Hope's Chance (7 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Hope's Chance
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She shocked me when she sat her beer down and
climbed over  to the large chair I sat in. Her face came so close to my neck that I could feel her breathing. When she spoke I got
all over my body. “I knew you would smell even better than your clothes.

I went to push her away, but she lost her balance and fell into my lap. Her giggles filled the room. Before I could react she sat up and placed her
against mine.  “Am I pretty?”

If she only knew how pretty she was. I closed my eyes, refusing to look her in the eye. “Yes. You. Are.”

Her lips brushed against mine slowly and then I felt her warm tongue stroking my bottom lip. I wanted to resist it, to push her away and lock myself in my room, but it felt so good. My mind told me this couldn’t happen, but my body wouldn’t let me make that decision.

I wrapped my hands around her small waist and pulled her into my kiss. By the time my tongue brushed against hers, she had put her hands up my shirt and was running them over my chest. She pulled away and licked her lips. “Take off your shirt. I want to touch you.”

“We shouldn’t do this.” I suggested while I held the edge of my shirt.

She took my hand
pulled it away from the shirt. “Yes we should. Unless you don’t want to?” She asked as she backed away from my mouth.

We stared at each other for a minute. Her lips were already puffy from our kisses and her eyes were burning with desire. She bit down on her lip. “Don’t you want me Chance?”

I pushed her away enough to pull off my shirt. I would face the repercussions tomorrow. This was something that I needed, that I longed for. I could

Her hands we
re on my bare chest. She had an
eager smile on her face and she leaned down and kissed my stomach. I pulled her back up into my arms, grabbing he
r hair and pulling her into my kiss. Her tongue was like heaven. I had deprived myself of affection for so long that I was burning for her.

She grabbed the t-shirt of mine that she was wearing and pulled it over her head. I stared at the white lace bra. She took my hands and pulled them up to cup each breast. I couldn’t believe how good she felt in my arms.

“Hope we should stop. You don’t want this. It is just the alcohol.” I pleaded.

“I wanted this e
ver since I saw you yesterday. Th
is has nothing to do with alcohol.” She looked directly at me, pulling my hands against her breasts. “Tell me you don’t want me and I will go to bed.”

“I can’t tell you that.”

“Why not.”

I sighed as I watched my hands brushing across her chest.  She was controlling my hands, but I was the one feeling everything.

“Because, I do.”

“You do what Chance?” She took one of her hands and let go of mine. Before I could protest, she put it down my shorts. I didn’t even flinch as she began stroking me. She already knew how much I wanted her. The proof was in her hands.

“Ah, Oh God, I want you so bad Hope.” I said as her lips brushed against mine.

She took her tongue and licked my lips with it. “Take me to your bed Chance. Please. I want you so bad

She wasn’t asking me, she was telling me. I picked her up into my arms with one arm wrapped around her and kissed her as I carried her to my room.  I tossed her on the bed and watched as she backed up onto it, never taking her eyes off of mine.

I crouched down on the bed and ran my hands up her legs, taking my time.  I pulled down the boxers slowly watching her watch me. She kept licking those sexy lips, which made me want her even more.

When the shorts hit the floor I stared at her lying on my bed. I kissed her hip bone and then her stomach. Once I made it to her chest I slowly used my hands to pulled down one side of her bra. I took her into my mouth and heard her gasp with pleasure. Her hands were all over me pulling me back to her mouth.

As I succumbed to her hot kisses, I reached my hand in between her underwear to feel her hot skin . She was so ready, the proof cupped within my hand. I stroke her soft spot until she arched her back and screamed out in pleasure. While she was still shaking, she unbuttoned my shorts and kicked them off with her feet.

There was no time to think. No time to rationalize that this had gone too far, that it never should be happening. She pulled me in, slipping me inside of her.  She felt unbelievable and for a moment
I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

“We need protection first.” I said
worrying how incredibly stupid I had just been

“I am on the pill. Stop talking.”

I should have never taken her word for it, but it felt so good.
Her hips moved systematically together with mine, first slowly but then more rapid.
I was captivated by her body and when she touched me with those lips, I got chills deep inside of me.
Her tongue teased me on my neck and ears, and then finally my own tongue.
I felt her body arching underneath mine and I couldn’t hold out an

When we were all but spent, I collapsed on top of her, falling asleep while still inside. She stroked my back and stared into my eyes before finally falling asleep herself.

I didn’t know how it had all happened, but nothing could make
me regret it


Chapter 8




I woke up wondering where I was, until I noticed Chance’s body strewn across mine.
I lay there for a few minutes taking in just how beautiful he was. How could someone like him be single? A smile crossed my face when I felt his strong arms holding me. I kissed his shoulder and sat up.
My head was throbbing and I eased my way out of his bed. When I got into the bathroom I closed the door and emptied my bladder.  I opened the medicine cabinet and looked for some kind of pain killer. I felt like I could throw up.

When I was unsuccessful I headed out into the kitchen, but as I was walking I heard the door opening.  I ran back into the bathroom and hid behind the shower curtain. If this was my father
I was so dead.

A female voice filled the small pool house. “
Chance? Where are you? Wake up
…Oh my God your naked!” Buffy screamed.

“So get out of here. Damn!” I heard him yell.

“Well, I came to check on you. Why were you sleeping naked? You never sleep naked.”

I heard the bathroom door move and I closed my eyes. I don’t know why I thought that if I closed my eyes I wouldn’t get caught, but I did it anyway.  When I heard the toilet seat lift up and a loud strand of pee hitting the water, I knew it was Chance. I kept as quiet as I could.

I guess I passed out when I got out of the shower. I don’t remember.” He confessed.

“Weird Chance. You are so weird.”

He didn’t remember? How could he not remember? It was so perfect.

“Whatever. Are you done, or can I get a shower without you hounding me?” He asked as he reached in and turned on the water. I couldn’t say anything as the cold water hit my skin.  I
my hand over my mouth and held it in.

“I made breakfast. When you are done getting, yet another shower, you should come eat. Who gets that many showers anyway. You need to get laid so you can start acting normal.” She announced as she left. I heard the door slam as the water started getting warm.

As I started to relax my body, the shower curtain came flying open
and Chance came climbing in
. “Hope?”

I was crouched down in the bottom of the tub, soaking wet and naked, and he was too.

“Sorry, I heard her coming in and had to hide.” I confessed.

We were both still in the shower. He didn’t even seem like he noticed. I stood up and faced him, but when I reached my hand out to touch him, he backed away. “What’s wrong?”

“You need to leave Hope. You can’t be here.”

“But last night?” I said.

“Was a big mistake.”

His words crushed me.

Last night had been the best night of my life and those three words destroyed me. I hugged my chest and climbed out of the shower. “Let me just grab
some clothes and I will call my
friend to meet me down the street.” I said as I headed out of the bathroom.

Within seconds he was standing behind me in nothing but a towel. “Hope please understand. We can’t do this. We should have never done this.”

“I understand perfectly clear Chance. I am so sorry that I threw myself on you. I thought we liked each other.” I confessed. I wanted to kill myself for saying that.

“I’m sorry Hope.” Was all he said, and it was enough to break my heart.

I threw on clothes I found on the floor and went running out of the back of the pool house. When I made it into
the neighbor’s yard behind my father’s,
I kept running. I didn’t want anyone to stop me. I pulled the cell phone out of my small clutch purse and started dialing

By the time she picked up I was a mess. I couldn’t even get the words out.

Slow down Hope. I can’t understand you.

I need you to come get me.

What happened to you last night?

I will explain everything when you get here.


I gave her directions to the entrance of my
as I started walking  in that direction. If I ever came back here again it would be too soon.


I felt like it took forever for
to pick me up. When she did, she couldn’t believe what she saw. I was soaking wet, and in someone
clothes, without a bra. 
I wasn’t as wet as before, but since I hadn’t had time to towel off, things were pretty wet.

She had a million questions, but once I climbed inside the
all I could do was cry. I had never felt so humiliated before.

I should have never agreed to her stupid plan last night.

“Where did you go Hope?” She asked when I finally had calmed down.

I looked at her. “Obviously I
up going home with someone.”

“Oh my God Hope. I had no idea. Some hot guy came up and said you needed to leave. I told him to tell you to wait in the car if you were unhappy. The next thing I knew the bar was closing and you were nowhere to be found.”

I couldn’t believe she was turning this around on me. “It was
around ten
. The bar didn’t close for hours. Did you really expect me to wait outside alone that long?”

“I should have just given you my keys. Tyler would have dropped me off later.”

I cringed. “You hooked up with that strange guy?”

“Don’t you dare go preaching to me Hope. You obviously did just as much as I did last night.” She said as she continued driving.

“He wasn’t a stranger.”

pulled the car onto the shoulder of the road. “What do you mean he wasn’t a stranger? Who the Hell was he?”

“It doesn’t matter.” I mumbled.

“You better spill. I am not moving this car until you do.” She threatened.

I told her all about Chance. How we met. How he saved me. And, how he took me home.  She didn’t ask for details about what happened last night. She knew from the look of me what had happened.




Last night had been one of the best nights of my life, but I
let Hope know that. I couldn’t give her any reason to want to start a real relationship with me.  If she knew what I had done, and what everyone thought I had done, she never would have been with me last night.

I couldn’t stop myself.  She was so beautiful. Her skin smelled like honey and I couldn’t get enough of it. When I woke up and found her gone, I felt sad and alone.
I had never expected to talk to her
like I had this morning. I saw it in her eyes. I had crushed her with my words.

How could I be such an insensitive bastard to her?

I tried to get my mind off of her. I took another cold shower, and started folding clothes, but when I found the dress on the floor
, I lost it.

I had to call her and apologize. I couldn’t live with myself knowing I had hurt her. Even if she didn’t want to ever see me again, she deserved to know the truth. I put the clothes away and walked into the house. My plate was in the microwave like always. My sister and Mark were in the family room glued to the television.

“Hey guys, what’s up?”

They both turned to face me. “Chance, where did you go when you left the bar?”

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