garden underneath the stars far above.

When she woke up the next morning, he was still in her thoughts, and as she sat alone in the mounds of pillows and thick blankets in her bed, she finally admitted to herself that she might very well want more with him than just winning the challenge.

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