Learn to Fly (19 page)

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Authors: Heidi Hutchinson

BOOK: Learn to Fly
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our opener for the next month.” Carl said, not hiding his
displeasure. “The label told me a few hours ago.”

doesn’t answer why you’re
emphasized “
my freaking

Lenny was too
stunned to say anything. Luke never lost his temper. Ever. And he
was beyond livid. She felt like she shouldn’t be here except
that Luke had brought her. She knew her eyes were wide but she was
pretty sure no one was paying attention to her.

baby, I thought you’d be happier to see me.” Ashton
wasn’t fazed by Luke's shouting or the angry glares focused on
her. Her full, pouty lips made it impossible to look away from her
mouth while she spoke. She went on to explain nonchalantly, “My
band is riding with Sway and them. I’m gonna bunk with you.”
She winked.

Lenny almost threw
up. She had finally placed who the bimbo was. Ashton James was a
recording artist, which was the simple explanation. The more
detailed version included her being Luke’s ex-girlfriend.
Their relationship had been very public and fans blamed her for a lot
of the problems between the band members two years ago. Including
Mike’s overdose and following hospitalization. Modern day Yoko.

Luke said, deadly quiet, “You can ride with the crew.”

Ashton rolled her eyes and pushed her flawless, chocolate hair back
over her bare shoulder on one side. “Carl already said it was
okay.” She didn't even pause her filing and looked at Luke.
“It’ll be just like old times.”

never said it was okay,” Carl was trying not to rage. “You
backed me into a corner, you
He turned to explain to Luke who hadn’t stopped glowering at
Ashton. “Her
filled the empty spaces of the crew buses and the Red Bus. Your bus
is the only one with room until we get to Denver, then the label will
have one for her.”

the groupie?” Ashton suddenly narrowed her eyes at Lenny and
Lenny immediately felt her body shift into a defensive stance.

their assistant.” Carl answered automatically, still caught up
in his own frustrations.

Lenny felt her face
start to redden as Ashton looked her up and down with a knowing
smirk. She didn't even know this girl and she already hated her.

you guys finally hired a professional to keep you happy? The
groupies too inexperienced for you now?” Ashton ran her tongue
over her teeth and arched an eyebrow.

you implying that I'm a whore?” Lenny bristled, causing Luke
to take a step in between the two women.

I was calling you one outright.” Ashton's eyes flared
slightly, daring Lenny to react. “You're not?”

is our personal assistant.” Everyone looked up to see Mike
standing calmly in the doorway to the back lounge.

Ashton rolled her
eyes and looked back to her nails.

Mike addressed without taking his glare off Ashton, “You don’t
do anything she says.” He took a few steps across the room and
stood in front of Lenny with his back to Ashton. “I moved your
things for you from the crew bus when I heard Lucifer was joining the
tour, you’re staying with us. Permanently.”

knew it, you're all addicted to blondes. I hope she's at least clean.
You had her tested, right?” Ashton’s voice dripped with

Mike grabbed Lenny’s
shoulders to stop her from charging forward. His jaw clenched
visibly and he pushed Lenny towards the door. He looked over his
shoulder at Luke who was visibly shaking with anger. “Sound
check, man.” Luke nodded but didn’t respond.

When they got out
into the parking lot, Lenny yelled to expel her frustration,
“What…The…Hell?!” She had never hated
anyone instantly before.

A few seconds later
Carl stormed off the bus grumbling, “Never hit a woman! Never
hit a woman!” Guess Lenny wasn't the only one with
self-control issues at the moment.

Mike kept walking;
he motioned for Lenny to join him. She got close enough and he
hooked an arm around her neck, pulling her towards the stage area.

let her get under your skin.” His jaw was working furiously
but his voice stayed even. “She's gonna say and do all she can
to make you want to...well, kill yourself.” He snorted and
shook his head. “No one knows better than me how effectively
she can get into your head. Just don't listen to anything she says,

Lenny was mad. She
was mad because Ashton James shouldn't be anyone to fear. She was
mad because this person had hurt Mike in the past. And she was mad
that Luke was alone with her.

about the rule? She can't stay on the bus.” Lenny was
grasping and she knew it.

agree. If I can't have heroin on the bus than
sure as hell shouldn't be allowed either.”


Luke took a deep
breath and tried to calm the adrenaline coursing through his body.
He paced back and forth across the floor and rubbed the back of his
head with his palm.

wrong with you?” Ashton asked, focused again on her nails.

stared at her for a minute, not really believing she was back in his
life. Just when things with Lenny were…
what? I mean really, what’s going on with Lenny anyway? Every
time I try to make a move of any kind she runs away.
Luke shook his head, trying to focus on the present problem sitting
in his view.

look good.” Ashton eyed him seductively, attempting to change
the subject.

He heaved out his
breath and sat down in a chair across from her.

look,” he began calmly; they’d had this conversation many
times. “Please try to listen to what I’m saying.”
She raised her eyebrow and gave him a bored expression.

tour is different; there will be no ‘like old times.’ At
all.” He tried to decipher her blank look. “No drugs,
no sex, no wild parties. You understand?”

Ashton squinted her
eyes as she tried to decide which part to argue with and made a face.
“Ugh, you’re boring.” She flipped her nail file
onto the table and crossed her legs. “Any other ‘rules’,

That was the thing
with Ashton, when they were alone together she could almost be
reasoned with. If he approached it right.

is our personal assistant, you can’t talk to her like that.
She deserves respect and she's going to get it.”

Ashton leaned
forward, her eyes glinting with mischief, “Why, is she your

Luke knew that Ashton’s jealousy could take a nasty turn if
she found out he had actual feelings for Lenny. It would be so much
worse than if Ashton believed they were only sleeping together.

why do you care how I talk to her?” Ashton's lip curled in a
disbelieving smirk.

kick your ass, Ashton.” Luke answered honestly. “And if
you don't tone down the attitude, I'm pretty sure no one will stop

you're worried about me?” Ashton sat back and pouted like a
child. Luke’s stomach churned. He couldn’t believe he
had been with her for so long. He had definitely underestimated how
wasted he had kept himself two years ago.

exactly,” Luke grumbled.


was late to sound check and completely distracted. But he promised
the guys he would be on for the show. Lenny fidgeted nervously in
the sound booth, waiting for Ashton to grace the audience with her
presence. She hadn’t talked to Luke since leaving him on the
bus with her. What could she say?
your ex is a piece of work, mind if I smother her in her sleep?
Yeah, that's all she could come up with.

The lights dimmed
and the band started playing a slow ballad. Ashton appeared in the
spotlight. Her body seemed to be completely proportionate and Lenny
had to wonder how much of that was credit to an experienced surgeon
on the west coast. She worked the crowd over and brought them to
their feet. By the time her set was done, even Lenny was clapping.
That tramp could really sing. It was completely unfair.

it was Double Blind Study’s turn to take the stage, they were
delayed. Lenny started to chew on her fingernails, wondering what
was going on backstage. Greg muttered something into his radio,
someone muttered back. He cued the lights and Mike struck the first
beat of a very shaky performance. They got stronger as they
continued but it wasn’t great. Lenny was nervous for them.
The guys seemed disconnected from each other. This had never
happened before. At least, not on

the encore, Lenny decided to make her way back to the bus. Her
footsteps were heavy as she climbed inside. Ashton, not
unexpectedly, was sitting in the lounge reading a
magazine. Her dark hair hung perfectly down her back, not a strand
out of place. Her long, fabulous legs stretched out on the couch in
front of her. She was wearing a mens t-shirt and lacy panties. That
was all.

Lenny rolled her
eyes and walked past her.

not special.” Ashton’s dig was unexpected and Lenny
halted in her tracks.

She knew from Mike's
warning that she should keep walking but she wanted to see what all
the fuss was about. She faced Ashton, taking in her full lips and
high cheekbones. Not one thing about this woman was even remotely
flawed; and again, Lenny wondered how much of it had been paid for.
Her eyelashes were even thick enough that Lenny guessed she probably
didn't have to wear much makeup at all.

think they care about you and they’ll fight for you.”
Ashton turned her wicked blue eyes to Lenny. “But they won’t.”

don’t need anyone to fight for me.” Lenny declared,
knowing she was letting Ashton do exactly what Mike had warned her
she would do.

Ashton laughed
mockingly, “You’re so clueless. You really think you
matter to them, it's actually kind of sweet.” She closed her
magazine and set it aside. “But you don't have anything to
offer they can't get somewhere else. You're a simple novelty, a
shiny new toy. You're replaceable.”

Lenny took a step
towards her but Luke and Mike came inside at that moment. Ashton
jumped up and wrapped her arms around Luke’s neck, giving Lenny
a great view of her perfect ass. Luke had eye contact with Lenny
over Ashton's shoulder. Lenny rolled her eyes in disgust and went to
the back lounge. Mike followed close behind.

didn’t have any clean pajamas so I borrowed one of your shirts,
I hope that’s okay.” Ashton’s sing-song voice
could be heard throughout the cabin. It made Lenny want to rip her
ears off and throw them out the window. “I mean, I always used
to wear your shirts to bed before…” Lenny gave Mike a
look and pretended to stab herself and bleed out. Mike stifled his

Luke stuck his head
the doorway, “What are you guys doing?”

watch a movie. Out there seemed a little, I don’t know,”
Mike acted like he was searching for the right word, “
for my taste.”

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