Gideon's Redemption (17 page)

Read Gideon's Redemption Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Gideon's Redemption
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“Shannon, you’ve got to quit falling apart every time this comes up. What happened was an integral part of our lives and not one we can avoid talking about altogether.”

“I didn’t say anything. But I can’t help feeling horrible when I hear…” Her voice broke, the emotions almost too much to bear

“Do we need another lesson in forgiveness, baby?” His voice was soft, like a caress, but the message was clear.

“No, sir. I know you love me, and I’ve forgiven myself. That doesn’t mean I can’t sympathize with your pain and all you went through, does it?”

“Hmm…” He let it go at that, holding her close, each staring into the fire, lost in thought. “I want to go to Vegas next weekend and get married. I don’t want to wait any longer to make you mine. I want you officially, legally, all done up right and tight. Got it?”

She snuggled up against him, not wanting anything more than to be Mrs. Gideon McCord. She nodded and kissed him in agreement.

“Excellent.” He hugged her tighter, his hands gliding over her back as they lay in the lounger, pressed closely together, face to face. “I heard you talking to Roxie about the foundation.”

“Yeah, she asked me to help out. I’d love to, Gid, but I don’t know a thing about business or finance or fund raising.”

“You were talking about finishing your degree. Maybe you could take some classes, if you’re sure you don’t want to finish your teaching degree, I mean.”

“Maybe… I could go talk to an advisor this week. The fall semester will be starting soon.”

“Perfect. We’ll need to go by the bank and add you to my accounts. Although we’ll just have to change everything after we get married. Maybe I’ll just add you as a user to my Amex.” He was planning aloud, but the thought of accessing his accounts and money made Shannon feel a little uncomfortable and she stiffened. She’d always pulled her own weight, as hard as that had been sometimes.

“I feel weird about the money thing, Gid.” Another thought occurred to her, and she blurted out, “Don’t you want a prenup or something?”

It was his turn to tense. “That won’t be necessary because I have no intention of us ever separating again, for any reason. I won’t allow it.”


“No buts. If you were some kind of gold digging, materialistic woman, you would have cashed that check.”

That shut her up. She didn’t want his money then, or now. Her actions had evidently proven that to him. Still…

“I can see those wheels turning, Shannon. End of discussion. As far as the money goes, you will be my wife, and I will provide for you. Lord knows I’ve got more than I could ever spend.” Rolling her onto her back, he came up on an elbow. “Now, I’d like to cap off this perfect day by making love to my fiancé.”

“I’d like that too.” She started to get up, but he pulled her back down.

“Where are you headed off to?”

“Inside, I thought you wanted to—” She stopped abruptly when his hands gathered her cover-up and pulled it over her head. The next moment he’d pulled the tie on her bathing suit top and bared her full breasts. His mouth latched onto an already hard nipple, and he tugged, drawing her deeply into his mouth.

“Out here?”

“Yes, right out here in front of the fire. No one will see us, and we’re far enough from the house that no one will here you scream when I make you come at least twice.” His mouth moved to the other nipple, teasing and nibbling on it until it stood taut and aching like its twin.

Shannon arched into him, seeking more. Her hands threaded through his silky hair as she pulled him closer, the need inside her mounting quickly. He always knew how to drive her desire to its highest. Soon, the tingling ache between her thighs was unbearable, and she undulated against him, wrapping her top leg around his hip to draw him in closer. The hard bulge of his cock aligned perfectly with her slit, and she pressed against him, trying to soothe the ache.

“Let’s get these bottoms off you,” he urged while tugging her bikini briefs down her thighs. Once freed, he rolled onto his back and pulled her to straddle him. “Climb aboard, doll. I can’t wait another minute.”

“No condom, Gid? Are you sure?”

“I’m not stopping to make a mad dash to the house. I did want to wait a bit, but the thought of making more babies with you makes me as hard as steel, Shannon. And this time, I’m going to be with you every step of the way.”

“Oh, Gid,” she cried, letting out a sob of ecstasy as he drove up inside her. Unfortunately, it was mixed with agony as those nagging feelings of guilt crept in.

His hand connecting with her ass brought her up short.


He swatted her bare, upturned bottom a quick dozen times to get her attention. “That’s a reminder. The topic is unavoidable, Shannon, just like my hand on your fine ass every time I see that guilty look on your face.”

“Sorry, sir.”

“We’ll keep working on it, babe. My hand can take more than your poor bottom, though. Plus, I can move on to a paddle, belt, or a variety of other household implements.”

“A belt? You wouldn’t really use a belt, would you, Gid?” At the serious look in his eyes, she lowered her own and pouted. “Isn’t that a bit too much?”

“Whatever it takes.” He angled her face to his, looking deeply into her eyes. “You know I’d never really harm you or be needlessly harsh, don’t you, Shannon?”

“Yes, Gid, but I think I need details. Explicit details of everything that happened while we were apart. Your little stories, one at a time, dragged out when I least expect it, are killing me.”

“I can do that, honey. I’m an open book. I’d also like a detailed accounting of everything that happened in your life and Eli’s while we were apart.”

“Can I have a pardon during story time? After that, I suppose I’ll just have to try harder to avoid that belt.”

“I hope so. And I’ll consider a story time stay on spanking, but that’s for another day. Right now, I’ve had enough chitchat. You feel so warm and wet and tight. The way you’ve got me wrapped up is phenomenal, and I need to move before I go insane.” Clamping his big hands around her hips, he started driving up into her with impressive force. Rolling her hips while meeting his thrusts, her head fell back and her hands moved behind her to brace herself against his thighs. This opened her body up to his touch. She cried out as his the broad pad of his thumb circled her clit and his guitar calloused fingers abraded a nipple.

“So good, Shannon,” he groaned as he continued to strum with his hands and cock, compelling them both toward a stunning release. “I want your mouth, babe.” His hand moved from her breast and cupped the back of her neck. As he pulled her forward until she lay against his chest, his lips captured her mouth while he stroked urgently inside her. His hands swept down her back and over her warm cheeks. They sought her cleft, searching for where they were joined. He pressed a fingertip against her puckered bottom hole as he thrust insistently up inside her. Slipping in to his first knuckle was enough to send her over the top. She clenched him tightly as she came, convulsing and trembling in his arms. Soon after, he growled uncontrollably into her mouth as he jetted his hot seed deep inside her. In the aftermath, they lay panting and exhausted in each other’s arms, both sated with the satisfying lethargy of completion.

Chapter Fourteen



The following Monday, Gid drove her to the UCLA campus. With much encouragement and support from Gideon, she met with an advisor and soon found herself re-enrolled. Their timing was perfect because the semester started the following week. Being labeled a non-traditional student was deflating to Shannon’s ego, and so was looking around at all the 18-year-olds registering that day.

“This is making me feel old, Gid.”

They were walking across campus to the registrar’s office when they made the mistake of taking a short cut through the student union. It was there that the first annoying adolescent recognized Gideon. In next to no time, he was surrounded by a bunch of chattering, gushing fans, all begging for pictures and autographs. Shannon found herself being pushed away, but Gid maintained a firm grip on her arm and pulled her into his side.

“Don’t bail on me, Shannon, or I’m a goner.” He turned to the hoard of squealing girls and introduced her. That took the wind out of their sails a bit, but not enough to discourage them from an autograph or phone pic with Gideon Eli. Good naturedly, Gid posed and signed for a least 15 minutes before a security guard came up and helped disburse the gathering. Only then were they able to make their escape, this time with a campus escort.

“Does that happen often?” Shannon asked as the guard drove them to the admissions office in his golf cart.

“More often than I’d like, especially around kids this age. I guess I should have worn a hat.”

Shannon snickered, thinking that would hardly be a disguise, his big muscular frame and handsome features would still be easily recognizable. His butt in the snug jeans he was wearing would still have turned heads and attracted attention.

Grateful for his assistance, they thanked their personal campus guide when they arrived at their destination. He had helped them avoid countless other Gideon sightings, she was certain. Before he left them, he managed to get his own autograph for his girlfriend—or so he said. Gid, to his credit, hadn’t even cracked a smile when he was asked to make it out to “My friend, Deacon”.

Worried she wouldn’t be able to manage a full course load after ten years away from school, Shannon signed up for two classes on campus and a third online. She had about thirty credits to complete her undergrad degree, which made nine credits a fairly good start. Selecting a business major this time around, she’d be able to finish in three semesters and learn the skills she needed to help with The Foundation’s public relations and marketing issues. She was excited to have a plan for her professional future, one that would help Gid and the band but be rewarding in its own right.

Gid supported every decision, making suggestions only when asked and letting her make her own choices on classes and schedules. Although he was in favor of her going back to school, he told her afterwards that he was relieved she had decided to ease into a full course load. He owned up to his purely selfish reasons, admitting he was glad she would still have enough time in her schedule for himself and Eli. Shannon thought that was sweet, not selfish, and rewarded him with a rare public display of affection by kissing him full on the lips, right smack dab in the middle of the crowded bursar’s office.

While waiting in line to pay her tuition, Shannon noticed that Gid got several calls which he promptly ignored. He took only one of the dozen or so that lit up his phone. It was from Justin. His phone continued to ring while they waited at the bookstore.

“Is something wrong? Someone sure has been blowing up your phone.”

“Its business and someone who won’t take no for an answer. Don’t worry about it.”

She got the feeling that he wasn’t telling her the whole story and was going to push a little more when his phone alarmed yet again. This time it was a text. He shook his head, turning his phone toward her with a sigh. “Social media—a blessing and curse. We’re trending on Instagram and Twitter already, babe.”

“What? How did that happen so fast?” Grabbing his phone, she started scrolling through pictures of them in the student union. Some of the comments were ridiculous, but most were trashing her. “Great. This is nothing but a ‘diss Gid’s girlfriend’ extravaganza. Listen to this. It’s titled ‘Gideon Eli engaged: Who is She? Too bad, you gave up too soon, Gid. You could have had me.’ She even posted a skanky pic of herself.”

Still scrolling, Shannon found another. “Engaged ain’t married. There’s still time.” She found yet another picture that was less than becoming and screeched in outrage when she read the tag. “Why do musicians always marry the fat, ugly chicks?”

Gideon reached out and retrieved his phone. “That’s jealous bullshit and you know it. Don’t stress about this crap. There are always going to be critics and haters out there. I just wanted to show you that we’d been outed, not make you mad. Besides, everyone knows musicians marry supermodels. Look at Heidi Klum and Seal.”

“Um, Gid? Heidi Klum and Seal got divorced.”

“Really? Huh… I guess I don’t keep up with things that closely. How about Iman and David Bowie, or Paulina and Ric Ocasek from The Cars? They’ve been together for decades.”

His words didn’t penetrate. “That was a bad picture, I’ll give ‘em that, but I’m not fat, am I? My butt is a bit round, but fat?”

“Shannon, you are beautiful. Forget that spiteful comment.”

“Maybe I could stand to lose a few pounds, but only five, ten at most. That would just make my boobs smaller. My butt would take going to the gym at least four days—”

His lips covering her mouth pulled the plug on her brooding introspection. “Hush now. You are perfect. I love your round bottom, and your boobs are spectacular. If you make them smaller, I’ll be upset. You are going to have to learn to ignore all the negativity. There will be so much more of it, and I’m sorry for that. I’ll do everything I can to protect you and Eli, but I can’t control stupidity on Facebook and the blogs. You are going to have to grow thicker skin.”

“So you don’t think my butt is fat?”

“I thought I’d proven how much I love your butt. I suppose I could give you another spanking to prove it.”

He looked around as if trying to find some place to do that now. “No way, Gid. You can’t start anything here, not surrounded by all these people with smart phones.”

“Hmm… That sounded like a challenge.”

“No, it didn’t, and it wasn’t. Just imagine the field day the press would have with a naughty picture of us, with my bare bottom upturned over your knee.” She smirked a bit at that, then realized what she’d said in a crowded room full of people. No one seemed to notice. With consideration of their lack of privacy, she moved in close to him and spoke more softly.

“I can see the tabloid headlines now. ‘Gideon Eli: Closet Spanker—Exposé on page 5’.” She promptly grinned at him, tickled by her little joke. “Wait… Stop the presses. I’ve got a better one. ‘Rock Star Off His Nut: Spanks Coed’s Butt’.” She couldn’t keep from giggling after that one, amusing herself at his expense.

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