Gideon's Redemption (18 page)

Read Gideon's Redemption Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Gideon's Redemption
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Just as quickly, another silly headline popped into her head. “Wait! Even better… ‘Extra! Extra! Northern Exposure Star—Big Man On Campus—Rubs Coed the Wrong Way.” She clamped a hand over her mouth to contain her mirth, but it was much too late. She was near to bursting at the seams with hilarity.

“Are you about done?” he asked, idly hooking his thumbs into the front pockets of his jeans. He looked around to see who might have overheard. Ordinarily, her laughter would have drawn unwanted attention, but in the chaos of registration day, her bad jokes and laughter didn’t make a dent in the noise level in the cavernous room. Patiently, he waited for her to finish.

“No, I can’t stop now. I’m on a roll,” she laughed helplessly, a tear rolling down her cheek. “I’ve got—one more and it’s—a really good one.”

He heaved a long-suffering sigh. “Go ahead and tell me. Get it all out of your system.”

Shannon suspected he was only acting put upon, because she swore his lips twitched just a tiny bit. “Just one more, I promise.” Gasping for air, she pressed a hand to her side, which was aching as she paid the price of her merriment. With consideration of their lack of privacy, she leaned in and spoke in an exaggerated stage whisper. “‘Newsflash! Gideon Eli—Raises Cane on College Campus’.”

She doubled over, as peals of laughter robbed her of breath. Having amused herself thoroughly, she leaned against Gid for support. The shuddering of his chest proved he wasn’t immune to her silliness, and he let loose with a bark of laughter as she raised watery eyes to his handsome face.

“What’s gotten into you today?” he asked, hugging her tight as a grin finally settled on his sexy lips. “It’s a good thing you didn’t pick journalism as a major because you need a fact-checker. I don’t own a cane.”

Shannon sobered a little, relief evident at his admission. Still, the thought of the cane and its dichotomy of contradiction, both terrifying and arousing at once, captured her interest.

“Justin’s got one or two that I could borrow, however, should the need arise.”

She ignored that last teasing bit—at least she hoped he was teasing—her curiosity piqued. “Seriously? Justin uses a cane on poor Roxie?” All but hearing the thwack, thwack of the cane in the back of her mind, she was titillated and her inner spanko rose to attention—but for just a brief moment before reason made her shake off the absurd notion and she frowned.
No freakin’ way. That would really hurt.

It was Gid’s turn to laugh aloud, as though reading her thoughts. “No worries, honey.” He lowered his head until his lips brushed her ear. “I’m not a caning kind of guy. I much prefer ropes and whips.”

She sucked in her breath, because having been on the receiving end of both a time of two in the past, she knew that was the gospel truth. The line moved up at that moment, and she came face to face with the attendant at the window. With a trembling hand, she passed over her class list and waited while the clerk gathered the textbooks she would need for her classes. Shannon gave Gid a sidelong glance as she felt his hand move on her lower back. It brushed along her waist band, wrapping around her hip where it finally settled. The tips of two of his long fingers rode along the uppermost swell of one cheek in a clear sign of possession.

Turning her full gaze upon him, she wondered exactly what he planned. As she looked into his eyes, she noticed the twinkle of mischief and determination.

“Whatever you have in mind, can it wait until we get home, please?”

“I like that much better,” he whispered into her ear.

“What’s that?”

“You asking politely for something you know is inevitable. That’s so much better than the bad word.”

Puzzled, she replayed their recent conversation. “I don’t remember saying a bad word, Gid.”

“Yes, you said the baddest of all bad words, several times in fact.”

Racking her brain, she just couldn’t remember. She knew she hadn’t said the f-bomb, which almost never came out of her mouth. “No, I’m sure I didn’t swear at all.” At least not aloud, she added, silently.

“Tsk tsk! There it is again.”

Her confused gaze met his. What on earth was he talking about?

Having passed over his credit card as payment, he gathered up the large textbooks in one arm and guided Shannon away with the other. “You said ‘No’. Several times, if truth be told. I’m surprised you don’t remember that is the mother of all bad words in my book.”

They walked in silence out of the book store and toward the parking lot. Gid easily carried the bag full of heavy books in one hand while clasping her hand firmly with the other. When they got to the Lexus, he put the books in the back cargo hold and then escorted her to the passenger side. Only instead of seating her up front, he opened the back door and lifted her inside, scooting in behind her, closing and locking the door.

He pulled her squirming, protesting body over his lap with little effort. To her mortification, she felt the air brush her thighs where her skirt had conveniently risen in her struggles. She knew she lay exposed, with her upper thighs bare and her thin, pink lace panties the last barrier between him and the imminent spanking. She felt his warm hand brush over her bottom, pushing her skirt higher as he went. She stiffened when his fingers curled into her waistband.

“No, Gid. Someone will see.”


“There it is again. I don’t particularly like that word coming out of your mouth, Shannon.”

“But someone will see.”

“Hardly, the windows are tinted.”

“Well, someone will surely hear.”

“They might wonder but won’t know for sure.” His hand swatted her bare bottom several more times.

“Are you really spanking me here on the UCLA campus because I told you ‘no’?”

“Yes. And because you were listening to those haters on online and calling this glorious ass fat and getting sassy and joking at my expense, but most of all, because I want to.” He punctuated each reason with a forceful, stinging, exacting whack. Then he paused, his fingers testing the heat between her thighs. “Ah, so wet already, my sweet girl. That’s the other reason I’m doing this, because you want it too.”

She groaned when she felt two broad fingers slide between her wet folds. As he entered, his path was made easy by the gushing moisture his punishing attention had created. She shamelessly spread her legs, arching back into his hand, beyond caring where they were and who might be watching.

Gid, attuned to her responses, knew exactly when she gave in to her passion. He encouraged her further, his husky voice inciting her lust. “That’s my girl, surrender to me. It doesn’t matter what the bloggers or haters or paparazzi think or say about us. You and me—what we have together—that’s all that counts.”

“Oh Gid, that feels so—”

“Show me how good it feels, baby. Come all over my hand.”

With unrestrained hunger, she writhed against him, riding his fingers until she did just that. She came all over his fingers in a stunning, quivering, shattering orgasm.


* * *


Gid pulled up her panties and adjusted her skirt. He even lifted her into the front seat when he saw she was too limp and shaky to move. She had screamed loudly when she came, and he wasn’t sure how soundproof his SUV actually was. So, rather than get out of the vehicle and risk further media exposure, he followed her up front by crawling between the bucket seats. Cramming his long legs and wide shoulders through the narrow opening wasn’t easy, but eventually, with only a small barrage of grunting and cursing, he ended in an upright position in the driver’s seat.

When he glanced at Shannon, he saw her watching him with an amused smile.

“I thought I was gonna have to get a shoe horn and a stick of butter, big guy. That was a tight fit.”

Leaning toward her, he pulled her into a steamy kiss. Although she was spent, he was hard, achy, and more than ready to sink into her hot pussy and lose himself. Releasing her, he murmured, “Smart ass”, then put the vehicle in reverse and backed out, accompanied by her delighted laughter. The sound, more beautiful than any music, made his already hard dick twitch and tighten in an aching response. Glancing at the clock, he saw it was still early enough to get home and take Shannon to bed before their son got home. Justin would just have to cover their meeting this afternoon. Lord knows he had covered for him often enough over the years, particularly when he wanted a little alone time with Roxie. It was time for some payback.

His phone alarmed once again, and he quickly pressed a button, ignoring the call. Shannon had been right. Someone had been blowing up his phone. Ray Reynolds had been calling incessantly for the past week. He wasn’t accepting the fact that their business relationship was over, despite being told repeatedly by himself and the rest of the band that they wanted no more to do with him. He wasn’t listening, and Gid had stopped answering his calls days ago. At first his messages were apologetic and pleading as he begged for a meeting. When that didn’t work, they’d become angry and bitter, eventually threatening attorneys and lawsuits. Gid had already consulted his attorney, and due to Ray’s dishonesty and use of unauthorized funds from his account for other than entertainment and promoting purposes, they had more than enough for a countersuit, which should hold him at bay. His lawyer was “reasonably sure” they had no cause to worry.

Reaching for Shannon’s hand, he squeezed it, smiling as he saw her warm, sleepy grin. His girl always got drowsy after she came. Unlike the usual stereotype where the man drifted off, he was always the one full of energy while she was ready to nap.

Giving her sidelong glances as he drove across town, he thought about his little family. He loved them dearly and was amazed how perfectly they fit into his life. Although so much time had passed, his comfort level with Shannon was better than ever, as if they’d never been apart, but he worried about her. She wasn’t the open, bubbly, energetic woman she had been in the past. This Shannon was more cautious and reserved. She was also a worrier. That’s why he hadn’t told her about Ray. It would make her fret, and he didn’t want that for her. He’d take care of this issue without adding to Shannon’s stress. So much had changed for her in a short time, and he wanted to shield her from this mess and make it easier for her to look forward to their weekend trip, the wedding, and starting back to school.

After he got her home, he would look into added security. He didn’t trust Ray not to harass or try to manipulate her as he’d done in the past. The first order of business, however, had to be taking her to bed and easing the ache in his throbbing dick, which was pressed uncomfortably against the metal teeth of his zipper.

Thankfully, Betsy was nowhere in sight when he whisked his bride-to-be up the stairs to their room. He laid her down on their bed before closing and locking the interior door. He also threw wide the French doors to the patio, letting in the Pacific breeze and the relaxing sound of the crashing waves.

When he turned around, Shannon was sitting up in the middle of their king sized bed. She’d already removed her clothes and was posed seductively, with her arms extended, beckoning him to her. Wearing nothing but her silky smooth skin, he noticed the delicate pink blush on her cheeks and chest. As his eyes swept over her, he noted her tantalizing taut nipples and the dew-kissed thighs that marked her arousal.

Stripping as he walked, he left a trail of clothes in his wake while approaching the bed. When he stood at the foot, his eyes drank in every detail of the stunning woman who awaited him, reclined against the wide expanse of plush pillows. Staring down at her, he paused for a moment, planning his attack with carnal intent. He knew right where to start.

“Spread for me, baby, it’s my turn to play.”

His pulse raced as she obeyed, revealing his ultimate destination, the sweet nirvana of home. Eagerly, he climbed atop the high mattress and crawled toward her. His lips made contact first with her delicate foot and glided upwards as he moved. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her move, propping herself on her elbows to watch his progress. His tongue flicked out to tease now and then as he moved forward, finally coming over her on all fours and easing her down onto her back. His cock bobbed against her, brushing against her hip and inner thigh as his length homed in on her unguarded entrance. Nudging her thighs wide, he found her warmth and sank deeply inside with one firm stroke. They gasped into each other’s mouths as sensation washed over them. Hovering above her, he paused motionless for several moments, allowing them both time to marvel at the incredible accordance of their bodies—to savor the fit, the feel, and the harmony of being melded perfectly together.

Finally, he moved, setting a passionate but unhurried pace. Like the consummate musician he was, he played her body expertly like a finely tuned instrument. Starting out slowly, he teased a response, the soft sighs and whimpers the accompaniment to the slow build of tension. Building slowly, he skillfully mixed the melody of their cries with the percussion of their bodies in motion, picking up tempo and climbing to a dynamic crescendo. Once there, he held it masterfully, suspending the sensations on a sensual plateau until they burst into a climactic flourish, concluding with an outpouring of emotion and perfect, harmonious pleasure.

In the afterglow, Gid carried her to a double lounger outside, where they rested replete in each other’s arms. For long moments they relaxed, drinking in the breathtaking view of the ocean laid out at their feet as they enjoyed the peace of their private patio. Finally, regrettably, Gideon announced that he had to leave for an important meeting which he simply couldn’t reschedule due to the time sensitivity of the matter. Shannon understood and smiled after him. Rolling onto her belly, she admired another awe-inspiring view, that of his sexy ass as he walked toward the bathroom to shower. She grinned, hugging the small pillow still warm from his body heat. She inhaled, soaking up the masculine scent that was wholly Gideon.

She heard the spray of the water just as his phone rang. It had been ringing constantly all day. Overflowing with curiosity, she padded into the room and to the nightstand. Looking down on the display, her back stiffened and her sense of relaxation fell away. Ray Reynolds calling appeared on the screen. Unable to resist, she answered.

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