It All Started With a Lima Bean (25 page)

Read It All Started With a Lima Bean Online

Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: It All Started With a Lima Bean
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“I was so ashamed. I couldn’t tell my mom. I was her only child, and she was so proud of me. So, as much as it pained me, I couldn’t see another way out. I made an appointment to get an abortion.” She was blubbering; but still had to explain the most painful part of her story. “The night before my appointment, I threatened God and told Him that if He didn’t take the baby, I was going to send it back to Him.”

She looked down again at their now intertwined fingers, unable to make eye contact with him while she told her shameful story. “I had a miscarriage in the middle of the night. My mom had to rush me to the emergency room, and that’s how she found out I was pregnant.” She pulled her hands away from him, covering her face as she sobbed. She hoped she wasn’t calling attention to herself. Feeling Caleb’s loving arms wrap around her, and no longer caring that they were in public with a ton of people around them, she put her face onto his chest, and shook with such strong emotion as her tears flowed. She hadn’t cried like that since it all happened. The wound was still open, and had festered for so long, she was sure that it was beyond ever healing.

After a few minutes of her drenching his shirt with tears, mascara and god only knows what else, she looked up at him again. “I’m so sorry, but as you can clearly see, I’m a mess and couldn’t be any good for you or Madison.”

He cradled her face with his hands, and looked straight into her distraught eyes as he replied, “No, I can’t see that. I see a beautiful woman who has lived with pain for so long that she can’t see past it to know that there is hope for a better future. Abby, you have to know that you can’t live with this forever. You have so much to offer and I would be the most blessed man to call you mine.”

She shuffled back out of his hold in shock at his kind words. “What? Did you hear what I told you? I threatened God, and He took my baby before I could abort it.”
Did he miss that part of her horrible story?

“Have you asked for forgiveness?”
Was he serious?

“What do you mean? From who?”

“Well, from God. You seem to feel guilty about your threat to Him. Have you asked Him to forgive you?”

What was he talking about?

“That’s why you feel so guilty. You can’t have hope in the future if there is no peace in your past.”
He was serious.

“I can’t. It’s too awful.”

“I haven’t told you my full story yet Abby.” He looked down at his folded hands. “What I’m about to share is not a pretty story, but I’ve learned how to let go and move forward. As much as I’d like to, I can’t change my past.” He glanced into her waiting eyes. “I was a horrific prick growing up. I had a sense of entitlement that was ridiculous. My cousins Stefen, Bri, and I were inseparable. Other than financially, we didn’t have the support of our families. We grew up with nannies, and got away with whatever we wanted. Stefen is only a year younger than I am, and Bri is three. As I said before, we were all being groomed to work at my dad and uncle’s law firm, and we attended the best law school possible that happened to be our parents’ alma mater.” He stopped for a moment
and took a deep breath. “Stefen and I were not only cousins and best friends, but frat brothers, as well. Our fathers ensured we were part of their fraternity without us even having to pledge because of their legacy. My dear cousin and I had a pact.” He blew out another puff of air. “We had agreed to sleep with as many girls with as little effort as possible while in college. We would point out girls that neither of us thought the other had a chance with. We’d built quite a reputation within the fraternity. I’d just come from a girl’s bed when Stefen pointed to Rene. He told me there was no way I could get her to sleep with me. I know it sounds so barbaric; it’s just a guy thing, a stupid guy thing. Anyway, he was right. I couldn’t win with her, at least not what I wanted to win. Well, she heard about the bet because it went around campus that there was a girl I couldn’t ‘seal the deal’ with. Instead of pushing me away, she made it her goal to change me. It worked. There was something about her that I couldn’t resist. I didn’t understand how or why she was so different from other girls, but she made me wait until I married her.”

“I would have never guessed this about you Caleb. You are nothing like that.”

“I know. She made a difference, and changed me.”

“What about Stefen and Bri?”

“Well Stefen is a whole other story. I have hope for him, but he is still a mess. He is the only one that ended up working for our fathers’ firm. Bri just kind of travels around like a lost soul; I’m not sure what is going on with her. She comes in and out of our lives now
and can’t maintain a relationship for anything. I worry a lot about them.”

“So neither has found their Rene yet?”

“No. Stefen thought he had, but I think he just got caught up in my and Rene’s ‘happy bubble’.”

“That’s too bad.”

“So, my point to this is that I am no saint. I just know that there is a better way now. Please don’t ever say you’re not good enough. I see differently. This is so awkward talking about Rene in order to convince you to give me a chance, but she is why I am who I am.”

“Please don’t ever feel uncomfortable talking about her. I don’t. I feel horrible for the pain you’ve suffered because of her death, but now I’m not only thankful to her for bringing Madison into the world, but I’m also thankful for her impact on your life.”

“So what do you say? Do you want to try this? I’ll be honest though. I don’t know what I’m doing here, and can’t remember having a legitimate girlfriend before Rene.”

“Well, we are both in the same boat then because the only dates I’ve been on since Peter were horrible, and I decided before they even picked me up that they had no chance. I may as well have not gone out with them.”

“Okay good. It will all be new for us both. We can figure it out as we go.”

“I have a request if you don’t mind. I hope it doesn’t sound rude.”

“What is it?”

“Can we can keep it quiet, at least until we figure out what we are doing? I know you are talking all or nothing, but I really need to take baby steps here. As much as I like you, this is really scary, and I’d hate for everyone to know my business if things didn’t work out.”

“No problem. I was going to suggest that we don’t tell Madison yet. She adores you, and I don’t want her to get her hopes up any more than she already has.”

“Agreed.” She smiled and held her hand out for him to shake. He put her hand down, scooted even closer to her, and placed both of his palms on the sides of her face again. “You are so beautiful Abby. I’ve dreamed of kissing you so many times.”

He moved in closer as her eyes closed. Their lips met for their fourth kiss. Yes, she was counting every time his mouth touched hers. This kiss confirmed what she already knew to be true. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for this man. She felt herself starting to get carried away, making sounds that encouraged him to keep going when she heard a clicking noise.

She pulled away from Caleb to find the photographer standing a few feet away.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. That kiss was one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen, and I couldn’t resist. I’ll be happy to either delete the photos, or give you copies, whatever you like. I’m legitimate, I promise.” She handed Caleb her business card.

It was a little weird having someone take pictures of their private moment, but now she was curious. She wanted to see the pictures. She looked at Caleb as he asked her, “What do you think?”

“I’d like to see.” She would love to have proof of him kissing her.

“Here.” The photographer handed her very expensive camera to them. She must be legitimate to hand such an expensive camera over to strangers. She showed them how to scan through the pictures. There were at least fifteen photos less than a second apart, and they were very intimate and beautiful.

“I definitely want copies of these. Here,” Caleb handed his business card over to the photographer they now knew as Dawn.

“I’ll get them over to you within a week. Can I take a few more of you just holding each other?”

“What does my face look like?” Abby asked Caleb.


“I mean, do I have mascara all over or anything?”

“No, you look great.”

“I can fix anything like that when I edit anyway, so don’t worry. Okay get closer. Put your arm around her. Perfect.” She took several pictures of them with Los Angeles as their backdrop before shaking their hands and leaving them alone once again.

“That was unexpected.”

“I think this whole trip has been unexpected.”

“I’d have to agree with that.” Caleb’s phone rang.

She watched his blissful expression change to concern as he listened to the person on the other end. Turning slightly to give him privacy, she wondered what was wrong. After a few moments, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Caleb explained that Madison was sick, and that unfortunately, they would have to cut their trip short to get back to her. Abby’s only concern was for the poor little girl with a fever waiting at home for her daddy. She jumped to her feet, and assured him it was fine, and truth be told, she was just as worried and anxious to get back. This time she had the courage to take his hand, and they headed back to the car side by side.



Abby was sad that her trip with Caleb had been cut short. At the same time, she was also filled with awe after watching him in action when he’d received a call from Grace while they’d been at the observatory. Grace told him that Madison was sick. Complaining of a stomachache the day before, she then struck a fever. They decided to head home without delay.

“Leah, he is amazing. I can’t believe he asked me to start dating him.” Abby was still on cloud nine.

“How can you be surprised? He’s been gaga over you since you met, and even though you denied it–” her best friend gave her the stink eye, “–I knew you’ve had the hots for him since then, too.”

“Yeah, well maybe I did, but I didn’t realize he would ever give me the time of day. He’s so handsome, successful, and the best father. He’s so good to Madison.” Abby could hear a high-pitched girly girl voice coming out of her mouth as she talked about this man she was already so in love with.

“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind being called
daddy either.” Leah cracked herself up as she popped her friend on the behind.

Abby put both hands up in front of her and shook her head. “I’m not even thinking about
. You are jumping
ahead sista.”

“You know I’m kidding. Me of all people wouldn’t tell you to jump into sleeping with him, but dang chica, he is supa fine, in a respectable manner of course.” Leah continued to bust up.

“Well yes, he is really hot.” Abby joined her friend in laughing, “But there’s so much more to him than his handsome looks. His heart and soul are also beautiful. When he told me about the story with his wife, I freaking melted. I am dating the bad boy gone good, every nerdy girl’s book boyfriend fantasy.” She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face if she tried to.

“Girlfriend, you and your book boyfriends. I’m sure you have one you can compare him to don’t you?” Leah knew her well.

Shyly, Abby glanced at her, pursed her lips, and said, “Maybe.” Then beamed.

“But the best part is that I didn’t have to put up with his crap to get the noble guy. I simply get Prince Charming off the bat...

Rolling her eyes, Leah added, “If he has a friend that’s already the good guy, toss him my way. I’m currently in need of a Prince Charming too. All of the pendejos I’ve dated lately only want one thing and you know I’m not giving up the goods.”

“I’m sorry, but yeah, you are right; you’ve dated some doozies lately.”

“It’s not my fault that only jerks like girls with big booties.” She smacked her own behind.

“You do not have a big booty. Why do you always say that?”

“Because I do, and I’m not complaining about it. I’d rather have real woman curves than be a stick figure.”

“I hear ya, and my wide hips agree.” Abby rubbed her palms down the sides of her hips.

“Don’t forget about those huge knockers you are sporting my friend.” Pointing at Abby’s chest, Leah cracked up.

“Hey leave ‘the girls’ out of this.” She covered her chest, pretending to be offended.

“There is no way they can ever be out of anything when you are around girlfriend. They are here five minutes before the rest of you arrives.” Leah laughed a belly laugh and noticed Abby’s disapproving glare. “I’m just jealous; don’t mind me.”

“Don’t be; at least you can buy your pretty bras at any lingerie store. As you saw, I have to get mine from the old lady or porn star department, and most of those bras are not cute.”



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