More Than One: A Novel (26 page)

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Authors: Monica Fowler

BOOK: More Than One: A Novel
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              Ash was breathing hard and scrunching up his face. “My life... you told me I was going to be fine. Were you lying about that, too?”

              There was silence in the room. I now knew that Ash had no idea that he needed a cure to survive. I thought the worst was over for him, but it was the exact opposite; it had just begun.

              “Ash, we will talk about that later. We need to stick to the problem at hand,” his father said.

              “There you go again blowing me off. You need to tell me now what is going on?” he yelled.

              Before Ash's father could say anything, his mother grabbed his hand.

              “Just tell him. There is no need for this to go on any further,” she said.

              Ash's father softened and then turned back to Ash.

              “You already know about your health, we talked about it the last time you were here. But what I didn't tell you was that your time could be cut short soon if we don't find a way to stop the aging process.”

              “Aging process? Look at me, I'm fine,” Ash said spreading his arms out to show everyone.

              “Not your outside, but your insides. Your cells are multiplying too fast and it is messing with your internal organs.”

              Ash dropped his arms and his head. He looked like a sick puppy at that moment.

              “How long do I have?” he asked.

              “Two more years at best. But if we can perfect the cure we have, then you will be as good as new.”

              “So, that's it? You’re using her as a lab rat to help me?”

              “Don't say that, she is not a lab rat. Like I said, she will benefit from this, too. And once we know that we've averted the complications, then, we will let her live her life just as we've done for you.”

              Everyone was quiet again and Ash went back to leaning on my shoulder. I wish I knew what he was thinking right now.

              “I want to see her,” I finally said.

              Dr. Thompson and Dr. Lewis looked at me. I was way past feeling scared and uneasy; I just wanted to see what they saw everyday for the last twenty years.

              “And I also think that someone should take a look at those tapes you've recorded of her,” I said.

              Ash's father nodded and stood up.

              “Abigail, you should come with us and Mark, Martin, you can go through the feeds and see if there is anything there,” he said.

              Abigail, Ash, and I followed Dr. Dean through the kitchen and my dad and Dr. Lewis turned off somewhere else.

              We made it to a door that led down a long hallway. As soon as I was inside, I recognized it instantly. We walked in further and he opened the door for us to go in. It was like I was back in my dream, strapped to a table wanting to get out. My nerves started to get the best of me as I examined the scene from my nightmares.

              Dr. Dean turned around before we could go any further and stopped.

              “Abigail, I think you should go in first and talk to her. We will wait here. As soon as you feel like she is ready to see anyone else, then we will join you,” he said.

              “Okay,” she said walking to the back of the laboratory. She went in the door and closed it behind her.

              I started to feel nervous. Ash grabbed my hand and looked at me. Even after all he had found out today, he was still willing to be there for me.

              The door opened and I took a deep breath as soon as Elizabeth stepped out of her room. My eyes got wide and my heart started to beat faster. She looked exactly like me, just as my father had said. She had the same hair, height, weight, and everything. It was like I was looking in a mirror.

              She studied me as well, as she walked closer to me. The expression on her face scared me; she looked angry. She kept coming until she stood about two feet away from me. We stared at each other for a long time without saying a word. I let go of Ash's hand and backed up.

              “I can't believe it,” was all I could think to say.

              Dr. Dean and Dr. Thompson came around to stand next to her and I tensed up. Dr. Thompson put her hand on Elizabeth's back and she turned to look at her.

              Ash was standing there as if he were stunned. He moved forward and the clone looked at him. Her features softened when she saw him. He moved closer to her and she watched his every move.

              “I'm Ashton,” he said extending his hand. She looked down at his hand as if she didn't understand.

              He reached out for her hand and shook it.

              “I'm Elizabeth,” she finally said.

              I gasped when I heard her talk.

              “This is Jamie,” Ash said pointing to me.

              She looked at me and her face hardened again. Ash noticed it and moved closer to me.

              “We're not here to cause you any trouble. We just found out about you and wanted to see you, that's all. I wish I could have met you sooner. It would have been a lot easier on me growing up,” he said.

              “How so?” she said.

              “Well, seeing that you were here before me, then it would have helped to ask you questions about how you went through it all,” he said grabbing my hand again.

              “I'm sorry,” she said.

              “It's okay. It's not your fault,” Ash said looking at his father.

              She looked at him as well. We stood there for a minute before Dr. Thompson stepped up.

              “I think that is enough of a visitation for today. I'm going to take Elizabeth back to her room and sit with her,” she said.

              Elizabeth turned to leave. It was like she was a robot, reporting to the commands of her maker. She followed Dr. Thompson back to her room and they closed the door again.

              Ash glared at his father.

              “Did mom carry her, too?” he asked.

              “No, Abigail did. She wanted to be apart of the process, plus your mom didn't want to at first. She didn't know if there would be complications and didn't want to risk it,” he answered.

              I was still stunned. I hadn't moved or said a word.

              “Jamie, are you okay?” Ash asked.

              “Yeah, I'm fine,” I whispered.

              “Let's go,” he said pulling me toward the door.

              I allowed him to guide me back through the dimly lit corridor until we made it to the kitchen. I let go of his hand and found a chair to sit in. I stared into space while Ash went to the refrigerator. How could he eat at a time like this? How could he be so calm? He must have split personalities, too. He was holding it together too well.

              My father rushed around the corner with Dr. Lewis on his heels. When he saw me, he quickly made his way over to where I was sitting.

              “You were right,” he said.

              “What? Right about what?” I said.

              “Elizabeth. She has been sneaking out of her room. Every night she has left, coincides with the days of the murders,” he said.

              Ash stopped looking in the refrigerator and turned to my dad.

              “She has been what?” he said.

              “We haven't watched all of the tapes, but from the ones we've seen, she has been leaving and the dates match up.”

              I wanted to throw up. It wasn't enough that I just saw a girl that looked just like me, but when they confirmed my suspicions, it made me more nauseous. I leaned my head down on the counter I was close to and closed my eyes.

              “What should we do about this? I mean, what if we’re wrong. Just because she is sneaking out doesn't mean she is the murderer?” Ash said.

              “But what about Jamie's dreams? Everything has been right so far,” my dad said.

              “And we can't go to the police without them finding out what is going on here. We will be implicated, too. What we need to do is keep a closer watch on her until we find the cure,” Dr. Lewis said.

              “And then what? You'll kill her... this makes no sense,” Ash said.

              “We are doing this for you Ash, don't you understand that?” Dr. Lewis pleaded.

              “I understand very well,” he yelled and stormed out of the room.

              I watched him leave and then closed my eyes again. My father and Dr. Lewis were talking amongst themselves and decided to go to the laboratory to talk to Dr. Dean. They left me there without saying a word before they went. My father was so engulfed in the mystery that was Elizabeth and my pain didn't matter at the time. I felt abandoned.

              I went to the living room and ignored the stares that came from my mom and Mrs. Dean, and grabbed my cell phone out of my purse. I needed to talk to someone who hasn't witness everything I just saw and heard. I called Rach. She picked up on the second ring.

              “Hey Jamie, how are things going?” she asked.

              I just blew out a long deep breath.

              “Jamie, what's going on?”

              I rubbed my temples before I started talking. I told her everything that happened and she was horrified that I was right all along. She tried to comfort me by telling me that things were going to work out. But I couldn't see that. It didn't matter what I did to prevent it, I was still going to share thoughts with someone else. Someone who hated me. It was so surreal.

              “Have you talked to Michael?” she asked.

              “No, not since I've been here. Why?”

              “He came over here a little after you left and I told him you were in Rome. I haven't seen him since,” she said.

              “Oh no, he must be headed here. I didn't tell him we left. He's probably been looking for Ash, too, unless they already told him he was here,” I said. “Hey Rach, I have to go.”

              “I'm sorry. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to tell him.”

              “It's okay, he would have found out eventually. You know he is the babysitter. I'll call you later, okay,” I said and hung up the phone.

              I ran in the house to look for Ash. He wasn't in any of the places I looked downstairs, so I went up to his room. I knocked at first, but there was no answer. I went in and he was pacing the floor. I looked around the room and it looked like a hurricane came through. There were holes in the wall and all of his pictures were on the floor along with his computer. When he saw me, he stopped walking and sat down on his bed.

              I came in and shut the door. I sat down next to him and pat his back. What could I say in this situation to make him feel better? Tears were streaming down his face.

              “Ash, I'm sorry this has happened to you,” I said.

              “Happened to me... what about her? They act like she is nothing. How can I live with myself knowing they would sacrifice her to help me? I don't even know if I am going to live, but I don't want it at this cost,” he said.

              “What do you want then?”

              “I don't know,” he yelled.

              I was speechless for a second. I remembered I came up here to tell him about Michael so he wouldn't have to suffer through another surprise, but it didn't feel like the right time. Michael would be here soon. I didn't want him showing up here and Ash have to find out that his father had someone spying on him. I figured it would be better coming from me.

              “I know this is hard, but we will get through this together, I promise,” I said.

              He rubbed the tears from his face stood up to start pacing again. I knew there was nothing I could say that would help his mood. Time was all he needed. I just sat there quietly just in case he needed to vent some more. I wanted to be here any way that I could. After all, he would do the same for me.





Chapter Twenty One


The sun was setting outside of the window I looked out of. Ash had finally calmed down enough to sit with me peacefully. I know he was still questioning his ethics, wondering if it was morally right to kill someone even if they weren't technically human. Maybe I needed to question mine as well, since I didn't know how I felt either way.

              If I looked deeper into the events that had taken place today, I would probably want what was best for Elizabeth; which is whatever she wanted. Although, she hated me for no good reason, I still felt obligated to see her side of things. She had suffered so much and I couldn't blame her for being enraged.

              Ash interrupted my thoughts when he got up and went to his bed to lie down. I noticed that he was always tired and I wondered if that was all apart of the health thing Dr. Dean mentioned earlier.

              He closed his eyes as he laid back on his pillow and I decided to lie down with him until he fell asleep. This day has been hard on everyone and I think he got hit the hardest. When I sat down on the bed, he opened his eyes, then grabbed my arm to pull me next to him. I laid my head down on his chest and listened to his heartbeat, like I always did. I concentrated on the rhythm of it and it still shocked me that he was a clone.

              “Can you wake me up if anything else happens?” he asked.

              “Sure, just get some rest,” I replied.

              He closed his eyes again and started breathing slowly. Before he could get to sleep, there was a knock on the door. I got up to answer it and it was his father. Ash sat up on the bed as he walked in and stood at the foot of the bed.

              “Should I go?” I said still standing in the doorway.

              “No, you can stay. This involves you as much as anyone,” Ash's father said.

              I shut the door and sat down at Ash's computer desk. I know he said I was involved, but this seemed like a father-son moment and I didn't want to interfere.

              “I talked to Elizabeth about the murders,” he said.

              “What did she say?” Ash asked.

              “Not much. I believe she had something to do with it, but I also believe Abigail's theory about her communicating with someone else is a big possibility, as well. We put her under and she mentioned someone by the name of Isaac. Does that sound familiar to either one of you?”

              “No,” we both said at the same time.

              “I don't recognize the name either. If she was the murderer or just involved in some way, I don't think she was in her right mind. I know what has happened to her the last twenty years couldn't have been easy. I just wanted to help you any way that I could. It is my fault that your mother couldn't have children. I didn't think she should be punished for my incompetence.”

              Ash looked up at his father with compassion in his eyes. That was a first. His father must have hit a nerve when he talked about his mom. I hoped this would be a new beginning for them both.

              “So, what are we going to do now?” Ash asked.

              “Martin, Abigail, and Mark have agreed to stay here until we find the cure and then we will counsel her until we feel she is ready to be out on her own. That is the best we can do for now. I don't think we are in any danger. Abigail explained all of this to her and she has agreed to cooperate with us,” he said. “I am so sorry son. I don't know how many times I can say that, but I am.”

              Ash looked at me. I knew he was letting me know he was trying his best to be nicer to his father because of what I said to him earlier. It was going to be hard, but I knew they would mend the fences and move on.

              “It's okay. I know you were trying to do what was best for everyone,” Ash said.

              “Thanks for understanding,” he said, and turned to leave.

              After his father shut the door behind him, I got up and went back to the bed.

              “How do you feel?” I asked.

              “I'm okay. At least nothing is going to happen to Elizabeth. If they find a cure before it’s too late, then we both win,” he said.

              “They will. We are in a house full of insanely smart people. If they can find a way to clone humans, then this will be a piece of cake,” I said. “Look at the bright side, your father and Dr. Lewis have already started on it, so it shouldn't take them too much longer to figure things out with my dad helping.”

              “Yeah, you're right.”

              “Okay, get some rest please. You look like crap,” I said and smiled.

              “Yes ma'am.”

              He moved back on the bed and closed his eyes again. I waited until I knew he was asleep to move. There was another knock on the door and I ran to it before they started pounding and woke up Ash. I opened the door and it was my dad. He looked so worn out, I felt bad for him. He came in and looked at Ash asleep on the bed. He silently closed the door behind him and hugged me.

              “How is he holding up?” he asked.

              “He's better now, just tired,” I said.

              “Well, your mother and I are going to the hotel to get some rest. Mrs. Dean said it would be fine for you to stay in one of the guest rooms if you wanted to be here for Ash.”

              I thought about it and it gave me chills. I wanted to be here for Ash, but I couldn't be in the same house as Elizabeth. I know Dr. Dean said she was fine, but the last dream I had was reason enough to be a little skeptical. I looked back at Ash and then my dad.

              “I think I'll go with you guys. Ash will be fine until I get back,” I said.

              “Well, we’re leaving now.”

              “Okay, I'll be down in a minute,” I said.

              He patted my shoulders and left. I went back to the bed, leaned down, and kissed Ash on his cheek.

              “I'll be back first thing in the morning,” I whispered in his ear, even though I knew he couldn't hear me.

              I pulled the sheet and covered him over before I turned out the light and left.

              My parents were standing at the base of the stairs when I came down. My father was talking to Dr. Dean and Dr. Lewis and my mom was still dazed and confused. They all shook hands and my dad waved for me to come on.

              “See you tomorrow Jamie,” Dr. Dean said.

              “Yeah, see ya,” I said heading out the door.

              On the way to the hotel, it was quiet. I was all talked out and I knew my father was probably analyzing solutions in his head. My mom just leaned her head back on the headrest and closed her eyes. I wasn't expecting this from my mom. She was always a strong, independent woman to me, and now she seemed so feeble.

              We made it to the hotel and I went in my room and put the extra safety lock on the door. I was still a little paranoid that Elizabeth might try to finish what she started. I knew she wanted it to end with me. I felt like I had to take extra precautions just so I could get some sleep. I finally flopped down on the bed and let out a long sigh.

              “Well citizens of Rome, it is now safe again. Don't hesitate to party hard,” I said to myself.

              I got up from the bed and went to take a shower. I wanted to wash everything away. Steam filled the bathroom while I went to my suitcase, grabbed my toiletries out, and placed them on the counter. I found some clothes and threw them on the bed. I jumped in the shower and washed every inch of my body. I tried to get rid of the memories of today.

              After I got out, I was so exhausted, I immediately got in bed, turned over and went to sleep. I knew I wasn't going to have any nightmares tonight since Ash's parents were keeping an eye on Elizabeth. It was easy for me to fall asleep with that knowledge.

              The next morning I woke up to the sun coming through the curtains. I hurried to get dressed and went to talk to my parents.

              “Where's dad?”

              “He's getting dressed. It looks like we are going to be here a little longer than expected. Your father really wants to help find the solution to Ash and Elizabeth's health problem. This is huge for him. You know how your father gets,” she said. “We will probably be staying over there for the next couple of nights.”

              “Are you sure that is the best idea?” I asked.

              “Well dear, they will be working day and night on this. There is no reason for you to be scared. We all will be there and nothing will happen to you.”

              “If you say so.”

              Why was I the only one worried about the murderous clone that was living in Ash's house? No one seemed to care that she had already taken so many lives, and wanted to take mine on top of that. I didn't know what to say at that point. I felt like I was in the wrong for feeling this way.

              “Go ahead and get dressed and come back when you're done. Be sure to pack up all of your things so we can take it with us,” she said. I nodded.

              I was not going to get any sleep staying at Ash's parent’s house. There was no way this was going to work. I had to figure something out. I am going to have to talk to Ash about this and see what he thinks.

              When we made it to the Dean's, Ash made it quickly to my car door opening it with a big grin on his face.

              “Hey Jay, how did you sleep?” he asked.

              “Okay, I guess. I see you had a good nights rest,” I said.


              He left me and went to help my dad get the things out of the car. The butler ran out of the house to grab some things as well. They took everything in and I sat down in the living room, while the butler took our bags to the upstairs room.

              My father immediately went back to the laboratory and my mom was in the kitchen chatting with Mrs. Dean. Ash came in and sat down next to me on the couch.

              “I heard you guys will be staying with us for a little while,” he said.

              “Yeah, do you think that is wise?”

              “Sure, why not?”

              “Because Elizabeth is here and she has a personal vendetta against me,” I said.

              “Don't worry about that. She won't do anything, especially since she knows we know what's going on. I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise.”

              “Okay, I hope you're right,” I said. “I still don't think I will be getting any sleep while I'm here.”

              “Whatever you say.”

              We sat there for a while talking about school and whatever else was going on back home. I just knew I was going to flunk out this semester. My dad couldn't possibly be mad at me for this. Ash didn't too much care; he was a rich kid. He was only going to college as a means to be free from here. He talked about what he was going to do with his inheritance when his father kicked the bucket. I knew he was joking trying to lighten the mood, but it still made me uncomfortable talking about it.

              We settled into the couch and the doorbell rung. Once again, the butler came out of nowhere to answer it. I looked up to see who was at the door. Ash tensed up next to me when Michael walked through the door. Michael looked at me and smiled.

              “What are you doing here?” Ash yelled as he stood up.

              “Calm down Ash,” he said. “Has no one told him yet?” he asked me.

              “No,” I replied.

              Ash turned around to look at me.

              “Told me what?” he said.

              I forgot that Michael was going to show up and I wanted to warn Ash, but things just slipped by me. I stood up and looked into Ash's eyes. How much more can you take?

              “Michael works for your father. He sent him to Georgia to keep an eye on you,” I said. 

              “Keep an eye on me? Why?” he asked.

              “So he could help you if anything happened before they found a cure,” I said.

              Michael was smiling, obviously enjoying this. It was sickening.

              “I was going to tell you about it yesterday, but you were so upset. Then when you finally calmed down, I didn't want to bring it up to make things worse,” I said.

              Ash glared at Michael before he stormed out of the living room toward the laboratory. Michael came and stood in front of me. I was so disgusted by his smug attitude.

              “Why didn't you tell me you were coming here? I would have come with you,” he said.

              “Well it was on a need to know basis and I guess you just didn't need to know,” I said furious.

              “Are we doing this again? I thought we were good. What's with the attitude?”

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