Initiate Me (29 page)

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Authors: Elle Raven

BOOK: Initiate Me
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I was frantic and about to blow. When I gave four short thrusts, I groaned and squeezed her breasts tightly as liquid warmth seeped out the end of my cock onto her chest. I hadn’t realised Mia was holding her breath until I heard her expel a quiet sigh. I left her long enough to grab a cloth to wipe her down. I caressed her arms and legs and traced the line of her jaw and throat and then her collarbones. She was exquisite.

“I’ve got a couple of other ideas for tonight, sweetheart.”

“What are they?” she finally spoke.

Immediately, I silenced her as I rasped in her ear. “You don’t get to ask questions. And that one question just earned you another penalty, angel. Stay put and stay quiet.”

I could feel her heart thudding against my chest.

“Arrange yourself like you were before,” I demanded. Mia put her hands behind her and spread her legs open. “Good. Stay like that. I need to go and get something from the kitchen. No touching yourself while I’m gone.”

When I returned, she hadn’t moved. I brushed my lips along hers ever so softly until she whimpered. I teased her for an eternity with my mouth and breath and little bites and flicks of my tongue until I could sense she was becoming wet and lightheaded from my sensual onslaught.

“Open your mouth.”

I brushed her top and bottom lip with the popsicle I had grabbed from the freezer. Then I replaced it with my tongue and devoured her mouth. Her whole body was hot as fuck, like a furnace, which explained why the Popsicle had melted so quickly when I placed it on her nipples.

I swallowed her scream as I circled the icy tip around and around those rigid twin peaks. Then my mouth was licking the sticky sweetness from her left breast as I traced the frozen treat down the centre of her body. Past her pierced belly button, down to her pubic bone, making a couple of tiny circles over her clit—heading for my ultimate destination. I pushed the icy pop inside her warm entrance.


“That’s another one, Mia. I told you, no talking.” I then switched to her right nipple and suckled while twirling the ice pop inside her clenching sex.



y pussy was on fire. It quickly became numb as Zane fucked me with the popsicle.

I could just imagine the drips—and a combination of my flowing juices and the melting ice splattering all over the felt beneath me.
Oh, God
. I moaned at the eroticism bombarding me from every angle. All of my senses were alert. The room was dark and I could feel his warm tongue bathing the very tips of my nipples. The sucking noise of the popsicle and the sweet raspberry scent filtered my senses. The felt of the pool table rubbed against my butt and my back, while the ache in my arms from keeping myself upright strained. The sound of Zane’s broken breaths and the feel of his goatee gliding across my tingling skin sent me into a frenzy of need.

I felt the popsicle disappear and it was replaced with his mouth. His hot tongue burrowed into my cold pussy and I screamed. He slurped and sucked, eating at me with finesse then gluttony. His mouth covered my mound completely as his teeth, tongue and lips demanded my total surrender. And I gave it to him.

I wailed as my orgasm thundered through me, every pulse point in my body synchronised to the flicking of his tongue. Before I could catch my breath, he lifted me and reversed our positions. He sat upright on the pool table and I was stretched over his lap.

“Now that you’ve been rewarded, it’s time for you to take your punishment.”

Smack, smack
—he landed a firm blow on each of my butt cheeks. I yelled at the sting of pain which felt unbearably hot against the coldness of my cheeks.

“That’s another one. I told you; not a sound, Mia. Every time you speak or make a sound, it will earn you another penalty.”

Slap, slap.


He gave me two more spanks, harder than the first ones. “That’s another one. I’m not joking, angel. No talking and don’t move.”

Slap, slap.

I bit my lip and braced myself. Holy shit, I was on a pool table, almost hanging upside-down, completely naked across a man’s lap as he peppered my arse with slaps. Why wasn’t I humiliated? Why wasn’t I running away?

Because I knew it turned Zane on to epic levels. He was strung so tightly with exhilaration and heady with sexual power. He never hit me hard enough to hurt, just enough so there was no doubt who was in charge.

God. Zane was in charge of everything I had.

Slap, slap.

At some point, I wasn’t even dreading the connection of his big hand to my arse; I anticipated it. I craved it. So much to the point I moaned, not only once but twice.

“That earned you two more, angel.”

Slap, slap.

“This arse is so fucking beautiful, all pink and white.”
Slap, slap

“Pink?” I questioned him. “It feels like it should be red—”

“Dammit, Mia!” he hissed. “I can keep going all night. Stop answering me back. I will tell you when you can talk.”

Slap, slap
. His hands smoothed over my heated arse and down between my legs, worming two fingers inside my pussy.

“Fuck, baby, you’re sopping wet. When did this little spanking stop being a punishment?”

I didn’t answer him.

Slap, slap.
“Answer me.”

“Damn you, Zane! I wanted to talk the whole time just so you’d keep doing it—”

“Fuck!” he snarled and rolled me over so I was in his arms, holding me like a baby. “Get on your hands and knees. Do it.”

I did as he said and that slight edge of fear, that feeling of the unknown, heightened my excitement.

“Move your knees out wider,” he said.

The felt scraped my knees as I followed his command and he knelt behind me. God, I hoped his pool table was a strong one.

His tongue then bathed the burning marks of my butt cheeks. I whimpered when that wicked tongue of his traced the crack of my arse down to my tailbone and back up again. The head of his cock connected with my pussy briefly before he impaled it in one hard stroke.


He smacked my arse twice, but he didn’t speak; he just gripped my hips and methodically fucked me. Slow and shallow. Sweat poured from me, from him. My body shook; his body shook. I couldn’t stand it because it felt so damn good, but he was purposely holding us both off from orgasm as long as possible. I knew if he deepened or lengthened the thrusts, it’d send both of us soaring.

“I’m too far gone to be gentle, angel,” he said gruffly. He increased his pace until I splintered into a thousand pieces, and he soon followed with a grunt. He stretched his chest to my sweaty back, caging me in his arms. He sank his teeth into my nape, sending goose bumps in a wave across my skin.

I sighed in complete contentment.

“Have you had enough? Or do you want to see if you can go a couple more rounds and see if you end up in the penalty box?”

“What’s the penalty box?”

He whispered, “The spa bath.”

Ooh. That could be interesting.

“That’s one,” he warned.

“I really don’t think it’s fair, though. You get to—”

“Do you want to keep going?”

I kept quiet.

Zane then helped me to my feet and kissed me with exquisite tenderness.

“Are we done playing games?” I asked him.

“I figured we were, why?”

I casually teased him by murmuring, “Have I ever told you how long I can hold my breath under water?” There was a stunned silence. “But if we’re done...” I shrugged as I spun on my heel to walk off.

Before I could, Zane scooped me up and headed upstairs for the spa bath. “Oh, angel, we are so not done yet. Not by a long shot.”

I gasped as he nipped at my earlobe and we both stared into one another’s eyes.

“I love you.” We spoke the words together.

One voice, one heart and one future.



nother one bites the dust!

I should be happy, right? I was. I was truly happy for Mia and Zane. But at the same time, I found it suffocating with all this love in the air lately. First, my sister Jada married her long-time crush and virtual obsession, Max Brunetti, followed quickly by Mia marrying the man she lusted over for years. Ha! No chance in Hell of that ever happening to me, no way. I wouldn’t have the luck. I would never lust after any man ever again. I did once and I got burned like you wouldn’t believe. I would never forget that night; it was embedded in my soul forever.

So once again I was the ever-faithful bridesmaid. Yep, that was me, ‘always the bridesmaid and never the bride’. As Mia stood at the entrance to St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Tanunda, wearing a Collette Dinnigan lacy-white wedding gown which proudly showed off her baby bump, she looked like a true angel. She was so worried to tell Jada and Max about her pregnancy, knowing they were desperately trying so hard to have a baby of their own. But there was nothing but joy on their faces, knowing that having a baby was truly a miracle.

If anyone was upset about the pregnancy, it was old man Pep Brunetti. Man, did he lose the plot when they announced it one Sunday at family lunch. Holy cow, I’d never seen Pep so angry. In fact, I’d never seen him that angry since Mia decided to get her navel piercing when she was sixteen. For an old guy, Pep had run so fast across the room and decked Zane across the jaw, not once but several times. It took all three of his sons to restrain him from attacking Zane again. It was an afternoon which ended in tears, but tears of joy.

With everyone Mia loves present—her family, her cousins and her close friends—they’d all turned out to celebrate with her and Zane. Being the only daughter of the Brunetti family, it was going to be a very
Italian wedding.

Damn, what a shame Zane was an only child. Why couldn’t he at least have had a brother? Mia had been a blubbering mess the last few days leading up to the wedding, her pregnancy hormones getting the better of her. But at the church, she was displaying nothing but love and gracious smiles. I half-expected her to be bawling as she entered the church with her father. I was so proud of her and yes, I must admit as she started walking down the aisle, I was a touch jealous. I noticed the look of love on both her and Zane’s faces.

I wanted that. I wanted a man to look at me like that one day. Was that too much to ask?

Tears streamed down my face as I watched Mia walk down the aisle with Pep. That fucking bloody song “Ave Maria” got me every time. Thank fuck for my waterproof mascara.
Damn it, I can’t cry; I’ll ruin the rest of my makeup and end up looking like a raccoon.
But I couldn’t help it; I knew it was going to happen from the moment Mia started walking down the aisle. I totally lost it. I wasn’t even this emotional at my own sister’s wedding. What the hell is wrong with me? Anyone would think I had the pregnancy hormones, as well. Fat chance of that happening; you needed to have sex for that to happen. I could almost dust out the cobwebs it had been so long.

Mia and Zane were about to take their wedding vows and my heart swelled so much that I thought it might actually leap out of my chest. As I looked up, my eyes locked with a set of dark and formidable eyes. Marco. He looked serious, and for a change, he wasn’t smirking at me. Instead, he was studying my face so intently, I felt naked.
Can he see that I’ve been crying?
Shit, he would never let me live that one down.

Once, I had so many dreams of a future with Marco Brunetti. But those dreams were shattered and fragmented into a thousand pieces the day I lost my innocence. Since that day, I changed. I became this horribly rude and ungrateful person. I hated feeling like that, but it was who I had become. It was his fault I was like this. All Marco’s fault that I became the woman I had the reputation for being, and I would never forgive him. I loathed him.

My breath shook as we all waited for Mia to reach Zane. The sun momentarily shone through the stained-glass window of the church and left the most glorious light shining upon the bride and groom.
Darn it
, I thought as I sniffled and began crying all over again. I had to try and compose myself and keep my tears at bay; otherwise, I would look like the biggest idiot. I was known for being rude and brash, not this emotional cry baby. What would everyone think, or more importantly what would Marco think? I hated that my thoughts went immediately to him.

I sensed and felt Marco’s eyes on me as I watched Pep tuck Mia’s hand into the crook of his arm and look down at her, love and warmth shining down on his daughter from his dark-brown eyes, so like Marco’s. Shit, there I went, thinking about him again.

Mia smiled at her father through a film of tears which she was only just barely keeping at bay. She squeezed his arm and whispered something to him. Pep pressed a kiss to Mia’s forehead as the two of them started the slow procession down the aisle. I heard no music; all I could hear was the steady beating of my heart which was permanently lodged in my throat.

It hit me then: I was ready to be someone’s forever. Mia had been ready to be Zane’s forever, and finally, she would be his wife.

A sob escaped me when Pep pressed soft kisses to both of Mia’s cheeks, and then he was handing over his daughter’s hand to Zane, patting him on the back. Wow, what a great pair they made. A perfect pair. Maybe that was why I was so emotional at
wedding, because I was the one who encouraged Mia to flirt with Zane at Max and Jada’s wedding. I always knew they two would hit off. They belonged together, just as I always knew they would.

I could have this. I deserved my own happily ever after with my very own Prince Charming. The million dollar question was with whom?

* * *


yanked at my tie. Damn, I hated wearing ties, but it was Mia’s wedding so I figured I could suck it up for one day. The Brunetti family were dropping off like flies. First Max gets married and now Mia. My mother was over the moon. I must be the only fucking sane one in the family.

Mia looked like a princess. I couldn’t believe my little sister was now married. Where did all the years go? It seemed like yesterday we were young and playing in the vineyards. I reflected on Mia back then, with her hair tied up in her signature pigtails. When had Mia grown up? I didn’t think I will ever see her as anything other than my little brat sister.

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