Learning To Fly (Fated Love Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Learning To Fly (Fated Love Book 1)
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I nodded softly as she bent down slightly and pressed her lips to mine. Closing my eyes, I pulled her back with me onto the bed and just wrapped my arms around her. “So have you decided where we are going to live, darlin’?”

“Like you even have to ask.”

“Tennessee?” Maddie just nodded, and I closed my eyes. All of our family was there. It’s where our baby would be born and raised. Just like their daddy.


Once we finally decided to get up again, we headed downstairs. So far, there had been no update on Michael or whoever was pulling his strings, but I guess no news was good news, right? When we left here tonight, we were headed for Carson City. The tour organizers wanted him in Vegas, but Morgan hated that idea and refused to play in Nevada unless they booked somewhere else. Instead, they booked him in the middle of the desert hoping to get him to change his mind. After the last few weeks though, he knew he’d made the right decision.

After he told me about his conversation with Lucas in the early hours of the morning, I had to wonder why they all thought listening to me was a good idea. I was offering myself up as bait, for Christ’s sake. What sane person does that? A few times today, I almost told him I was wrong, and I should have, but I didn’t. I didn’t because somewhere deep inside was that strong, tough as nails, graduate of the school of hard knocks, and they were letting her come out. Josh never did that. He’d always kept me down so I would be submissive to him. I guess it was so that when he cheated on me, I wouldn’t have the guts to question it. I would just let him walk all over me and screw around behind my back. He was wrong though, and I was not about to become that girl now. Not again.

Morgan had brought up about me going on stage again. He really wanted to see me up there. Saying no to him after all he was doing for me, didn’t really seem like an option, so I agreed. Two songs. One for him and then one with him that would lead into his set. I didn’t want their shows to be cut short to make room for me, so we would cut the intermission short. Everyone agreed to that, so now we were just trying to find our songs. Because the band had been around for a while, they knew how to play almost every song you could think of. The idea of the duet being an acoustic with both of us playing guitars was thrown in the mix, and it didn’t sound like a bad idea. If we found the right song, that is.

I sat up straight from where I was lying on the couch.  Morgan and Lucas stopped talking. “I’ve got it.”

“Oh? Whatcha got, darlin’?”

“Our song.” I had been going through my iTunes to find the perfect song for us when it dawned on me. “Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.”

“Which song?”

“All of them! Well, the love songs, anyway. Maybe each state we could do a new one. Maybe start with ‘Just To Hear You Say You Love Me’ or ‘It’s Your Love’ or ‘I Need You’.”

“I like that, but can we change the first song we start with?”

I nodded. “Which one did you want to start with, baby?”

His lips curled into a smirk. “Let’s Make Love.”

I could feel my cheeks heating up. “Dammit, I was hoping I could get out of that one.” He raised a brow questioningly, and I just shook my head. “All right, we can do that one first. I am in no way responsible for wanting to jump you afterwards, though. Just saying.”

Morgan pulled me closer. “We’ll just have to take a little longer getting to the bus then, darlin’.”

“GUYS! I’m right here.” I turned to look at Lucas, who was now covering his ears, and I laughed.


“Way too much sharing going on,” said Lucas.

“Then you may want to leave before more starts to happen,” said Morgan.

I swatted Morgan’s chest. “Morgan! Be nice!”

“Oh, he is. Could have just come out and said ‘Get the fuck out!’”

I laughed because it was true. Lucas closed the door behind him, and Morgan moved to lock it. He scooped me up, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. “Aren’t you gonna tell the guys?”


He silenced me with a heated kiss, and I closed my eyes. Laying me down on the couch, he hovered over me and kissed down along my jaw, his lips softly brushing over my neck as his hand slid beneath my shirt. His fingertips trailed lightly over my stomach. He hadn’t really touched me like this since he found out about the baby. Granted it had only been a few days, but that was just unheard of for us. I bit down softly on my lip as Morgan’s hand slid beneath my shirt. The tips of his fingers slid between my lips, applying pressure when he got to my nub.

“Fuck, darlin’. So wet for me.” His lips found mine again, and he kissed me hard. Moaning softly against his lips, I rocked my hips against his hand as I silently begged for more. My need for his dick to be buried inside me grew as my release began to rise. My walls tightened around his fingers as he slid them inside my core.

“Oh God! Morgan! Just fuck!” I arched my back off the couch and another soft moan escaped me. He thrust his fingers deeper, which caused another moan, only this time it was louder.

“Come for me, darlin’, and you can have what you want.” I shook my head, and Morgan just smirked. “You can try to take control, but I will win this one. Come for me. Don’t make me stop.”

“God, no!” I swallowed hard.
He wouldn’t dare.

I looked up at him, and his brow rose, his smirk growing. “Five… Four… Three… Two…” When he got to one, I closed my eyes and cried out his name in pleasure as I let go of my release. I opened my eyes and looked up at him.  He wore a satisfied grin. “See now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him back so he was sitting. Moving to straddle his waist, I undid his jeans and slid my hand beneath his boxers. My lips curled into a smirk against his skin when I leaned in to kiss his neck. “About as hard as this.”

He groaned as his hands found my waist. He lifted me up just long enough to wiggle out of his jeans. Curling his fingers around my panties and moving them out of the way, he wrapped his hands around my wrist and pulled me closer. Raising my hips to hover over his cock, I slowly lowered myself down until he slid inside me. A small moan escaped my lips, and I closed my eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I slowly began to raise my hips back up before slamming down hard. I heard him groan again before he moved his hands to my hips and our pace picked up. I kissed along his jaw and down to his neck where I hid my face as our bodies moved together.

The waves of pleasure were coursing through my body and I could feel my release building once more. His harder thrusts inside my core told me he was close to coming, as well. Pulling my face out of his neck, I pressed my lips hard against his as my body began to shake. Letting my head fall back as I reached my peak, I slammed down onto his cock one more time and cried out his name in pleasure as I let go. My walls tightened around his cock as I came. Feeling his lips against my neck, he slammed his cock hard into me for a few more thrusts before he grunted.   I could feel his seed filling me as he came, too. Grinning, I met his lips as I tried to catch my breath.

“Thank you, Tim and Faith.” He chuckled, and I collapsed against him, burrowing into his neck as I relaxed in this blissful moment.


Once Maddie and I cleaned ourselves up and got ready, we found the guys and told them our song selection for the night. Maddie also told them what she planned to do with the other shows so they could be prepared. She said she still wasn’t sure which songs she would do solos of, but she would plan them out and tell them. When we were done with the guys, we got her microphones set up and got her ready as the girls who were before her finished. Lexie and Abby walked off the stage, and I turned to Maddie. She was white as a ghost.

“Darlin’. I need you to breathe for me. You’re gonna be great.” I squeezed her hand, and she gripped mine tight. “They’ll love you, darlin’. We’ll be right here. It’s just a few minutes, and then I will be out there with you.” Maddie just nodded and took the juice Lucas handed her. Hopefully, we could keep her from passing out and get her through this.

When Neil, our tour manager, gave me a nod, I moved to stand in front of Maddie. Lifting her chin so she looked at me, I grinned. “I love you, darlin’. It’s show time.”

She gave me a nervous smile and kissed me. “I love you too, baby. See you in a few minutes.” I kissed her nose and moved back around her. I slapped her ass as I passed her, and she turned to glare at me.

“Go kick ass, darlin’.” Maddie took a deep breath and held her hand out for her guitar. Taking it from the roadies and putting the strap over her shoulders, Maddie stepped out onto the stage and moved toward the front. I couldn’t help but grin as I moved to a spot where I could see her better. The way she was talking and handling herself, you would never know she was the same nervous wreck who was just here.

I looked over my shoulder as Lucas and Daniel came to stand with me. “Do you know what song she is gonna do?” asked Lucas.

I shook my head. “We only talked about ours. Maddie’s kept this one quiet.” We all went silent as her fingers began to pluck the strings, and she started to play ‘Burning House’ by Cam.  

Everyone stopped what they were doing and just watched her. She sucked everyone in and captivated them. My God, she was amazing. When she’d finished, Scott started to play our song.  She handed Joe her guitar back and started to sing ‘Let’s Make Love’. I had a microphone thrust at me as she finished the chorus.  I stepped out onto the stage and made my way over to her. When she heard my voice, Maddie turned and
our eyes locked onto each other’s. I got to her side and took her hand, pulling her close to me as I wrapped my free arm around her back. Soon, the song ended, and we just stood looking into each other’s eyes, grinning. I stepped back, and with great difficulty, I turned my attention to the crowd.

“Maddison Lee, ladies and gentlemen! Wasn’t she fantastic?” I turned back to look at her and grinned as I held her arm up in the air. “We did this unofficially last night, but tonight was the first time it was planned. Since y’all loved it, we might just have to keep doing it!” I pulled her back close to me and kissed her head. “Tonight, is our last night here in Arizona before we head off to our next lot of shows. I can honestly say I have never had a better weekend. Thank y’all for being so amazing. Now, because I like to throw my gorgeous fiancée in the deep end, I am going to keep her here for one more song. Whatya think?”

They all started chanting “One more song” and I laughed. Thank God, my band knew this was happening, or I would be a dead man about now.

After we made a duet out of one of my songs, Maddie left the stage and went back to the boys. I finished off my set, and once I did my encore, I left the stage and wrapped my arms around Maddie as I kissed her neck. “Shall we go?”

The boys nodded, and we all headed to the bus out the back. Daniel and Lucas led us out with Thomas and Nate following behind us. Our bags and things had already been taken care of, so we just had to leave. The closer we got to the back door, the more unsettled I felt. Pulling Maddie closer to me, I tucked her into my side and stepped outside. As soon as my left foot touched the ground, I heard an explosion to the right of us, and we were all thrown backward. Maddie and I landed on Thomas and Nate, who hit the wall hard. Daniel and Lucas were thrown into us. I scrambled off Nate and made my way over to Maddie.

“Maddie?” I heard a soft groan as I helped Lucas off her and checked her out. I could hear the faint sound of sirens and hoped to God one of those was an ambulance.  


I tried to open my eyes, but the bright lights hurt. With a groan, I shifted and tried to move, but I felt a hand on my shoulder stopping me as a calming voice told me to just relax.
What the hell happened?
I heard beeping in the background and felt a hand moving along my arm. As the seconds passed, the pounding in my head got louder and louder. Moving my hand to my head, I whimpered softly and tried to swallow the ball in my throat as my emotions started to get the better of me.
. My eyes flew open.  I saw him sitting on the bed next to me and let out a sigh of relief.

“Hey there. You really awake this time?”

I nodded slightly and instantly regretted it as the pain hit again. “Fuck!” I closed my eyes and lay back against the pillow. “Baby? What the hell happened?”

“Hold on, darlin’.” I grabbed his hand and opened my eyes as I felt him get up. “Darlin’, I need to get the doctor. Then I will explain, I promise.”

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