Lancelot's Lady (23 page)

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Authors: Cherish D'Angelo

BOOK: Lancelot's Lady
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Chapter 23


Rhianna awoke the next morning in her own room. She
had insisted on it, even though Jonathan had asked her―begged her―to stay.

I don
t want Misty to walk in and see me in your bed,
d told him firmly.
It would just confuse her.

Still, she wondered what it would be like to wake up in his arms in the

She shook her head. Nothing good could come of a thought like that.

After brushing her teeth, she eyed the bathroom mirror with disdain.
This is only temporary,
she told her reflection.
Nothing more than a summer fling.

But it sure didn
t feel that way to her.

She dressed, brushed her hair into its usual ponytail and went downstairs to get ready for the day
s lessons with Misty.

Hi, Rhianna,
Misty signed from the kitchen table.
ve done one worksheet already.

Rhianna flicked a look at the clock on the wall. It was after nine. She
d slept in. Last night
s energetic extracurricular activities had exhausted her.

Let me see,
she said, ignoring the heat that seared her cheeks.

She checked the page Misty had worked on and was surprised to find the young girl had correctly identified all of the signs.

She smiled and gave Misty a hug.
Great job. You got them all right.

Daddy said if I did a good job this morning, he
d have a surprise for us later.

Really? What kind of surprise?

Misty rolled her eyes.
I don
t know,
she signed.
s a surprise, remember?

Ah, of course,
Rhianna said, laughing.
A surprise.

She grabbed a coffee and muffin, settled into a chair and quickly got Misty onto the next project. Though Rhianna did her best to stay focused on the day
s lessons, it was difficult. Her mind kept straying to her charge
s handsome father, and his strong yet gentle hands and sensual mouth. Every time she thought of Jonathan, her hands grew clammy.

t think about him!

Before lunch, Jonathan made an appearance. He was dressed in a white muscle shirt and beige Bermuda shorts, and he seemed to be in a very good mood.

s going on?
Rhianna asked.

m taking a break from painting. You
ve got me for the rest of the day.

s our

He arched a brow.
Are you telling me you
d pass up a picnic lunch and swimming with me and Misty?

She giggled.
Well, since you mention swimming, I guess I
ll go.

Caught up in the moment, Jonathan leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips. Right
in front of Misty.

Rhianna stifled a gasp.
Are you sure you should be kissing me―

Of course I
m sure,
he said, kissing her again.

He caught his daughter
s eye and signed,
Every beautiful girl deserves a kiss.
He leaned down and kissed her cheek.

ty wrapped her arms around her father
s neck, and Rhianna couldn
t help but notice how happy they looked. Happy and complete. The perfect picture―father and daughter.

She sighed.

Did she really want to disturb their perfect world?

The question haunted her
until it was time to head for the beach. The picnic lunch Mrs. Atkinson made them was superb. They ate on the dock to avoid getting sand in their food, although Misty argued that
should be eaten on the sand. She made Rhianna and her father make a wish before taking the first bite.

Then your wishes will come true,
Misty signed.

t know where she got that from,
Jonathan said, shaking his head.
s always called them sand-wishes.

Rhianna grinned.
I think it
s cute.

After lunch, they swam in the ocean. Misty proved to be a very good swimmer, a natural little fish in the water. But it was Jonathan who impressed Rhianna most. She couldn
t take her eyes off him. His face had relaxed into a permanent smile and he laughed with ease. His tanned muscles rippled as he swam out to a buoy, then back to the dock.

Later, they stretched out on towels on the dock.

I could stay here forever,
Rhianna said with a sigh.

s brow arched.

She blushed.
s peaceful here. And beautiful.

He opened his mouth to reply, but Misty tugged at his hand.
m sleepy, Daddy.

Nap time,
he signed back.

Rhianna gathered the remnants of their lunch and packed the basket, while Jonathan shook off the beach towels and tucked them under his arm.

s go home,
he said.

s heart did a peculiar flip-flop.

When they arrived at the house, she followed Jonathan and Misty upstairs. She hung back in the doorway and watched Jonathan tuck his daughter into bed.

Bear hugs,
he signed, opening his arms.

Misty squeezed him tightly and he made funny gasping sounds.

Help me, Rhianna,
he pleaded.

No way I
m getting in the middle of this,
she said with a laugh.

After Misty released him, Jonathan moved toward the door.
Have a good sleep, sweetheart.

Misty clapped her hands twice.

Do you want a glass of water?
Rhianna asked.

The girl gave her a shy smile.
I want a kiss. From

Rhianna crossed the room, trying to appear nonchalant. She leaned down and kissed Misty
s cheek. In return, small arms wrapped around her neck, tugging her down until she had to sit on the bed.

Misty cocked her head to one side.
m glad you ended up on our island.

Me too.

I love you, Rhianna.

Rhianna was stunned.
I love you too. Sweet dreams.

She lowered her head and made a beeline for the door. Squeezing past Jonathan, she slipped into her bedroom and with her back against the door, she stared up at the ceiling and blinked back the tears that had nearly betrayed her.

She was far too close to Misty. And Jonathan. He was making her want things she shouldn
t want. Impossible things. No matter how much she wanted to go home and see JT, she couldn
t fight the yearning of her heart. She
d give anything to be more than Misty
s teacher, more than Jonathan
s short-term guest and his summer fling.

I want what I can
t have,
she whispered.

Every day she stayed on Angelina
s Isle would make it that much harder to leave, but she had to get away from Jonathan Tyler and his seductive charm. Before it was too late. Before h
er heart was permanently crushed.

She let out a soft sob.

The thought of leaving was almost too much to bear. She
d fallen for the place―and the people. Including Jonathan.

That sudden realization made her gasp.

m in love with Jonathan.

A knock on the do
or startled her.

She wiped her eyes and pasted on a smile.
ll be downstairs in a minute.

The door cracked open. It was Jonathan.

Are you okay, Rhianna?

m fine.
She turned away so he wouldn
t see her red eyes.
I need a shower and a change of clothes. I
ve got sand all over me.

All right. I just thought…
His voice faded.
Never mind.

The door closed.

Twenty minutes later, Rhianna emerged from the bathroom in her robe,
refreshed―in body and mind. Now she had to make a decision. Give her heart to Jonathan on a silver platter, or maintain a safe distance. Either way, she knew she had to face him and find out where he thought this
was leading.

She dressed i
n an aqua and white summer dress and blow-dried her hair, clipping it back this time in a silver barrette. After applying a pale copper lip gloss, she went downstairs.

When she reached the kitchen, she was surprised to find only Mrs. Atkinson there. Savory smells came from the oven and stove top, and a pie rested on the counter.

m making a roast chicken dinner tonight,
the housekeeper said as she sliced carrots.
Mashed potatoes, fresh carrots and peas from the garden, and a strawberry pie for dessert.

Sounds delicious,
Rhianna said.
Would you like some help?

ve got it covered, dear, but thanks for the offer.
Mrs. Atkinson raised her eyes and studied Rhianna before saying,
Why don
t you relax for the rest of the afternoon? I
ll be here for Misty when she wakes up.

Do you know where Jonathan is?

He went back to his studio.

A wave of disappointment swept over Rhianna.

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