Mia's Journey: An Erotic Thriller (9 page)

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Authors: John Rebell,Zee Ryan

BOOK: Mia's Journey: An Erotic Thriller
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“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”


Lao Tzu





Chapter 24


Mia got up, walked over to where Daddy had thrown his dirty shirt, picked it up, smelled it, smiled, and put it on. His shirt hung down to her knees. She turned her head, smelled the collar again, and smiled again. It smelled like her Daddy. She padded back downstairs to the computer.

Daddy came home a few hours later, carry various bags from a variety of stores. He set the bags down on an empty chair and walked over and kissed Mia on the head.

“Hi Baby Doll.”

“Hi Daddy,” she turned to look up at him smiling. “Did you get me anything?”

“Maybe, maybe not.” Daddy walked over and leaned over her shoulder, kissing the back of her neck. He looked at the sex toy page Mia was staring at.

“Get one of those, but get the smallest one,” said Daddy, pointing at a butt plug.

“What is it?”

“A butt plug, can’t you read? Also, get one of those too…the smallest vibrator they have.”

“I already bought a bunch of them.”

“Oh? Let me see.” Mia clicked back to the shopping cart page.

“OK, but some of those vibrators are too big for you. They’ll hurt you. Are you expecting to fit a high school marching band in there? Get the little one too.”

“Very funny, Daddy,” Mia giggled at the mental image of a marching band in her pussy.

“I could fit one of those big ones in my pussy if I wanted to.”

“Maybe you could. But I don’t want some big shlong up there ruining my perfectly tight pussy.”

“Daddy, what’s a butt plug?”

“It’s sort of like a vibrator with a base so you can sit on it.”

“Oh. Do you think I should get some nipple clamps?”

“Which ones do you like?”


“Nah. I’ll make some for you. Better than those. Do you like gold or silver?”

“You know how to make nipple clamps?”

“Maybe. Gold or silver?”

“Well, gold, of course.” She looked at him like ‘Don’t be stupid, Daddy.’

“Of course. What else do they have?”

“I don’t know what a lot of this stuff is, Daddy. What’s this?” She was pointing at a vibrator that was long and had a series of large balls on it that vibrated at different intensities.

“It’s for your ass.”

“OK, what about this one?” The one she was pointing at looked like a curved dildo, with another little hooked arm coming off it.

“You stick the long end in your pussy, and the short arm vibrates your clit.”

“Can we try that one too?”

“It’s your fantasy. Buy them all.”

“Hey Daddy?”

“Yeah, Baby Doll.”

“Today I got so horny while you were away, I went upstairs and masturbated.”

“Good for you. Was it any good?”

“You’re not mad?”

“Of course not. I’m glad that you did. Anytime you feel you need to cum, whether I’m here or not, I want you to finger yourself, or use a toy.”

“It was OK. It’s more fun when you do it.”

“Did you save your cum in a plastic baggie for me?”

“Was I supposed to?” She looked at Daddy with alarm, eyes wide, afraid she had done something wrong. Daddy looked at her, then couldn’t keep a straight face any longer and burst out laughing. Great rollicking peals of laughter rolled out of him, making his eyes tear up, holding his stomach. If anyone else had done that, Mia would have been reduced to tears and run out of the room, thinking that they were laughing at her. She didn’t need to be told anymore that Daddy was just playing with her, and she pleased him to no end.

“Daddy! I swear, I’m going to…” Beating on his arms and chest with her fists in mock anger. She looked at him and saw he was enjoying himself so much, and looked so comical, she started laughing too. It was pretty funny.

“Oh, Baby Doll, I love you so much.”

She looked at him suspiciously. “Daddy, you just said the ‘L’ word…”

“Yeah, but I probably didn’t mean it.”

Mia punched him again, harder this time. “You asshole, Daddy.” Surprising herself that she said it out loud.

This set off another round of laughter from Daddy.


“Blake said that the body was the soul’s prison unless the five senses are fully developed and open. He considered the senses the ‘windows of the soul.’ When sex involves all the senses intensely, it can be like a mystical experience.”


Jim Morrison




Chapter 25


Daddy cooked dinner. He had been cooking a spaghetti sauce for two days in a slow cooker. It was now almost a dark-brown color and no longer red. He added the meatballs and Italian hot sausage he made himself, set the heat down low, and covered the pot.

“It’ll be ready in about two more hours,” he said to Mia.

Mia was already full. She had been stealing tastes out of the pot all day. She couldn’t help it. The smell wafted all over the house, and she was hungry. He had told her to stir it occasionally, after all. How could you stir it and not taste it?

Daddy took a bottle of wine out of the bag, looked at the label, shrugged, and started opening it with a cork screw.

“Want a glass?”

“No thanks, Daddy. I thought you didn’t drink?”

“I don’t.”

“Wine is alcohol.”

“Is it? Nobody ever told me.”

He poured himself a glass of Merlot, swirled it around and took a sip.

“Not bad.”

He took some fresh French bread out of another bag, cut it in half lengthwise, and started buttering up both sides with some melted butter and garlic, he had sautéed moments before.

He quickly mixed a tossed salad, and made his own dressing with balsamic vinegar, honey, and olive oil. He threw some sunflower seeds into the dressing for good luck.

“We have a couple of hours before this is ready. Would you like me to give you a bath?”

“Would you?”

“Of course, come on.”

They walked up the stairs to the bedroom. Mia was swinging her arms holding Daddy’s hand. They walked to the bathroom and Daddy started the bath. Mia watched him as he waited for the hot water, then adjusted the cold water.

Once he got it the way he wanted it, he sort of looked sidelong at her, silently added a little bit more hot. Mia shrugged herself out of Daddy’s shirt and it fell to the floor. She stood before him completely naked and totally at ease with her body for the first time in her life.

She didn’t cover her pussy with her hand. In the back of her mind, she noted that it was the first time it happened with any man.

“Let me help you take your clothes off, Daddy.” She unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it free of his pants, then undid his belt, released the button and unzipped the zipper. His pants fell in a heap and he stepped out of them.

They worked together now silently, completely in sync with each other. It had only been a couple of days and it was like they were merging with each other as one, Mia thought. Each knew what the other was thinking and words were unnecessary.

She got the rest of Daddy’s clothes off and stepped into the tub first. Daddy followed her, and they lay back together in the heat and warmth and drifted off, completely at peace and comfortable with each other.

Again, one second passed and the water was cold again. Daddy didn’t seem to notice. Mia let some of the cold water out of the tub, and added more hot water.

“Daddy, it’s time to shave me.”


Daddy sat up and grabbed his razor. Looked at it, and popped the blade out. He felt around with his hand until he found Mia’s blade, and popped that one in. He just patted his shoulder and Mia automatically put her foot there and angled her pussy at him. Daddy noticed the hot water was still running and shut it off.

Soon Mia felt an orgasm building. But this was different. She had always known she had a lot of “juice” down there. Her husband called her a “squirter”. It turned him off, of course. In fact, she had to hold it back, or it would flow out like pee. But it wasn’t pee. It was cum. She had always been intensely embarrassed by it.

“Relax, Baby Doll.” As soon as he said that, warmth spread through her.

“Now, Daddy.”

Mia’s essence came out of her pussy in a light, clear stream. Splashed first on his face, then she adjusted her aim and it went right into Daddy’s open mouth. Daddy closed his eyes and looked like he drifted into heaven.

He swallowed, then closed his mouth completely around her pussy and started sucking her juice out, swallowing as he went. Mia relaxed and let her essence flow into him. Then she felt it. Slowly at first. Starting at the base of her back and flowing straight up to her head.

It felt like moving invisible energy traveling along her spine, then bursting out the top of her head, as Daddy sucked and drank her cum like it was wine.

Suddenly, she understood. She had a man between her legs she loved. Who loved her so much that even her cum tasted like sweet honey to him. Daddy was still drinking at her pussy, sucking now, to get every drop, looking up at her, studying her.

She was a Goddess to her man. She felt the power again. He would do anything for her, even drink her cum with pleasure. The power she felt was undeniable, and very, very, real.

For the first time in her life, she mattered to someone. She more than mattered. She was his EVERYTHING. She came again, instantly into his mouth from the power of the realization, and Daddy licked it up, smiling.

Her cum came to a trickle, and Daddy licked it all up gently, then cleaned her pussy with his tongue of every single drop.

“Oh, Daddy, that felt good.”

“Tasted good, too,”

Mia sat back down in the tub, facing Daddy. Her shave forgotten, her hands on both of his shoulders.

“What did it taste like?”

“Like nectar from the Gods.”

“No, really,” she said, totally serious, looking him in the eye.

“I was being totally serious.”

Daddy grabbed her face and forced his tongue into her mouth, rolling it around the inside of her mouth.

“Like that.”

Mia smacked her lips together and her tongue licked her lips, tasting.

“You’re right…I do taste pretty good.”

Daddy smiled, forcing the power of his love for her out of his eyes, and showering it all over her like a hurricane of feeling.

His love hit her like a solid, tangible force. Mia gasped, fell back on her ass, staring at him, open-eyed, then started crying softly in the perfectness of the feeling.


“The higher mental development of woman, the less possible it is for her to meet a congenial male who will see in her, not only sex, but also the human being, the friend, the comrade and strong individuality, who cannot and ought not lose a single trait of her character.”


Emma Goldman





Chapter 26


There was a subtle change in Mia. Nothing she could really put her finger on, and it was very slight. But it wasn’t something she noticed, but rather, something she could feel. The sex games between her and Daddy were growing more intense.

However, that wasn’t it. Sometimes, she felt like there was a train far off in the distance, growing closer. She felt a power and fury sweeping towards her, but it was totally unlike any power or fury she had ever felt before. This power and fury was HER, and at the same time; it felt cosmic, that was the only word she could think of to describe it. She giggled to herself at the absurdity of the word.

Secondly, she wasn’t afraid of it in the slightest. Yes, it was power, and yes, it was fury, but unlike any other, it was a part of her. She could no more be afraid of it, than she could fear her own hand.

Daddy sat on the bed, just looking at her. He would sit there now, he could sit there for hours, just looking at her, a small smile on his lips. It used to infuriate her.

Now it was like she moved into it. She liked it. She felt like she was a beautiful flower, and he was opening her petals, so he could look at more of her beauty. There was nothing invasive about it. She could feel his pure joy, at this beautiful flower, he could touch, smell, and look at.

“Lay back, my Goddess, and put your arms over your head the way I like.”

He loved it when she did this. It was a gesture of total surrender. She opened herself completely up to him. She knew it also lifted her breasts, and made her nipples stand up. He liked that. She could almost feel the pleasure course through him, through his eyes.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life,” he said.

He took one of his ties, fastened it to her wrist, brought her other wrist to the first one, and secured them together. He made sure they weren’t tight, by sticking his finger around them. She knew she could pull out of them if she wanted. He then tied the other end, to a bed slat.

He ran his fingers softly down the inside of her arms, making her arms dimple with pleasure. Both hands, on both arms, ending in her pits, then they continued down her sides. It tickled, but it was also so gentle and sweet and felt like soft wings beating against her skin. His hands went back up and softly stroked her.

He studied her neck and ears, and turned her head away from him, totally enraptured by the soft down on her neck, then slowly stroking her neck. He bent his head and she could feel his hot breath and passion as he lightly kissed her neck.

“You are a Goddess,” he whispered, then bit her earlobe.

The contrast between his softness, then the sudden pleasure/pain of his biting made her pussy jump, then run with liquid.

He moved down to her nipples, sucking them first into his mouth, kissing them, while his hand played with the other one. Then he bit down on them too. Her pussy watered some more. She twisted away from him, and his other finger, grabbed onto her other nipple and pinched that one had as well.

With one nipple in his teeth, and the other one being pinched between his fingers, her hips started bucking, pushing at an unseen cock that wasn’t there, but she was ready for. As quickly as he bit her, he let her go and slid back to her ear, whispering, kissing, biting her earlobe.

“You belong to me. You are mine. I chose you, and you chose me. Who am I?”

“You’re my Daddy,” Mia whispered. Mia had long since forgotten her pussy. She knew the bed under her was soaked.

“And your Daddy loves you, more than he can say,” he whispered.

He took out the gold nipple clamps he made for her, and secured the first one, then the other. He screwed the tips down tight enough, until he could see her pussy start to water.

He went back to her arms and started kissing them, running his tongue up and down them all the way to her armpit, then he bit her under the arm. Using his teeth and taking huge sections of her armpit in his mouth. Mia squirmed and kicked under his teeth. Then he stopped, as quickly as he had begun.

Daddy took a large red candle off the night stand, and brought it into her line of vision. It was large, and thick, like the kind you saw in church.

“What are you going to do with that, Daddy?” Fear started to creep into her gut.

“Wait and see,” he said as he lit it in front of her eyes.

“I’m not sure I like this, Daddy.” She remembered she could slip free from the bonds if she wanted, and thought about it. That was the thing about Daddy, you never knew what he was going to do. That thought, the uncertainty, made her wet too.

He paid no attention to her. He just watched the candle burn. Next he tipped the candle, and the hot wax ran down the inside of her arms. It was hot, and hurt, afterwards it went instantly cold. Again, the shock of pleasure/pain made another gush of cum come out of her pussy and soak the bed.

“Who am I?”

“You’re my Daddy,” Mia gasped, as much from the shock as the pleasure. She was squirming in her own pussy juices now. Daddy poured more hot wax right into her armpit.

Daddy looked into her eyes, then poured more into her other armpit. Daddy put the candle down on the night table and ran his hands over her body. He brushed the dried wax off of her. Kissing her, shushing her softly. Running his hands again down her arms, lightly, softly, like a butterfly’s wings.

Her armpits were slightly burning. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but there was a trace of heat. Mia came off the bed when Daddy picked up an ice cube, and ran it into the burns of both armpits.

Mia wasn’t sure where she was. She had just been hit with bolt after bolt of pleasure/pain. First soft caresses, then biting, next hot, after that cold. She felt a sensation of leaving her body, watching Daddy from above, then slid back into herself. Daddy moved himself so he was right between her legs, pushing them apart with his knees.

“Look at the mess you made between your legs, Mia. The entire bed is soaked. Did you pee yourself again? Bad girl.”

Daddy picked up the candle and quickly, before she could move, poured hot wax into her navel. Then just as rapidly, as the wax dried, scooped it out, and stuck an ice cube in there.

“Oh Daddy, Oh Daddy, Oh Daddy…” was all she could say. He reached up, and pulled the slipknot free and her arms came down from above her head.

He then took one leg, lifted it, and put it inside her arms, behind her tied wrist. He took the other leg and did the same. She was now stretched in a “U” shape. Her pussy and her ass were completely exposed to him.

“Maybe I should pour some hot wax on your clit and your ass rosebud. Would you like that, little girl?”


He could see fuck sauce running freely out of her pussy, down the crack of her ass. It took every ounce of control he had not to lick it up. He still hadn’t touched her pussy.

“No? A bad girl like you? Doesn’t want to be punished? Look at you. You’re peeing all over my bed again. Well, what if I….” he took a long loving lick of her ass, swirling his tongue around her rosebud.


Daddy came up from her ass.

“No? You don’t want Daddy to lick the honey from your ass?”

“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy…”

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Daddy took a quick lick of her ass hole. Mia squeezed down her sphincter muscles involuntarily at the intrusion. Daddy came up from her ass.

“Oh no, we can’t have that, can we bad girl? Keeping Daddy out of your sweet little ass hole? Of course not. Who ever heard of such a thing? I guess I’m going to just have to pour hot wax all over it. Sorry.”

“No Daddy, No daddy, No Daddy….” She knew he was going to do it. He was going to pour hot wax on the softest, most sensitive, most private part of her body. She tensed for the shock of the heat.

Instead, she felt something different. Daddy had taken the small vibrator and was rubbing it up and down over her hole. Mia gasped, at this other surprise, and relaxed her ass hole. Daddy slipped the vibrator tip into her ass. The vibrator tingled and hummed.

Mia felt something, once again. She had never felt before. It felt GOOD. Daddy slipped it in a little further. Mia was long past any kind of words. She left her body again, and saw herself trussed up like a Christmas turkey with Daddy running the vibrator in and out of her ass. She slammed back into her body.

Her ass hole was fully open now, a round, dark tunnel, as Daddy slipped the vibrator in and out in a quicker and quicker tempo. Then he slipped it out, and stuck his tongue into her pussy.

His tongue moved along the walls of her pussy, licking and sucking the juice. Occasionally, his tongue ran across an unfamiliar part, and her ass, pussy, and entire body came alive. He never stayed there long and kept licking, eating, sucking her pussy. Then he zeroed in on her internal g-spot and jammed his tongue directly on it. Mia’s cum shot from her body with such force it completely drenched Daddy’s face.

Mia more than left her body this time. Her spirit completely disappeared into another time and space. On which was timeless, perfect, utterly loving. It was like drifting in a warm bath of soft, golden, love. Just when she decided that she never wanted to leave, she slammed back into her body again, breathless.

Daddy released all her bonds, then curled up beside her. Loving the wetness of the sheets and bed. He reached down to her pussy, scooped up some of her honey and rubbed it all over himself. He took her in his arms, smoothed her sweaty forehead, and kissed her lovingly.

“Daddy, Daddy…”

“Yes, Baby Doll?”

“What happened? Who am I?”

“You’re a Goddess, Baby Doll. You just became a Goddess. You claimed your birthright.”


Time passed, or maybe it stood still. Neither knew, nor cared.


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