Misjudged (23 page)

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Authors: Sarah Elizabeth

BOOK: Misjudged
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The Promise.


This past week seems to have gone by in extra slow motion. Seriously.

The morning after Brandon moved his things back into my room and demanded I call it ‘our’ room from now on, Alyssa and I spent a couple of hours together so we could clear up our misunderstanding, well, my misunderstanding.

I apologized repeatedly for accusing and mistrusting her. Once I’d explained what I’d overheard and how Brandon had been ac
ting, she told me she would’ve reacted in the same way, if not a whole lot worse. She even questioned as to why I hadn’t cut his clothes into tiny little pieces and shoved them down his throat.

That isn’t the only thing that happened this week which involved Alyssa. I finally found out
who she’s been secretly seeing, and it wasn’t in the most desirable of circumstances.

On Monday morning I thought she was alone in her room, and so when I walked in and found Ryan lying on top of her, it was a little embarrassing, especially when I couldn’t move from the spot and found myself staring at his naked behind. I guess this is why she and Seth didn’t get back together, and why R
yan has been acting so strange over the past few weeks.

As for Neil, I
really haven’t seen a lot of him since Brandon was allowed to come home from the hospital, so I’m wondering if he’s met someone too. I know he’s been working really hard on things for the show, which is taking place in around ten hours from now, but I thought I would have seen him more than what I have in these recent weeks.

Brandon and I
have been inseparable ever since we kissed and made up, except for when we had to go to class. Last night, Ryan, Alyssa, Brandon, and I went out together for some dinner. I almost had to slap him in the middle of the restaurant when he ran his hands underneath my dress and stroked his fingers along my panties, underneath the table. He carried on talking and eating as normal, but I could tell he was highly amused and watching me from the corners of his eyes, as I squirmed in my seat.

It wouldn’t have been so
bad if he’d finished what he’d started when we had gotten back, but he didn’t. When I suggested we go to bed, perhaps a little too eagerly, he had the biggest grin spreading over his face and I was really hopeful that I’d managed to get him to back down. My excitement was short lived though. He winked at me and then went ahead and challenged Ryan to a few games on the PlayStation.

“Happy Birthday, beautiful,” Brandon says sleepily as he wraps his arms tightly around my waist. It’s almost
ten o’clock, and with the music show this evening and the arts performance tomorrow night, we don’t have any classes scheduled for today.

I’ve been sitting and reading while he’s been snoring loudly beside me for the past couple of hours. Placing my book on the nightstand, I turn into him and lay back down while he runs his fingers softly down my neck, before continuing to trail a feather light, invisible line right down to t
he waistband of my shorts. “Mmm,” he moans into my ear. While kissing my neck, he slides his hand even lower, until it’s in between my skin and the fabric.

“Nope, not happenin
g!”  I slap his hand away, and I’m greeted by a groan filled with frustration as he gazes up at me. “I still haven’t forgiven you for leaving me hanging last night, so blame yourself!” I grab my robe and start laughing when I see his mouth forming into a frown. He crosses his hands behind his head, while sitting a little straighter against the pillow. He looks so freaking hot that I just want to get the day over with already and be alone in the hotel room with him.

“There she goes again,”
he says quietly as he shakes his head, and I notice a smile touching his lips. “Are you checking me out?” He knows that I hate it when he catches me checking him out.

I drop my hairbrush out of my hand and throw myself o
n top of him for being so cocky, “You really love yourself, Brandon freaking Taylor!” I try to tickle him, but he grabs hold of my arms before flipping me over onto my back and climbing on top of me.

He’s practically sitting on my stomach and pins both my arms above my head with one hand
, while tickling my ribs with the other. I thrash my body underneath him and squeal really loud for him to stop. “Brandon freaking Taylor?” He raises his eyebrows while looking thoroughly amused by what I just called him.

“Yes, because you drive me freaking crazy!” I try to tell him through my laughter. His face turns more serious as he stops tickling me and lets go of my hands. He leans himself closer to me and takes over my mouth with his.

Moving his hands down and around to cup my behind, he squeezes me while pressing himself against me, over and over again, until I feel a deep heat spreading through my body. I let out a moan as I dig my fingers into his shoulders. He’s gazing directly into my eyes and I feel myself climbing already.

“Not yet,” h
e moves away and snickers at me, before jumping off of the bed.

“Brandon!” I shriek. I’m pissed at him, really freaking pissed. I climb off my bed and throw a scowl directly at him, although he doesn’t seem to be affected in the slightest.

Shaking his head, he pulls something out from the bottom of my,
, closet, and passes it to me. “What is it?” I wasn’t expecting him to get me anything else. The hotel room is way too much as it is.

“Well see, that’s
why you’re supposed to open it,” he pulls a stupid face and rolls his eyes at me as he leads me over to the bed. He sits down beside me and wraps his arms around me, before placing a soft kiss on my cheek. “I love you, Alexis.”

My face lights up as I begin to rip the wrapping paper off, and when I see a small jewelry box sitting in my hands, butterflies surge through my stomach and my breaths become increasingly light. His eyes widen when he notices my face as I first stare at the b
ox, and then glance over to him with my mouth hanging open.

“It’s not a
…” His eyes crinkle at the sides, and the lines in his brow are visible. “Not yet. One day, but not yet.” His voice is weak, and he’s looking a little upset.

“Brandon, I
know it’s not a ring, calm down,” his whole demeanor relaxes when I tell him this. “It’s from my mom’s favorite jewelry store, that’s all.” I shrug my shoulders and take a deep breath, before opening it up.

Wow. A lump has started to form in my throat, and my eyes are glazing over from seeing what
he just gave me. “Brandon it’s …” I gaze at him and see him appearing anxious.

“Do you like it?” He sounds nervous, but he
really has no reason to be. “I just wanted—”

Pulling him to me
before he can speak another word, I crash my lips on his and pull his hair so tight that he groans, and I’m really not sure whether it’s from pain or pleasure. Drawing back away from him, I see his eyes examining mine.

“It’s perfect,
” I wrap my arms around his neck and let out a happy sigh. I’m so madly in love with this guy, and just now, he promised me forever.




“Wow,” Alyssa mouths in a silent whisper when I show her what Brandon gave me this morning. “That is—”

“I know, right?” I can’t stop looking at it, even though it’s hanging around my neck, I keep walking over to the mirror and admiring the necklace he gave me. It’s a white gold necklace that has the
word ‘forever’ engraved on the back, with the Chinese symbol on the front. I’m never taking it off,

It’s almost two o’clock, which leaves Alyssa
and I with four hours to visit the beauty spa, before she has to get back for the music show. She and the rest of the guys are performing at eight, and when they’re done, that’s when Brandon and I will say our goodbyes and head over to the hotel. My stomach keeps tightening with excitement every time I think about it.

For my birthday
, Alyssa gifted me with a three hour session at a spa. The treatments included are an all-over body massage, a manicure, a pedicure, time in the sauna and hot tub, and a facial. Not necessarily in that order.

“You’re gonna be
primped and all juicy for tonight!” She clasps her hands together excitedly as we make our way onto the sidewalk. “Are you nervous?”

“A little,” I admit, because I am. I have no experience in this and he
has tons.

ve you been taking your pill?” She asks me accusingly. I nod at her in reply.

It’s been seven days since I was sick from my migraine, so I know I’m covered in that respect. Alyssa told me Brandon will go crazy when he finds out he won’t have to wear anything.
She said it feels so much more pleasurable without one, and I want to make it as memorable for him as I do for me.

I started taking it a few months back when my monthly cycle became too unbearable to put up with. Brandon and I have never had any reason to
discuss birth control before.




Alyssa headed straight over to the music hall when we arrived back from the spa. I feel fully exhilarated, and I’m thinking that this is one of the best birthdays yet.

She told me that it was only right to purchase something small and sexy to wear to bed, so on our way back from the spa, we stopped into a small lingerie boutique
and she had me purchase some black lace panties with a matching bra.

Brandon messaged me to say he would run back over to pick me up at seven forty five. He’s been helping Neil, Alyssa
, and Ryan set up their equipment or something.

I’m almost ready, having spent a little time applying my makeup and st
yling my hair into loose waves. I decided to wear the red dress that Brandon had wanted me to wear to the theatre.

While packing my overnight bag, I hear a knock on the main door. That’ll be him, although he really should have just used his key. I still get all
breathy and feel the whole butterfly effect whenever I’m about to see him.

Opening the door, I’m taken aback when I see a flower delivery guy standing on the other side. “A delivery for a Miss Alexis Harper,” the young guy says as he hands me the bouquet. Wow, another gift. I sign for them and then thank the guy, before bringing them inside. I search for a card, but I don’t see one anywhere. Huh.

Grabbing my overnight bag from my bedroom, I hear the front door open, so I take a deep breath and close my door behind me.

Brandon is standing by the doorway and I notice his eyes roaming over me. “You look—”

“Like shit?” I muse, as I slowly walk over to him.

“Yep, like
shit,” he walks over to meet me halfway and grabs the bag from me. “I am one lucky son of a … Hey, where did you get those?” I turn to where his gaze is fixed, and realize that he’s looking at the calla lilies that just got delivered.

Is he kidding? “I thought that you got them for me?” I narrow my eyes on him to see if he’s playing with me, but he looks
really confused. “You didn’t? There was no card so …”

He looks deep in thought and his eyes have darkened a little. “No, but I’d like to know who the fuck is buying my girlfriend flowers!” Hello, Mr. Hulk. It’s certainly
good to know that we’re both finally on the same page.

“Maybe my father sent them,” I say quietly as he places his hand on the small of my back, before escorting me out of the door and over to the music hall. Do I like that he just showed me his jealous streak? Yeah, I think I do.




Alyssa and the guys were
amazing. Really freaking amazing. They received a standing ovation from everyone in the room.

The last acts have only just finished their performances, and the lights around the room have been turned back on. I guess Brand
on decided not to sing after all. I understand. He still has his memories and I know they still plague him every day.

“That was incredible!” I beam as I turn to him. “Brandon?” He’s frowning and looks deep in thought. Placing my hand in his, I manage to grab his attention and notice the grim look in his eyes.

“Sorry, what did you say?” He still looks distracted as the guys and Alyssa come bounding out from the side door to our left. He’s worrying me, and I’m really hoping he’s not having second thoughts about tonight. “Alexis, what is it?”

Shaking my head, I turn to face Alyssa as I hear her laughter drawing closer
towards us.

“I want to do it again!” She screeches with
delight while Ryan rolls his eyes at her, before wrapping his arms around her waist. I don’t think I want to imagine what he’s whispering in her ear right now. Alyssa never blushes, so it must be something explicit for her skin to turn that deep a shade of red.

Neil walks over with a huge smile on his face and shakes Brandon’s hand, before pulling m
e into a hug, “You were amazing, just amazing!” I tell him as I step out of his hold.

“Hey, that’s nice,” h
e points to my necklace and I immediately grab it and hold it out for his inspection. “Did you get it for your birthday?”

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