Highlander's Challenge (33 page)

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Authors: Jo Barrett

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Historical, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Historical Romance

BOOK: Highlander's Challenge
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The solstice arrived and the celebration went as planned although Tuck and Colin hadn't said one word to each other for more than a week.

Holding back the tears the well wishes brought to her eyes, Tuck was amazed at how these people had become such a large part of her life in so short a time. She was going to miss them terribly. Even an irritating, overbearing, hardheaded Highlander. What a lamebrain she was, trying to convince herself that loving him had been a mistake. As if she could've stopped the inevitable.

She stole a quick glance at him beside her where they sat at the big table. He looked wonderful and yet just as miserable as she was. Returning her gaze to her food, she stabbed a bit of meat with more vigor than necessary. For the first time in her life she wanted to compromise but couldn't. Jenny needed her more than Colin did.

Her insides knotted. Pressing her hand to her stomach, she tried to blame the twist in her gut on her period, which had come earlier that morning, but knew it was a lie. She'd 319

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

always been lucky where that was concerned, and suffered little to nothing when it came around in the way of discomfort. It was more of an annoyance than anything. No, losing Colin was partly to blame for the pain, but the rest lay in her secret hope her period wouldn't come for a while. Like nine months.

Although it wasn't right to take his heir away, it was a part of him she would have with her in her own time. She idly wondered what sort of mother she'd be.

"Not a very good one," she whispered to herself. Having had no good role models in her life, the prospect was pretty dismal. Yet, she wanted to be one. Something she'd never considered before, it simply didn't fit into her lifestyle, and after all, she needed a man for that. Something she'd been convinced would never happen. Strange, how loving one man could bring about so many changes in her. Jenny wasn't going to recognize her when she got back, she thought with a rough chuckle.

"I know not what has occurred between you two, but I wish to Heaven you would end this feud," Ian grumbled by her side, pulling her from her depressing thoughts.

"Nothing's occurred. We just had a difference of opinion, that's all." She slipped the tasteless bite of food into her mouth and chewed.

He scoffed. "If this is what things shall be like around here on a regular basis, I may actually have to find another place to lay my head. Before Colin removes it from my shoulders permanently."


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

Her head snapped up at his comment, then to Colin who was intently listening to something his father was saying

"What do you mean, permanently?" she asked.

"He's been like a madman in the lists. When he's nearly killed off his garrison, he chooses me as his opponent. I've never seen him so agitated." He took her hand and pressed it to his chest. "I beg you, dear heart. Make peace with your husband so the rest of us may live to see another day." Just talking about the man brought parts of her body to life, flooding her thoughts with bittersweet memories. She'd never felt so rotten in her life, but almost smiled at Ian's exaggerated plea.

Pulling free of his grasp, she said, "I'm sorry he's being such an ass, but I can't help you. Unless you want me to show you a few moves."

"Uh, no. I do not think 'twould be wise to beat him in a match, although I'd sorely like to try. It would only serve to anger him further."

"Then you're SOL."

He gave her a puzzled glace.

"Shit out of luck," she said flatly, not caring in the least that she'd shocked him with her crudeness. The festivities during the feast grew a bit rambunctious with the bagpipes playing and everyone dancing, except her and Colin. She watched him, wanting to catalog everything about him, but turned away whenever he looked in her direction. There was no doubt he'd detect in her eyes that this was the last time she would ever see him again. During their argument, he'd failed to ask her when she would leave. In all 321

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by Jo Barrett

likelihood, he'd probably try to stop her once he realized her intent. She almost wished he would.

The sun crept across the sky, and it was time to go. With one last glance at her husband, she silently stole out of the great hall and made her way up the stairs to her chamber. She changed into her jeans and gathered her things. Looking around the room, where she'd been happier than she'd ever dreamed, tears burned the backs of her eyes. Her ring glinted in the sunlight streaming through the window. Twisting it off her finger, she laid it gently on the mantel. He would find another woman to love, another wife, one from his time who would do as she was told. Wanting to leave him something of her own, she bent over and unstrapped her knife from her calf. If archeologists found it in the future, they'd be confused as hell, but she didn't care. She laid it alongside the ring and turned toward the door, then paused. With a grin, she set the last of her Gummy Bears beside her knife and left the room. With all the revelry going on, no one noticed her slipping out the door and through the gates. It was better this way. Saying goodbye would tear her up inside.

Swiping at her tears as she made her way through the woods, she knew somehow, deep down, that the spring would work this time.

In minutes, she stood on its bank, the sunlight sparkling on the dappling water. She stared into its meager depths then looked back to where Arreyder Castle stood, hidden from view by the woods.

"I'll love you forever, Colin," she whispered. 322

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by Jo Barrett

As she took a deep breath and lifted her foot, the sound of heavy feet tearing through the forest made her pause. She turned to find Colin standing at the edge of the wood, his chest heaving with his quickened breath.

She swallowed the lump in her throat, but it didn't stop the tears from silently sliding down her face. "Don't try and stop me, Colin. I have to do this. I could never forgive myself if Jenny was hurt or died because of my selfishness, because I want nothing more than to stay here with you."

"I know." He quietly crossed to her. "You gave your word tae her before you gave your hand tae me, but when you said you knew the way back, everything I'd feared from the moment I realized I loved you seemed tae be coming true. It tore at my heart, and I fought back the only way I knew how. I shouldna have said what I did. 'Tis your duty tae protect the lass." He swallowed hard. "Forgive me, love. I beg you." A tremulous smile spread across her lips. "You're forgiven. Just don't let it happen again."

His lips turned up at the corners with a rough chuckle. "'Tis the solstice that you remembered," he said, a sorrowful frown quickly replacing his smile.

She nodded.

He looked to the sparkling water, his jaw clenching and unclenching. "I'll not stop you." He turned his misty gaze to hers. "Although I wish tae with all my heart." She flung herself into his arms and buried her face against his chest, muffling her sobs. He held her tight, and she knew he cried as well.


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

He cleared his throat. "You left something behind." Lifting his hand, he pulled her ring from his pinky. "This belongs here," he said, sliding it onto her finger. "For always."

"I wish—I—"

"I know, mavourneen. I know." He kissed her. Ian burst into the clearing. "Colin, the Campbells are—" He stopped and smiled. "'Tis about time you both came to your senses."

"What about the Campbells?" Colin asked. Ian's smile faded. "They are landing in Mull Bay. We must hurry to join the MacKenzies."

"Let's go," she said. She took a step toward the castle then was tugged backward.

"Nay," Colin said. "Your duty isna here."

"You need me. I've got to watch your back. I've got to—"

"Nay, love, though it pains me greatly," he said solemnly, shaking his head. "You must go tae Jenny. She needs you.

'Tis your duty tae return."

Her eyes filled once again. He was right. She looked at the spring, then back at his handsome face. More love than she ever thought possible filled his eyes. Love for her.

"Who is Jenny and return to where?" Ian asked. She stepped up to the handsome Englishman and took a deep breath. "I'm trusting you to watch his back," she said tearfully.

He nodded firmly. "As always, but where are you going? I do not understand."


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

"I'm going to miss you, hotshot." She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek then turned back to Colin.

"I love you," she said.

"And I love you."

They looked at one another for several long, painful heartbeats then she pressed her lips to his and moved to the bank.

"Remember me, mavourneen," he said, his voice breaking over the words.


Tears streamed down her face as she stepped into the spring. Sunlight reflected off the water, sending stars darting across her line of vision.


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

Chapter Twenty-four

"Holy Mother, Mary and Joseph," Ian muttered. "Where—

what—tell me there is a good explanation for what I just witnessed," Ian said.

Colin unclenched his fists and swallowed down the grief threatening to choke the life out of him. "She has returned tae her home."

So many times since she arrived, she had placed herself at risk, and with each new threat he thought he had truly lost her. But this way, he knew she was alive—somewhere in time, and hopefully out of danger once she saved her friend. He grinned tightly with the thought. Aye, she would save her, and many more like her. That was what his wife did, she saved lives—and souls.

He spun on his heels and trudged through the wood to the road where he'd left his horse. Ian followed without a word. Riding swiftly to the castle, he could think of nothing but how much he wanted to tear something apart. His anguish was far beyond containment.

He slid from his mount then bounded up the keep's stairs in twos, meeting Elspeth at the top. He looked into her gentle eyes, full of worry for his bride. It was she who had told him of Amelia slipping away from the celebration.

"I've no time for explanations. She has returned tae her home. You were right, Aunt. 'Tis tae far for me tae travel." Hurrying up the stairs to Amelia's chamber, he retrieved her gift, having left it behind in his haste to reach her before 326

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by Jo Barrett

she disappeared from his life. Her blade would always be at his side since the woman of his heart could not be. The men gathering in the bailey, ready for battle, grew quiet as he joined them. He led them to Mull Bay in silence. The Campbells would taste his wrath, his grief. They would not take from him the only thing he had left. His home.

* * * *

Tuck blinked away the stars and for a heart-stopping moment thought she was still with Colin. Then she realized the massive figure in front of her was a statue. Not her husband, not her love.

She looked down at the gravel path beneath her wet boots, a little confused to not be standing in the spring. Apparently she hadn't found the exact spot but at least she had the right spring.

"Jenny," she rasped.

Taking off in a fevered run, she rushed down the statue walk, through the ornate garden to the fountain. Rounding the hedge, she came to a screeching halt at the sight of Jenny giving the kidnapper a few good whacks with her purse. He toppled over to the ground out cold.

Several security guards rushed across the small courtyard as Tuck shook off her amazement and hurried to Jenny's side.

"This man assaulted my client. I'd like him held for the authorities," she said, snapping her bodyguard ID in their faces.

One man nodded as they hauled the man to his feet. "We'll take him tae the manager's office."


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

"Fine. We'll be there shortly." She turned to Jenny as they carted the man off. "What the hell do you have in that thing?" she asked, pointing at Jenny's purse.

She blinked her big brown eyes, then smiled sheepishly. "A few pennies?"

Scowling, Tuck snatched her bag and shoved her hand inside. Her mouth fell open as she pulled out several rolls of pennies. "How many wishes were you planning on making?" Jenny shrugged and adjusted her glasses. "Considering the number of wishing wells in Europe, I thought it best to be prepared."

Tuck handed her back her purse, shaking her head with a low chuckle that grew to all out laughter. Tears leaked from her eyes, a mix of bittersweet relief and utter torment. She didn't have to come back. Jenny hadn't needed her to save her after all.

"Are you feeling all right, Tuck?" Jenny asked warily. She cleared her constricted throat. "I'm okay. Come on, let's get this over with. I want to get out of here." She took Jenny's arm and escorted her inside, unable to bear the sight of that damn fountain any longer.

After a lot of paperwork, interviews, and a phone call to Jenny's father, they were finally headed back to their hotel. Tuck watched the Isle of Mull grow smaller as the ferry carried them away. Hidden in her vest pocket, she ran her thumb over her ring where it sat on her finger, feeling a small bit of comfort in its existence. It hadn't been a dream. He'd been real, and she missed him more than she thought possible. A part of her was dead inside, empty. 328

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by Jo Barrett

Jenny slipped up beside her, and she swiped away the remnants of her tears before she could see.

"Are you sure you're feeling all right?" Jenny asked. "You haven't been acting quite yourself." Tuck forced a smile to her lips. "I'm just tired. I, uh, guess I'm catching a cold or something."

"Tuck, you don't get tired nor do you ever get sick."

"Look, I'm fine. Okay? I don't need a mother hen." She spun around and went up on top to see if she could catch a glimpse of Arreyder Castle in the distance. It would be the last time she ever saw the massive stone structure. She could never go back. It would kill her to be where she wanted to be, but not when.

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