MatingCall (7 page)

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Authors: BA Tortuga

BOOK: MatingCall
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“Soon, Shaw.” Jordan growled the words and she felt Shaw

“I have her, mate.”

“Good.” Jordan sounded so damn satisfied, moving against her
with purpose, making her crazy.

Shaw’s fingers found her clit again, pushing her higher, and
Jordan’s mouth fastened on the nape of her neck, teeth scraping her skin.

Steph was about to give her usual protest, but it was too
late. Shaw held her in an iron grip when Jordan bit down, breaking the skin,
making her scream. Only about half of it was pleasure.

“Easy. Easy.” Shaw’s words didn’t match his caresses. His
fingers weren’t making her feel easy at all.

“Our girl.” Jordan licked at the bite and electric shocks
shot through her nerve endings.

“I…” Burned. Goddess, it burned, and she started moving
faster, rocking between her boys, body filled with them. “Please…”

“So tight. So hot.” Jordan moved in at the same time Shaw
did, finally getting in sync. It was almost too much and so not enough.

Steph would have begged them, but she couldn’t. She simply
couldn’t. They stole her breath, her sense, her heart.

“You now, baby. Make her yours.”

Shaw’s pretty eyes flashed gold for her and he bent to bite
her shoulder. He was gentler than Jordan, but it stung all the same.

This yelping noise left her as her orgasm started, the
pleasure blooming from her pussy and filling her, just as they did. Yes. Yes.

Jordan growled, his big body stilling for a moment. Then he
started to shoot inside her, slamming hard against her.

Shaw followed soon after, teeth on her shoulder as he shook.
Jordan’s mouth was on her nape again, the ache of their bites making her
shiver, the aftershocks of her orgasm rocking her.

She slumped between them, panting, her chest heaving with
it. She could feel them lapping at her skin, their cocks slipping from her

When Jordan leaned past her to kiss Shaw, deep and slow, she
felt as if some kind of circle was complete. She felt amazing.

Shaw hummed. “Our mate.”

Jordan nodded. “Ours. We should rest.”

“It’s early.” Her eyelids were so heavy, though.

“Mmmhmm. You’ll need your sleep.” They moved, her two boys
lifting and turning and taking her to bed to stretch out.

They caught her between them, both of them licking and
nuzzling, soothing her into sleep. She smiled a little, floating, feeling safe.

Even if she did still think that whole biting thing was a
bad idea.

Chapter Eleven


The phone rang, startling Jordan awake.

He sat up, whacking someone with his elbow, someone else
with his knee. Shit. “Sorry. Hello?”

“Jordan? Brett. How’s your girl?”

Jordan grinned at Steph, who was murmuring and rubbing noses
with Shaw, both of them grumbling at him a little. “She’s good. Any news on the
rogue wolf?”

“He ran off. There’s something…” He heard Brett growl
softly. “I’m keeping her until I figure it out.”

“Her who?”

“Wendy. My cop.” Oh, that was a possessive sound.

Wendy’s scream was impressive. Outraged. Pissed as hell.
Jordan liked it.

“Well, good.” That would keep Wendy out of their hair while
Steph transitioned into wolf life.

“It’s gonna be, yeah.” Brett sounded distracted as hell.
“You three take care. Keep her close ‘til she’s one of us.”

“Will do. If you need us, holler, okay? We can help find
this guy, once the shit settles. You got someone keeping an eye on the
hospital? If the EMT guy got bit…”

“I’m sending Kayla.”

Wow. Sending his own sister. Impressive. A little
terrifying. She could be fierce.

“She’s a good choice.” Jordan would rather face a steel trap.
“Well, like I said, call if you need us.”

“I will. I’m going to,” Brett chuckled softly, “hunt.”

“Good luck.” Jordan laughed a little before turning the
phone off and lying back.

Shaw had his head on one arm, eyes fascinated, while he
played with Steph’s nipples, teasing them, making them hard and dark.

“Mmm. You’re gonna get her all worked up, baby.” He stroked
one hand down Shaw’s spine, pinching that fine ass when he got there.

“Hmm?” Shaw’s eyes went comically wide. “Would I do that?”

“Uh-huh.” He leaned up and smacked Shaw’s ass, the sound
sharp and perfect. He loved how his handprint showed up there.

Steph reached down, hand covering Shaw’s butt. “Poor baby,
Jordan’s being a turd. You can come home with me.”

Shaw hummed, pushing into her touch. “Or you could be mean
to me too.”

Jordan laughed harder. “Slut.”

Steph nuzzled Shaw’s throat, nibbling. Shaw went stiff,
staring at him, just the littlest bit wild-eyed. Jordan felt a growl rise up in
his chest. She hadn’t earned that right yet—she would, but she hadn’t even
changed yet. He reached out and plucked her up, kissing her hard.

She pushed into his chest, humming, lips opening right up
for him. Hungry girl. Her breasts were crushed against his chest, her legs
sliding on either side of his hips. She was soft, smooth, damp.

His fingers dragged over his bite mark on the back of her
neck, loving the way she hissed, arched into him.

“Pretty girl,” he said against her lips, licking at her

“Mmm.” She stroked the hair off his face, the touch so right.
“You taste good, Jordan.” She winked, playing with him. “Almost as good as

“Oh, now. I wouldn’t let you bite my throat is all.”

Shaw snorted. “You’ve never let anyone but your mom and
Brett have your throat.”

“You don’t like it? It makes me goofy.”

Jordan nodded. “It should, baby girl.” He licked his way
down her throat. “Right, Shaw?”

“Mmm. Yes. Only for us, though. No one else.” His gentle
Shaw actually growled. “Ever.”

“Yes. And you can have Shaw’s soon, baby girl. But not until
after your first change.” She would learn.

“Change?” She looked so confused, so unfocused.

“Yes. With us. Like us.” Jordan soothed her, stroking her
hair. Shaw moved in, keeping her warm, pressing against her. His beautiful boy.
Jordan was so proud of them he could burst.

“I’m not a wolf, Jordan. You know that.” She hummed, still
easy and quiet between them, her instincts so good.

“You are now, Steph. You’re our mate.”

“That doesn’t make any sense. The wolf part. The mate part,
sure. You boys know I love you.”

“Brett says it’s a latent gene.” Shaw shrugged, sounding so
offhand. It was obvious that Shaw didn’t care about the whys and hows. Jordan
knew Steph would care.

“Guys… I’m a witch, not a werewolf.” She was sounding more
aware now.

Shaw kissed her ear. “You can be both.”

Steph tilted her head, taking Shaw’s lips. “Nonsense.”

Jordan growled, the urge to force her to understand right
now strong. He couldn’t, and he knew it. She needed time.

She shivered, lips on his jaw, fingers on his belly. “Love
that sound, Jordan. It’s pure magic.”

“I love what it does to you.” He pushed against her, feeling
her against his cock. She was probably a little sensitive to go again, but a
bit of teasing never hurt.

“Makes me happy.”

Shaw licked at the bite mark on her shoulder and she gasped,
eyes glowing, just for a second.

There she was. Their she-wolf. So beautiful. Jordan kissed
her again, just because he could.

The moon would be here in two days. In two days, she would
change for them, run with them. She would probably freak out at first, but she
would settle in fast.

It was in her genes.

Chapter Twelve


Steph opened her front door, the cats going flying. “I know.
I know. I’m home. You guys must be starving.”

She’d left the boys tangled together, sleeping hard. As much
as they’d orgasmed in the last two days, she’d be surprised if they didn’t
sleep for a week. Seriously. Her thighs ached, her ass was a little sore and
her nipples throbbed every time they brushed the fabric of her shirt.

She dumped the litter box, fed the cats and checked her
messages. Then she started cleaning, doing laundry. She should be exhausted,
but she wasn’t. Her body was on fire, aching and tingling, as if her skin was
too tight.

It was from spending so long in that bed, she imagined. God
knew what the boys washed the sheets in. Probably Tide. Seemed like everyone
who had a reaction to laundry soap blamed it on that.

She went to the fridge, found some lunch meat and most of a
gallon of milk, downed them, then went to shower. The bites on her shoulder and
neck were burning and she wanted to get them clean.

There was a reason that biting was bad.

As she headed into the bedroom, Pyewacket hissed and spit,
jumping from dresser to bed to desk. “Wacky! What’s wrong, baby?”

The cat just puffed up, tail lashing.

How weird. Wacky was acting as if Jordan and Shaw were
there. The cat probably smelled the boys on her. “I’ll jump in the shower,
baby. It’ll be okay.”

She stripped down, turned her music on, and hopped in,
letting the hot water pound down on her.

Oh, that stung! The bite on her nape where Jordan got her
especially. He always was more forceful than Shaw. She hummed at the thought of
them, stretching a little. She was going to have to tell them again, though. No

The shower was great, but two minutes after she got out, she
was itchy again. Maybe she had some antibiotic ointment.

She heard the cats yowl, spit and hiss and she wrapped her
towel tighter around her. “Is someone here?”

“Hey, baby girl.” Jordan wandered into the bedroom, looking
edible in his jeans and boots, his long-sleeved t-shirt tight across his chest.

“Hey.” She grinned at him. “I expected you two to sleep all

She grabbed a sweatshirt and a pair of panties and stepped
into them. Maybe she’d get Jordan to put something on the bites before she got

“Nope. You left.” He grinned and Shaw came in, moving around
to flank her.

“I needed to feed the cats and clean up. Can you help?” She
lifted her hair. “They itch and I’m just so uncomfortable.”

“Sure.” Jordan made that growly noise, moving close to lick
the nape of her neck.

“I… That can’t be hygienic.” Her head fell forward. That
felt so good.

“It is to wolves, love.” Shaw moved in close to kiss her.

“Mmm.” She leaned into Shaw, the touch of Jordan’s tongue
making her weak-kneed. “Don’t stop.”

“Mmm. Not going to.”

Shaw laughed. “He wants you to come home.”

“I am ho…home.” She moaned. “Jordan. Please, you’re making

Crazy. Horny. Burning. Fuck.

“You belong with us now, baby girl.” Jordan nibbled, which
somehow made the itch better. How crazy was that?

“Hmm.” Steph arched, pushed back toward Jordan’s mouth.

“You do,” Shaw agreed, licking at her wet skin. “Need to
come home. Now.”

“Stop it. I can’t think.” They made her stupid.

“You don’t need to think. You need to feel.” Jordan pinched
her nipple.

She jumped, her back rubbing against Jordan’s chest, the
shirt soft. Shaw smiled into her eyes, pressing her between them. So warm. She
wasn’t itchy anymore.

“Feels so much better.”

“See? It’s like magic.”

“Uh-huh.” She blinked slowly, her sweatshirt falling from
her fingers.

“I can’t wait for tonight.” Shaw just laughed with joy.
“You’ll be so pretty.”

“I’m not pretty now?” They couldn’t have sex again. She
couldn’t want them again.

“Of course you are, baby girl.” Jordan licked that spot,
over and over. “You’re amazing. As a wolf, though…”

“But, love…” She wasn’t a wolf.

She wasn’t.

“Soon, baby girl.” Jordan kissed her neck again, and she
couldn’t think.

She whined softly, her body feeling too tight, too small.
“Something’s wrong with me.”

Shaw laughed, the sound gentle. “No. No, you’re perfect.”

“It’s okay, Steph. Just let it happen, baby.” Jordan stroked
her sides, soothing her.

“I don’t think she’ll make it ‘til the moon, mate.” Shaw
eased her panties off and they walked her to the bed.

“I think you’re right, baby.” Jordan took his shirt off and
tossed it aside, coming to lie next to her.

“Make the moon? Are we doing a ritual?” She hadn’t done
rituals since that night they’d asked her to find them their mate. All she’d
done was some online herbal orders.

“You could say that.” Jordan was licking her skin, and it
should have been gross, but it wasn’t.

“Mmm.” That worked for her, the magick was spinning around
her, some music seeming to sound in the air. “Feels so much better.”

“Uh-huh. Feel amazing, all of us together.”

She nodded, eyes dropping closed as she relaxed. “Stay with

“Of course we will, baby girl.” Jordan grabbed Shaw, who
squished her between them, and it was perfect.

“Thank you, boys.” She settled in, stupidly tired, and found
herself falling asleep again.

That was what she got for letting them ruin her routine.

Chapter Thirteen


You like
it up here, baby girl?” Jordan grinned at Shaw, who was hauling groceries into
the kitchen. They’d told Steph they were going hiking, taking her all the way
out to Brett’s hunting
cabin. They were far enough from everything for
Steph’s first change to go as smoothly as it could.

“Mmm. It’s lovely out here.” She was sleeping a lot, her
body getting ready to change. She’d stopped arguing with them, but he wasn’t
sure she believed them, either.

Maybe she thought she was humoring them. Shaw said he
thought Steph was resigned to it.

One way or another, he couldn’t wait to see how she changed.

Their marks on her were dark, raw, waiting for her change to
heal, to leave a scar. The thought made him hard, heavy, his blood running hot.

She moaned, leaned over to nuzzle his jaw. “I can smell you.
Shaw too.”

“Want you,” Shaw said. “Both of you.”

His boy was always so eager.

“Yes.” Her voice was a growl and she reached for Shaw, teeth
marking his jaw.

Shaw rumbled, but didn’t bite. Jordan let them figure it
out; they would have to see where everyone fit.

“Won’t hurt you, Shaw. Promise.” Her lips moved to his ear.
“Everything feels so bright.”

“Wait until it gets loud.” Shaw laughed, moving against
Steph. Jordan wanted to rub them together like two sticks to make a fire.

“Loud? Can you feel it, the magick?” Steph was tugging at
Shaw’s shirt now.

“Of course we can.” Shaw rose up to let her touch and Jordan
pushed back a little to watch. They were fucking pretty.

Her eyes were shining, glowing, the gold the most beautiful
thing he’d ever seen. Jordan growled a little, licking his lips.

Steph growled back, defending Shaw from him. That was

“Mine. You’re both mine, baby girl.”

She nodded, rocking against Shaw, the wolf right there.
“Sorry. Sorry, I can’t not…”

“I know.”

“It’s okay.” Shaw kissed her, petted her. “It’s okay. It’s
all so new for you.”

She nodded, groaned. “I ache, boys.”

“Soon you’ll be ready to run with us.” She could stretch her
legs, see and smell the world for the first time as a wolf.

“Please.” She pulled away from Shaw with a growl, nails
dragging along his arms.

Shaw barked, pleasure mixing with pain in his sounds, and
Jordan’s cock jerked. Hard.

She tugged her shirt off, eyes wide and wild. “It itches.
Everything itches.”

“It will feel better soon.” Shaw was soothing her, but
Jordan finally decided that was the wrong path.

He grinned, reaching out to pinch Steph’s nipple. She’d
decided not to wear a bra.

“Ow!” She snapped at him, the air around her shimmering.

Jordan did it again, the wolf so close he could feel her
heat. “Why not?”

“It stings.” She bared her teeth at him, the canines

“Mmmhmm. It’s making the itch better, though.” She was
fucking stunning.

Steph snapped at him, playing, teasing and dancing. He
teased back, nipping at her, plucking at her sensitive spots.

Her growls got more and more desperate, deeper and rough.
Wolfen. She seemed to waver, her form almost misty. Then there was a wolf where
the woman had been.

Their mate.

Shaw groaned, eyes rolling. “Jordan. Look at her.”

“Yeah, baby.” He took a wild kiss, fingers tangling in
Steph’s fur. “Time to run.”

Steph barked at them, the sound wild, just a bit scared.

Jordan let the wolf come, his body tingling, itching. Then
he was on her, his teeth on her neck, letting her know he was there.

She keened softly, panting, crying for him.
Shh. Shh.
He vocalized softly, giving her sounds her soul would know. Her ears swiveled,
and he knew he was getting through. Shaw was there too, all red fur and heavy,
thumping tail.

She came to him, muzzle sliding along his, so careful, then
she shook herself, hard. Her fur was dark, dark as his, and she was sleek,
bright eyed. He licked her whiskers before jumping off the bed and trotting to
the door. She needed to trust him, hunt with him.

It did his heart good to see her follow, curious to learn
everything. Unafraid.

That was their lady.

They’d been pretty stupid not to see it from the beginning,
but Steph’s magick had never led them wrong. Jordan couldn’t wait to see where
she led them next.

* * * * *

Steph sat underneath the cover of a pine tree, grooming her
paws, watching her mates posture for her. Shaw ran in circles, tail like a flag,
while her beloved Jordan sat, his eyes never wavering from her.

Our lady.

His voice echoed inside her and her tail wagged, thumping
heavily on the ground.

All the years she’d been doing magick, all the rituals and
potions she’d created and she’d thought she was in touch with her power.

Now every breath was pure energy, thrumming with her and her
mates, the Packlands themselves singing under her.

Is it always like this, boys? Always?

Shaw snorted softly.
Is it always like what? This is
home, love.

Jordan stood, nudging Shaw to follow, and they came to her,
their muzzles sliding on hers. The world went fuzzy, sparkling around the edges
and she groaned, tongue lolling.


Her mates.

Jordan chuffed, lupine grin making her
so-serious lover look young, happy.
Your mates.

Shaw’s head bobbed, and her ear was nipped, tugged.
Play, mates.

She rolled to her feet, ears swiveling as wild motes of
energy caught her attention, the biggest points of light the wolves beside her.
Goddess, yes. Let’s go! Let’s run!

Shaw went first and she followed, Jordan’s huge body
protecting her back trail and they headed up into the trees, following their
joint call as she would until the end of time.

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