Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story (12 page)

BOOK: Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story
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Chapter 20


ow’d it go
, you knock ‘em dead?”

“Yeah, I think so. It’s not official yet, but an insider has got back to Lydia and pretty much confirmed that I’ve won the pitch.”

I grin and fist-pump the air. “Lauren, that’s awesome. I knew you could do it.” I’m sitting at an outside deli and sipping on coffee. Still agitated from my earlier meeting, I thought some fresh air would calm me down. “So, fingers crossed you’ll get the news soon, right?”

“Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking – hopefully by the end of today.” She lowers her voice. “And then I’m going into her office first thing with my letter of resignation.”

“Perfect, Lauren. By tomorrow, we’ll be on our way to our new business.”

“I know. Just need to get through today. Anyway, so, thanks for your text last night, but tell me straight, how did it go? You looked stunning by the way.”

“Thanks, hon. Yes, it went perfect. I was so scared when I was called up, like all eyes were on me, but thankfully I didn’t mess up my lines.”

“I bet they totally loved you. Any cute guys?”

I can picture her wagging her eyebrows.
Yes, there’s only ever been one.
“Um…so, I kind of bumped into Jax last night.”

“What? What was he doing there? Oh my God, Ava. You didn’t mention that. Give me details, what happened, how-”

“Lauren, stop. Seriously, that’s not all.”

“There’s more?”

“Yep. Remember that Fletcher campaign?”

“Sure, the one which took off on social media? Clever marketing.”

“Exactly. So, the street artist is suing us for using his work in the campaign. And to top it off, my father’s hired Prescott Associates to represent us.”

“Woah, woah, back the hell up. Prescott as in
Jax Prescott

I sigh deeply into the phone. “The very same. And Carter’s got us working together on it.” I lean my elbow on the table and place my forehead in my palm. I’m tired and emotional from last night, and Jax is stirring up all kinds of buried feelings. “So looks like I’m going to be tied up here for at least a couple of weeks.”

“Wow, that’s pretty huge.” She’s quiet for a moment. “Depending on how it goes tomorrow, I’m gonna take some time off. There are a couple of new clients I’m looking into for us, so how about I fly down for a few days?”

“You’d do that? Oh, Lauren, that’d be amazing.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow once I have everything in place.”

“You’re a doll. Good luck and speak soon, hon.”

at my watch and as it’s after lunch, I head back to the agency.

Waiting outside my father’s office, I pace the floor until I hear he’s off his call, then burst through the office.

“Ava.” He glances up then back to his file. “Did you finish up with Jax?” He’s scribbling some notes, and I approach him and place two hands on his desk, leaning forward until he looks up.

My voice is flat as I stare into his eyes. “Why the hell did you have to hire him?
of all the lawyers in this town?”

He sets down his pen. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand your problem with him.”

“W-what?” I sputter, heat spreading across my face. “You
I worked for his family when I first came to Miami. How
you, Dad?” My eyes are flashing and I push off his table and cross my arms, resuming the pacing.

“Ava. Calm down. Of course I’m aware that you worked for his family for a couple of months. As far as I know, his mother was the tyrant, not him?” He raises an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation that I’m not ready to give. When I don’t say anything, he continues.

“You follow the news. Surely you know that Prescott Associates has recently been voted
Law Firm of the Year
?” I indicate I do with a slight nod of my head.

“I also happen to know that award was due to the case Jax led, which resulted in a significant win for his client.” He exhales. “He’s a great lawyer, Ava. He’s young, but he’s hot property – and I know he’s the guy for our suit.” His voice is firm and he picks up his pen once again.

“Fine. Whatever.” I throw my hands up in the air and take a seat.

He shoots me a grin. “That’s more like it. Now, stop acting like a petulant child.”

“I’m not.”

“There you go. Case in point.”

A small smile escapes from my lips. I can never stay mad at him.

“Have you agreed on your next meeting so that you can brainstorm together?”

I chew my lip and look away. Looks like I was stuck with Jax. A sudden shiver runs up my spine. “No, we didn’t get a chance to do that. But I’ll get on it.”

“Good - I’m hoping it won’t require too much time out of your schedule.”

“That’s fine. I can liaise with my team from here.”

“Great. Now tell me, how are things coming along with Lauren? Has she quit yet? I need to know how much longer I get to keep you.”

I fill him in on the latest developments and bring him up to speed. “So all being well, we should be green-lighted tomorrow. We’ve already scouted out some work spaces so things are in motion.”

“Good. We’ll make the official announcement next week once she’s clear of her contract.”

I nod. “I’m sorry I won’t be staying, Dad.”

“Me too, kid. But both you and Lauren have got big ambitions, and the only way you’ll move forward is by being co-business owners. I’m behind you girls every step of the way.”

“Thank you.” I can see he’s busy so I pick up my bag, ready to let him carry on with his afternoon. “I’ll be at the hotel if you need anything.”

“Sure. I’ll send over any new documents once I liaise with Jax. I’m tied up tonight but we’ll grab dinner tomorrow. The boys are actually free for a change.”

“Sure, sounds great. Sure you don’t need me for anything else today?”

He waves his hand. “No, you carry on with your plans - you deserve a day off.” Winking at me, he picks up the phone, signaling the end of our conversation.

“Bye, Dad.”

about Jax during the short taxi drive back to my hotel. God, out of all the men in the world, why does he still have such a profound effect on me? I squeeze my legs together as a sudden rush of desire shoots through my body. He was even more handsome now. He looked hot in the grey suit he was wearing this morning, the light blue shirt setting off his piercing blue eyes, which seemed to burn into me throughout the meeting. I couldn’t help but notice the way his biceps strained against his shirt, stretching perfectly against his toned chest.

I scan my phone, pulling up Facebook. His profile photo was taken at a beach somewhere with a bunch of friends all raising their beers in a toast. I couldn’t see his eyes, which were protected behind his sunglasses…but his body. Oh my. If he was toned and muscled at twenty-two, he had filled out into a man, all clean lines and defined abs, an alluring V trailing down into his board shorts. I suck in a breath and trace my finger along his chest.

There are other pictures of him at social events, but everything is clean and above board. There aren’t any photos of a significant other. My eyes land on a head shot - he must have had it taken professionally. His eyes stare back at me and his full lips are curled into a small smile. Almost as if he’s taunting me. I shut down the app.

No matter how attracted I still am to him, I’ve no intention of going down that road again. Once bitten, twice shy. And never again with Jax Prescott.

In two weeks, I would be leaving and returning to my life in New York, and I probably wouldn’t see him again for another few years. I blow out a breath as we pull up to the front of the hotel.

Why did my chest suddenly tighten at that thought?

a leisurely day at the hotel, taking advantage of the spa facilities. I even managed to get a last-minute appointment with one of the top salons in the area and decided on a whim for a little color change. A couple of hours later, I walk out with some dark blonde highlights. It looks great and I’ll probably keep it for a while before returning to my usual chocolate-toned hair. I like to have fun and experiment with color every now and then.

he following morning
, I’d just entered my room after a session at the gym when my cell rings. I flop onto the bed and swipe right.

“Yo, ’sup.”

“What’s ‘sup is that I’ve just quit. We’re really doing this, Ava.”

I sit up and scream into the phone. “Oh my God, that’s fantastic. And the client?”

“In the bag. Yours truly won the pitch. And they specifically asked for me. Lydia’s probably shitting a brick right now.”

“Get your ass out here so we can celebrate.” I’m bouncing on the bed, thrilled for my best friend.

“Booking my ticket now. See you tomorrow, I’ll send you the details, you better come get me.”



“I’m so proud of you. We’re going to make some major moves together.”

“Thanks. There’s a huge client I want to chase, but I’ll fill you in on it tomorrow. Gotta run, I need to clear out my desk.”

“Can’t wait. Love ya.”

the afternoon working with my team back home, firing out emails and before I know it, it’s almost dinner. I haven’t spoken to Carter all day, and I’m looking forward to catching up over dinner.

I put on a strapless black jumpsuit and slide a few bangles onto my wrist. Slipping on my silver heels, I fluff out my hair and was just about grab my clutch when I hear a rapid knock on my door. While we haven’t made specific plans where to meet, I thought I’d call Carter from the lobby. I’m not expecting anyone, but I open the door with a smile. And freeze.

“Jax, what are you doing here?”

His eyes rake over me and he doesn’t say anything for what feels like an eternity. I notice he’s still dressed in his work attire and holding a document file.

“What have you done to your hair?” He raises an eyebrow, and I self-consciously touch it, feeling flustered at his intense gaze.

“I had it colored yesterday.”

His hair is slightly tousled and I can just picture him running his hands through it. I dig my nails into my palm. We stand in silence, taking each other in, the air charged around us.

I finally break the silence. “Are you here for a reason or just to critique my hair?”

He blinks a few times and a slow smile spreads across his face. Arrogant and cocky. He reaches out and combs his fingers through the length of my hair. I suck in a breath.

“You look beautiful.” His voice is strained and he completely ignores my question. “Carter sends his apologies, but he’s been called into a meeting.”

He drops his hand and I feel my breath return.
Just breathe, Ava.

“What do you mean? I haven’t heard anything to the contrary.” I bite my lip, aware of how rude I sound.

“Sorry to disappoint, Ava, but I just left his office.” He turns to walk away.

I stand rooted to the spot.

“So, are you coming or what?” He throws the words over his shoulder.

“What? To where?”

“To dinner.” He stops, turns around, and flashes me a grin. My heart begins to flutter in response. That goddamn panty-melting mouth of his. I had always loved his smile - his grin had brought sunshine to my life in my dark days. “I’m pretty starving myself and I figure you may want to keep me alive, since I’m your attorney and all...”

I place my hand on my hip and narrow my eyes. “So wait. Just like that, you’ve invited yourself to dinner with me?”

He steps a little closer. “Yes, Ava. That’s what people usually do when they’re hungry, right? Eat food?” His eyes crinkle at the corners and he winks.

I shake my head, perplexed.

“What makes you think I want to spend time with you? Other than the case? You want me to go to dinner with you, like we’re old friends?

He draws his brows together and slips his hand in the pocket of his pants.

“Look, Ava. I know there is a lot you probably want to say to me…and I know that you really dislike me. But you’re kinda stuck with me this week, whether you like it or not.” He waits a moment before continuing. “It’s just dinner, okay? Just grabbing a bite to eat - honestly, I didn’t even get a chance to eat a sandwich today. Please.”

As if on cue, jumping to his defense, his stomach lets out a huge rumble. The look of mortification on his face has the corners of my mouth lifting upwards. I cover my mouth with my hand, trying to stop it spreading into a grin. He raises his eyebrows and glances down at his stomach, then back at me, shrugging his shoulders.

I don’t know why, but it’s like a whole load of tension suddenly evaporated between us.

“Fine. I wouldn’t want you to collapse of starvation on my account.” I pull the handle shut behind me and walk past him, catching a whiff of his woody cologne and muttering, “You’d probably end up suing me.”

He chuckles and I fight to keep my lips still, a smile twitching at the corners.

We enter the elevator, standing next to each other, and I look straight ahead, determined not to let his presence affect me. My heart rate intensifies at the thought of spending the next couple of hours with him, and I’m suddenly nervous.

The elevator pings open, and he places his hand on the small of my back as he guides me through the lobby. Glancing around, I see people stopping to look at us, noting some of the women who throw smiles his way, completely ignoring the fact that I’m here with him. For whatever reason, it irks me.

My skin sears with heat from his touch as we walk through the lobby, making our way to the hotel restaurant. He greets the hostess with a smile.

“Can we request some privacy, please? A corner table?”

I’m grateful for his request. With my face spread across the newsstands, I’m aware that people recognize who I am. This whole fame thing is new to me - I prefer to be behind the scenes.

The young server introduces herself and takes our drink orders, blushing when Jax addresses her. I actually feel sorry for her – she’s clearly in awe of his presence.

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