Lang, Chloe - Wilde Surrender [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (9 page)

BOOK: Lang, Chloe - Wilde Surrender [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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“You’re wondering why I made the braid longer than your hair falls?”

She nodded.

“You’re about to find out the reason.” He left the bed. “Stand up, pet.”

She obeyed, and he spun her to a position facing away from him. “Looks good.” Austin turned her again so that she could look up into his eyes. He cupped her breasts. A tingle shot down her spine and into her pussy.

“Time to tie these beauties up. Ready?” he asked.

“Yes, Master.”

He grabbed up a very long rope, leaving some of the length still on the bed. “I’m going to put you into ball-tie that will restrain you into a fetal position where your legs are bent double until your heels press against that sweet ass of yours.”

She felt his rough hands rub her bottom, and heat swelled through her.

He continued his instructions, while tying her wrists and elbows behind her back. “You’ll enjoy this position because I can leave you in it for a long time without chance of injury. How are you doing, pet?”

“I’m green, Master.”

“You have had some training. Good. Tell me what the colors mean.”

She felt like a child’s toy as he spun her around, wrapping her breasts back and wrists up with the ropes. “Yes, Master. I’m good whenever I answer ‘green.’ ‘Yellow’ means I’m close to my limit.”

“And red?”

“About to reach my hard limit, and I’m close to saying my safe word.” She didn’t want to think about what it would mean to speak her word to him.

“Don’t fret, Jessie. If you feel the need to say ‘red’ or your safe word, do it.” He cupped her chin and lifted so that she gazed into his eyes. “But trust me, pet, I know more about your state than you do. You’ll see.” He stepped back, scanned his handiwork, and then he nodded.

He placed the blindfold on her, tying it behind her braid.

A delicious darkness took her to a woozy space.

“Yes, Master.”

“I’m not going to gag you, sweetheart. I want to hear your moans. But I am going to help quiet your mind by taking something away from you. Want to guess what?”

“I can’t think of anything, Master.”

“Say hello to silence, pet.”


Chapter Seven

Jessie felt Austin place something in her ears, and all sound faded to nothingness. Without sight or hearing, the three senses he’d left her with—smell, touch, and taste—were heightened to deliriousness.

In the quiet and darkness he’d provided, her nipples stung and ached from his pinches and licks. She could smell his scent of leather and musk, and her clit throbbed. When she tasted his lips pressing against hers, her pussy dampened beyond what she thought possible.

Master had captured her.

There was no escape.

Another kiss. Penetrating, but tender. Then she sensed him leave the bed. Instantly, she missed his weight on top of her. Nervousness welled up inside her. Had he left the room, too? If so, where was he going? What was next? How long would he leave her this way? She couldn’t move, couldn’t see, couldn’t hear…

She realized her questions were futile. All she could do was wait as she was under his complete control. He’d left her the ability to speak, so she still had her safe word, but she had no need of it. Her throat vibrated as she exhaled her last sigh of surrender.

Even though she couldn’t move, she actually felt comfortable in the ball-tie on the bed. Her mind drifted into a lazy subspace where time didn’t seem to exist. Then she felt him lift her up in his arms. He placed her onto something that she thought might be a cushioned table. Then the vibration let her know he was moving her.

The thing has wheels.
Where is he taking me? To his dungeon, I bet.

But the trip continued too long for that to be their destination.

When a breeze hit her skin, she knew they were in his fenced garden. She recalled the gorgeous space. Having sex with Master in the tranquility of the outdoors she knew would be amazing. But the trek of her table continued.

Her heart thudded in her chest as the heat of the sun warmed her skin. It couldn’t be past noon, and the forecast had clear skies. Was he taking her out of the seclusion of his yard?
Oh God!
Any wandering passerby would be able to see her tied up like a turkey for Thanksgiving.

She waited for the table to jerk going down the front steps, but when it didn’t, she deduced he was taking her out the back part of his property. She’d never seen that area, but thankfully remembered he was far from any other homes or civilization. She felt his hand on her back. His rubs were gentle and calming. Still immobile, blind, and deaf, she did her best to focus. With her amplified remaining senses, she took in every clue. The air smelled fresh. By the feel of the table, she knew they were heading up a hill.

Then the vibration of the table ended. Master’s hand left her back.

Jessie’s nerve endings sparked to life, every one of them, as excitement and anxiety danced together inside her. The lack of stimulus continued for some time. She hummed just to feel the vacillation in her throat.

Suddenly, she felt her ropes being removed, first freeing her hair, then her ankles, next her wrists, and so on. This took some time, but with each inch returned to her, tingles spread over her skin. What could Austin have planned for her?

Soon, he guided her to a standing position. His hands rubbed every inch of her body, spending an extravagant amount of time on her pussy. Her clit burned and ached until she was dizzy. Then, sound and sight returned to her as Master removed her blindfold and earplugs.

She blinked in full sun, her eyes unable to focus.

His tone was commanding and richly deep. “Give me a color, pet.”

“Green, Master. I’m green.” Tingles spread through her, as he nodded his approval.


Wearing only her training collar now, she finally was able to bring into focus the table that had been her transport to this place. It did have wheels and a shelf below. On the shelf were the ropes Master had used to restrain her in a ball-tie. Now, they were neatly wrapped up and put away. Seeing the other items on the lower part of the table like wrist cuffs, paddles, and whips made her temperature shoot up.

“Vision clear?”

“Yes, Master.” She saw he was wearing his leather vest that meant the next round would be anything but light. Her pussy moistened, and her body flamed.

Jessie looked past him to the landscape, and she realized she’d been here before. Her jaw dropped. She spun around and saw something that she’d not known was so close to Austin’s house.

His tree!

“But…” She thought about her two trips to his tree, and her knees became wobbly. “Did you see?

He pulled her to his side. “Yes, pet. Once. The time you left with Dallas.”

“Oh God.” Her hands shot up to her face. She couldn’t process or distinguish the colliding feelings through her. Anger, shock, shame, excitement, and a million other emotions fought for space inside her head. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything.” He grabbed her hair braid and pulled her back to his side. “Who’s in charge here?”

There was no doubt in her.
He saw everything.
“You are.”

“That’s right. Good girl.” He attached cuffs to her wrists and gathered up some items. She was too woozy and spent to look to see what they were. Instead, she leaned into his chest.

He led her to the tree. “We’re here now to issue punishment for trespassing. That’s considered a pretty big crime in these parts, pet. So, I’ll not be going light on you. No paddles. You’re about to graduate to feel the bite of my whip. Understand?”

She swallowed hard, anxious as to what was coming. “I think so.”

“Some members of The Masters’ Chambers say I’m sadistic, but I pride myself on my self-control. Pain has a purpose. It’s a tool. Doesn’t work for everyone the same way, but for you, it works like a charm.”

Jessie knew what he said was true.

Master attached her wrist cuffs to the clamps in the tree limb above her head. “Excellent, pet.”

Warmth shot through her body up from her pussy and into her throbbing clit.

“This is my specialized leg spreader.” He held it up for her to see. It looked like a shiny metal tube with several loops on the ends. “I’m going to attach this to your ankles. You see the two rings near the ends?”

As gooseflesh popped up on her skin, she nodded.

“Those, I’ll stake to the ground, fastening the spreader so you won’t be able to move an inch. It’ll feel different than the ball-tie, but it will still immobilize you just as well.”

Per his promise, he anchored her to the tree and the ground with her arms above her head and her legs spread wide. She listened to his final step to immobilize her. The metal clang hit her eardrums hard as he drove the rods into the earth.

Austin pulled out a long black whip from the table’s lower shelf. “Ready to be introduced to my singletail’s bite?”

She chewed on her lip, wanting to answer, but unable to find words.

“Give me a color, pet.”

“Y–Yellow,” she whispered.

“Good girl. Let’s get you back to green.” He kissed her deeply, until her body felt like a drenched cloth. His tongue swept into her mouth, sending hot and overwhelming sensations through her.

He tugged on her hair braid and brought his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his lips devastating assault. She moaned her surrender into his mouth.

“What color now, pet?”

She sighed. “Green, Master.”

“Excellent.” He stepped back, and studied her. “Listen to me, Jessie. It’s true that a whip in inexperienced hands can be very dangerous, but I’m very experienced. I have been throwing single tails for years, and I practice with my whips every day. I won’t harm you.”

His pledge did some to ease her concerns.

“But know this, you can take pain. In fact, pet, you lust for it.”

Deep down, she knew he was right. His stings had sent her to a space of release and abandon, helping her to focus on his gifts of awesome sensations in her body and of pure emotions in her mind.

He stood in front of her, and rolled out the leather whip. It was at least six feet long, maybe even eight. Sensual jitters swelled through her, causing a concert of burn to hit her nipples and clit.

Master grinned, then sent the length of the strap into the air to the left of her.
Jessie jerked against her restraints, though she didn’t move more than a fraction of an inch. Akin to thunder, once again, he snaked the whip through the air calling forth the savage beast.

His skill with the whip was obvious, as Master made it dance in front of her. He threw it overhand, then backhand, then sidearm, and then like a lion tamer forming an
in the sky. This routine went on for several minutes. He called forth the wicked sound, again and again, until she was nothing more than a puddle. She feared and craved the feel of the monster’s dangerous bite.


“Green, Master.”

He nodded and wrapped up the snaky leather into a loop, and then walked behind her out of her range of vision.

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