Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series (5 page)

Read Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan,Shannon Brandee Eversoll,Andrea Michelle

BOOK: Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series
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“Well, that’d be a first,” Vinny joked. After a moment of mirth, he sobered looking as his twin grappled with his emotions. “Do you…want to see her? Again, I mean?”

Gabe looked over, the corner of his mouth quirking. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”

“So where will you find her?”

Gabe laughed and answered, “I guess the only place I know that she’ll be.”

“The dumpster behind the restaurant?”

“Yep. I’m heading there tonight.”


The night sky
was clear with the stars piercing the darkness. There was a full moon giving illumination to the alley, as well as the dim street lights. Gabe made sure that Carlos knew he was there but refused his offer to wait in the warm kitchen. He preferred to see her immediately when she came. And if he was honest he did not want her in the alley alone.

But she didn’t come. Not that night. Nor the next. Nor the next. By Thursday, Gabe’s frustration was at an all-time high and Vinny finally cornered him after work in the gym.

“Bro, what the hell’s been wrong with you all week? The only person you haven’t snapped at is Lily and that’s only because you know the rest of us would chew your ass if you did.”

Gabe’s answer was a glare as he continued on the treadmill, his leg muscles corded with definition and his shirt soaked with sweat.

With a flip of his hand, Vinny pulled the emergency switch on the treadmill, causing Gabe to slip backward, barely catching himself from falling on his ass.

Rounding on his brother, he growled, “What the fuck are you doing? Tryin’ to kill me?”

Calmly sitting down on the nearest weight bench, Vinny smirked at Gabe and said nothing. Just stared. And continued to smirk.

Gabe tried to ignore him but finally heaved a huge sigh and said, “You know you’re a pain in my ass?” while sitting down on the other bench.

“Yeah well, it’s one of my more endearing qualities,” he said laughing.

The silence rested between the twins for a few minutes, each comfortable with the quiet and waiting.

“Is it the girl?” Vinny finally asked.

“Yeah,” was Gabe’s only reply, shaking his head.

“Look, you’ve been back to find her and she’s now under your skin. But bro, you don’t even know her. And by the description, she’s not your type.”

At that, Gabe looked up sharply. “My type?”

“Oh, come on. You’ve always gone for the tall girls that you don’t have to bend so much to kiss. Or fuck standing up for that matter.”

Gabe lifted his eyebrow, saying sarcastically, “Anything else you want to enlighten me on about my type of woman?”

“Okay fine. You like ’em tall and built. You like tits and ass and long legs. From what you said, this girl’s got none of those!”

“You’re crazy, Vin. I don’t have a type and…I…oh hell. I don’t know what it was about her that’s got me so tied up.”

Vinny stood and pulled Gabe up with him. “Go shower and get cleaned up. I’m taking you out tonight and we’ll find some fun. Go to a bar, pick up a girl, and get your rocks off and that’ll get this unknown girl out of your head.”

“You fucker, I’ve got no interest in getting’ my rocks off, as you say.”

“Fine, then we’re still going out. Have some drinks and have some fun. Anything to get you out of this morose mood you’ve been in all week.”

Two hours later, the twins sat at the bar drinking and Gabe found himself relaxing for the first time in days.
Maybe this is what I needed, after all.

Their muscular frames were perfectly showcased in jeans that stretched over their trunk-like thighs and collared shirts with sleeves rolled up, partially exposing their corded arms and tattoos. The women in the bar began to swarm around, wondering who was going to get lucky that night. Vinny charmed several of them, but Gabe found himself unable to get interested.

A noise from the other side of the bar caught his attention and looking over saw an elderly man, obvioulsy drunk, being propped up on his bar stool by one of the bartenders. The head bartender came over saying, “Mr. Courtland, we’ve made a call. Someone’s coming to get you now.” Turning to the other bartender he growled, “Why didn’t you cut him off earlier?”

“He hadn’t drunk that much,” came the defensive answer.

Gabe and Vinny pushed past the group of women and walked over to see if they could help. “You need any assistance?” Gabe asked as Vinny moved over to steady the man.

“Thanks, but we got it. There’s someone we call who comes and gets him home when this happens. I’ll move him over to one of the booths so that he won’t fall.”

Without creating too much attention, Vinny and Gabe assisted in making the man comfortable in a discreet booth. The bartender smiled and poured them a round on the house. The ladies began circling again like vultures and it didn’t take long for Vinny to have a red-head poured into a tight, almost not-there dress on his lap with her breasts pressed into his chest.

Rolling his eyes, Gabe was turning back to the bar when the red-head’s friend, a busty brunette decided that she’d just take what Gabe hadn’t offered. His lap.

Throwing his arms around the woman before she slipped off of him and landed on the floor, he ended up with her half across his lap, her arms around his neck pulling him close.

At that moment, the bartender looked up and smiled, saying, “Hey darlin’. Glad you could come. Do you need some help?”

“No, but thank you. Henry’s got my old truck outside, but if we turn it off it may not start again,” she laughed.

Gabe startled, recognizing that voice. Whirling around on his bar stool, almost dumping the woman in his lap, he saw her bending over the old man in the booth. Her long curls were pulled back in a low ponytail with loose strands flowing around the beautiful face that had haunted him since he met her. Tonight, she was wearing yoga pants that showcased a delectable ass and a worn t-shirt that pulled slightly between her full breasts.
You? What the fuck?
He did not realize that he spoke his thoughts out loud until she turned and looked at him.

Jennifer stood numbly staring into the handsome face of the man from outside the restaurant. In an instant, she took him all in. From his square jaw with a slight stubble, to his corded neck, down to the shirt and jeans that strained to contain his muscles. And holy hell, the edge of a Celtic tattoo peeked out from his sleeve.
Him? My giant?
And draped over that amazing body was…a barely dressed woman glaring back at her.

Whirling around to the booth again, she could feel the blush rising from her chest to her hair. Her cheeks warm, she wished she could just run out, but it did not look like the elderly man was going to cooperate. “Come on, Mr. Courtland, you’ve got to help me,” she pleaded, trying to grasp him under the arms.

Suddenly two large arms came from behind and gently moved her to the side. Twisting her head around, she looked up into his face.
Wait. Not his face!
Before she could question what was happening, she felt someone take her by her arms and gently pull her over once again. This time, it was the face that she saw in her dreams.

Standing to her full, if not consequential, height she put her hands on her hips looking back and forth between the two giants.
Oh my God, twins. Damn.

“Hey darlin’, I’m Vinny and this here’s my brother, Gabe.”

Gabe. His name is Gabe.
The blush remained but before she could speak, Mr. Courtland began to stand reaching for her.

“Oh, sweet girl. Dish ya come fer me?” he slurred.

“Yes, Mr. Courtland. Let’s get you to my truck. Henry’s outside keeping it warm for you. Let’s go now,” she spoke sweetly.

Before the elderly man could lean his weight on her, Gabe stepped in and took him while Vinny claimed his other side. Between the two men, they deftly maneuvered him outside where a beat-up old truck sat idling, leaving her to follow behind.

Henry jumped out, opening the passenger door. “Oh dear, oh dear, Rupert. Now let’s get you home and in bed where you can sleep this one off.”

Gabe and Vinny managed to get Rupert into the truck and buckled in before he slumped against the window. Jennifer stood awkwardly to the side, unused to assistance. When they finished, she walked over, leaning her head back to look the two men in the eye.

“Thank you, I…um…well, I usually just…um. Well, thank you,” she stammered while shaking Vinny’s hand.

He lifted her hand and kissed it before handing her to Gabe. Gabe also held her hand, but he didn’t let it go. Rubbing her palm with his fingers sent tingles throughout her body. Jerking her hand back quickly, she once again felt the blush rise from her chest to the roots of her curls.

She moved to get into the truck when Gabe realized that not only was she leaving, she was going to be squished in the middle of the old truck seat.

“I’ll take you home,” he said. “We’ll follow and then I can help you with Mr. Courtland.”

Vinny, having figured out that the tiny beauty in front of them was the woman that had his brother tied up in knots all week, just smiled. “That’s a wonderful idea, darlin’. Let Gabe escort you home.”

Shooting his twin a quick look of gratitude, he was about to pull her closer when suddenly the two women from the bar moved over, grasping the twins.

“Honey, did you get that drunk man of yours?” the red-head said slyly.

Her friend, the busty brunette giggled as she grabbed Gabe’s arm. “Come on in, Gabe.”

Vinny and Gabe growled simultaneously, trying to disentangle themselves from the grasping claws of the two. Sending them back inside, Gabe turned just in time to see the woman between the two older men in the truck as it pulled quickly from the parking lot.

“Fuck,” he bit out. “I just found her only to lose her again.”

Vinny, rid of the bar trolls, moved up beside him slapping him on his shoulder. “Yeah, but this time, bro, you’ve got more than you had.” Smiling at Gabe’s questioning look, he continued, “I got her license number.”

Sighing deeply, Gabe smiled. “I owe you, man. I owe you.”


enry looked up
as Jennifer headed toward the back door. “You don’t have to go, you know,” he called out.

Turning, she smiled, rolling her eyes. “I’ll be fine. Cora is watching Ross and now that the truck is running, I want to get more food.” Walking to the door, she gave a wave and headed out into the night.

The old truck rumbled into the alley behind the hotel and she pulled as close to the kitchen door as possible. The driver’s door screeched horribly as she opened it to hop out. The door became stuck so she leaned her weight against it to close it all the way. She glanced over at the dumpster and saw several boxes stacked neatly as though someone had known she was coming.
Carlos must have left them for me,
she thought, grateful that she did not have to dig through the trash. A sudden memory washed over her as she remembered her encounter with the handsome man when she was here the last time.

Hearing a noise near the kitchen door, she turned expectantly. Eyes bright, her exclamations of greetings were stuck in her throat as a figure moved out into the light. Gasping, she stepped back.
Him! Jesus is he everywhere? What’s he doing here?

Gabe, having come for the past two nights only to go home disappointed, found his heart pounding at seeing her again. The blonde curls were tucked under a knit cap this time, but some had escaped and blew around her cheeks. Dressed similarly to the first time he saw her, he noticed the warm but worn jacket. And her eyes…sapphire crystals focused on him.

Giving his most charming smile, he pushed off of the brick wall and walked over to her truck, careful not to move too quickly nor too close. He snagged the boxes from the ground, asking, “Are these good enough for what you need, Jennifer?”

Stunned into silence, she just nodded before she quickly reacted. “How do you know my name? And what are you doing here?” Walking to the back of her truck, she stood next to him, glaring up.

He saw her stalk over, both admiring her courage and strangely angered at her lack of concern in talking so boldly with a large stranger in a dim alley. While he would never hurt her, she could not know that. Leaning against the truck, he casually crossed one tree-trunk leg over the other.

“Thought I’d come help you out,” he said, turning on the charm once again.

Jennifer gave an unladylike snort and rolled her eyes. “Aren’t you missing your movie star friend? Or wait, maybe the half-dressed woman from the bar?”

Irritation flashed through his eyes for a second, then he answered, “Nope. I’m here to see you tonight.”

“Me? What makes you think I could afford you even if I did want an escort?” she said indignantly, pushing by him to move toward the kitchen door.

“Afford?” he asked, eyebrow lifting in confusion. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Not even turning to look at him, lest her eyes give away her interest, she said, “I heard what your movie star said. She said you were her escort, so I figured she paid you to do…um… that.”

Laughter rang out from the kitchen door as Carlos came out. “Escort service? Oh Gabe, that’s a good one,” he cackled. Turning back to her he asked, “You ready, Miss Jennifer?”

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