Kicking and Screaming (12 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Kicking and Screaming
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Chapter 26




Not by word or deed did I let her know what I was really thinking.

Let her believe that the pretty boy, as she’s so fond of thinking of me, was a sap who was going to just roll over and let that bitch walk. It’s always nice when people underestimate you.

I took her back to the house so that she could be with mom while I finished up some last minute paperwork.

I’d gone looking for her as soon as mom told me about the phone call she’d had from Cynthia. Somehow, and I partly blame myself for this, she had weaseled an invitation to come out sooner than had been originally planned.

I hadn’t shared any of what had gone on with mom, so she could have no way of knowing that that was the last thing I wanted.

Now on top of that, I have to deal with this latest development. Alone in my home office, I called her brother, choosing not to put it off.

I had the feeling that if I didn’t do something soon that Firefox might take matters into her own hands.

I didn’t trust the way she’d just let things go either. I was of half a mind to let her at the little liar, but I didn’t want her ever to have to fight those types of battles again, from what I’ve seen she’s done plenty of that already.

When I reached him, I told him only that we needed a meet, which probably gave him the false impression that I was willing to do business with him-which he’s been after for a while now.

With that squared away, I turned my mind to the upcoming invasion. There had to be a way for me to safeguard her against anything they might throw at her.

I knew that getting her to back down would be close to impossible, but there wasn’t much else I could think of to prevent the battle royale that I was sure was headed our way.

I heard the piano as I was leaving the room. She was playing the last strains of Bach’s Nocturnal when I made it to the doorway.

“That was just lovely Maxie, such talent, I envy you. I could never play anything, though I’ve always wanted to learn, just never had the patience for it as a child. I always told myself when I got older I’d take it up again but...”

“What’re you doing right now?”


“You’re not busy are you? I don’t see why we can’t have a lesson right this minute.”

“Oh I couldn’t ask that of you.”

“Why not?”

“Well, because you’re you and I’m well, me.” Where had I heard that before?

Maxie made some sort of unladylike sound with her lips and I bit back a grin, such an irascible little thing.

I watched from the cover of the door as she browbeat my poor mom, who didn’t stand a chance, into letting her give her a piano lesson.

I stood there until the laughter started and then slipped away. I knew exactly what I had to do.



Not quite sure what’s going on with pretty boy, but ever since our little face off in the garden earlier, he’s been weirder than usual. There was a shift in the air but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

Probably gearing himself up for the descent of the imbecile brigade.

That night he was very attentive at dinner and all throughout the evening.

I was very jumpy for some reason, and every time his hand even brushed mine I all but jumped out of my skin.

My skin felt like it was alive and I knew it had something to do with the way he kept looking at me. Like he could see me naked.

“Cut it out Jackson.” I hissed at him under my breath the last time he gave me one of those hooded looks of his that was making my tummy hurt.

“What am I doing?” He grinned at me and trailed a finger down my cheek to the corner of my mouth where I stupidly opened and nipped his finger. He hissed and that look got hotter.

I barely remembered what we were talking about, or that there were other people in the room.

“Mom I’m going to need great grandmother’s ring.” I had no idea what that meant but his parents seemed to since they stopped talking in midsentence and just stared.

His mother sniffled like she was holding back tears, and his dad was congratulating him. It was all lost on me though, since he never stopped looking at me the whole time.

Mike seemed to be explaining something to Janet that had her tearing up and looking at me like she’d lost her damn mind.

“What’s that all about?” My words were barely above a whisper, because now he was playing with my ear and it was doing something to me.

“I’ll tell you all about it later. Go on up to bed love, you look tired, I’ll be up soon to tuck you in.”

I hadn’t been tired until he mentioned it, but now that he had, it sounded like a great idea, if only to escape the strange atmosphere that had descended on the room.

I guess my days of leisure were at an end. As soon as the others arrived I knew I would be back to feeling stressed and unhappy, but at least I’d had these last few days.

I guess maybe tonight I could tell him about my other secret, I wasn’t looking forward to that in the least though.

I fell asleep waiting for him, so much for not being tired, I think it was the fresh Texas air, it put me out every time.






I waited until I was sure she was asleep before going to her. She was sprawled on her back as usual, the moonlight playing peek-a-boo with her raven locks and that beautiful unblemished skin of hers, like a baby’s.

I placed my booty on the nightstand and eased out of the pajama bottoms I’d worn for propriety’s sake.

Lifting the covers I slid in beside her, only instead of taking her in my arms as I had been for the past few nights, I had another path in mind.

I couldn’t forget I was dealing with a wildcat here, so for this first time, as much as I would like to take it slow and bring her to a fever pitch with my tongue and fingers, I knew that wasn’t going to work.

I eased her panties off slowly, trying hard not to jar her. I know that she sleeps strong and so I had some leeway, but I wasn’t sure how much.

When she was bare from the waist down I studied between her legs in the moonlight, before taking a deep whiff of her scent.

I could still smell the soap from the bath she’d taken before bed. My mouth watered for a taste of her plump pussy mound that was lightly covered in the finest sprinkling of hair.

“Damn Maxie.” How was I supposed to get her wet enough to take me without waking her? There was nothing for it I’ll just have to be quick enough to stop her from stopping me.

Sliding up her body, I covered her pussy with my hand and took one of her nipples into my mouth at the same time.  She stirred and stretched, pressing her pussy harder into my hand.

She was so responsive even in her sleep that it was a struggle to hold still and not go full tilt, but I didn’t want to hurt her any more than necessary.

I was going on my own assumption here that she was untouched and for her sake she had better be.

Don’t ask me why that was important, the legend never said anything about the woman being an innocent; but I didn’t like the idea of someone else having humbled what’s mine.

I wanted to taste her, to run my tongue through that heat I now felt around my fingers, but that will have to wait.

She was still asleep when I pushed her legs open with one of my knees and settled in between them.

Taking myself in hand, I felt her pussy’s readiness with my other hand, dipping my fingers inside to test her tightness and the strength of her virginity.

I almost pounded my chest when I felt the barrier inside her, but instead I reached for the ring I’d placed on the nightstand.

Steeling myself, I gritted my teeth and with one strong push, I broke through the tissue that had kept her safe for me, and only me, while putting my ring on her finger.

“What...” her body bucked and arched off the bed as her eyes flew open and her mouth widened with a scream.

“Shh.” I covered her mouth with mine and used my body to keep her in place.

I held still, letting her get used to my cock inside her. She felt small and tight as fuck around my dick, like the best feeling in the world.

I wanted to move, to pound into her, but knew that I couldn’t. I had to control the animal lust that rode me hard.

The need to dominate her was strong, stronger than I could’ve ever imagined. “You feel so fucking good Firefox, maybe too good.” I wasn’t making any sense but that was okay, right now I just needed her with me.

“It hurts Jackson, take it out.”

“I can’t baby, if I do it will only hurt more the next time, better to continue now. I’ll go slow I promise.” Even if it kills me!

I had to think of something to ease the pain, as tight as she was, I could imagine shoving my eleven inch cock inside her must’ve felt like I was trying to kill her.

She couldn’t resist my touch I know, so I set out to overwhelm her little virgin body, while holding still inside her.

“Look at me.” I was glad she was awake now, because I wanted to see her eyes the first time I took her, needed to see into her as deeply as I could, to touch her there.

There was a little bit of fear in her eyes, but I also saw acceptance. Tears gathered in her eyes and fell. I kissed them away before they reached her cheeks.

“Don’t cry anymore, the pain is over I promise.” Her little hands came up and around me and she widened her legs a little more, trying to get comfortable.

My cock jumped inside her and she moved beneath me sucking my cock in deeper. I wanted to move so fucking bad it was killing me to hold still like this, but I knew she needed time.

Her pussy was warm and soft and fit around me like we were made for each other.

“Is it better now?”

“No, it feels like you’re tearing me in two. Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

I couldn’t contain the bark of laughter that ripped from my chest. Even here she challenged me.

Gathering her close in my arms, I rocked my hips gently from side to side and she moaned; so responsive.

I kissed her long and hard. Taking her mind off of what my cock was doing to her tight little pussy, or so I hoped.

I wasn’t expecting much this first time, only to get her maidenhead out of the way and put my ring on her finger, which she had yet to notice.

“It’s supposed to hurt the first time, baby. Tell me when you’re ready and I’ll start moving.” Please let it be soon before I lose my fucking mind.

“You can move. I don’t see how it’s gonna get any better or worse.” Oh a challenge, very well.

I pulled out of her body and moved down between her legs in one smooth motion. There was very little blood, which I cleaned away with the wet towel I had brought for just this purpose.

“Now, I can love you the way I want to.” With that, I lowered my mouth to her cunt, fulfilling my thirst for her taste.

I lapped at her at first, broad swipes of my tongue that made her writhe and pull my hair.

When I teased the inside of her pussy with the tip of my tongue I thought for sure she was going to scalp me.

She made the wildest sounds in her throat before my mouth was filled with her essence.

Surprisingly my only thought then, was that I hope I can make her feel like that for the rest of our lives.

Her response threw me, I don’t think I’d ever seen or felt anything like it. It was as if she’d been electrocuted the way she shook and trembled on my tongue and her taste, fuck. A man could give up much for a taste like that.

Holding her ass in my hands, I feasted on her pink flesh, dipping my tongue in deep and then pulling it out to tease her now swollen clit.

She moved in my hands, beneath my tongue in ways that I never would’ve expected from my Maxie. She was as wild and uninhibited in her passion as with everything else.

It was while she was in the midst of another orgasm that I slid up and into her.

Her body felt more relaxed and pliant now, more open, as I lifted her legs over the crook of my arms.

“Can you take me like this?”

Her only answer was to dig her nails into me and lift her body into mine. I’ll take that as a yes.

I had enough restraint, even with her nails digging into me, not to go too hard, not yet anyway.

Burying my face in her neck, I moved my cock slowly in and out of her body, letting her juices and my abundance of pre-cum ease the way.

As close as we were, it wasn’t close enough, I couldn’t get deep enough, couldn’t hold her tight enough. In my mind I saw myself mounting her from behind, slamming into her hard until the rafters shook.

But in reality, I went slow and deep, grinding more than pounding, getting her use to the weight and length of the cock that was now buried balls deep inside her.

I knew I was still hurting her, but it couldn’t be helped, by the time I roll away from her in the morning she’d be use to me.

“Do you know what this means, my little Firefox?” I nibbled her ear while easing my cock out of her almost all the way.

“It means that from this day on, I own you.” I slammed back into her and swallowed her scream of outrage.

I knew that would offend her mercenary little heart, but it was best that she knew from the beginning what being mine meant.

She might not have the right temperament needed to be the wife of a man like me, but I’ll see that she learns.

Rearing back, I brought the hand with my ring to my lips and bit into the ring and her finger as I throbbed inside her.

Taking both her hands in mine, I held them above her head and leaned into her. “I have to fuck you, sorry.”

No sooner were the words out of my mouth than I was lifting her legs over my shoulders, praying with one breath not to hurt her. While with the next, I sought to totally dominate her.

There were no more sounds in the room other than the creaking of the bed and our harsh breaths and grunts.

I wasn’t expecting her to cum on my cock. Not this first time, but I wanted her to have as much pleasure as possible.

I pressed down on her clit with the base of my cock each time I plowed into her. Her pussy was like a suction opening and closing around me like a vise.

I sped up my thrusts and bore into her harder, deeper as she moved with me.

With one hand, I covered her tit, while using the other to pull her ass tighter into me so that my cock went as deep inside her as it was possible to go.

I felt the pull in my balls and knew I had to pull out soon, but then she started tightening around me with her own impending explosion.

“Shit baby release me.”

“What I don’t know what you mean.” She kept moving while I fought to get out of her.

“Inside, relax your muscles baby do it now.” She tightened around me even more and arched her back.

“Fuck.” My cock was shooting off inside her as I tried to pull out.

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