Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series (25 page)

Read Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan,Shannon Brandee Eversoll,Andrea Michelle

BOOK: Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series
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“I did, but there was none of that information in here.”

Sybil looked surprised. “I grabbed it off the top of your desk, where I thought I had just seen you put it. I’m sorry, hun. What was in it?”

Jennifer opened up the folder and showed her some phone and fax notes. “It’s just junk papers.”

“Oh girl, I am so sorry. I have no idea how the files could have been mixed up.”

Jennifer shrugged, “Don’t worry about it. I was able to get to him before he went into the meeting anyway.”

Sybil nodded as she grabbed her purse. “I’m heading out for the day. You coming?”

“Nah, not now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

With that Sybil left and Jennifer sat looking at her desk. The file in question was sitting right on top of her desk, where she had left it.
So how did Sybil get them mixed up?


That night after
Ross was tucked in, Jennifer walked into the living room and leaned over to flip off the TV. Gabe looked up in surprise.

“Are you going to tell me what has been on your mind ever since you got home?” she asked.

Gabe started to protest, but then thought better of it. Sighing heavily, he said, “Come here, babe.”

“Oh. It’s that kind of talk,” she said with suspicion.

“Yeah.” She straddled his lap, looking into his eyes wishing the butterflies would cease. “Okay, what’s up?”

“Alvarez Security has a job this Friday night and I wanted you to know what was happening.”

“Okaaay,” she said, drawing the word out in hesitation.

“The big opening showing of the movie is this weekend and it will be held here in Richland since it was filmed here.” Seeing her about to protest, he quickly continued, “I will not be providing any personal escorting. I will just be at the event providing general security.”

“That’s it? That’s all?”

“Well, that and providing security for the party afterward at the ballroom.”

“And Alicia Morgenstern? She’ll be there, I assume?” Jennifer asked, trying very hard to be calm and not jump up and scream.

He dug his fingers into her hips as he sucked in a deep breath. For a moment he wished that he had taken Vinny’s advice and not told her about the assignment at all. But he knew he could not do that.

“Yes, she’ll be there. But I’m not her personal security. I won’t even have to be around her. It will be general security. In fact, Tony has agreed to put me on the outside of the building so I won’t even see her.”

The room was eerily quiet as he sat watching the emotions play across her face. Surprise. Hurt. Anger. Irritation. Fear. Then back to hurt again.
Fuck, this is not how I wanted this to go.
“What are you thinking?” he asked gently, almost afraid of her answer.

“What do you want me to say, Gabe? This is your job and you have to do what you have to do. Are you asking if I’m happy about my boyfriend spending the evening around a Hollywood starlet who happens to be his former fuck-buddy? Nope, I’m not,” she said honestly, noticing his wince. “But I’m going to have to deal with it because it’s not your fault. But don’t ask me to like it.”

She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss, then moved to get off of his lap. His hands held her fast in place, but before he could speak, she pushed back gently. “Oh no. You need to give me some space. Some space to be a little pissy and a little pouty. You wouldn’t like it if I was going to be spending an evening in the presence of a former fuck-buddy of mine.” At that, she saw his jaw clench. “I promise my little pout won’t last long, but you need to give me that.”

Nodding his agreement, he let her slide off his lap and watched her as she walked back to the kitchen. He sat for a minute then thought he should give her more time to process what he had told her. He headed down to Vinny’s apartment and when the door opened, it only took one look for his twin to know that the information had not gone well.

“Come on in, bro. Did she kick you out?” Vinny asked.

“No, she really did pretty good with it. Just not happy and how can I blame her? She mentioned that I wouldn’t be happy to have her around a former fuck of hers and she’s right. Jesus, that’d make me fuckin’ crazy so how the hell did I think that she’d be okay with this.”

The two brothers walked into Vinny’s living room and settled down with beers in hand.

“Look, talk to Tony. Tell him that you just can’t do that night. He’ll let you out.”

“Nah. It’s our job to take the missions that come to us.”

“Hell, this isn’t the special forces anymore.”

“Maybe not, but it’s still the job. Would you back out?” Gabe asked.

“Hell no,” Vinny answered quickly. After a moment of thought, he added, “But then I don’t have anyone like Jennifer in my life. She’s special. And she’s smart, bro. She knows nothing’s going to happen and then it’ll be done and over with. No more even seeing Alicia Morgenstern unless you’re a dumb fuck and go see one of her movies.”

The two brothers laughed and finished their beer before Gabe stood and walked to the door. “Thanks, man,” he said as he gave his brother a chin jerk.

Entering his apartment, he saw her sitting on the sofa, remote in her hand flipping through channels. He walked around and sat on the coffee table right in front of her. Neither one of them said anything.

She tossed the remote to the side and looked into his face. The face she loved. The face that held her through the night.
He looks like a little boy wondering if he’s in trouble.
The side of her mouth quirked up in a small smile.

Her smile caused his heart leapt. Taking that as an encouraging sign, he leaned in slightly placing his large hands on her knees. “You okay, baby? I swear I’ll call Tony tonight and tell him I can’t do it.”

Shaking her head, she just smiled at his offer. “It’s okay.” Sucking in a huge breath, she said honestly, “I know it’s stupid. You were with her before me so I can’t hold anything against you for that. I guess I was hoping that anyone you were ever with would never cross our paths again. Especially one that called me a garbage-crawler.”

Gabe winced again and hung his head for a moment.
How could I have ever fucked her? Jesus, I was such a prick.
Lifting his head back up, he moved forward again. “Baby, she’s a bitch. And believe me when I say, she’s nothing. Not even a speck on my memory. Ever since I saw you that first night, it’s only been you. And you are the only woman I have ever loved.”

She leaned forward and melted into his kiss. This kiss was not hurried. It was the slow exploration of two lovers who had forever to love.

He picked her up in his powerful arms and carried her to the bedroom where he worshiped her body long into the night. Finally they fell asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms. Warm. Secure. Loved.


abe walked into
Alvarez Security the next morning and saw Tony waiting for him. A quick glance to the side revealed Vinny.

“I can take you off the security detail,” Tony said immediately.

“Not necessary, Tony. It’s okay. I talked to Jennifer. She was a little unhappy at first, but that’s on me. When I crossed the line between my professional life and personal…well I set myself up for grief. But she’s fine. I did tell her that I’d volunteered for the outside detail.”

Tony nodded and went back to his office. Gabe looked over at his brother. “Thanks, man, for looking out for me, but I’ve got it covered.”

Vinny nodded and slapped Gabe on the shoulder as they headed into the main room. Several hours later Gabe’s phone rang and he saw Shane’s name illuminated on the screen. “What’s up?”

“Need you to be calm and not lose your shit,” his friend said.

His blood turned cold with fear. Not an emotion he was used to feeling. Vinny looked over at his brother, instinctively knowing something had happened.


“Jennifer called 911 this morning. She saw one of the men who assaulted her and followed him.”

“What the fuck?” Gabe roared, causing Tony, Jobe, and BJ to come over. They looked to Vinny for an explanation, but he just shook his head.

“She’s fine. She did good, man. You should be proud of her.”

“She followed the man who assaulted her and you think she did good? You tellin’ me you’d be happy if Annie did that?”

“Look, she followed at a distance to keep an eye on him but called 911 and got someone there real quick. We got him. She’s here at the station and he’s in lock-up. You need to come here to be with her, but I’m tellin’ you man, lock your shit down before you get here. She doesn’t need to see you like you’re feelin’ right now.”

“On my way,” Gabe clipped, shoving his phone back in his pocket. Turning, he saw the line of men behind him. Focusing on Vinny, he said, “Jennifer saw one of the men who assaulted her. She followed him and called the police. They’ve got him.” His jaw was tight with anger.

Tony asked, “She okay?”

“Got the feeling she’s scared.”

Tony nodded. “Vinny, drive him.”

“I got it,” Gabe growled.

“That’s an order,” Tony retorted.

Vinny nodded and the two brothers headed out of the building and drove quickly to the station. Walking in, Gabe saw Matt and Shane first, but as they moved out of the way he could see Jennifer’s frightened face peering at him. Jogging over he immediately opened his arms and she moved into them. Kissing the top of her head, he whispered, “I’m here. You okay?”

He felt her nod rather than heard her response. Pulling her back, he peered into her face.

“I’m fine. Just kind of nervous,” she confessed. Looking up into his face, she knew he was angry.

Matt spoke up. “You’ll be fine. They can’t see you, but you will have to look. No pressure.” Turning to Gabe, he said, “To aid in a positive identification, we’re putting him in a lineup.”

Gabe nodded to his friends and tucked Jennifer into his side as they walked down the hall. When they got to the door, Shane gave the instructions. “Gabe, you can be here for support but don’t speak. I don’t want her influenced at all.”

“Got it,” he replied.

Shane finished his instructions to Jennifer before they stepped into the room. She glanced around nervously, noting the large window in the room that led to another well-lit room with a height measurement scale on the back wall.
Just like in the movies.
Sucking in a deep breath, she, Matt and Shane stepped to the window and Gabe moved behind them.

Seven men came in from the other room and stood with their backs against the height chart. “Take your time,” Matt instructed. “Look carefully.”

Jennifer knew immediately which man it was, but did what she was told. She looked over each man carefully and came back to the man who had stood in front of her that night in the alley. Tall, broad shouldered. Dark hair. And angry eyes.

“Number five. It’s number five,” she said.

Suddenly, she felt her legs grow weak and Matt grabbed her as Gabe’s arms came from the back to encircle her as Matt let go to get a chair. Sitting down, she tried to steady her breath, but all she could see was that man hitting her.

Gabe gently pressed her neck forward, forcing her head down. He said softly, “Put your head all the way between your knees, baby and breathe with me. In through your nose…out through your mouth…in through your nose…”

Through the fog, she heard someone say, “Get some water,” and she felt Gabe lift her head slightly, pressing something to her lips. “Take a sip baby.”

She dribbled more than she sipped, but the fog was beginning to lift. Continuing her deep breathing, she could hear voices in the background distinctly as Gabe’s presence became sharper. The feel of his hands rubbing her back, pulling her hair out of her face, whispering softly to her.

With one final deep breath, she lifted her head and peered around. Gabe’s face was directly in front of hers, concern had replaced the anger from earlier. Matt and Shane were on either side of him as well as a uniformed policewoman that was standing next to Shane.

“I’m sorry,” she said, embarrassment flooding her face.

“Don’t be sorry, darlin’,” Shane said. “You did real good.”

Standing on weak legs, supported by Gabe, she said, “It was number five, I’m sure of it.”

Nodding, Shane said, “We got it. He’s being taken to the interview room and we’ll have a go at him. You managed to claw at his hand that was on your neck that night, so we’ll threaten him with a DNA sample.”

Sucking in a ragged breath, she looked up and said, “I really need to get to work. I made a call when I was here, but I’m buried in paperwork and have got to get into the office.”

“You need to go home, baby.”

“No, I can’t. I’ve had so many days out already, I haven’t even had a chance to talk to Senator Reno to see what’s going on with the budget, and I need to talk to Roy and Sybil. Some strange things are happening in the office and I want to know what is going on.”

Gabe’s fingers flexed on her shoulders as he tried to control his frustration. He felt Vinny’s presence approach. “Bro, she’s safe. She’s in good shape. She needs to do something normal, not be coddled.”

Gabe’s head swung around as he looked at Vinny incredulously. “So you’re now the expert on women and relationships?”

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