Love Bites (Bitten Book 4) (19 page)

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Authors: C.C. Wood

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance

BOOK: Love Bites (Bitten Book 4)
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I smiled sleepily as I reclined on the couch. Two days was enough recovery time and I intended to find out what werewolf sex entailed.

“Ricki, it’s time for dinner.”

At the sound of Calder’s voice, my eyes popped open. “Wha?”

He was crouched beside the couch, his face level with mine. Green eyes sparkling, he touched a finger to the tip of my nose. “Not tired at all, huh?”

I scowled at him as I sat up. “What time is it?” I grumbled.

“After six.”

I’d been asleep for four hours.

Calder slid his arms beneath me and lifted me to my feet. “C’mon, your food’s gonna get cold.”

Complaining about bossy men under my breath, I stumbled to the bathroom. A few minutes later, after I’d used the facilities and washed my hands and face, I felt less foggy. I found Calder in the dining area, putting plates and bowls on the table.

“What are we having?”

He grinned at me. “Grilled cheese and tomato soup. I’m afraid that’s all I had time to make.”

I shrugged. “It smells great.”

We sat down together and I managed to hold out for five minutes before I asked, “How did it go with Chloe?”

It was Calder’s turn to shrug. “Okay. Typical stuff. I’m actually glad she won the challenge for pack enforcer before all this shit went down. Anyone else would have caved under the pressure from some of the older guys, but she basically told them to fuck off.” He chuckled briefly, but his expression lost its humor quickly. “I’m glad because it’s going to be hell keeping everything together while Lachlan recovers.”

The sliver of jealousy that pierced me at Calder’s admiration for Chloe faded under a wave of shame. His alpha, now my alpha, was seriously hurt. Where in the hell was my empathy?

“How is he?” I asked.

Calder shook his head. “His physical injuries are almost healed, but the wound of losing a mate can kill the strongest of us.”

“What do you mean, mate? Lachlan had a mate?”

Calder nodded. “He marked Belinda.”

My eyes widened. I’d had no idea. I thought he was just keeping her safe until the Faction was dealt with.

“Do you think he’ll survive?”

“There’s no way of knowing. Now that I’m back, Chloe is going to devote most of her time to keeping him breathing. Considering what a tough bitch she is, I think his chances are good.”

Neither of us spoke much as we finished the meal. I helped him with the few dishes, though he tried to get all bossy again. I was quickly learning that ignoring him was the way to go. I just did what I intended to anyway.

When we finished, he rolled his shoulders as though his muscles were tense. “I need a shower. Why don’t you find something for us to watch on TV and I’ll be back down in a few minutes?”

I stared at his back as he left the room, shaking my head at his oblivious nature. Just because I’d been an obedient little girl the last few days, he seemed to expect that would be the new status quo. Apparently he needed a reminder that I wasn’t a meek, compliant sort of woman.

When I heard the shower come on upstairs, I ascended the steps quickly. I intended to kill two birds with one stone. First, I would assert my independence by ignoring his command to
find us something to watch
. And, secondly, I would assuage my curiosity about how different sex might be now that I was turned.

As quietly as possible, I stripped off my clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor. The bathroom was already partially filled with steam when I entered on silent feet. I could see Calder standing beneath the stream of water, his head down as he let the shower beat down on his body.

When I opened the door to the shower, his head came up and he looked over his shoulder. His jaw tightened as his eyes trailed over my naked body. “Ricki…”

I shook my head. I wasn’t going to listen to any lame excuses. He needed me and I definitely needed him.

I stepped into the shower, sucking in a sharp breath at the heat of the water. It was almost scalding. My skin quickly adjusted to the temperature and I grabbed the shampoo off the small tiled ledge that ran the entire length of the stall.

After I squirted a dollop into my palm, I began massaging it into his scalp. With a low groan, Calder let his head fall back as I washed his hair, lightly scratching his scalp with my nails. A few minutes later, I tilted his head to rinse out the shampoo.

Then I took the wash cloth and began to lather the soap into it. For all his bossy behavior the last few days, he was surprisingly docile as I ran the cloth over his shoulders and chest. I guided him so that his back was to me so I could wash that as well. I knelt behind him, moving the soapy terry cloth down his buttocks and legs.

“Turn around,” I murmured.

He did as I asked without hesitation and I noticed with some satisfaction that his cock was hard and ready. Calder hissed as I cleaned his shaft and the heavy sacs beneath.

I watched as the water streamed down his body, rinsing away the soap. I lifted my eyes to his and found him watching me through lowered lids. Slowly, I leaned forward, opened my mouth, and licked the head of his dick.

His body stiffened and his green eyes grew hot. Our gazes still locked, I did it again, only this time, I started at the base and let my tongue glide to the tip.

“Fuck, you look sexy as hell,” he growled. He threaded his fingers through my hair, but he didn’t try to tug me forward.

I wrapped a hand around his cock and sucked him into my mouth as far as I could take him. His grip on my hair tightened almost painfully and I moaned. I kept my hand at the base of his shaft as he began to fuck my mouth with shallow thrusts.

I sealed my lips around his cock and he moaned. That sound made tingles spread throughout my body and I heard a low growl echoing in the shower. When his hips jerked and he cursed, I realized that the sound was rumbling out of my chest.

“Ricki, I’m gonna come,” he gasped.

I sucked him harder, squeezing his cock with my hand, and that was all it took. I watched his head fall back as he came, his shoulders and chest rigid as he panted rapidly, and I swallowed every bit of his release.

I gentled my mouth, but kept licking and sucking as his body shuddered above me until he tugged my head away.

He leaned weakly against the shower wall, staring down at me. “Holy shit, Ricki.”

I laughed and rose to my feet. Calder didn’t move from his position against the wall as I turned off the water and grabbed two towels off the rack. I handed him one then stepped out of the shower to dry myself off. I wrapped the towel around my body and walked into the bedroom.

Suddenly, a heavy weight hit my back and I found myself face down on the bed, my legs dangling over the side so my feet touched the floor. Calder snarled as he literally tore the towel off of me. His damp skin was scorching hot as he pressed his naked body along my back.

“Did you think we were done, Ricki?” His teeth nipped at my shoulder before he continued. “Because we’re far from done. Forget all night, I’m going to fuck you into next week.”

I shuddered beneath him as his hands cupped my hips, his fingers digging into the hollow of my hip bones.

“I’m going to make you come so many times that you’ll beg me to stop.”

I whimpered as he flipped me over, tossing me into the center of the bed. Then his head was between my thighs, his mouth devouring me. My body locked down as he thrust two fingers inside me. His lips and tongue felt like an erotic assault, forcing me to climax rather than coaxing it slowly.

The orgasm hit me so hard and fast that it almost hurt. I threw my head back and cried out, the scream lifting until it became a howl. If this was what orgasms felt like as a werewolf, I was pissed Calder hadn’t wanted to turn me earlier.

Calder showed no mercy. He jerked me to the edge of the bed and impaled me, sliding inside me fast and deep. I reared up, my nails sinking into his pectorals at the sudden fullness. He shoved my knees apart with his hands, pinning them to the bed on either side of me, leaving me with no way to control the depth of his thrusts.

I clawed at his back and shoulders, overwhelmed by the sensations cascading through my body. The pleasure was so intense it burned, a pain that I craved. When my head fell back, Calder’s teeth latched on to my neck, biting down hard enough to break the skin.

His hips slammed into mine over and over, the tension in my abdomen growing with each impact. Calder released my neck, his mouth trailing to down to my breasts. He nipped at them, sucking my nipples hard enough to make me see stars.

The orgasm ripped through me then, destroying my ability to think or breathe. I felt something shift in my mouth, my teeth growing in length, and I had the irrepressible urge to bite. My chin lifted and I closed my mouth over the smooth curve where Calder’s neck met his shoulder.

“Fuck!” he shouted, the punishing rhythm of his thrusts faltering. His hips jerked and I felt the heat of his release inside my body, something I’d never experienced before.

My heart thundered in my chest as I fought to get air into my lungs. I’d never felt anything like that before, pleasure so intense it bordered on agony. My body was still twitching and shivering beneath Calder’s, little aftershocks of my mind blowing orgasm rippling through me.

Slowly, I released my hold on his neck and licked at the wound I’d left there. Calder’s breath caught in his throat as I continued the slow, even strokes of my tongue.

I pulled back and looked at the imprint of my teeth in his skin. While I watched, the blood stopped oozing and the skin began to knit together, leaving behind a shiny pink scar.

“Whoa,” I whispered.

Calder tucked his face into my neck, his lips nuzzling my ear. “What?”

“I bit you and it’s already closed up.”

I felt rather than saw the motion of his smile. “Hmmm. It’ll leave a scar though.” He sounded pleased as he said it.

“And that makes you happy?” I asked.

“More than you know.”

Calder lifted his head so he could look down at me. His eyes never left my face as he shifted his hips, withdrawing from my body before sliding back inside with excruciating slowness.

He smirked when my breath stuttered in my chest, but that smug smile faded when I licked my lips while staring at his mouth.

“Kiss me,” I demanded, tangling my hands in his hair and tugging his head down. “I want to taste you.”

He growled against my lips, his tongue thrusting into my mouth in unison with the thrust of his cock between my legs.

A few moments later, he pulled away from me slightly so he could speak. “So how many more times do you think you’ll come before you beg me to stop?” he asked breathlessly.

I yanked at his hair. “I’ll never beg you to stop.”

The gleam in his green eyes was downright wicked. “We’ll see about that.”

It wasn’t until dawn that we called it a draw and surrendered to exhaustion.

Chapter Seventeen


ell, my life
as a werewolf wasn’t off to the best start.

Calder was great and the sex…..the sex was even better than I imagined it would be. Apparently, heightened senses did increase sexual satisfaction. There was also the small fact that I hungered for Calder’s touch. My appetite for his body and his attention overwhelmed me. I was voracious.

He didn’t leave me alone often, but when he did, I felt like I was going to crawl out of my skin while he was gone. I constantly had to suppress my instinct to track my mate. I asked him to take me along now that I was recovered but he refused. I tried demanding to go, which ended in a heated argument, swiftly followed by angry sex. Angry sex was awesome.

To make matters worse, the only other person I saw was Chloe. My discomfort in her presence dissipated quickly, but I also wanted to meet the other pack members. I walked through the compound on several occasions but it was like a ghost town. There were cars in driveways, smoke drifting out of chimneys, but I never saw another soul. It was creepy and left me feeling a little freaked out.

Then there were the changes in my body. I’d ruined three outfits in a week’s time because I couldn’t control my shifting or my strength. One minute I would be sitting on the couch or making breakfast, and the next I would be tangled up in my clothes and have to tear my way out with my fangs because I was in wolf form.

Calder assured me that this was normal but even I could hear the concern in his voice. I had no control over my body and it scared the hell out of me.

Not only was I shifting randomly, but I couldn’t control my own strength half the time. I no longer touched my cat because I worried I would hurt her. I crushed glasses when I lifted them, broke furniture, even splintered the banister on the stairs because I couldn’t control my own grip. I felt like a freak.

After the first few times, I stopped mentioning anything to Calder. I could see that he was stressed to the max. Between Lachlan’s convalescence, pack business, and taking care of me, he was working himself to the point of exhaustion. I couldn’t add to that. I decided to deal with it myself.

I also decided that Calder would no longer be dealing with pack business alone. If I was allowed to attend, I would go. Period.

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