Jude; The Fallen (The Fallen Series, Book 2) (17 page)

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Authors: Tara S. Wood,Lorecia Goings

BOOK: Jude; The Fallen (The Fallen Series, Book 2)
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Coriander responded with enthusiasm, tugging up the hem of his shirt to slide her palms across his skin. He let go and shrugged off the fabric barrier, reaching for her shirt to return the favor. She unfastened the lacy scrap of her bra and tossed it to the floor, chuckling as she pulled him back down for a kiss. Her tongue trailed on the inside of his mouth as his hands shifted lower, making quick work of his jeans and boxers, and her cargo pants.

He wanted to go slow, to use his hands and mouth to tease and distract, to send her mind and her body into a state of pure pleasure. Jude knew Ashtiru’s disappearance was the only thing at the forefront of her mind, but if he could give her something good, even for these few brief moments, all the heartache and uncertainty would be worth it. Yes, he was all for slow and sensual, gritting his teeth against the need to take her hard and fast and leave her breathless in his wake, but her tiny hands found his and guided them to her hips. She arched her body and tightened her fingers, urging him to grab hold of the edge of the matching lace panties.

“Off,” she panted, her sweet breath spilling into his mouth.

With the one breathy word, his fingers dug into the lace, forcing them through the fabric. He yanked his hands apart, ripping them in two great tugs. Coriander cried out, high and sharp, and wound her arms around him as their lower halves finally met with nothing between them.

Soft and slow became a foreign concept, ludicrous even, under the circumstances. Her body writhed against his with purpose, the ripple of a woman trying to shake off her fear like a snake shedding a dead skin.

Jude’s breath caught in his throat as she palmed his cock with quick strokes, the blunt edge of her nails slipping over the head. He groaned, capturing her mouth with a rough kiss. Coriander mouthed back with equal pressure, matching the bruising force with ardent pulls of her hand. Fire coiled at the base of his spine, tensing his muscles and breaking his concentration.

“Christ, Cori, keep that up and I won’t last,” he gasped.

Her throaty laugh rolled over him, dark and sweet with promise as she squeezed harder. “So get on with it.”

He gave a rough snort to focus his efforts, and knocked her thighs open with his forearms, hooking her knees over his elbows. She stared up at him with eyes wide as moons, trust and faith reflected back at him with a force that threatened to shake him apart. Nothing registered but the feel of her skin on his and the tightness in his groin, leaving him rock hard and wanting. He nudged closer to her entrance, and threw his head back on a moan as he found her hot and wet and ready.

“Do it,” she rasped. “Take me, Jude.”

Her hands curled into his forearms, the short nails digging into his skin as he snapped his hips and entered her on a sharp thrust. She hissed, a low wail that turned into a heavy moan. The sound covered him in heat and need as he began to move. Jude’s hands gripped her hips, anchoring her into the position, leaving her no room to do anything but hang on for the ride.

Coriander’s body bucked, tight with tension, all fire and sizzle as he moved. The liquid heat of her body surrounded him, encasing him in warmth. Sweet sparks of electricity rippled through his muscles, running through his veins in a rush of desire. He thrust harder, each stroke a rapid-fire connection between their bodies, tying them together. Her head was thrown back, exposing the column of her neck as she uttered nonsensical groans and half-words out of a mouth slack with pleasure. The fullness of her kiss-swollen lips beckoned, and he leaned down, forcing more pressure upon her as he fastened his mouth to hers.

She was trapped tight beneath him, the shift of her body communicating a need for more. He eased back, snapping his hips in a punishing rhythm that sent shivers over his skin, making stars dance in front of his eyes. Coriander snorted, snuffling and gasping as she clawed at his arms. Her thighs quivered as her legs wrapped around him, drawing him deeper.

“Please,” she whispered. “Please, Jude, please!”

He felt the tension in her body ratcheting higher, evident in the strain of her muscles as she shook around him. Jude’s jaw clenched at the sensation, and he wanted nothing more in this moment than to take her over the edge with him. He barreled down on her, ignoring the blissful burning of the tattoo on his back. As much as he wanted to fly, he didn’t want to do it without her. The pull of her body was strong, and he felt the electric coil of impending orgasm take hold.

Coriander vibrated beneath him, and he growled at the high-pitched mewling noises coming from her throat. She was close, and damned if he would lose it before he watched her come.

“Fuck, Cori. Come for me, baby.” Jude ground his hips down, back and forth, slamming into her, ready to watch her go. Two more pounding strokes and she was gone, shouting his name like a benediction through her climax.

He rode her through the aftershocks, absorbing the tiny tremors that wracked her body. She was so beautiful, sweat-soaked and flushed, pleasure written across her every feature. Cat-green eyes fluttered open, fixing him with a sated gaze that snapped his last thread of control. Jude groaned out his release, rocking her body as he came, leaning into the clutch of her hands as she pulled him closer. The rush radiated from his core as he let it all go, feeling all of his emotions pour out through the aching pulse of his orgasm.

Jude’s breath stuttered as he stilled, collapsing to the side of her. She didn’t waste a second before snuggling into his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist. They lay there for several long moments, exchanging murmured endearments and lazy kisses as their breathing settled.

Her lips nuzzled into the crook of his neck. “What now?” she whispered.

Jude ran a smoothing hand over her hair and pressed a soft kiss to her head, keeping her tucked in the cocoon of his arms. “Sleep,” he huffed. “Sleep now. Tomorrow we can make a plan.”

“I can’t do this without you.”

His heart seized at her admission. He didn’t want to think about what would happen if he failed her, and they were unable to bring Ash back home. It was a distinct possibility, but one that was best left unsaid. Instead he pulled her closer, throwing a leg over hers to anchor her to him. “I know, Cori. I know.”

“Do you think he’s making the right choice?” Elijah signed.

Mordecai shrugged. “Traipsing after her without the rest of us? No, I don’t think so.” He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. “We’re a team, aren’t we? We’re supposed to do this together.” The deaf angel blew out a low breath. “He’ll fail. And then he’ll die with her.”

Elijah nudged him with a foot, making him reestablish eye contact. “What’s wrong with that? Dying for the woman you love? It’s a noble purpose.”

He watched as Mordecai’s eyes misted over with a haze of darkness. “It’s a weakness. One that breaks the integrity of our strength as a group. We already have a purpose. It’s not up to him to decide to change that,” Mordecai said with quiet insistence. “There is nothing in this world that I could ever choose over you.” Mordecai’s gaze pinned him for a moment, then he got up and left the room.

Wide-eyed, Elijah stared at the empty space in the doorway, and wondered exactly which ‘you’ his brother meant.



Chapter Nine



Coriander stared at the phone in her hand, knowing she needed to push the button to initiate contact. So simple, yet she couldn’t get her fingers to work. Avalon was the pinnacle of patience, almost as much as Persephone, but for some reason the thought of having to go over the enormity of the situation again stilled her fingers.

“You want me to call her?” Persephone’s voice was soft and placating as she gingerly extracted the phone from Coriander’s trembling hand.

Tears filled her eyes, the words stalling in her throat, and all she could do was nod as she relinquished her grip on the mobile device.

Persephone wrapped an arm around her and guided her to the sofa as she pushed a button, lifting the phone to her ear. “Hey, Lon, it’s Seph. I’m here with Cori and Teir. We need you, hun.”

Coriander let out a soft sob into Persephone’s shoulder as they sat down.

“Yeah, it’s urgent. Just get here and I’ll explain everything.” She paused, murmuring with a gentle nod. “As quick as you can. See you soon, love.” Persephone hung up the phone and tossed it on the coffee table as she wrapped Coriander into her arms. “It’s okay, Cori,” she said softly. “Avalon’s on her way.”

“Is she?” Jude asked as he entered the living room.

“Should be tomorrow,” Persephone said. “In the meantime,” she looked at Coriander with fondness, “you should rest.”

The redhead popped up from the sofa. “I can’t. I need to get started.” She held her hand out to her sister. “Teir’s shit at research. You can help me until Avalon gets here. I’ve been thinking about the note, and I know he’s referencing Meketaten and death, so the tomb makes sense. But it can’t be that easy. I’m missing something.”

Persephone clasped the offered hand and stood, nodding. “I don’t know how much help I can be, but anything for Ash, you know that, Cori.”

Coriander’s face softened. “You just do what you always do, Sephie. Be here. Set things in motion. You’re the best lucky charm there is. Good or bad.”

“What do you want me to do?” Jude asked.

Her heart sank as she realized there wasn’t anything the big angel could do. Not until she or Avalon figured out exactly where they needed to go. The earnest look in his eyes curled around her heart. He knew it, too. But he was still asking, still wanting to do anything. For her. For her child. Then it came to her.

“You know what you can do for me? For Ash?”

“Anything, Cori.”

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, knowing she should hold her tongue and let it lie. But this was her baby out there, and she needed every scrap of hope and faith she could get her hands on. Asking him to do this was probably somewhere in the vicinity of asking him to forsake everything and fall all over again.


She saw the struggle in his face as he opened his mouth to speak. Finally, he managed, “I don’t know if—I mean, it’s—”

“She needs your prayers,” Coriander said, cutting him off. “And I need my little girl. All you have to do is believe that. I’m not asking for anything else.”

She tugged on Persephone’s hand, not waiting for a response.

Avalon arrived on the red-eye, breezing into the house in the early dawn hours, sparing only a moment for a brief reunion with her sisters and an impromptu meet and greet with the angels, consisting mainly of attaching names to faces. Coriander’s heart thumped in her chest as she watched her sister embrace Alex with a warm hug and gentle hand to his face. Avalon’s honey-colored locks were pulled back into an efficient, yet messy bun, revealing an oval face with soothing brown eyes. She looked much the same as she always did; reserved, knowledgeable, and kind.

She spoke to Alex in a soft murmur before nodding at Coriander and disappearing into the library.

Two days later, she was still ensconced in heavy research, directing Coriander with firm and insistent instructions. One thing was for certain; Avalon knew her way around books.

Coriander pushed back the book in front of her with an indignant huff. “I don’t think we’re going to find anything. I can’t waste anymore time,” she said, shoving back from the table. “Jude and I will catch the next flight. We’ll start at Luxor.”

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