Her Accidental Angel (14 page)

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Authors: Melisse Aires

BOOK: Her Accidental Angel
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  “All right. I’ll take you home. Kaliel, Lemuel and the boys are tracking me, so once I leave here they may pop up again to throw me in a cell. So I will need Tehmuel to check on Kari frequently.”

  Kaliel frowned. “Lemuel is trying to put you in holding when Kaphawn is loose?

  Many humans have died?”

  “Many humans have died, but nothing like in the past. Not so far. I managed to wound him tonight before he disappeared, so he will be weak and looking for easy prey. People he knows about, like Kari’s mother. He has yet to reach full strength.”

  Kaliel nodded. “Tehmuel will be back soon with the other woman. You can take him with you to get Kari’s mother, bring her here where she is certain to be safe. Don’t worry about Lemuel. I will call him to the Assembly.”

  “You can call the Assembly?” Rahmiel asked, surprised.

  Kaliel grinned. “You’ve been gone a long time, Rahmiel. Women are now on the Council, and have been for a thousand years. I am on the High Council.”

  “That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time.” He paused. ”If you can arrange it, and keep me out of a cell, I would like to talk to the Guardians about a possible plan. If I could have more manpower, I think I know a way to get rid of this demon for good. He is far from having full strength.”

  “I will see what I can do.”

  Rahmiel turned to Kari. “Since you mother won’t arrive until later in the day, we do not need to be at your home tonight. It would not be the safest choice. It is around midnight there, so we have time to sleep. Tomorrow we can make our plan, and get your mother.”

  “I can offer you a room,” Kaliel said. “And I think I can get you a meeting with the Guardians, Rahmiel. I know I can keep you out of a cell—for a while, anyway.”

  “Thank you.”

  At that moment, Tehmuel and Tressa phased into the room. Kari ran to Tressa and gave her a tight hug.

  “I was so worried the demon had gone for you. Amber got hurt, but she’ll be okay…” Kari babbled on, until Rahmiel gently pulled her away and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Wow,” Tressa said. Her eyes were huge as she looked around the crystalline walls and sumptuous furniture in the room. “May I see Amber?”

  “Certainly. In fact, her room has two beds. You can sleep in there with her. I’m Kaliel, by the way. Auriel’s mother and Tehmuel’s daughter.”

  Her voice faded as she guided Tressa up the stairs.

  “Come, let us find a room. Tehmuel, do you know what room Kaliel would have for us?”

  Tehmuel took them up the lacy stairs, but down a different corridor, to a large hallway that had a grouping of stairways spiraling up. “Take the third stair. I think you will like the room.”


* * * *

Kari groaned when she saw the stair case. It went on forever.

  Rahmiel laughed. “You don’t think we are going to walk up those stairs, do you?”

  He swept her into his arms and into the air. “They are all for the look. Angels never use them.”

  Rahmiel deposited her on a large velvet-covered bed, in the most extraordinary room she had ever seen. The walls were all crystal, but somehow they magnified the stars overhead, and the room glittered with sparkling light.

  “Oh, look at the stars, Rahmiel.”

  Rahmiel pursed his lips and looked up, briefly. “Yes, stars. I’ve seen them. Stars don’t interest me.”

  “But they are so beautiful.”

  “I see only one thing of true beauty in this room.” He came up behind her and ran his hands up and down her arms. “Hair like russet silk, skin like a petal of an ivory rose. Enchanting…”

  He pulled her hair to one side and she felt his warm breath on her neck. It made her shiver.

  He wrapped his arms around her as he did when they flew and she glanced down and saw that his wounds were nearly gone. However, blood still smeared her shirt.

  “I have nothing to wear,” she complained. “I’m all grubby, and in this beautiful place, getting it dirty.”

  “Take off your clothes,” Rahmiel’s voice was husky. “You will be the jewel in the setting. And I can have your clothing cleaned.”

  “Really? Angels do laundry?”

  He smiled. “We have our ways.” He moved his hands down to the hem of her shirt and pulled it off, then slid her shorts down her hips.

  He spun her around. “This is pretty,” he said, moving a finger over her lace covered breast, “but what’s under it is truly lovely.” He opened her bra and pulled it off slowly.

  “Yes, perfect.”

  Her heart rate, already fast, went up another notch. Then his fingers slipped under the lace at her hips and pulled her panties down.

  He scooped up the clothes and placed them in a beautifully carved cabinet. He turned and paused, looking at her for a long time. He ambled toward her, gazing at her body the whole while. Kari felt her cheeks get hot under his perusal.

  As he reached her he looked into her eyes, and tipped her chin up when she tried to duck her head, embarrassed.

  His eyes glinted in the star light, and they looked so serious. She could see desire there, but there was something else, as well. Did he care for her, really? Would they be together when Kaphawn was no longer a problem?

  His finger left her chin to trace her lips. He pressed a finger tip between her lips and desire shot through her. She slicked her tongue over it.

  He bent and kissed her, and her arms went tight around his neck. She buried her hands in the soft feathers of his wings.

  In a swift move, they were on the bed, Rahmiel half on top of her.

  “Are you still sore, sweet Kari?”

  “I don’t think so…but you can make my soreness go away if there is any. So there’s only pleasure, right?”

  “Only if you wish it. I do not want to make things hazy. I want you right here with me.”

  His kiss was firm this time, tongue thrusting hard and fast. He pulled away and moved his mouth to her neck, where his caress was just as strong and passionate, as though he was devouring her. She felt herself melting with moisture.

  He moved to her breasts and flicked his tongue across one nipple. “I can’t get enough of you.” His lips closed over one nipple and she moved restlessly against him at the sweet torture.

  “Is it the bond? Is that why you desire me?” she asked.

  He chuckled, a rumble against her breast. “Oh, I would desire you, with or without the bond. But it does make it more exciting for me. Sparks of pleasure run through my body when I touch you.”

  “Yes, I feel that, too.”

  “I want you to feel more than sparks of pleasure.” His fingers trailed down her stomach.

  Kari sucked in a breath and swallowed hard. She threaded her fingers through his hair and made herself relax until his wet tongue gave slow licks to her nipple. Her body jerked in reaction.

  “This huge room…you can probably do the flying sex thing. Is that your favorite way?”

  She ran her hands through his hair as he feasted on her nipple.

  He stopped and looked up at her. “I do like it in flight. But there are other ways.”

  He returned to her nipples and licked one hard. She drew in a breath and wondered if he knew how crazy she was about him. One touch and she was wet and eager.

  “What about two Angels, do they fly together?”

  He looked up and raised his eyebrows. “You want to
about Angel sex? You could be
Angel sex. Wouldn’t that be better?”

  “Maybe I just want to have plain old human sex.” She wiggled away from him toward the middle of the bed.

  He crawled after her. “Does that mean I get to be on top?”

  “Sure.“ She made herself speak casually, but her heart pounded. “We can take turns.”

  “So it is my turn on top, right?” He crawled over her, imprisoning her between his arms and legs. She could feel the tip of his penis graze her stomach.

  He shifted so his hips were heavy on her pelvis, and now she could feel the tip of his cock barely touching her lips.

  “Being on top is important to you?” her breathless voice ruined her teasing tone.

  “You’re wet,” he rumbled against her throat. “So warm and wet. And you smell good. Did you know that?”

  “Well, I did take a bath in the Ether. After you left.”

  “You want me.” He scooted down and licked a nipple again, his eyes not leaving her.

  “I admit I do like this.” She swallowed.

  “It is not just the bond? There are other qualities about me that you enjoy?”

  She was surprised that he asked. Perhaps he wanted more than just a sexual relationship?

  “There are other attractive things about you,” she whispered. “I like that you listen to me. I like that you are willing to face that demon so others won’t die.”

  “It is my duty,” he said, but he looked pleased.

  “You could refuse to do it. It looks like the other Guardian Angels have refused to fight it.”

  She paused, and then drew a breath. “Do you like things about me, besides the sex?” She ducked her head so he couldn’t see her face. If he was all about the sex, it would hurt. She didn’t want him to see how vulnerable she was about him.

  He smoothed her hair. “Yes, Kari. I like many things about you. You are true to your friends. That is important, because who could trust someone who is not a good friend?” He pressed a kiss on her forehead. “In the past, human women often seemed afraid of me, which made me uncomfortable. I did not know what to do to make them relax around me. But you are not afraid of me…”

  He paused and Kari peeked at him. His serious expression made her smile. Perhaps he was finding this binding as confusing as she was. She threaded her hands through his hair and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. That led to other kisses.

  “I haven’t bathed since we were flooded back in the Ether,” Rahmiel said when their mouths parted.

  “Do they have a bath here?”

  “Yes, but I don’t know what type. And if it is tiny then I can’t be on top.” He stuck out his lower lip in the pout that sent shivers running through her.

  “What if I promise you can have a turn on top as soon as possible?”

  He grinned. “Are you saying I smell bad?”

  She giggled. “No. But you do have dried blood on your arm and chest.”

  Suddenly he clenched his arms around her and they were air born. “The bath is through here.”

  The bath sparkled with cut crystal, awash in star shine, bright enough that she could see Rahmiel clearly, even the pale gold down on his chest, arms and legs. His cock was erect, grazing his belly, and she could see the blue veins that ran its length in the amplified starlight. His eyes seemed to catch the light that rained down upon them and shined bright blue.

  “Can people—Angels—see us?”

  “No, don’t worry about that. It is made for privacy.” Rahmiel put her down in a shallow area of a pool of warm water.

  There were small waterfalls cascading from great heights into pools surrounded by greenery and flowers, their bright colors muted by the light. Mist formed in the pools and the air was warm and fragrant.

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