Her Teddy Bear #2 (5 page)

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Authors: Mimi Strong

BOOK: Her Teddy Bear #2
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A flush of warmth went to my pelvis. He smelled so good, so musky.

He pulled back from me long enough to remove his jacket, lay it over the cubicle wall, and loosen his tie. As he moved in again and clinched me in his arms, my fingers scrambled to undo the buttons of his shirt.

As the pinstriped shirt came off, he transformed from businessman to beast. My beast.

I ran my hands over the dark curls on his chest and took a turn sucking on
hard nipples, tickling them with my tongue and teeth as he had done to me.

The air-conditioned air was cool on my exposed skin, making me shiver, but not for long. He stepped out of his suit pants and shoes and began to work on peeling off my corduroy trousers. “Damnit, why no skirt?” he said.

“Can't make it too easy for you,” I joked.

He growled, like a bear, and finally got them off.

I had barely stepped out of my panties and he had his hands on me, and in me. He rubbed my clit as he fingered me, probing me. It felt so good to have him touching me. He pushed me back so I was sitting on my desk, and he drove his fingers deeper as he sucked on my breasts at the same time. The intensity drove me wild. It was almost too much.

My hand flailed out, reaching for his cock, disappointed to find it was still stuck inside his shorts. He rapidly brought me to my first orgasm, and I moaned and squirmed around helplessly on my desk. I panted and gasped, sucking in air as he sucked on first one and then the other nipple, sending electrical jolts through me as my orgasm rocked my body with pleasurable pulses.

He took a break and pulled back slowly, smiling at me, lit only by a far-away light and my computer monitor, which had flicked on at some point, probably when I'd nearly sat on the mouse.

“Wow,” I said. “I've never had so much fun at work.”

“Just repaying the favor you did me at the show suite.”

My mouth watered for him. I sat up and grabbed him by the cock. He let me lead him closer, and I peeled down his underwear.

I said, “Still want me to suck your toe?”

“Not now,” he said, grinning.

“Want me to suck something else?”

He nodded vigorously.

“Take a seat,” I said, nodding to my office chair, a little black swivel number with no armrests.

He sat, and I slid off my desk and got onto my hands and knees. As he'd done for me at the show suite, I crawled toward him.

I nuzzled his legs, letting my hair trail along, up and down his legs. I doubted he could feel my soft hair much through his leg hair, so I resorted to biting him, giving little love bites all the way up both thighs. He seemed to shiver.

“You cold?” I asked.


“Good.” I grabbed his shaft in my hand and rolled my tongue around the head of his dick.

He groaned with pleasure as I took him into my mouth, licking and sucking. I got in close to him, squeezing my breasts against his thighs as I licked and sucked him. He ran his arms over my shoulders and up and down my back, telling me how nice it felt.

That aching sensation returned to my vagina, and as I bobbed up and down on his delicious rod, I couldn't stop thinking about how I wanted him inside me again.

He seemed to be reading my mind, because he said, “Wanna climb up on me?”

I didn't wait for a second invitation, but stood and straddled him.

We had one problem. With my legs spread apart, I was too low to get him comfortably into my opening.

In a flash of inspiration, I pulled the lever on the bottom of the seat to lower the height of the chair.

Like magic, we were perfectly adjusted.

“You're so beautiful,” Trevor said, and his lips grazed my nipple. I leaned in so he could take me in his mouth as I slid his head into my opening. He sucked my breast as I lowered myself onto him, relishing every tingle of sensation. “So beautiful,” he said, bowing his head into me as he thrust.

I leaned back, looking up to the ceiling as he thrust into me, simultaneously rocking me back and forth. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, and his mouth. I didn't understand what my arms and legs were doing, but we were locked together in a passionate rhythm, like dancers.

I didn't know why I'd been so afraid of his big cock, when it fit so perfectly inside me. I spread my legs wider, so he could more easily roll me back and forth on the length of him. His cock stiffened even more, and my back began to sweat as I got into the rhythm of my next orgasm.

I came before him, shaking and writhing and sweating. He seemed to drink in every bit of my ecstasy, coaxing me and telling me how beautiful I was when I came. He sucked on my nipples and rubbed my damp back with his strong hands.

As our rhythm slowed down, I said, “Do you want me to go down again? I'll finish you with my mouth. You'll like it.”

“Stand and move back,” he said.

I eased off of him, his cock springing up after I released it.

Standing before him, I covered my breasts self-consciously.

“Don't cover up,” he said, nudging my hands down. “You're perfect. Even in this office light, it's like the moon is shining on you.”

Then he stood and embraced me, the tip of his cock well up past my belly button.

I pressed my breasts together with my hands and gave him a coy look. “Like this?”

“I'm not
tall,” he said. Glancing over my shoulder, he said, “I see the perfect place.”

He grabbed my hand and led me over to the photocopier, a small one. He lifted me up, but I was too high, my vagina just touching the tip of his cock. “We could play just-the-tip,” I said.

He lifted me off the machine easily with one strong arm, flipped up the lid, and repositioned me on the glass.

I started laughing, then laughed harder when he pushed the green button. The machine trembled and shook itself from its slumber, and as I ran my hands over Trevor's muscular pectoral muscles, the light below me turned on and the bar under the glass purred along under my buttocks.

I barely noticed the photocopier after that, because Trevor yanked me toward him and slid the head up and down along my lips, getting everything wet and ready. He nudged my legs wider, saying he wanted to get a good look at me. A green light was on inside the machine, below the glass, casting an otherworldly glow on both of our naked bodies.

He pushed the tip of his cock to my opening, and though he had softened during all the mucking about with the photocopier, he was rapidly straightening out.

“Damn, you're pretty,” he said.

He kissed my shoulders, my neck, my ears. I tilted my chin up to afford him more access. He kissed around to the other side, his five o-clock shadow rasping against me pleasantly. He sucked my earlobe, and as I whimpered with confused pleasure into his ear, I felt his sex harden and enter me.

“You feel so good,” he said, thrusting deeper.

I grabbed onto his broad shoulders to pull myself closer to him.

First the dresser at the show suite, and now the photocopier. I spread my legs wider to encourage him in deeper, so that his hips weren't held back by my legs.

Deeper he plunged, the beautiful head of his cock thrumming in and out of my pussy. I guided one of his hands down to my nub, and as he stroked over my clit, warmth radiated out and through me. I imagined my heat pulsing through him as well.

He pulled me forward, toward him, once, and then again, and then he had my legs up, in his arms, and I was resting partly on my lower back, my upper back against the wall. It shouldn't have been comfortable, and yet it was perfect. With his loving hand on my clit, stroking me as he pumped in and out, I closed my eyes and climbed up higher and higher, until I exploded, gasping. Fireworks.

His eyes were closed, his face intense, both focused and relaxed, in pain and in ecstasy. I quietly watched him as he climaxed, unaware I was watching. His face was so handsome, such a man's face, intense with those strong eyebrows and that sexy chin. His jaw muscles clenched and the tendons in his neck grew taut, and then his eyes flew open and he released into me.

He reached around and drew me to him, lifting me up, and he came inside me, hot and urgent, saying my name, over and over. “Naomi, Naomi, Naomi.”

As he slowed down, squeezing my ass and straining against me, I said, “Trevor.”

He kissed me, stopping me from saying his name, but I murmured it into his lips, as he murmured my name into mine.

As we got dressed after, I could have sworn I heard something, like the sound of keys tapping, but when I mentioned it and Trevor listened, we heard nothing.

With my clothes on, I dashed into the kitchenette, got some cleaning supplies, and gave the photocopier a good once-over, just to be courteous to my co-workers. A perfect imprint of my bare ass cheeks was on the glass of the photocopier, which Trevor and I both had a giggle over.

He took the photocopy of my butt from the machine, folded it several times, and stuck it in his pocket.

“It's so blurry,” I said. “You can't even tell it's a naked bum.”

“Yes, but I know,” he said. “And that's all that counts.”

“Oh, Trevor,” I said.

He kissed me on the cheek. “Dinner?”

I insisted we go somewhere casual. He took me to a fast food drive-through, as a joke, I think, but when we looked at the menu, we agreed the cheeseburgers and fries did look good.

We ordered, paid, and parked a ways up the street, where we ate inside the truck.

“Your truck is so clean,” I said. “I wouldn't think you'd eat in here, or let anyone else.”

He took a sip of his drink. “This may be the first time.”

“First time for everything,” I said.

He patted the pocket that contained the photocopy of my bum. “I'll say.”

His tie wasn't on, but he was still wearing his nice suit, with two napkins spread across his lap to protect the pants from his messy burger.

I said, “Chili burger, huh?”

“So good,” he said around the mouthful. “I haven't had one in ages. Roxie doesn't let me eat fast food.”

I pulled one of my fries from the container, careful not to overreact without thinking.

He took another sip of his drink and said, “That's my ex. Roxie. I didn't tell you her name, did I?”

“No, you didn't. What do you mean she
let you eat fast food?
sounds like the present. What's going on?”

“Oh.” He crumpled up the wrapper from his burger. “Slip of the tongue.”

“You guys
divorced, aren't you?”

“We're separated. That's basically divorced.”

I felt myself getting chilly, or feeling chilly, at least. “No, those aren't the same things. They're very different things.” My voice got hard, matching my emotions. “Listen, maybe I'm a rebound fling for you, just some girl you're fucking to cleanse your palate, but do me the courtesy of being honest.”

He stared straight ahead, not meeting my gaze. The vehicle interior was dark, with only a bit of streetlamp illuminating us.

“We're completely over. She's just staying with me temporarily.”

I inhaled sharply. “She's staying with you?”

He turned, met my eyes, then turned away as quickly. “Oh, yeah. I was going to tell you that tonight, but then you distracted me, with your sexy body.”

I crumpled the fast food packages in my hand and tossed the bag on the floor.

“I think you'd better drive me home, or I'm going to throw up in your nice truck.”

He turned, looking worried. “Are you sick? Was it the food?”

“No, Trevor. It's my reaction to you still living with your wife, from whom you are
not fucking divorced

“We're separated. And she twisted her ankle, so she couldn't get around in her duplex, because it's on three different levels, so she's in one of the guest rooms.”




He shook his head and started the vehicle. I'd meant for him to drive me back to my office, so I could get my car, but he took me home instead. I remembered the car when we pulled up in front of my house, but by this point, I couldn't stand to be in the vehicle with him one more second.

“Naomi, I really like you,” he said.

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