Ghost Messages (14 page)

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Authors: Jacqueline Guest

Tags: #Finians, #Novel, #Chapter Book, #Middle Reader, #Historical, #Ghost, #Mystery, #Adventure, #Atlantic Crossing, #Telegraph Cable, #Irish

BOOK: Ghost Messages
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“Me, Mr. Field? What am I doing down here, sir?” She didn’t know what to say, nothing brilliant came to her. She had no choice but to tell the truth. “Actually sir, I’m quite lost. I’ve never been in this part of the ship before and I seem to have gotten myself turned about.” Truer words had never been spoken. She had no idea where she was.

Captain Anderson looked sympathetic. “I know boy, this ship is as big as a floating city and one needs a guide to navigate. We only took this black passageway because it’s a shortcut to the bridge. Where were you heading and we’ll give you directions?”

At that moment, Ailish heard the clang of an iron door banging shut.

The two gentleman stood waiting. Ailish tried to think of an appropriate answer. “Where was I going…?” She must sound like a right eejit. She stepped into the hallway where she’d last seen Dalton. He was gone and there was no way to tell which of the doors he’d taken.

“I’m going to the machinery storage hold,” she said dejectedly. It had been a good plan – unless you ran into the captain and a wealthy American. She had failed again and wherever Dalton had secreted that statue, it would remain hidden.


Treasure Chest

.-- …. . .-. . .-- .- … - …. . …. --- .-. … . ..-. --- ..- -. -..

Following the captain’s directions, Ailish made
her way from the dank lowest decks where she’d been following Dalton and up to the machinery hold where the henchmen had Paddy. As she navigated, she tried to think of how to fix the mess she was in. She needed a new plan. Unbidden, her mind filled with images of last night’s dream. It had seemed so real, so vivid, and in it she had been successful not only in finding the horse, but in clearing Paddy. Now she could do neither.

She turned into the companionway that led to the hold. With a whoof the wind was knocked out of her. Her arms were grabbed so hard she thought they were going to be ripped out of their sockets.

“Why are you following me, boy?”

She looked up into the sweaty, red face of Rufus Dalton. “I’m not following you, sir!” She squeaked. Sadly true, she wasn’t any more.

“You’re lying! That was you below just now. You’ve been up to something from the first time I laid eyes on you.” He squeezed her arms and she winced in pain.

“No, Mr. Dalton.” Her pulse was pounding now. “I was on my way to see Mr. Field and I took a wrong turn. Maybe I was on the same deck as you, but that was merely coincidence. I have to deliver an important message… from Captain Anderson, sir.” She hoped this would make
him free her. No one interfered with the captain’s business.

“I’ve had it with you, O’Connor.”

He roughly thrust her away from him and she smashed into the bulkhead. Pain lanced down her spine.

Dalton pointed a dirty finger at her. “Now, shove off and remember, stop messing where you don’t belong.”

She inched away from him, her aching back hugging the wall, then turned and fled up the stairs. Rubbing her sore arms, she glanced down at her sleeves and stopped. There were black smudges where his big hairy mitts had grabbed her.

She remembered the filth on Dalton’s shirt and trousers, and the coal dust in the tunnel in the boiler room where he’d nearly caught her. Swirling black dust, like in her dream last night. Davy’s smiling face seemed to float before her. This is a dusty business, he’d said.

Everything came together at once and it hit her like a rogue wave. The coal bunkers! It had been there in front of her all the time, black dirty coal dust pointing the way to her golden horse. She was sure of it.

Scrambling back to the stairs, Ailish raced down flight after flight to the lowest deck on the ship. She came to the weighty door that led to the giant boilers and shouldered her way through. The noise was deafening as steam escaped in boiling jets and furnaces roared with a fiery fury.

Ahead, she saw the tunnel through the coal bunkers. Her footfalls echoed in the confined space as she ran through the cold iron passage.

Once on the other side she looked around. She was in a long narrow anteroom. Dalton had been in a hurry, he might not have covered his tracks well. She inspected the grimy room. The walls were covered in a thick coating of soot, and everywhere, the choking dust filled the air, swirling in black eddies and settling like Spanish lace.

She looked down at the floor and smiled. A pair of large boot prints was clearly visible in the telltale dust. They led into a darkened recess at the rear of the room. Ailish followed the trail to a sea chest, ancient and weathered with a rusty padlock securing the lid. It was exactly the place to hide a plundered pirate treasure.

And now to get into the thing. Feeling the edge of the sea locker, she found what she needed. The seams were held with thin pieces of wire, exactly what the magician ordered. She picked at the frayed edge and pulled a piece of the wire free. Wiggling her magic key in the lock, she repeated the spell that went along with her trick. With a snap, the old lock sprang open.

“Thank you, Manfred the Magnificent!” Hoisting the lid, Ailish peered inside. A lump closed her throat as she looked down into the bottom of the box.

There was her da’s orange striped vest tied into a loose bundle. She lifted it out and brought the cloth close to her face, inhaling the familiar scent. He’d be so glad to get it back. It was the last thing her mother had made for him and Ailish knew how much he cherished it.

Unfolding the vest, she whooped in delight. The shining gold horse winked back at her with its brilliant diamond eyes. “Hello again! I’ve been looking for you,” she laughed. “Come on, my beauty, you’re going home.”

Wrapping the statue back up in the vest, Ailish carefully planned what to do next. A lot depended on timing, and even more on faith.


Deal With a Devil

…. --- .-- -.. .. -.. .- .. .-.. … … .. --. -. .- .-.. ..-. --- .-. …. . .-.. .--.

With her da’s helpful advice ringing in her ears,
Ailish made one quick stop before racing to the machinery storage hold. Dalton was there with Paddy and from the tone of his voice, he sounded smug and very pleased with himself. She eased her way silently through the puzzle of boxes strewn about and listened in.

“You need to get out of the sun more, Whelan. You’re addled in the brain,” he tapped his own huge head. “My property is exactly where it should be and as for you… your time is up. No more waiting for you to come to your senses. With all that’s been going on, you’ll be lucky to make it back to port once I show the captain and crew that picture. I doubt there’s a brig on any ship that could save you after my lads get the mob going. And when you’ve gone to your reward,” he snorted what Ailish took to be the robber’s version of a laugh, “I’ll make sure that money you have locked in the ship’s safe goes to a good home.”

She’d heard enough. Taking a deep breath, Ailish stepped out from the shadows.

“I’d think twice about that, Mr. Dalton.”

Dalton’s face first looked surprised, then furious. “I knew you were up to no good, you little sneak.” He took a menacing step toward her. “I should have made sure you were finished the night of the storm.”

Paddy stepped between Ailish and Dalton. “Perhaps you’d best hear the lad out.” He raised an eyebrow at Ailish. “Is it still lad we be calling you, or would you prefer your proper title?”

Dalton hesitated. “What gibberish is this?”

Ailish drew herself up with all the dignity she inherited from her proud parents. “My name is Ailish O’Connor and you stole the golden horse from my father. He offered you hospitality and you repaid his kindness by beating him unconscious in our home and then robbing him. I’ve come to take my property back.”

Dalton’s two deputies had been listening and now exchanged a look. Robbing a man who offered you the warmth of his own hearth was the mark of the lowest of men.

Recognition registered in Dalton’s eyes as he finally placed her, but confronted with the truth in such a straightforward manner, he tried to bluster his way through. “I don’t know what you’re going on about,” he sputtered, but everyone heard the lie in this.

Ailish could see him trying to figure a way out of this hole. He stared at her with cold, dead eyes. With a shudder, she edged closer to Paddy before going on. “You’ve led me a merry chase and treated me very poorly, Mr. Dalton, but this morning,
in the coal hold,
I found my reward right where you’d hidden it.” She tipped her head with a hint of cockiness. “I want to thank you for taking me straight to it.”

Dalton’s face again flared red and this time she truly hoped he would burst.

“A thief and a sneak! Where is it?” he raged, lunging toward her.

Ailish stumbled back. “Did you think I’d bring the statue with me and risk you and your thugs taking it by force? It’s somewhere you’ll never find it. This ship has a thousand places to hide a poor man’s meagre treasure.” Again, the sailors’ eyes darted a look at each other. “I
could leave it at that, but I’m here to offer you a deal…” She let her words hang in the air and Dalton snatched at them.

“What kind of deal?” he asked cautiously.

“It’s not only me you’ve been giving troubles, but my friend Paddy here. You’ve got him standing on the gallows and you’re holding the rope!” Despite the anger she felt, she kept her voice calm as she went on. “I want the picture showing Paddy with the leaders of the Fenians and I want your word that you will stop pointing the finger of guilt at him. We both know he’s not a Fenian, Mr. Dalton.”

The corners of the big man’s mouth lifted briefly, like a sail in a weak wind. “Oh, aye, I know it, but that won’t matter when the mob gets the scent of blood. Idiots like these are easily led.” He jerked his head in the direction of his two companions.

Paddy’s curled fists were at the ready. “You are truly despicable and if it were my future alone, I’d take my chances, but this is about my family too. And it isn’t a fair fight, is it? You’ve poisoned the crew against me.”

Ailish was afraid the two men would come to blows if
she didn’t do something quickly. She stepped toward Dalton.
“In exchange for the picture and your help smoothing things for Paddy, I will give you my golden horse.”

At the mention of the statue, the crew chief’s eyes burned with greed. He looked at her slyly. “That filly is worth a fortune. I’d say trading the life of one worthless Irishman for that horse gives me the better deal.” He fumbled in his vest and withdrew the incriminating photograph. “And I’ll make sure the captain knows Whelan had nothing to do with the sabotage.”

“You both heard him agree to the deal,” she said, looking from one enforcer to the other. Their heads bobbed agreement.

Ailish reached for the photograph, but Dalton held it back. “Not so fast, O’Connor! Where’s my golden horse?” A gob of spittle dribbled down his chin.

“It’s topside. Come with me and I’ll give it to you.”

Waiting while Dalton folded the picture into a small square and put it in his vest pocket, she prayed this would work out the way it had in her dream.

When they reached the deck, Ailish felt as if she was at the head of a parade as they marched down Oxford Street. It must have been a sight – O’Connor the cabin boy, followed by Rufus Dalton the crew chief, then Paddy Whelan, accused Fenian, and finally, two hulking sailors spoiling for a fight.

When they drew abreast of the telegraph testing caboose, Ailish stopped and looked around as though gauging her audience. “Wait here,” she instructed, then ducked behind the blackout curtain.

Seconds later she emerged carrying the priceless horse. As her followers watched, she raised it high above her head so that the sunlight glinted off its golden skin in a dazzling display. The two henchmen were stunned. “This is what your boss stole from my da. He took an honest man’s future.”

Rufus looked around quickly to see if anyone was watching. “Are you crazy? Hide that away, you fool!”

Ailish turned the statue so that its diamond eyes glittered and the rubies sparked like fire in the sun. She could see the effect this was having on Dalton. He looked like one of the audience who assisted Manfred the Magnificent with his hypnosis act.

“The picture, give it to Paddy,” she instructed Dalton.

He obligingly took the folded paper out of a pocket in his dirty work trousers. “Choke on it, Whelan,” he growled as he threw it at Paddy.

With a sigh of regret, Ailish placed the beautiful little horse in Rufus Dalton’s huge palm. His thick fingers curled around the delicate figurine as he squeezed it in his meaty fist.

Ailish felt a pang, but it had been worth it. She nodded at the picture. “Tear that thing into a million pieces, Paddy.”

Keeping his eyes on Dalton, Paddy ripped the incriminating paper into a shower of confetti, then tossed it into the air off the starboard rail. The wind caught the fragments and sent them spinning and whirling up and away like startled birds.

Ailish felt as though a weight had been lifted off her and she knew she had done the right thing. She smiled at Paddy. “Now you won’t have to be looking over your shoulder to make sure no one’s coming for you.”

“Oh, my girl, the price was too steep.” Paddy looked stricken.

“A friend is worth more than all the gold in the world.” She smiled reassuringly.

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