Kisses and Revenge (5 page)

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Authors: Cherron Riser

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"I love you, too. Come on; let's go to the bedroom. I want you in my bed. Those old fools can see themselves out. I'm tired of having to share my time with them. Tonight, I just want you," Adam demanded, panting into her shoulder.

Leslie gasped when he pulled out of her and began to lead her farther down the hall to their bedroom. She had never seen Adam like this and couldn't help but enjoy it. He was always so serious, putting work and responsibility first. It felt nice to have him put her first for a little while.



Chapter Six



Her thoughts of New Year’s being the end of her hectic life had been a little bit of an overreach for Leslie. After all of the parties had died down for them, she discovered Adam was having to deal more and more with his brother who had only gotten started with the parties. Twice since the death of their parents, Adam had been forced to bail Warren out of jail. The neighborhood had threatened to have him kicked out for noise complaints, and Adam had expressed serious concern that Warren was turning to sex and drugs to hide his pain. Leslie was sure Adam was far more frustrated than she was, but it didn't stop the fact that stress was taking a firm hold in their life.

Because of all the craziness, Leslie had held off about talking to Adam about having a baby. She was sure with taking over the company and trying to keep his brother in check, Adam couldn't handle another stressor. It didn't stop Leslie from being lonely and distant. Sharron had even told her she was giving far more than she was getting in the relationship. Not that Sharron had ever supported her being a full-time wife to begin with.

When Adam came home that night, Leslie decided she was going to have a talk with him. She cooked a nice meal of chicken parmesan and had wine in an ice bucket on the table. Adam walked in the door, discarding his keys and coat before coming into the dining area. Dinner was usually their first activity of the night and where they met up to talk about their days. Making sure the plates were filled and everything was set, Leslie sat down in her seat and smiled up at her husband.

"Did I do something wrong?" Adam asked reluctantly as he unfastened the button on the cuff of his shirt sleeve before rolling it up his arm.

"No, why would you think that?" Leslie laughed, standing so she could pour their wine.

Adam finished rolling up the other sleeve before taking a seat at the table, a cautious look still covering his face. "I'm just not used to you sitting here waiting for me like that. There was a funny look on your face when you smiled up at me."

Leslie couldn't help but laugh. She hadn't meant to make him think she was upset. She wasn't, at least not completely. She wanted to have an honest conversation about where their lives were going with all the changes that had occurred. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to have a funny look. I just was finished and ready, so I was waiting for you."

"All right, as long as you aren't trying to poison me, I think we will be all right," Adam joked, as he began to cut into his food.

Leslie decided to let them get started with dinner before she brought up her concerns. Food always made conversations go more smoothly after all. She hadn't expected Adam to dive into his own worries right off the bat though. "So, Warren is getting into more and more trouble. I'm getting calls all the time about my wild brother. He owes people all sorts of money, and he was arrested again today. I was able to get the charges dropped, but it is still frustrating. I think I need to find some way to get him out of this funk he is in."

"Warren isn't in a funk. Warren is acting out because he feels slighted. I've told you before, you should give him a job. Not just a job, job though, more like a partnership. That company is just as much his as it is yours, and you have taken it from him, or at least that is how I'm sure he sees it. I know he isn't you and doesn't know what the Hell he is doing, but he deserves a shot to prove he can succeed." Leslie and Adam had been back and forth about this for months now with Adam always saying he was afraid Warren would ruin their business. Sometimes Leslie felt like she stood up for Warren more than she should, but she couldn't help it. She could see why Warren felt slighted, and she wanted to help him.

Adam sat back looking up at her with his fork balanced in his fingers. The look on his face spoke of shock. Though Leslie had said these things to him before, she had never done so with such force. She hadn't even realized she had been so forceful. Blushing a bit, she sat back and fixed her napkin waiting to see what her husband would say. "I think you are right. I have been so focused on making sure everyone would see me as an authority figure and respect me as much as they did my father that I didn't realize just how much of an asshole I was being to my own brother."

Leslie watched as Adam pulled out his phone and called Warren. He asked him to come over for some after-dinner drinks so they could talk about things. She couldn't help but hold back her smile as she heard them squabble a bit before Adam finally hung up the phone and returned to their meal. They were brothers, and as such, arguing was a form of love. Brothers fought, but they also loved each other, even if they didn't often show it.

Pleased with how the conversation had turned out, Leslie had forgotten about her own issues, simply wanting to make sure everything was all right between her husband and his brother. Once dinner was finished, she cleaned off the table while Adam went to change for the evening. She could still feel the tension in him and knew he carried a lot of burden inside of him. She didn't want him going into a serious conversation with his brother feeling like that, so once the dishes were put away, she crept into the bathroom where Adam was showering and slipped in behind him.

The deep moan he gifted her with made her smile as she wrapped her arms around him, running her hands up and down his wet chest. She could smell the soap in the air and knew he had already washed. Breathing him in, she kissed a line up his spine before turning him to face her. She was tall for a woman but still had to look up into his crystal blue eyes, and a smile spread over her lips at the hunger she saw staring back at her.

"You look tense, Mr. Finn. I think you could use some release." Her voice came out like a purr as she laved up the water flowing over his skin.

"Do I? Well, it has been a stressful time for me. I don't know what my wife would think about some beautiful woman sneaking into my shower to help me with that. You will have to be quick about it before she finds out," he teased, turning their play into a game and making her body shake with desire for him. His lips crashed against hers in an intense kiss that quickly deepened. He ran his hand the length of her body before curving it to tease at her slick folds. Electricity shot through her and she arched back, moaning deeply at his touch. "How are you going to help me, Miss?"

Her hand reached down and began to stroke the hard length of him. Adam's cock felt like steel in her hand, and it made her purr and her mouth water to get a taste of it. Sitting on the shower seat, she gripped his hips and pulled him closer to her. His arms pressed against the wall above her head, water cascading down around him as he thrust his hips toward her hungry mouth. She licked and sucked at the sides and down the length, drinking up the water that flowed over him, and then she sucked him down the depths of her throat, moaning deeply once she had him as far as her throat would allow. She could see the tensing of his body and heard the loud growl escape him. It was very apparent he was enjoying what she was doing to him.

Giving him a few deep thrusts down her throat, making her eyes water as she tried to take him all, she then gripped his base with her hand and began to bob her head quickly sucking hard to create a tight, warm sensation around him.

"Oh fuck!" Adam called out, one of his hands moving from the wall to grip into her hair. "Faster, baby, fuck me with you hot mouth."

Those naughty words sent heat coursing through her body, and she gripped tighter to his hips, pulling him into her hungry mouth. He began to thrust harder, taking her and making her fulfill his need. She was lost to the sensation of him fucking her mouth, taking his pleasure from her and wanted nothing more than to give it to him. Her eyes rolled up to look into his face, screwed up and straining as he drew closer and closer to his release. Letting go of his hips, she reached down and began to stroke the sensitive flesh between her legs, desperate to join him in the pleasure. Moans vibrated over him, making his hard cock twitch in her mouth, and then he grabbed the back of her head and thrust deep, nearly choking her as he screamed with his release. His hot seed slid down her throat, and she swallowed every drop.

When he pulled away, his eyes took in the sight of her panting and stroking at her clit. She had not been able to bring herself to orgasm before he found his. Her legs spread wide apart, she lifted one up onto the seat with her as she arched back and continued to work that sweet ball of nerves. The way he watched her only turned her on more, and she found herself plunging two fingers deep inside. Adam stepped forward and moved to his knees before her. Taking her legs, he threw them over his shoulders before attacking her pussy, giving it several long licks as she continued to pump wildly inside her aching body. His mouth secured against her clit, and he sucked and licked her while she finger-fucked herself. Moans turned to gasps, which then turned screams, as her pleasure rose higher and higher, twisting into a tight knot deep within her belly.

Adam pulled her hand away, and she gripped his hair as he replaced her fingers with his, fucking her harder and deeper than she ever could herself. His middle finger curved and flicked just right, and Leslie fell into an intense orgasm. She heard her husband moan as he began to lave up her release, cleaning her with sure strong licks over her quivering flesh. Her body shook and convulsed, and powerful screams of pleasure erupted from her.

Before she had a chance to recover, Adam was pulling her onto his lap, having grown hard once more from giving her such deep attention. He took hold of her hips and impaled her onto him. She gripped to the bar on the shower wall and began to bounce wildly in his lap. His thrusts met her stroke for stroke, sending tiny shockwaves through her body with every impact. The water had grown cold, but their bodies were too hot to care. She screamed his name over and over as she fucked him with all she had. His hot mouth sealed onto her nipple, licking and sucking at her as he gripped her hips more tightly, almost bruising her as he guided her movements to make her fuck him harder.

They were so enthralled in their erotic dance they did not hear the door open or the sound of someone coming in. No, all they could hear were the sounds of each other screaming out as more and more pleasure flowed between them. Adam ran his hand up her back, gripping into her hair and forcing her to look into his eyes. "I want you to come when I do. I want to see the look in your eyes when you lose your fucking mind for me."

His voice was feral as he pounded up into her, and she rocked her hips so her clit rubbed against his pubic bone. She could feel that coil tightening to a straining level. One moment she was riding the edge, the next she was spilling over. They both screamed out as their orgasms crashed between them, and they became nothing more than a mass of writhing bodies on the floor of the shower. Adam held her tight, looking deep into her eyes. She saw the same tempest raging in him she was sure he saw in her. It seemed as if an eternity passed by of nothing but the deepest pleasure, and then it was over.

Leslie collapsed in his arms, panting and trying to find the strength to move. Her legs were shaking and weak, and her arms felt like lead. Unfortunately, the freezing cold water shocked them both back from their high, and they scrambled to shut it off and get out of the shower. Adam wrapped a thick towel around her, rubbing her arms for a moment before grabbing one for himself. "Thank you so much, baby. I needed that more than I realized."

Blushing, Leslie made her way into the bedroom so she could get dressed. Adam was close behind her, searching for some comfortable clothes. They didn't need to dress up for Warren coming over.

She had just finished pulling her shirt down when a pounding came to the bedroom door. "If I wanted to hear people fuck, I would have gone on my date instead of coming here. You invited me for drinks so hurry the fuck up."

Adam bit his lip and shook his head, trying to hold back his laughter at the fact his brother had gotten there while they had been engaged in their sexual play. Leslie, of course, turned the color of a beet and tossed a pillow at him. "Don' you dare laugh. Go make drinks. I need to brush my hair."

Adam couldn't stop though. He burst out laughing as he flung open the door to his brother’s half-amused, half-annoyed face. The two brothers headed for the kitchen while Leslie finished putting herself together. She may have been embarrassed about being caught, but she was still proud of herself. Her sneak attack of her husband had the desired effect. He was certainly far calmer than he had been before she had joined him in the shower.




Chapter Seven



"Damn, you are one lucky man. She really purrs for you when you fuck her, doesn't she?" Warren teased as he leaned against the island counter, holding a glass of whiskey and soda.

"That is my wife you are talking about. Come on now; don't give her a hard time when she gets in here. She looked pretty embarrassed when I left the room," Adam said, his back turned from the door.

"I would love to give her a hard time, but I have a feeling you might kill me for it," Warren laughed and then stopped as Leslie finished walking into the room. She had heard their exchange, and she was sure her feelings on it showed in the bright red blush of her cheeks.

Adam started to say something in return, but when he heard her walk in, he turned and gave her a sheepish smile. She couldn't help but wonder how many times the two of them had talked about these sorts of things. After she thought about it, though, she decided she really didn't want to know. "Sorry about that, Warren. So, umm, where is the wine?"

She knew there was no getting out of at least mentioning it, so she put it out there and reached across the counter for a glass. Adam had already pulled the cork out of the wine bottle to let it breathe, so Leslie filled her glass and took a large swallow of the sweet white. She was thankful for the wine in that moment, not wanting to think about the fact Warren had basically said he would like to fuck her. She had never thought of him that way before and didn't want to think of him like that now.

"So, yeah, Warren, I want to talk to you about SkyFinn. I know that the company was more or less left to me, but I have been thinking," Adam began, but Leslie couldn't help but swat at him when he made it sound like the whole thing was his idea. "Well, we have been thinking, it isn't right that you have no say in it. I think you should be a part of it and work there with me. I honestly think it would do us both some good."

Warren arched a brow, looking at her before turning to look at Adam. "I don't need your sympathy. I know you are just saying this so I will calm down and stop driving you crazy. There is no way I am going to work some shit job while you walk around with your head held high and everyone bowing at your feet. Nah, you can keep it. I rather keep my dignity."

Leslie had to reach out and pull Adam back to keep him from attacking his brother. She knew he was having a difficult time with his brother's attitude and didn't like the idea of Warren coming in and messing everything up at work. "You think that is all I think of you? Why the hell would I make you some grunt? You have been working there off and on for as long as I have and know everything I do. The thing you have that I don't is you get people in a totally different way. I'm not asking you to start from the bottom. I want you as a partner in this, but I won't offer it again. You need to make up your mind if it is worth it or not to give up your wild ways so you can make something of yourself and make our parents proud."

Warren took several moments to think over what Adam had said. It was rare when Adam raised his voice, and Warren knew it meant Adam was serious. Tapping his chin, Warren took a deep breath. "It won't be easy. I have never had to do the nine to five shit before, but if you really mean it, if you are really going to make me a partner and not just some grunt, then I think I can handle that."

A smile slid over Leslie's face as she exhaled the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. For some reason, she felt this was going to be the start of a lot of big changes between the brothers. Refilling her glass of wine, she waited to see how Adam took it. "I get that, and honestly, I need someone who can work the odd hours. I try to work a strict schedule so I am home with my wife. It would be nice to have someone who can handle all the stuff that happens when I can't be at the office."

Warren laughed and finished off his drink, glancing over to Leslie before slamming his glass down. "Well then, looks like I have myself a job. Think you can loan me some money to buy some clothes for it?"

Leslie couldn't help the smile that spread over her lips, and she quickly covered it with her wine glass. Warren would never pass up an opportunity to ask for money, but she hoped by getting started with the company, he would at least settle down. He was young and stupid, but he could change and grow. It was just a matter of time before it happened.

Watching with a smile spread over her face, she saw Adam pull out some money from his billfold and hand it over. With his brow arched, he kept the money pressed between his fingers, not letting Warren take it. "This is for work clothes. I expect a receipt on what you get, and I expect to see the clothes on you. Now get out of here. You have a busy day starting tomorrow."

Adam let loose of the money, and Warren shoved it in his pocket before coming around the counter and giving Leslie a kiss on the cheek. Overall, he seemed in better spirits than he had before, so there was progress. "Hey, go make that man scream like he made you do earlier. Though I bet I could have done better," he teased and Leslie pushed him away from her.

"Don't be such an ass. He will punch you for that," she laughed, shoving him a second time as he laughed and exited the kitchen.

Once he was out of the door, Adam slumped into one of the chairs at the breakfast nook. He looked tired and concerned, and Leslie wished she could make him feel better, but honestly, she had no idea how. He was fighting demons in his head, and that was for him to deal with. All she could do was support him. Her hips swayed as she moved toward him, straddling him as she sat in his lap. "You have no reason for this long face. What is bothering you so much?"

His hands slid around her waist, and he lightly petted her as he laid his head down on her chest. "Dealing with Warren is going to end up killing me. I love him, but he can be such a pain in the ass. I hope you are right about all of this, and he gets his act together. I think that might be the only way to save him."

"I am right, and you really should start listening to me more. I will never steer you wrong. Now stop letting it stress you out. For months now you have done nothing but stress yourself out, and it is time you start to relax. Warren isn't going to let you down, and you are doing great." Leslie leaned in and kissed the top of his head, cradling him against her as she breathed calmly for him.

Through all the problems with his parent's deaths and taking over the company, Leslie had done nothing but be there for him. She did all she could to show him she would be his perfect wife if only he would let go. Sharron worried she had given up too much because of this, but Leslie knew it was for the best. And in the end, she was sure she would be able to talk to Adam about the things bothering her.

Feeling his lips start to brush over where her breasts stuck out of the top of her shirt, she pulled back, keeping her hands clasped behind his neck so she could look into his eyes. There was a bit of mischief in those crystal depths that had her mouth watering for round two, but first she wanted to make her wishes known. She had put them off for far too long, and it was only fair she get them off of her chest.

"Before you get too distracted, I would like to talk to you about something. It is something that has been on my mind for a really long time." She bit her lip, feeling a rush of adrenaline as she said those words.

Adam looked up at her, a curious expression covering his face. "Baby, you should know that you can tell me anything you want to. I will always support you and be there for you. I love you."

Leslie felt like a jerk for waiting so long, but her thoughts and feelings on the subject were real. She had wanted to wait until things were more settled to bring up such a big change. "You know, we have been married for quite some time now, and this year has been hard, but I would really like for us to try and have a baby."

She was sure her heart would beat out of her chest at any moment. Leslie and Adam had talked about kids when they first got married but agreed they wanted to wait a while. Then, when Adam got so focused on work, she thought bringing it up would cause more problems with them. Watching him as the thoughts rolled through his mind, she wasn't sure she had made the right decision by bringing it up. However, Sharron had made her see she could not just sit back and let Adam have all his dreams. She would have to fight for some of hers.

"Well, I have to admit, it isn't something I have thought about for a while, but I know it is something we talked about for a long time. I know you want to have children, and I respect that. I want children too, but are you sure now is the time?" He hadn't said no, but he certainly hadn't said yes. Moving from his lap, she walked back toward the counter where the bottle of wine sat, half empty.

"Adam, I have given up a lot for you. I love you and understand things are hard right now, but this is really important to me. I have to know that you support my dreams as much as I support yours." Leslie went on to explain.

Hurt filled Adam's eyes, and he stood to walk to her. With a shaking hand, she reached over and grabbed the bottle of wine, pouring herself another glass. His hands slid around her waist, and his lips pressed against the back of his neck. "Don't think a day goes by that I don't realize what you have done for me. I know you had plans and dreams of your own, and I know you gave them all up for me. I get it. I want to give you the world, and I want to give you a child. With Warren coming to work, I think I will be able to get away for a bit, and you and I can work on that."

His kisses grew to nibbles as his hands slid down the front of her body, pressing her tighter to him. She shivered at the way he felt holding her like that, and though they had just shared a very intimate shower together, the bulge pressed against her backside let her know he was ready for another round. Turning in his arms, she smiled up at him and saw the heat gazing back at her from the depths of his eyes. "You mean that? I feel like we haven't been on vacation together in a very long time."

"Oh, I more than mean it. Of course, that doesn't mean we can't go on and get started with the baby-making right now." His fingers pushed down past the waistband of her pants cupping her naked flesh. He moaned as his finger slipped between her secret folds, pressing against her sensitive nub. "You are already so wet for me. You would think you have been thinking about me taking you again all through my conversation with my brother."

A shiver ran the length of her body, and he rewarded her with a deep chuckle. Slowly his finger played circles over her clit, causing her body to tighten more and more from his touch. Her breath came heavy, and her fingers gripped tighter into the counter as her hips began to rock and grind against him. Nothing turned her on more than when he spoke to her as if she were some sort of slut. He never treated her that way in any other occasion than the bedroom, but when he did, she couldn't help but grow wet in anticipation for him.

Adam moved his hand, shifting it farther into her pants so he could reach deeper into her core, probing at her opening and playing with her wetness. She found herself lifting up on her tiptoes so he could reach better, and his fingers curved, plunging deep into her body. He pressed her forward, bending her over the counter as he began to thrust his fingers hard and fast into her more than willing body. Moans and screams of pleasure rose from deep within as she bounced against his probing hand. She wanted more. She needed more. With forceful hands, Adam yanked her pants down and then knelt behind her.

He lifted one of her legs up to the counter, opening her body to him. Gasping, she tried to look behind her and see what he was doing as he took a deep breath of her before delivering a long lick from her front to her back. His hands gripped tightly to her ass, massaging and kneading it, as his tongue explored every fold of her body. Leslie jumped when his tongue moved up higher than she had expected licking and kissing her most hidden entrances.

"What are you doing?" she asked, not sure if he was making her hotter or worried.

"I'm just exploring what is mine. You have such a sexy ass, but I promised to work on getting you pregnant, so I think it is going to have to wait for another time." He gave her bottom one final kiss before devouring her pussy, licking and sucking with all he had until she was writhing and screaming from the pleasure he gave her. Her nails broke and cracked as she slid them down the granite counter top in an attempt to find a way to release some of her passion. She was experiencing more than she thought her body could handle. One orgasm led to another, in a never-ending wave of pleasure, and Adam showed no signs of stopping.

Leslie was sure she would fall at any moment when Adam finally stood behind her. She could see him from just over her shoulder where she clung to the counter. His fingers gripped tight into her hips. The head of his cock was probing her opening, begging for entrance, and for a second she wondered when he had set it free. Then all thought left her as he thrust deep, hitting that sweet spot deep inside as he filled her to capacity. Her back arched, and she screamed out in pleasure with her body contracting against his hardness.

"Fuck, you are so tight for me. I love when your body gives me just what I want," he sighed before he pulled back and began to fuck her. He took no mercy on her, thrusting with speed and force, ramming her body against the counter over and over as she screamed out his name in cadence with his pounding. She was sure it was impossible for him to be able to make her body come more than he already had, but he showed her she was wrong. His hand slipped back in front of her, and he pinched and stroked her clit.

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