Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story (11 page)

BOOK: Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story
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I’m so grateful for the wonderful makeover. I look at myself in awe, almost not recognizing the woman reflected back at me. Everything from my hair right down to my polished toes screams wealth, sophistication, and position. I feel like a million dollars. My hazel eyes sparkle against the smoky tones and the red lip gloss emphasizes my full lips.

I’m a little overcome in the moment, once again feeling immeasurably grateful for my life. Looking at myself, my eyes blaze back at me with determination. I’ve come a long way, but I still have so much more to give. When I depart in the next month to set up with Lauren, I intend to leave behind a legacy.

I take a quick selfie as I’d promised Lauren I’d send one and caption the photo:

Do I look ok? Miss you. x

She immediately types back:

Bitch, you look amazing. Go get ‘em. Love ya x

I smile at my reflection

Let’s do this. It’s time to shine after working my ass off.

Chapter 18


out of the elevator and stand for a moment while I observe the flurry of activity around me. The hotel is shut off to the general public, but it’s teeming with staff. They’re running around with clipboards and taking instructions on their earpieces. The security detail is lined by the entrance and exit areas. There are also reporters and of course the paparazzi. I move to my left and see two girls from our PR team head in my direction, wide smiles on their faces.

“Ava, you look amazing.”

“Wow, Ava, that dress is killer.”

Both girls give me a quick hug, and after advising me of the preliminaries about photos, I follow them to the Great Room, where an area has been set up for the official photos.

For the next hour or so, I’m directed and moved to various shoots while catching up with colleagues. I’m told to smile, to laugh, to look serious, and everything in between. Finally they finish with the group shots of the thirty of us. A blond-haired guy, similar in age to myself, makes his way over, his eyes glued to me. He’s fairly cute, but the way he’s carrying himself tells me he thinks he’s God’s gift to women. His eyes rake over me as he approaches.

“Ava Cortes, right?” He extends his hand.

“Hi, yes, that’s me.” I go to shake his hand but he brings it to his lips.

“Ben Walker. Pleasure to meet you.”

I’ve read up on the others, and my memory tells me he’s someone who made some gaming breakthrough.

He’s gripping my hand and I have to pry it away. “You too, Ben. Good luck this evening.” I smile and step away. “Catch up with you later.”

“I certainly hope so.”

Once I’m clear to leave, I step out of the Great Room and my PR girls lead me to the Banquet Room, where the main event will be taking place.

The room is packed and people are standing in groups, sipping on Cristal and sampling the canapés. I spot my family and rush over to them, tapping Gaby on the shoulder.

She turns around and her face splits into a huge grin. “Ava, oh my goodness. Just look at you.” She pulls me into her embrace and holds me tight against her. “You look so beautiful, mija.” She holds me at arm’s length and I can see the pride in her face as she checks over my outfit.

“Thank you, Gaby. I love your dress.”

“Hey, what about me?”

I peer over her shoulder to see my half brother, Cole, pouting, his arms crossed. “What, no love for me?”

I know he’s kidding, and I laugh and move over to Cole. He’s only four years younger than me, but at six foot two, he’s grown into a man and is a replica of our father. He looks exceptionally handsome tonight in his tux.

“Look at you, Cole, all dressed up. The ladies better watch out.” I open my arms and we embrace. It’s good to see him again, even though we’re in regular contact on e-mail. I’ve gotten really close to both boys.

“Looking hot, sis. You don’t clean up too bad yourself.” He pulls away and winks at Gaby. “Ready for tonight?”

I suck in a breath through my gritted teeth. “Yes, yes I am. It’s too late to back out, right?” I wink. “Hey, where’s Kyle and Catherine?”

He looks around. “I think Kyle’s using the men’s room and Mom is somewhere with Dad. They’ll be here shortly-”

A low whistle comes from behind Cole, interrupting him.

“Hot day-um, Ava.” Kyle’s face breaks into a grin.

“Kyle, come here, you little rascal.” I pull my younger brother into my arms, although he’s not so young anymore. He’s taller than me and just as good looking as Cole.

We stand around chatting for some time and I finally begin to feel myself relax, although I’m looking forward to the part when my acceptance speech is over.

he room is filled
with people who look incredible, coming from all walks of life, from journalists to tech entrepreneurs. I mingle with some people I know, catch up with some industry friends, and then it’s time to take our seats at the table. I’m placed between Gaby and Carter. I look up to see him making his way to our table, Catherine behind him.

“Ava. You look so beautiful…” He kisses my cheeks and whispers in my ear. “A spitting image of your mother.” I felt my heart pull at her memory and choke up. Swallowing back the lump in my throat, I pull back, noticing his eyes are just as shiny.

“I owe this all to you, Dad,” I said softly. I greet Catherine and then we take our seats.

The waiter hands him a glass of champagne. “You did this all by yourself, Ava. From the moment I met you, I knew that you were destined for more. I merely offered you the start.”

“But without that, I wouldn’t be here.” I squeeze his hand.

He exhales and glances around our table. “It’s been a long time…but I know that if your mother were here, she’d be just as proud of how far you’ve come and of what you’ve achieved.”

I nod, smiling tightly, the lump in my throat resurfacing. “She’d be just as proud of you too, Dad. You’re an amazing man and father.” I lean over and kiss his cheek.

The evening, as expected, is one of the highlights of my life thus far. Awards are given, speeches - including mine - are received with rapturous applause, contacts are exchanged, and the catering is sublime.

The evening is almost drawing to a close and I excuse myself, needing a quick bathroom reprieve.

Holding my clutch, I weave my way through the tables, my journey painfully slow as I’m stopped every couple of minutes to chat along the way.

The line for the bathroom is extending out the door, so I head in a different direction and use the bathroom farther away. Afterwards, I round the corner to make my way back, and I see Ben, the gaming guy from earlier, leaning up against the wall with a drink in his hand. Most of the guests are at the other side of the hotel, so I’m guessing he followed me.

“Ben, what you doing here?”

His eyes are glassy, and I can guess he’d consumed a fair bit of the complementary alcohol.

“Looking for you, Miss Cortes.” He swirls the dark liquid around in the glass and takes a sip. “You said we’d catch up later.” He spreads his arms. “Here I am, gorgeous.”

I move to sidestep him, but he’s quick on his feet and he blocks me. “Please move out of my way, Ben. I’ve no idea what you want.”

His eyes focus on my chest and my heart starts to thump. I’m frozen and instantly pulled back to six years ago, back in the dining room at the Prescotts. Every instinct in me is screaming to focus, to recall what I’ve practiced in self-defense, but I can’t remember a thing. I’m blank and my mouth has gone dry.

“Get away from me. Now.”

“Come on, baby,” he holds up a finger, “just one kiss.”

He moves towards me and I step back into the hard body of someone behind me. I breathe a sigh of relief, assuming it’s security. Thank goodness.

“The lady told you no, asshole. Walk away. Now.”

I freeze and my blood runs cold. I’d know that voice from anywhere.

No, it can’t be.

Composing myself, my heart is pounding like a racehorse as I slowly turn around.

I blink rapidly and look into the piercing blue eyes of Jaxon Prescott before I turn back around.

I feel lightheaded.

Ben looks at the two of us and holds his hand up in surrender. “Whatever.” He gives me one last look, taking his time to eye-fuck me. “If you ever need anything, like-”

Jax steps in front of me and gives Ben a slight shove. “I won’t repeat myself. Walk away. Now.”

Jesus, my heart is beating so fast and so loud I’m surprised I’m still standing. Ben mutters a curse under his breath and almost stumbles away. Every emotion I’ve ever felt courses through me as Jax and I lock eyes.

Lust. Love. Betrayal. Anger. Lust.

How is it possible that he’s even more handsome now than he was six years ago?

Piercing blue eyes burn into mine as I sweep my gaze over his features. His hair is cut shorter all over and I can just make out the five o’clock shadow around his jaw, which appears even more chiseled, like it’s cut out of glass. His cheekbones are more angular and defined than they were six years ago.

“Hello, Jax.” My voice is cool and I look away, unable to take the intensity of his stare any longer.

I’m trying not to stare too much, but I notice his muscular body has filled out, his custom tux showing off his physique to perfection. His deep tan reflects perfectly off his crisp white shirt.

“Ava. Congratulations. You look beautiful tonight.”

His voice is deeper, smoother, and my insides tingle.
Surely he can’t still affect me after all these years?

I suck in a breath and nod politely, not trusting my voice. I need to get out of here.

Feeling pressure on my arm, I glance back around to see his hand on me.

“Let me go, Jax.” I don’t want to make a scene, and I see a crowd of people heading our way.

“Ava. Please, can we talk?”

The crowd gets closer and someone is carrying a camera.

“Miss Cortes, would you mind posing for one final picture?”

Saved by the paps.

I flash the photographer a bright smile, grateful for the interruption.

“Sure, just give me a minute?”

As we’re being watched, I smile politely at Jax and shrug my arm away. His eyes darken, unashamedly drinking me in, and I’m flustered under his scrutiny. I spin on my heel.

“Ava. We need to talk, it’s important.” His clear voice rings out from behind me, but I ignore him. Once I’m past the corner, I exhale the deep breath I’m still holding, my insides feeling like jelly.

I smile for more pictures and party the night away with my friends. Yet, all I can think about is Jax Prescott. His presence moves me and shatters my core in a way I haven’t felt in six years.

What the hell kind of spell did he weave over me?


Chapter 19


t’s been
six long years.

I drag myself out of bed, regretting the whiskey nightcap from last night, which then turned into two, then three, until almost half a bottle was consumed.


She was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen back then and now, she was…breathtaking.

I’ve watched her from afar for many years, following her career and seeing how she’s grown into a confident and strong woman. Like a beautiful butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. She’s even more sexy in the flesh - a deadly combination.

I quickly strip, my cock becoming painful with my need for release. Turning on the shower, I step under the warm spray and with the water beating down on me, I wrap my hand around my throbbing erection. Pumping quickly, I brace myself with my other hand against the shower wall as I imagine her plump lips wrapped around me. Her face flashes before me and I see the tumble of her hair around her face, the lush curves of her body, and those irresistible brown eyes. I come hard, groaning.

For the past six years, she’s fulfilled every fantasy of mine.

n hour later
, I’m freshened up and bright-eyed with the help of some eye drops. I make my way across town to my client’s office.

Walking into the ultra-modern glass and steel building where Carter McKenzie Communications is housed, I’m checked through and ride the elevator up to his office. I approach the reception desk, a smile on my face.

“Morning, Jackie, how are you today?”

She colors deeply under my gaze, flustered by my presence, and drops some papers. Feeling bad for her, I look away to give her a moment to compose herself.

“Good morning, Mr. Prescott. Mr. James is expecting you. Please take a seat and I’ll let his secretary know you’re here.”

“Sure thing. Take your time.”

She flutters her lashes, and I grin and take a seat in the waiting area.

I’m helping myself to a glass of water when I hear the clicking of heels behind me. I take a long swig, drain the glass, and then turn around.

A slow smile begins to tug at the corners of my mouth.

Looking as fresh as a daisy, Ava stands in front of me and audibly gasps. Wearing a white shift dress and black stilettos, she’s pulled her long hair up into a ponytail, exposing her beautiful neck. She looks stunning…effortless – you wouldn’t think she’d partied the night away. Her eyes narrow and my pulse begins to hammer in excitement.

She still has that effect on me after all these years.

“What are you doing here, Jax?”

I’m just about to reply when Carter’s voice booms behind me. I internally wince at the sound, the painkillers not yet taking the desired effect on my headache.

“Jax, Ava. Glad you’re both here. Please, do come into my office.”

I stand back to let Ava pass. The color seems to drain from her face and she closes her open mouth.

She gestures with her hand. “What? You know him, Carter? What the hell’s going on here?”

An expression of anger and something else - hurt – flashes in her eyes.

I choose to keep my mouth shut and she storms past me. Six years later, her scent hits me with the force of an air bag. Fresh like a summer’s day with just a hint of a floral undertone. I exhale an uneven breath.


“Ava, Jax, in my office - now.” His tone is clipped and formal, leaving no room for argument.

She shoots me a dirty look and follows Carter into his office while I trail behind, trying to keep my eyes ahead, but instead I’m drawn to the way the dress hugs the curve of her ass and the way her heels accentuate her sexy calf muscles.

I shut the door behind me and take a seat at the corner office table opposite Ava.

Carter brings a brown file from his desk and slides it across the table to her. She raises an eyebrow and wordlessly opens it, scanning the documents inside.

I know exactly what it contains.

Carter adjusts his cuffs while she’s reading. “So, the gist is, we’re being sued for using unauthorized material in the Fletcher campaign.”

I look at Ava, who’s still engrossed with reading the papers. She still worries that bottom lip in concentration, and I want nothing more than to pry it out with my mouth.

“Bring me up to speed.
exactly are we being sued?” She closes the file and looks directly at her father, totally ignoring my presence.

. I missed that.

“So, remember those shots we took across the city, with the models posing in front of the graffiti art?”

She sits forward in her seat, nodding for him to continue.

“Well as you know, the campaign was a hit and the clothing line took off. The ad also went viral. Now, we’re up shit creek as the street artist says he didn’t approve for his art to be used in the campaign.”

“But surely that’s a good thing for him? I mean, the direction we went with for the ad was to capture the essence of Miami, to identify with younger buyers and locals - to share in the culture. Why the hell is he suddenly up in arms about it?” She shakes her head, perplexed.

I clear my throat and she finally acknowledges my presence.

“You haven’t answered my earlier question, Dad.” Her eyes are fixed on me. “What is
doing here?”

“I’m your lawyer, here to represent Carter McKenzie Communications. I specialize in company and copyright law, and Carter has hired my firm to take this on.”

She glares at her father, an eyebrow raised, seeking confirmation. He nods in agreement.

“Jax, why don’t you brief us both on your strategy for this suit? As you and Ava will be working closely together on this, I’d like you to bring her up to speed on everything.”

Clearing my throat, I take a moment to internally regain my composure.

“Sure.” I reach for my briefcase and remove the two sets of documents my secretary had prepared. Standing, I pass them each a folder. The displeasure on Ava’s face is clear with her pursed lips, but she doesn’t comment further.

Next, I open my notes and take them through the defense strategy, focusing on the task at hand. I’m a damn good lawyer, and as distracting as she is, I get down to business and present the facts.

Our eyes lock from time to time, hers clashing with mine and her brows furrowing before she looks away. She makes no attempt to hide her distaste for me. At the end, she fires questions at me that I easily answer and when she throws objections, I counteract each one. Carter watches the play between us, but he remains silent. Finally, we wind up the meeting, Carter seemingly pleased with my strategy.

He pushes back his chair and shuffles the papers together.

“Jax, Ava, I need to jump on a conference call in room three.” He glances at his watch and walks to the door. “I’ll catch up with you both later, but I’m back to back for the remainder of the morning.”

Ava looks like she can’t wait to get away, eyes fixed on the door as he departs. “Sure, I need to catch up with you on business later.”

He calls over his shoulder as he pulls open the door. “Yep. Come find me after lunch.”

And then we’re alone together.

“Ava, I-”

She holds up her palm and stands so abruptly, she almost tips the chair over.

“There’s no need for any explanations, Jax. I’m sure my father has every confidence in your firm.” She flattens her lips and bends down to retrieve her bag.

Within a second, I’m next to her, blocking her in.

I cross my arms and perch on the side of the table.

Her eyes flick over my thighs and travel up my body to hit my eyes.

“What are you doing?” Her voice is soft, and I have to fight the impulse to kiss the hate right out of her.

“I’m not letting you go like this.”

“Excuse me?”

“We need to talk, Kitten.”

She recoils as if I’ve physically hurt her. Her eyes are flashing and she leans closer, jabbing a finger into my chest. “You don’t get to call me that, Jax.
Never call me that again.” She breathes heavily and looks away.

“Since we’re going to be working together,
, we at least need to be civil with each other.
don’t have a problem with that.”

She opens her mouth and quickly closes it again, and I can almost see the cogwheels turning in her head. She clenches her fists by her sides.

?” She laughs out loud, but it’s cold and there’s a whole lot of anger mixed in. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve work to do.” She throws her bag over her shoulder and doesn’t give me a second glance.

“Ava.” My voice is low as she reaches the door. “Do
walk away from me.”

She pulls open the door handle. “Or what?” Smirking, she slams it shut behind her.

I exhale loudly and sink into the seat.

My cell vibrates in my pocket.

“Logan. How’s it going?”

“Not good, man. I’m struggling here. Didn’t expect to stay out so late.”

I smirk into the phone. Even now, he can’t resist a good party. “I take it you had fun at the after party once I’d left?”

“Totally, man. I don’t know why you took off so fast. You could’ve stayed and enjoyed the buffet of hot pussy on offer.”

“Logan, may I remind you that I’m approaching thirty. Maybe I don’t want an all-you-can-eat buffet any longer.”

He laughs at the other end. “Just hold on a sec.” His mouthpiece is muffled and I hear him speaking to someone in the background. “Hey, I’m back. Jesus, I tell you, you can’t get good staff nowadays.” His voice is strained.

“What’s up? Secretary problems again?”

Logan has gone through three secretaries in six months. It didn’t help that he ended up sleeping with two of them.

He sighs on the other end. “Yeah, Ed thinks I can’t keep it in my pants, and he’s hired me a goddamn school matron.”

I laugh out loud picturing her. “So basically, you’re complaining cause she’s not a looker? Jeez man, you need to grow up and settle down. Seriously.”

“Says the infamous bachelor. Okay.”

I check my watch. I have another client meeting in half an hour and need to get going. “What do you need, Logan?”

“Snarky this morning, aren’t we. I’m actually calling about last night. You seemed pretty…affected, shall we say, after your encounter with Ava. By the way, fuck, man, she was hot back then, but she’s totally smoking now, right?”

I close my eyes before I answer. “Yes.” Logan’s still my best friend and we’ve been through a lot over the years. He knows me better than anyone. “That’s not all. I’ve been hired by her father’s firm to represent them. And I have to work with Ava for the next week.”

He lets out a low whistle. “I take it she’s hostile?”

“As fuck.”

He’s quiet on the other end and I almost think he’s dropped the call. “Can I be honest, man?”

“Just say it, Logan.”

“You’ve never been the same since she left. I know you still love her. Fight for her, Jax. Don’t let her go again.”

I blow out a breath. “She hates me, Loge.”

“You need to tell her, man.”

“I will, I just need to find the right moment. But you’re damn right. I’m not letting her go again.”

I can hear his other phone ringing in the background. “Damn, I need to take this, but don’t forget, Chrissie’s visiting next week and I promised we’d take her to dinner.”

Shit, I’d totally forgotten. “Yeah, sure. Jeez, haven’t seen Chrissie in years. She must be all grown up now.”

“Yep, my little cuz is graduating this summer. Anyway, she’s visiting for a few days with her friend. Tuesday. Keep it free. Gotta run.”

He disconnects the line and I gather my stuff together.

I’m already looking forward to seeing Ava again.

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