Kisses and Revenge (4 page)

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Authors: Cherron Riser

BOOK: Kisses and Revenge
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Chapter Four



After a couple of months fighting with lawyers and juggling all of the pressures of his parents' estate, Adam had finally gotten everything settled. His parents' house he had given to Warren along with the allotted amount of money specified in the will. However, Adam had also put a trust together for Warren for when his younger brother calmed down and screwed his head on straight.

Through it all, Leslie had managed to keep life going as normal as possible. Because of how hard Adam worked, she stayed home and took care of domestic matters. It made things easier when Adam had to go on business trips and also allowed for them to not have to hire people to maintain their house unlike his parents' home, which had a maid in twice a week.

Pulling the roast she had been cooking all day out of the oven, Leslie placed it on the counter to rest while setting the table. It was the first day Adam was actually going to functioning as CEO and president of SkyFinn Marketing. He had been nervous when he left that morning, so Leslie had wanted to ensure he had his favorite meal and a nice relaxing night when he got home. With dinner finished, she set the table, leaving a bottle of wine to breathe before she headed to their room to get changed for the evening. She was running a brush through her hair when she heard the sound of the door opening and closing. A smile spread over her lips as she ran to welcome her husband home.

When she got to the end of the hall, she heard Adam having a rather heated conversation on the phone. "No, it is not my job to bail you out every time you get in over your head. When are you going to grow up, Warren? We aren't kids anymore." There was a pause then he continued. "Yes, fine, we will be over in a bit. Let me get changed. You know, some of us work for a living. Yeah, well, fuck you too. See you in an hour or so." Adam slammed his phone down on the counter next to the door.

Leslie stepped out of the hall, her face twisted in worry as she made her way toward Adam. "Bad day?" she asked as she wrapped her arms around him. Instantly her husband pulled her into him and kissed her soundly. She could tell by the powerful way his lips fed from hers that her husband wanted more than a welcome home. He rocked against her for a moment as they kissed before pulling away and shrugging out of his jacket.

"It wasn't a horrible day, but it wasn't the best day either. Mostly because of Warren, but that's not new. He is getting into his usual trouble, and now that Mom and Dad are gone, I have to go save the day like some sort of Superman. It is selfish for him to think he is the only one hurting," Adam answered making his way toward the bedroom. "Do you think we can pack up dinner and take it over there to him? I imagine he hasn't had a decent meal in a while and could use that as well. I just don't know what to do with him. It is like he is pissed off I am taking charge of the company even though he doesn't want to actually do anything with it."

"Well, you know Warren. He has always thought you got special treatment. I know he kids about it, but through every joke there is always a hint of the truth. Maybe you should talk to him, make him more a part of our lives. I feel like he is out there on his own with no on helping him figure things out," Leslie defended. She wasn't sure why, but she had always had a soft spot for Warren. When they had been younger, the three of them had spent a lot of time together hanging out and goofing off. For a fragment of time, Leslie even thought Warren had a bit of a crush on her, but that was as far as it went. Now the brothers were alone, and she worried Warren was only acting the way he was because he wanted to be treated like an adult and not a kid.

"You have such a big heart. Warren needs to grow up. So why should I give him more when he is going to squander it. He has already blown through almost all of the money he got from his inheritance." Adam was pulling on a pair of tight jeans so he would be more comfortable instead of wearing his suit and tie. Ever since his parents’ passing, Adam had taken on more responsibility than any twenty-six-year-old should have to handle. Leslie worried he was getting in over his head.

"Treating him like a kid is a surefire way to keep him acting like a kid. Come on, you have seen how your brother can be when he is motivated on something. Not to mention he is full of charm and charisma. He could really boost things with the company, and you can help him grow up a little more. It is a win-win. Think about it while I pack up dinner," Leslie responded and headed back toward the kitchen. So much for her welcome home plans for her husband, it looked as if instead they would be heading for Warren's house to smooth over some sort of crisis. There had been plenty of them over the last couple of months, and Leslie was convinced it was a cry for help because Warren felt left out of a family which should be supporting him and not pushing him away.

Not that Adam didn't support Warren, he did. He only wanted his brother to be more responsible. It was a touchy subject, though, and Leslie didn't want to upset her husband by defending his brother too much. After packing the roast up in a dish that would keep the meal warm while they traveled, she then put the wine away for later and grabbed a fresh bottle for the drive. By the time she had everything packed up, Adam was ready to head over to his brother's house, the house that once was their parents' home.

"You ready to go? Sorry about dragging you out of the house tonight, but it is obvious my brother needs me tonight," Adam sighed and held his hand out to help carry everything to the car.

"Don't be silly. You aren't dragging me into anything, and we can still have a great night when we get home." Leslie thought about all the ideas she had conjured up for her husband, and a shiver rolled down her body. Maybe they could get into a little of their own trouble after meeting with Warren. Leaning over a bit in the car, Leslie playfully ran her hand up and down her husband's leg, letting him know just how much she craved him.

At a light, Adam looked over to her with heated eyes, a wicked smile rising on his lips. "Well, aren't we a little minx tonight. Feeling frisky?"

Leslie blushed deeply but continued to play, even leaning over to nibble a bit on his earlobe. She could hear the soft moans her husband made and felt the shaking of his body as he tried to keep his desire in check. Certainly by the time they finished dinner with Warren, Adam would be ready for an all-night party with her. Her husband's lust had grown so thick she was certain she could taste it on her tongue.

Pulling up to Warren's house, Adam took a moment to lean over and give Leslie a heated kiss. His tongue darted into her mouth as he fed from her lips, pulling sweet sounds of desire from deep down in her throat. When he ended the kiss, Leslie was shaking in need. "That is for teasing me all the way here. Wait until we get home."

Adam left his words like a promise in the air between them before stepping out and coming around to open her door. Ever the gentleman, Adam was nothing if not loving and respectful at all times. It made her heart swell that in a world where men would rather call up a girl for a quick booty call, she had lucked out with a man who still had some sense of chivalry. Stepping out, she walked with Adam to the door and into the house. For some reason, Adam did not see the house as his brother's and treated it just like he had before his parents' deaths.

Warren had some loud music playing from back where the kitchen was at. Adam shook his head and headed for the noise. Beyond the hall, Warren leaned against a counter, pouring shots of vodka into a glass and tossing them back. The bottle he poured from was nearly empty, and Warren was wasting no time finishing it off. It was more than apparent Warren was not taking his parents' deaths well.

"Drowning yourself in a bottle is not going to fix anything," Leslie said, taking the container she had put the roast in and setting it down on the counter to open it so Warren could smell it. "Think you might want to eat some real food?"

Warren smiled at her, running his fingers through his longer hair. His body shifted, and he turned to look at Adam, glaring for a second before going to get some plates for all of them. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind having a piece of that. Look, Adam, I didn't expect you to come all the way over here. I can take care of myself. I just wish you would have told me that I wasn't going to be getting any more money. You have a steady income, working for the empire. What am I supposed to do?"

Leslie felt uncomfortable realizing it was another argument about money. Warren had been pretty upset by his share of the settlement and had been acting out ever since. Adam rolled his eyes, heading to get some glasses for the wine Leslie had packed along with the roast. Now, however, she wondered if it was a bad choice. Warren had obviously already gotten started with the drinking.

"I told you when we went over the will that I would help make sure you were taken care of. I did not tell you that I would support you going down this path. If you want money to blow on liquor and whores, then get a job. I am not supporting you acting like a spoiled rich kid," Adam protested, his voice elevating.

In all the time Leslie had known them, this was the first time she had ever seen them fight. It worried her that they were fighting so much now. "I am not being a spoiled rich kid. You are the one acting all high and mighty. Ever since you got married, it is like you don't care about anything. We used to have fun."

"Yes, we used to have fun, and then I grew up. You should try it, Warren," Adam shot back.

A sting of guilt shot through Leslie hearing them argue. She had never meant to be the one to come between the two of them. She hadn't even realized she had. Not wanting to listen to them fight anymore, she made her way back down the hall toward the sitting room. From there, the sounds of their argument were muffled by the still blaring music. No longer was she hungry in any sense of the word. All she wanted to do was go and curl up in bed. Nothing she did would help anyway.

After several moments, she heard the music stop and the soft sounds of someone walking toward her. She didn't bother to turn and look, already knowing who it was. Adam came and sat next to her on the couch, placing his hand on her knee. No matter how much she tried to get through to him about Warren, it never helped. Of course, Warren didn't help with his behavior either. The nonstop partying left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

"I'm sorry about that. Warren is drunk and nearly impossible to talk to that way. Maybe we shouldn't have come," Adam whispered, leaning over to kiss her.

Leslie found herself moving away before turning to look at him. "This is how it has been ever since your parents died. You two are ripping a hole between the two of you so big neither of you are ever going to be able to reach the other. Can't you see Warren just wants his brother in his life?"

"Warren wants a lot of things, but I'm not sure I am one of them. Look, I love you, but right now is a hard time. It has been hard on all of us, but I can't just sit back and let him do this," Adam pleaded, taking her hands into his. "He called me tonight because he got himself into big trouble gambling. He needed money to pay off a debt he shouldn't have gotten in the first place. This isn't even the first time. I want better for him just as much as you do, but he has to make some of the right steps himself."

Reaching up, Leslie cupped Adam's cheek and stroked her finger over the ridge of his collarbone. "You are going to have to find it in you to be the stronger man. Warren needs you just as much as you need him. Give him a reason to not act like this."

Leaning in, she kissed him, and Adam wrapped his arms around her to pull her close. The kiss grew between them, and Leslie became breathless in his arms. She clung with both fists to the front of his shirt, wishing more than anything they were home and in bed together instead of here fighting with his brother. When Adam kissed her like this, she felt like a queen.

"Well, I gave Warren the money, and he is heading out to get this taken care of. How about we make our way home, too? I still feel odd being here without Mom trying to shove food down my throat." Adam stood, pulling Leslie up with him before leading her out. She would get her dish later. For now she felt it best to go with him.

On the way home, Adam told her about his first day. The board was accepting of him joining them and excited to see what ideas he had for the future. They were already inviting him to several parties and events he wanted Leslie to go with him to. She smiled, listening to him go on about work, glad for something else to talk about other than his unruly brother. From the sound of things, they were going to be very busy soon, and she would need to be the wife she had always promised to be. It had been something she expected from the start, and she was more than happy to start filling those shoes.

Once back home, Adam whisked her into the house and straight to their room. The way he kissed her when they got there made Leslie realize he had not forgotten the way she teased him on the way to Warren's and planned to cash in on her promises. She laughed playfully as he pulled her into the shower with him, getting her more dirty than clean as they went.




Chapter Five



Life seemed to be going in fast forward as they hit the holiday season. Usually they were busier during that time of year, but it was even more so now that Adam was in charge of SkyFinn Marketing. Leslie found herself hopping from party to party and planning several of her own for the different holidays and people Adam worked with. Now Leslie was running around her kitchen with some of her new friends getting ready for a New Year’s Eve bash Adam had asked her to organize. She was thankful for the friends she had made at other parties, especially now they were there to help her. Never had she planned so many parties, and she certainly could use all the help she could get.

Adam was in the back getting ready for the event, and several of the high-level board members and agents were already in the living room enjoying drinks and hors d'oeuvres. The energy in the air was high, and Leslie found herself dancing to the music playing from the other room. Once she had finished the last of the fruit trays, she headed down the hall to change into her party dress.

She had spent a fortune on new dresses for the different festive occasions and felt a little guilty for it. However, Adam had insisted he wanted her to look her very best at all times. With the position he held now, she had to keep up with some pretty rich and powerful people. It was important she looked the part. Walking into the room, she saw Adam fastening the last cuff link to his dress shirt, and she smiled at how handsome he looked.

"I would ravish you looking so sexy like that, but you have a house full of people out there to entertain. So you better get going so I can get cleaned up," Leslie said, giving her husband a quick kiss on the cheek. The action earned her a pinch on the butt, and she yelped before blushing and giggling.

Without another word, Adam headed out of the room to join his company in the night's festivities. Leslie had prepared tons of food with the help of other wives of company heads. She had also gotten plenty of wine and champagne to go around. The music had been chosen specifically because it was what most of the guests would like, and it had been set to play softly in the background so not to interrupt conversation.

Leslie was proud at how well she was doing with planning these parties but hoped they would slow down after the holiday season. Heading for her closet, she grasped the hanger for the long red dress she had chosen for the evening. It was a beautiful shimmering gown with a deep-cut back and a high slit on one side. When she put it on, it made her feel like Jessica Rabbit, and she giggled at the thought of being so provocative. Out of all the dresses she had bought, this one had been purchased with Adam in mind. She chose New Year’s to wear it because it seemed like the only time the dress would be appropriate.

Once dressed, she gave herself a full look over before heading out to the party. Most of the people in attendance were closer to her parents’ age than her own. However, Leslie had started to grow comfortable in their presence. She made her way over to where Adam spoke with Charles Grossman about some sort of deal they were working. She never paid it much attention, figuring it was really none of her business since she didn't work for the company. Charles let out a whistle when he saw her, and a deep blush formed on her cheeks, making her wonder if her skin now matched the dress.

"Adam, my boy, you have yourself a she-demon tonight. You are one lucky man," Charles joked, patting Adam on the back.

When her husband turned to look at her, his eyes instantly filled up with heat. She stood there, letting him get his fill of her before smiling more brightly. The dress had gotten the desired effect out of her husband, and she was more than pleased by it. As she finished making her way to Adam, he wrapped his arm around her and chuckled. "That I am. You look lovely tonight, Leslie. Where have you been hiding this one?"

"I had put it up for a special occasion. Tonight seemed like the perfect night for it," she answered with a purr in her voice. Mr. Grossman shook his head and excused himself to go speak with one of the other board members.

When he was gone, Adam turned her to look at him, and they began to sway to the music playing. Leslie always felt like she was on top of the world when Adam held her like this and everyone in the room disappeared.

"Tonight is a perfect night. I can't wait to see what all this year has in store for us." Adam had a tone to his voice that sent a shiver down Leslie's spine. The heat of his body enveloped her, and she became overwhelmed with the need and desire that always filled her when she was close to him.

Smiling up at Adam, she leaned up and kissed him softly. The sound of laughter burst through the room, and the two of them turned to see Mr. Grossman entertaining a group of people with his jokes. Adam pulled away from her, and they made their way toward the group. The only person who Leslie had invited outside of the company, Sharron Carter, was standing next to Charles. Sharron was the only friend Leslie had left from when they were young, and she continued to be a rock in Leslie's life. When Adam and Leslie walked up, Sharron looked up to her and rolled her eyes. Obviously Charles's jokes were not as entertaining as he thought they were.

"Hey, Leslie, look at you. How about you and I go and get some drinks while the men talk about whatever it is they like to talk about when the women aren't around?" Sharron said, grabbing Leslie by the arm and pulling her off to the patio.

"What are you up to?" Leslie laughed, nearly stumbling into the table.

"I just don't feel like I get any time with you anymore. You have turned into such a society wife. Honey, are you really happy like this? I feel like you have given everything up so you can be Adam's trophy wife," Sharron explained, moving to sit down in one of the chairs. She crossed her legs and leaned forward with her elbow against her knee.

The question shocked Leslie, as she had not thought about it that way at all. Sure, she had not had the chance to use her degree, but she enjoyed being home for Adam, and it wasn't as if they needed the money. Taking a seat next to her friend, she started to realize that maybe she came off like a pushover. "I don't see it that way. Adam and I are happy, and I enjoy that I can be home to do things for him. It is nice to not have to worry about getting everything done and supporting a career. I know I have my degree if I ever need it, but it isn't like I need to fret over it right away. I promise I'm not letting Adam keep me locked away."

"It just feels like it sometimes. Especially since his parents died. I know he is going through a lot, especially with his brother acting the way he is, but I feel like he cares more about what everyone else is thinking than you," Sharron sighed, leaning back. Leslie could feel her eyes peering deep into her, as if trying to find a flaw in her logic. The problem was there were no flaws. Leslie really was happy.

"It has been a bit more crazy since his parents passed away, but I'm sure things will calm down after the holidays. Look, I appreciate you worry so much, Sharron. I really do, but I'm okay. I am actually thinking of talking to Adam about having a baby after the first of the year. I think it is time." Leslie's smile grew wide as she thought about becoming a mother. It had always been a dream of hers to have babies of her own to raise and take care of. Adam worked hard to give her a good life, and would make an amazing father.

Sharron's eyes grew wide a moment before she jumped up and wrapped her arms around Leslie. The squeal of excitement that sounded from her had Leslie laughing. "Oh, I'm going to be an aunty! I can't wait! You have to tell me as soon as you get pregnant so I can start planning."

Leslie laughed and hugged her friend back, feeling the excitement herself. She had planned to talk to Adam about it on their anniversary, but things had not worked out. So instead she decided to wait until after the rush of the holidays, not wanting to add any extra stress to Adam's life.

Seeing Adam gazing at her through the glass door, the passion she had been feeling earlier returned. He always looked at her like he wanted to devour her, and it had never failed to make her feel sexy. Pulling away from Sharron, she excused herself to go back into the party. There were only thirty minutes left until midnight, and she knew the drinks would need to be handed out. Rushing for the kitchen, she grabbed a tray so she could pass out the flutes of champagne to each of the guests.

Excitement grew thick in their home as the minutes ticked closer to the coming new year. Once all of the guests had their drinks, Leslie went to stand with her husband. He slid his hand around her body, pulling her in close to him, and instantly she could feel the hardness of him pressed tightly to her hip. A rush of desire filled her, making her skin warm and the center of her wet with anticipation. His fingers lightly petted her, and he leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Everyone is drunk and ready for twelve o'clock to hit. I think we are going to have company for a while," Adam whispered, his voice holding a thick purr to it. "But I don't think I can wait that long. Come with me."

Adrenaline ran through her veins as she turned to face him. The look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know. He was tired of being the gracious host. Right now he was a man. A man who was hungry for his woman. Taking her hand in his, he led her down the hallway until the shadows of it covered them, and then he slammed her up against the wall.

A gasp escaped her but was quickly covered by his searing kiss. Adam's hands gripped tightly to her hips, lifting her so her legs would wrap around his waist. She had not worn panties under the tight dress, not wanting the lines to show, and that was proving to be a good idea as she felt him press against her. He kissed her like he was trying to crawl into her, moaning as he explored her mouth.

Arching into his embrace, Leslie rocked her hips against the growing hardness in his pants. They could hear the sounds of everyone enjoying the party only feet away from them, but they were lost in each other. Adam's heated kisses began to work their way down her neck, licking and sucking on her sensitive skin and making her whimper in need of him. The sensation of tension building deep inside of her made her body shake, and her breath grew hard and thick. She scraped her nails down his back, begging for him to do more than tease her.

"I have wanted you all night. Seeing you in this dress, fuck, baby, you have me wanting to make you scream in the New Year," Adam moaned against her, his hand moving between them to stroke her sensitive clit, sparking tendrils of electrical shockwaves to burst through her body. Leslie found herself squirming more against him and reaching between them to get his pants open. "That's it. I love when you lose your mind for me. You are so sexy when you want me to fuck you."

For how sweet Adam was outside of sex, when things got hot with them, his mouth got dirty, and Leslie loved every word. She cried out, and Adam pressed in tighter to her, using his free hand to cover her mouth and muffle the sounds of her pleasure. "You have to be quietm baby. We don't want anyone to know what we are doing back here, do we?"

The teasing of his fingers were driving her crazy, and she rolled her hips more and more, begging him to give her the sweet release she so craved. His eyes stared into hers with passionate intensity demanding she give him what he wanted. The warmth of his erection primed and ready to go filled her with need, and she knew he would not give it to her until she gave him the first of the orgasms he planned to bestow upon her. Adam never failed to ensure she had been pleased.

He groaned what he wanted from her into her ear, nibbling on the lobe as his fingers flicked faster and faster until she couldn't take it anymore. The moment her orgasm hit, her head fell back and Adam covered her screaming mouth with his to swallow down the sounds of his pleasure. He continued to work her body, drawing out every shiver of intense pleasure. Just when she thought she could not take anymore, he thrust deep into her, growling as he began to pound into her with a feral hunger.

In the other room, the sounds of everyone getting ready for the final countdown could be heard. People were calling out times, five minutes, two minutes, all while Adam thrust hard and deep into her, fucking her with all he had. She rocked her hips in response and squeezed her body tight, giving back to him just has hard. They were like animals, tearing into each other to fill a primal need.

Ten, that building of pressure began again, tightening faster and faster deep within her belly. Nine, he bit down on her lip before demanding her to give him another pretty orgasm. Eight, she ripped open his shirt sending buttons flying everywhere as her tongue and teeth explored his now exposed flesh. Seven, six, five, four, everything seemed to go into slow motion as he took her higher and higher. Three, she reached between them again, working her clit as he continued to fuck her as if trying to fuck her through the wall. Two, his body tensed, and she knew he was going to lose it any second. One.

The orgasm hit as everyone in the other room screamed "Happy New Year’s," and “Auld Lang Syne” played loudly from the radio that had been programmed to go off at midnight. Leslie screamed too, long, loud screams of intense pleasure as Adam shook and writhed, filling her with his seed. She could feel every twitch, every shake he made as wave after wave of intense orgasmic joy radiated throughout her body. Adam hadn't just kissed her for New Year’s, he had taken her to Heaven for it, and as they came down, she could feel her whole body convulse.

"I love you so much," she breathed out, leaning in to kiss his lips. He still filled her, his semi hard cock twitching with the end of his release.

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