Microsoft Word - carr_naughtyisnice (2 page)

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her mouth, she pummeled his chest with her fist. “You scared the shit out of me! What the hell

do you think you’re doing?”

“Have you been naughty or nice this year, Joy?” he said as he gripped her hands and

pulled them above her head on the pillow.

“What?” she asked, struck by the sexiness of their positions. He was sitting on the side of

the bed, leaning over her. The quilt had fallen down amidst her struggles revealing her tiny

sleep shirt and panties.

“Have you been a good girl or a bad girl? Think carefully about your answer. You wouldn’t

want to lie to St. Nick. He’ll know the truth.”

She couldn’t believe this was Nick. He was the epitome of the strong, silent type, yet here

he was asking her a sexually provocative question in the middle of the night. She was turned on

beyond belief as her holiday wish list floated through her mind. Nick would be the ideal man to

grant a few of those wishes. She’d had a crush on him for ages, but she’d decided their

friendship meant too much for her to risk it on a love affair, especially considering their track

records in broken relationships.

“I’m waiting for your answer,” he whispered, his breath hot on her cheek. For a second, she

thought he’d actually kissed her, but surely that was her imagination.

“I’ve been very good,” she answered.

“Mmm. Then you should be rewarded.” He turned his lips to hers and kissed her. Seriously

kissed her. Joy was swept away by the amazing feeling of his mouth on hers, gently prodding

until she parted her lips and let him possess her fully. His tongue tangled with hers as he

released her wrists and moved his hands to her cheeks. He held her face softly in his large grip

and Joy had to squeeze her legs together to fight against the sensations building up below her

waist. The kiss seemed to last for hours.

“I found your wish list,” he said when he finally allowed her to come up for air.

“What? How?” She struggled to rise as she felt her face flush with embarrassment. He held

her tightly, his body pinning her to the bed, refusing to let her budge even an inch away from


“It fell out of your purse when you were looking for your keys.”

“It was just a joke,” she said weakly, mortified that he’d read all of her darkest, most secret


“Tsk, tsk, tsk. What did I say about lying to St. Nick, Joy?”

“Nick, I don’t under—”

“We’re going to work our way down that naughty list. Together.”

“We are?” Even in her confusion, she could feel her body responding to his words.

“Yep. You want to be a bad girl and I’m going to help you.”

“It’s a pretty long list,” she said, shaking her head at her inane response.

“Well then we better get started because I can tell you right now, I’m the only man you’re

going to enact those fantasies with.”

Joy’s body shifted into overdrive at his possessive claim. “What happens when we’re

finished with the list?”

Nick offered her a mysterious grin, but rather than answer her question, he said, “Put your

hands above your head and stop fidgeting.”

“I can’t help it,” she said as she moved her hands into the position he’d demanded. “I want

you, Nick. Please.”

He grinned at her impassioned plea and she fought the urge to throw him onto his back and

take what she needed from him.

“Patience,” he whispered as he leaned down to kiss her.

She turned her head at the last minute and his lips grazed her cheek. “I’d like to make some

headway on the list, Nick and it’s already past midnight. I don’t have time to be patient.”

He chuckled. “This isn’t going to be a one night engagement.”

“But you’re leaving early to go to your sister’s—”

“I’m not leaving tomorrow. I’ll call Val in the morning. What kind of Santa would I be if I left

before you opened all of your presents?”

She grinned at his sexy joke. “Can I open one right now?” She reached down and began to

unbutton his shirt, but he shook his head.

“Undressing a man isn’t on your list,” he said as he gripped her wrists and pulled them back

above her head.

“Give me a pen. I wasn’t finished,” she cried.

Nick chuckled. “You can add more later.” He reached up and Joy realized there was

something tied to her headboard. “I brought over a few of my ties. Thought they might come in


How long had he been in her bedroom before she awoke?

“You’re a sound sleeper, Joy. I’m going to have to install a burglar alarm on this house.”

As he spoke, he secured her hands to the headboard with the ties. Once he’d finished, she

tugged on them, surprised to find she couldn’t free herself.

“Bondage,” he whispered in her ear. Number one on her list.

He stood as she lay helpless on the bed. For a moment, she lost sight of him in the dark

room. The sound of a match being struck across the room drew her gaze and she watched Nick

light a candle on her dresser. He moved to her nightstand and lit one there as well. The

flickering candlelight allowed her to watch as he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. She’d

seen him shirtless hundreds of times as he mowed his lawn in the summer and the sight never

failed to stop her in her tracks as he was certainly built to please.

She rubbed her legs together again, but was halted by Nick’s hands on her waist. “I told you

to stay still.”

“I’m trying.”

Nick laughed. “No you aren’t. Here, I can take care of this.” He pulled her panties down her

legs and Joy closed her eyes against the incredible sensation of his hands running along the

outside of her thighs. Finally, she thought.

“Beautiful,” he said quietly and she opened her eyes to find Nick’s gaze on her pussy. He

moved to the bottom of the bed and pulled up two more ties, which he quickly used to secure

her ankles spread-eagle to the bottom of the bed.

“Now you’ll have to behave,” he said gruffly.

She was wrong. Nick wasn’t finished playing. She moaned at the feeling of complete


He moved back to the side of the bed and began to remove his jeans. She felt her heart

race faster as Nick’s cock made its first appearance in her world. Like everything about the man,

it was large and hard and perfect.

“Oh Nick,” she breathed out as he moved over her. His hands roughly pushed her T-shirt up

to her neck and his lips descended on her breasts. She sensed his patience was wearing as

thin as hers.

Thank God

He toyed and teased her breasts until the nipples stood out in tight, hard buds and she

heard herself panting, desperate for him.

He dragged his lips down her stomach, teasingly dipping his tongue in her belly button

before reaching the place where she most needed him.

“Sweet,” he murmured as he tapped her clit with his tongue, parting her pussy with his


“Nick,” she breathed when she felt his tongue circle the opening to her body before he

pushed it in.

Her hips shot up at the feeling of him fucking her with his tongue. In and out and still it

wasn’t enough.

“You,” she cried, “I need you.”

He responded to her plea, moving over her body quickly. “Are you on the Pill?” he asked.

She nodded once before he thrust fully inside her. The rough motion was all she needed and

she screamed as her orgasm rumbled through her body. Nick held still while she trembled

around him. When she regained her wits, he started to move again, his thrusts hard and fast

and potent. She felt another climax build and she marveled at how quickly he could bring her to

such heights.

As her orgasm came again, she heard Nick’s cry mingle with her own as he filled her with

his warm seed before he fell to her side. He reached up and kissed her softly and with such

tenderness, Joy felt her eyes fill up with happy tears.


Joy lay on the couch in Nick’s arms quietly watching the Christmas tree lights flicker. Dusk

had fallen and she reveled in the knowledge that she’d just had the best Christmas day of her

life. Nick had kept her up most of the night granting her wish after wish. They’d had a late

breakfast together, then dozed and made love off and on all day.

“What are you thinking about?” Nick asked and Joy grinned as she recalled him asking her

the same thing in the truck.

“The holidays and all the things I’d like to change about my life this year,” she said with a

teasing smile, repeating her answer from the previous evening.

Rather than the scowl she’d seen cross his face last night, he grinned. “I think change is

good. I’ve got some ideas about those changes.”

“Oh yeah, like what?”

“Well, for starters, I was thinking maybe you should work on adding a few more things to

that wish list of yours. We’ve put a pretty big dent in the original list and we wouldn’t want to run


“What happens when we finish it?” She’d asked the same question last night, but Nick had

evaded it. This time his answer took her breath away.

“We’re never going to finish that list, Joy. I’m going to spend every night for the rest of our

lives making all of your wishes come true.”

She sat up and turned to look at him.

“What no words?” Nick teased. “Never thought I’d see the day where I did all the talking.”

“I think I’ve decided I like being naughty with you. I love you, Nick.”

“I love you too, sweetheart. Now what do you say we mark off a couple more items? I was

thinking about numbers six and twelve.”

Joy laughed, picking her list up off the coffee table. “Making love under the Christmas tree

and anal sex?”

“Thought it might make for an interesting mix. Like you said, naughty is nice. Very, very


Author Biography

Writing a book was number one on Mari Carr’s bucket list and on her thirty-fourth birthday, she

set out to see that goal achieved. Five years later, her computer is jammed full of stories —

novels, novellas, short stories and dead-ends and five of her books have been published.

High school librarian by day and mother of two busy teenagers, Mari Carr found time for writing

by squeezing it into the hours between 3 a.m. and daybreak when her family is asleep and the

house is quiet.

To read more about Kylie, Heath and Colt, check out Tequila Truth available at Samhain

Publishing now.

You can also visit Mari’s website at

Samhain Author Page:

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