Katie's Mates (10 page)

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Authors: Alicia White

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Katie's Mates
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“You are our mate.” Nathan growled from the doorway, and Ryan watched as Katie jumped and moved to look at him.

Katie moved her legs off Ethan’s shoulders, and it seemed like she was already creating some distance. Ryan’s shoulders slumped. This wasn’t going to be good. It was a full moon, and he could see the strain on Nathan’s face. His animal was roaming, just at the surface.

“I know. Ryan’s been kind enough to tell me everything. I’m just not sure I’m ready for this. I’m sorry. I’m not trying to hurt any of you. I came here to make sure my sister was okay. Ryan brought me to your house instead. I do care about all of you. I just need to think. Being around all of you is making it hard on me.”

“Hard on you? Seriously? We’ve been completely calm and accommodating. We’ve been taking care of you. We’ve told you that you’re our mate. That’s forever! We all agreed to let Ryan talk to you and explain everything. What more is there to think about? You’re not some temporary girlfriend. We’ve marked you.” Nathan stalked into the room, and Ryan held his breath, hoping this little conversation didn’t turn into some sort of battle. Lucas followed closely behind him, smirking. Ethan changed positions as well, wanting to watch Katie.

Oh, God. This isn’t going to turn out good,
Ryan thought as he shoved his hands through his hair.

“I told you so,” Lucas said, and Ryan groaned.

“She isn’t going anywhere.” Ethan shot him a glare. “We’ll give you more time, Katie, if that’s what you need. We more than care about you. We love you. We want forever. This is different than what you’re used to. I’ll try to understand, but we won’t be letting you go anywhere.” Ethan got up then and left the room, and Ryan really hoped that Lucas would follow without saying anything stupid.

“You can’t just keep me here!” Katie jumped up off the chair, and Ryan cringed.

“Yes we can, sweetheart! You aren’t going anywhere!” Nathan added and left the room. Lucas didn’t say a word, just looked at Katie with a smirk on his face before following Nathan out.

“Shit,” Ryan whispered. He was always the damn peacekeeper. It was a position he hated being in. Tomorrow when his brothers realized that he took her to their Alpha’s house, he was gonna get it.

“What the hell just happened?” Katie turned and stared at him.

“When you said that you needed time to think away from us, Nathan took that to mean you wanted to leave. He probably felt rejected. It’s hard for us. We aren’t just human, Katie, we have a lot of possessive, aggressive, dominant traits from our bears. You should probably take tonight to think. Tomorrow is another day.” Ryan got up and left the room. He needed some space from this whole situation. Tomorrow was going to be shitty. He could see it now, and he was taking their mate away. His brothers were going to freak out.

How could someone who wasn’t a shifter understand? How could he make Katie understand that they needed her, craved her, and couldn’t be apart from her for long without going crazy? He wanted to give her time to think, to come to terms with things, but he was concerned that she might not. He went to his bedroom and closed the door. He could hear his three older brothers talking in the next room, but he didn’t want to be a part of the conversation.



Chapter 9

Katie wasn’t sure how to feel as she drove down the long driveway with Ryan the next morning. So many thoughts raced through her mind, and she kept replaying the conversation from the night before. She felt torn between wanting to soothe Nathan’s worries and being upset at him for not understanding her worries. She knew her feelings were growing stronger each day, and her heart actually hurt. Nathan, Ethan, and Lucas had left a few minutes before Ryan led her toward his truck. She missed them.

She had been waiting to talk to Chloe for weeks now. Ever since Chloe had left for Alaska, she had felt a little sick to her stomach. Now she stood outside the front door to where her sister was. She rang the doorbell, knowing Ryan was right behind her. When the door opened, Chloe was standing there. She looked so happy, the black under her eyes completely gone. She actually looked like she was glowing. Katie felt jealous. She could have this, she could be this happy. Why was she scared?

“Well, it’s good to know you’re alive. I tried calling you every day since you left.” Katie knew her voice sounded angry. She was upset but not at Chloe. She was upset with herself. She had come all the way to Alaska. Gorgeous men had kidnapped her. She had to admit that it wasn’t horrible. Then she was kept away from Chloe. Now looking at her, she was pissed she ever worried at all.

“Katie. Oh my god. I’m so glad to see you. I did try to call you this morning, but I guess it was too late. Where have you been?” Chloe pulled her into the house, and she went willingly, wanting to get out of the cold.

“Me! Why don’t you ask Ranger Ryan? I’ve been here, in town, for almost a freakin’ week.” Katie raised her voice, and she watched as Chloe stopped and froze in place.

“What? Ryan, what’s going on?” Chloe looked at him.

Two very good-looking men walked into the room, and Katie assumed that they were Adam and Brandon. Both of them were watching her closely. “Adam, what’s going on? Why are you looking at him like that?” Chloe was looking back and forth between Ryan and her men. Nobody said anything.

“They kidnapped me, Chloe. These freakin’ barbarians tricked me, said they were taking me to you, and then locked me in a cabin.” Katie knew she was being a little overly dramatic.

“Who? Did Adam and Brandon have anything to do with this? I’m waiting for an answer. Someone answer me!” When Chloe finally started getting upset, Katie felt a little better. She just wanted someone to be on her side. Nathan, Ethan, Lucas, and Ryan worked together, and it felt nice to have her sister defending her.

“It was Ryan and those other Neanderthals.” Katie walked farther into the house, away from Ryan. Every time she moved, Ryan followed her, trying to get closer. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t deny or confirm, and he didn’t try to defend himself. Maybe he would be glad to get rid of her.

“Adam, did you know about this?” Chloe whispered.

“Yes. They came here, that day before the ceremony, and told me. They said that she was their mate and they wanted time with her. They asked permission to keep her for a while.” His face was serious, and his words surprised her. Katie remembered that morning she woke up and Nathan, Ethan, and Ryan were gone. She also remembered the shower scene with Lucas. She shook her head, wanting to get rid of that picture.

“Like she’s what, property? You gave them permission. She’s my sister. I can’t believe that you actually had something to do with this.” Chloe shook her head, her face saying it all. She was upset and hurt.

“No. I didn’t tell them they could keep her. They just wanted some time to woo her. I gave them until after our ceremony. I told Ryan she needed to be here today. I knew they would be at the door.” Adam watched everything, his presence a dominating strength throughout the room.

“I’m surprised he did. I wouldn’t have. Where are your brothers?” Brandon added, looking at Ryan.

“They weren’t exactly on board with bringing her here. I snuck her out of the cabin. I knew that if we didn’t come today, you’d come for her and there might be a fight. Nathan, Lucas, and Ethan will be coming here soon I’m sure.” Ryan said it quietly. He looked sad, and Katie felt sorry for him. He was always so sweet to her, her loving, gentle man.

“Damn right there is gonna be fight! You committed a crime! You took my sister, you ass. Leave. I want you gone, and keep your brothers away from this house.” Chloe pulled Katie close and wrapped her arm around her shoulder.

“Chloe, it’s not that easy. We aren’t completely human, baby. They did what was necessary.” Adam spoke calmly, and his voice seemed to have an effect on her sister. Chloe let out a deep breath.

“The others will be here soon. I doubt Ryan will leave. She’s his mate. You know how serious that is.” Chloe ushered Katie into the living room, and she was glad to be away from the men for a few minutes. She knew Ryan’s words were true. He had snuck her out of the cabin, and his brothers would be on their way.

They left the men in the entryway talking and went to get comfortable on the couch. “I’m so sorry, Katie. You must’ve been so scared. I’ve only seen them twice, and both times that big one scared the hell out of me.” Chloe’s words were soft.

“Nathan?” Chloe nodded her head, and Katie continued. “No, he’s not too bad, he’s a big teddy bear compared to those twins.”

“Teddy bear?” her sister mimicked, looking a little confused.

“Yeah, he looks kind of scary, but really he’s nice. At least he was nice to me, him, Ethan and Ryan. Lucas was more irritating than anything. I kept asking about you. They told me that they couldn’t let me go. It was so upsetting, not knowing if you were okay or not.” Katie grabbed her and hugged her tight. “I was so worried about you.” She sniffed and started crying. She couldn’t control herself. After everything Chloe had went through, her only thought was to get to her, and the men prevented it.

“I’m sorry, Katie. I should’ve called you sooner. There was so much going on. Losing Conner. Coming here. Meeting both Adam and Brandon. Everything. I left feeling dead, and now I’m happy.” Chloe rubbed her hand up and down her back, comforting her.

“Being locked in that cabin, away from you, I just wanted to get here. I tried to get here, but I had no idea where you were. Ryan’s right, they aren’t gonna just let me go. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re all here. I don’t want to see them right now.” Katie moved away from their hug and stared at Chloe, feeling a little vulnerable. She did want some space. She needed to sort out her feelings, reality versus fantasy.

“It’s okay. Even if they are here, they aren’t taking you anywhere. You’re safe. I promise. Adam and Brandon won’t let anything happen.” She knew Chloe meant every word.

Katie could hear raised voices coming from the entryway and knew it wouldn’t be long before they all were in the living room. Adam and Brandon led the way into the living room, followed closely by Nathan, Ethan, Lucas, and Ryan. She got up and moved away from the couch, needing some space. The room filled with aggression and testosterone. She heard growls coming from her men and stopped moving.

“What are they doing here?” Chloe’s voice held an edge of anger to it, and Katie wanted to say something to stop her from being so upset. This whole thing was becoming a huger deal than it needed to be.

“Katie is their mate. We can’t keep them apart. It isn’t right. Just like Conner wasn’t right by keeping you from us. A lot of pain and anguish could’ve been prevented. I can’t keep her from them.” Adam tried to talk to Chloe to calm her down, and Katie found herself being very grateful.

“She doesn’t want them. I told her she would be safe here.” Chloe got up and walked toward her.

She’s mine
!” Nathan’s voice came out deep and harsh. It seemed that everyone started talking at once, and she just wanted to relax and have some peace before having to deal with more.

“No. I’m not yours. I want to go home. Please…just leave.” Katie’s words sounded like a plea to her own ears. She really just needed some time away from them to think. Everything had happened too fast.

“You belong to us, you know it. Don’t say things like that. You know how upset it makes them.” Ryan’s voice was calm as he spoke, looking directly at her.

“I’m too tired to handle this right now. I just want some time alone.” Katie sniffed and tried to control her emotions. It was pointless though. Tears dripped down her cheeks. She cared about them so much, and this whole ordeal was becoming worse by the minute.

“You’re not going to be able to get rid of us that easily, sweetie. If you’re staying here, then so are we. This house is big enough for us all.” Nathan took deep breaths, and she knew he was trying to stay calm for her. He always was the one who took care of her and cared about her feelings.

“No. Adam. You can’t let them do that,” Chloe said.

“Chloe, he can’t. They have the right to be near their mate,” Brandon added.

“I’m staying. I can’t speak for my brothers. It’s up to them, but I’m not leaving here without you, Katie. You mean too much to me. I’m sorry you’re hurt. I don’t like seeing you sad.” Nathan’s voice stopped all conversation.

“Me, too.” Ryan moved to stand next to Nathan. She wanted to smile, but she didn’t. The only thing on her mind was a hot bath and then bed. The night before she hadn’t slept. She was scared and worried about the future.

“Damn it. Nathan, Ryan. We came here to take her back with us. This is bull. I’m not staying here. This isn’t our house. Let’s just take her and leave. Four against two, we can take them.” Lucas’s voice was still full of anger. She wasn’t surprised. He was always ready for a fight. First, the rejection of him not wanting her to be his mate, and now he was ready to fight. He was sending too many mixed messages. Did he want her or not?

Katie started sobbing loudly, and both Nathan and Ryan turned, growling at Lucas. “Okay. Okay. Shit! I’m staying. Women. Stop crying, Katie. We’re all staying.” Lucas shoved his hand through his hair. She felt a small victory for having him change his mind. She did want them to leave, she really did, but a small part of her screamed for them to stay. What was wrong with her? She was addicted to them. The idea of being separated caused her actual physical pain. She needed to think, but she wanted them close by.

Katie wiped her face and stepped forward, away from the wall, letting them all see her shiny face and puffy eyes. She gave a small smile and said, “Fine. We can talk later. I’m tired. Chloe, will you take me to the guest room?”

“The other wing of the house has a few bedrooms. Katie gets her own room, but you four have to share,” Chloe said.

“What about Conner’s room?” Adam asked.

“Oh, you’re right. It’s an awful mess. I’ll take her to the other wing.” Chloe moved, taking Katie’s arm, and they left the room quickly. Katie looked over her shoulder to see all four of her men watching her leave. She gave them a small smile, unsure of what to expect.

* * * *

“I’m letting you stay here because I know what it feels like to be separated from my mate. No still means no. You four will not gang up on her. She’s way too tiny to fight you off. Has anyone claimed her? I didn’t notice any bite marks, but I really wasn’t looking,” Adam said right when Katie was clear of the room. Nathan didn’t want to answer his question. He had claimed her, and so had Ethan and Ryan. The four of them still needed to work together for the bonding to be stronger. Lucas needed to be a part of the ceremony. When that happened it would be obvious to everyone that she had been claimed.

“Trust me, she’s in complete control. You heard her cry harder when she thought Lucas might leave. She may look fragile, but she’s not. She knows how to play them all,” Ethan said.

“Her charms don’t work on you, though, right? Please. She only has to bat those little brown eyes and you do her bidding.” Lucas’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

“We’re all staying. We all want her. She belongs to us. We know the rules when it comes to mates. I’ve been waiting a long time, a lot longer than you. Nothing will happen unless she begs for it.” Nathan arched his brow and crossed his large arms over his broad chest.

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