Force of Nature Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 4) (21 page)

BOOK: Force of Nature Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 4)
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His voice was harsh, and though the demand should have made her want to rebel, she found herself wanting him to dominate her, to take her. Before she knew it, he was on her, his body covering hers. 

His cock was there, just at her entrance, when she felt his teeth sink into her neck. She yipped in pain, but held still. When his cock entered her, she came hard and fast, her body ready for his immediately. His low growl of warning had her lifting into his thrust even as she knew she should be submissive.

Austin took her hard, pounding into her deeper than she’d ever felt him. When he lifted his head and howled, she could feel his cum fill her, his body quivering inside as he filled her. He didn’t let her up, but kept his weight on her for several more seconds before he spoke again.

“You’re in heat. Christ, I want to fuck you again like this, but I want my cock deep in your pussy too. Shift for me, CJ. Shift so that I can fill you with my seed.”

It took her a few minutes to shift. Her wolf, now that she was out, didn’t seem to want to come back in. She didn’t blame her. It had been fun and freeing. When she finally became human, Austin, as a human, fell on her like he was a starving man and she his first meal.

His cock strained from his groin. She licked her lips and started to reach for him, wanting desperately to take him into her mouth. But he flipped her to her belly and pulled her hips up to meet his. In a powerful surge forward, he entered her.

His cock touched her in ways she’d never felt before. Every time he pulled free of her, she rocked back to take him in, and when he plowed forward, he nearly took her to the ground. His cock was thickening in her. She felt him stretch her walls and her sheath felt each stroke of his cock.  When he stilled behind her, she felt his fingers tighten at her hips as he held her still.

“I’m going to fill you. I’m going to plant my seed inside of you and create a child. Now, right now, tell me you want this. Tell me that you’ll accept my seed, or so help me if I move again, you’ll have no choice.”

His child, hers. She wanted his baby growing inside her more than anything in this world. Her answer was to push back and tighten around him. With a harsh growl, he leaned over her, his arms on either side of her arms. He began fucking her hard, taking her to a place she’d never been. When she was close, close enough to almost touch it, to feel it, he bit her shoulder and she came apart, his cum bringing her to peak again and again.



Chapter Twenty-Four


CJ woke in bed. She was alone, but she could feel warmth on the pillow next to her head and pulled it to her nose to inhale his scent. When she rolled to her back, she thought about last night and what he’d done…what they’d done. Running her hand over her belly, she thought about his child growing there. She looked up when she felt Austin near.

“You will know soon if you’re pregnant. I hope so. I want to see you large with my cub.” He moved toward her as he spoke. “I have something for you. My mother took it last night and I thought you’d enjoy it.”

He handed her a sheet of paper. When it touched her fingers, she realized it was photo paper and had a moment of panic when she wondered if Nancy had seen them in the forest having sex. Her face heated up at that thought.

“After all we’ve done to each other, you still blush. I love to watch your skin heat up. You’ve no idea what that does to me.” He cupped the back of her head and pulled her to his mouth for a quick but very sensual kiss. “Look at the picture before I throw you back on the bed and take you again.”

It was a wolf, a white wolf standing in a field. CJ thought she’d never seen anything more beautiful than this creature. When she looked up at Austin, he was looking at her, not the picture.

“It’s you. Your wolf.” He pointed to the darker wolf behind the white one. “That’s me. The larger black wolf is me. Mom said that we looked like dark and light together, and to see us run was beauty in itself.”

“I’m white? But I don’t understand. I thought because you changed me and you’re black….” CJ looked up at him. “I don’t understand.”

“I asked the elder. She said that it didn’t matter what I wanted you to be, that Mother Earth decided you’d be white. It’s a very rare thing for a wolf, a turned wolf, to be white. Sometimes there are ones born of a full-blooded pair, but she said that it has never happened in all her life for a white wolf to be made. She said you’re a gift to our pack. My gift as well.”

CJ looked at the picture again. She ran her finger down the wolf’s coat. “Won’t this be hard for me to hunt with you? I mean, I don’t know a great deal about hunting, but won’t I sort of stick out like a sore thumb?”

Austin’s laugh made her look at him. “Ah, love, we no longer hunt to survive, but eat when we want. Your coat of white will make you stand out, but then as my alpha person, you’ll stand and shine anyway.”

She smiled at the use of her name. She’d put her foot down at being called a bitch. She didn’t care if it was what she was. Alpha person was the one thing that he’d given her, but she’d have to put up with being called “bitch” by the pack. She agreed so long as when they were alone, he’d refrain from calling her that.

“So, I’m a white pregnant wolf about to have a litter of cubs. Sure, why not. I suppose you want me to knit booties too?”

He smiled, but didn’t say anything. She found herself back on the bed before she could ask him again. When his mouth covered her nipple and bit, she nearly came up off the bed and moaned at the same time. A pounding at the door made her groan. 

Austin snarled, then commanded whoever was there to go away.

“I can’t, alpha. Your mother said…she said to get your…sir, I’m only repeating what she said. She said for you to get your pants on and get down here to tell her goodbye. She is moving to the little house now.”

CJ nearly fell over him getting up. She had a plan of her own and it didn’t involve her new mother-in-law moving out. She snatched up her robe and was out the door right behind her husband. She was in front of the door when Nancy moved toward it.

“Oh no, you don’t. You’re not going anywhere…at least not to the little house.” CJ held up her hand when everyone started to talk at once. “The house in the meadow is completed. I had extra crews put in just so it would be done now. There are enough rooms in the house for several families, and since ours is expanding by leaps and bounds, I need you to stay with me.”

Nancy seemed ready to speak, but shook her head slightly before she did. “I wanted you to have…you need your privacy, child. And the house, running the pack is now your responsibility. I need to do this for you.”

CJ moved forward, put her arms around Nancy, and put her mouth to her ear. “I’m going to have a baby. I need you. Please don’t leave me now. I need you to come and stay with us, for me.”

Nancy pulled back and looked at her, then at her belly. She then looked at her son with wide eyes. “You…she…when?”

Austin laughed and gathered both of them in his arms. “Yes, her, last night. Will you please come and stay with us? She’ll need you now more than ever. I have plans for the little house anyway. I’m going to use it for a guesthouse. A house for packs to come and visit. We talked it…CJ and I talked it over last week. We want you to come to the house and stay with us and help us.”

Nancy stared at both them for so long that CJ was sure she was going to say no. But when her head nodded, Austin picked her up and swung her around the room. The rest of the family, her family now, CJ thought, came running into the room.


Phil watched the move. He’d helped as much as he could, but he was trying to get the paperwork ready for Austin and CJ so that everything was now theirs and no longer each person’s. Plus, he didn’t think he could be so close to Holly without kissing her.

He watched her flirt with another male, and it was all he could do not to go and drain the man. Phil knew that he had no rights, none at all when it came to the headstrong wolf, but he wanted them…wanted them in the worst sort of way. Just as he was thinking of going to her, he nearly leapt out of his skin when Connor, Austin’s younger brother, came up behind him and slapped him on the back.

“I thought you bloodsuckers were supposed to be this almighty predator or something. What has you so distracted?” Phil tried to turn away, but the man was much smarter than he’d thought. “Ah, her. She’s my sister, you know.”

Phil tried to turn away again. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I was just going to go home and finish up—”

“You don’t want her?” Phil turned back to Connor. “My sister, I’m guessing she’s your mate. So what is it, you don’t want her?”

Phil looked back at Holly, then at her brother. “I’m a vampire.”

“Yeah, I got that. But what I don’t know is why you keep running from her. She’s a bit rough around the edges, but I’m guessing you know that. So the only thing I can think is that you don’t want her.”

Phil cocked his head at Connor. “You mean you don’t care that…. She’s my mate and we’re mixed blood. I’ll drink from her when—”

“Yeah, too much information. I know what you do. But you still haven’t answered my question. We can all see that she’s your mate. Hell, Phil, we’d have to be blind not to see the way you look at her and she looks at you.”

“She looks at me?” Phil turned back to look at Holly. He didn’t know she looked at him. That opened— “What does Austin say about this? Or your mother? I’m assuming you all know.”

Connor threw back his head and laughed. “Yeah, we all know. I wouldn’t be much of a cop if I didn’t notice things. As for Austin, I don’t think he’ll have an issue with it, or my mom. The one you have to worry about is her. Holly can be a bit…well, you know what I mean. You’re going to need a lot of stamina for that one.”

Phil knew that. He’d watched her tear into a guy just yesterday who’d tried to get her into a corner. Phil had stood to go to her rescue when the man was suddenly across the room. She’d flipped him over and threw him so quickly all Phil could do was stare. She’d looked right at him when she noticed he was looking. Her look said to just try it and see what he got. 

He decided he wanted to see what he’d get. Mustering up courage to face the woman he’d loved for nearly a decade, he walked across the room and jerked her around to face him. Before she could say a word, he pulled her body to his and kissed her. 

Her mouth was warm and wet, and when his tongue begged for entrance, she let him in on a sigh. Phil pulled her body flush with his and nearly groaned when she pressed against him. It was all he could do not to throw her to the ground and take her. When she started to pull away, he shifted again and pressed her against the wall he’d moved them toward with his speed.

“Don’t, you can’t…this has to stop,” she said when he moved down her neck. “Phil, you have to…Christ.”

His teeth grazed her pounding pulse. He wanted to taste her, sink his teeth into her hot blood and taste, but he licked the beating pulse and moved back up to her mouth again. When she pushed him back, he let her but didn’t let her go.

“Holly, I need you. Now. I need to take you now.” Her groan made him rock into her softness. “Holly, your family said it’s okay. I want to—” 

He almost realized his mistake too late. When she dug her nails—claws, he supposed—into his shoulders, he winced at the pain, but still didn’t let her go.

“They said its okay for you to fuck me? Well how nice for you. Did they tell you that it’s okay to take me against the wall, or didn’t they tell you how to do it?”

He tried to correct what he’d meant, but that only seemed to piss her off more. “Holly, I’m a vampire. I didn’t think…your brothers are very protective of you, and I didn’t think they’d let me….”

“Oh no, finish. Wouldn’t let you what? Fuck me? Kiss me? What? Tell me what they wouldn’t let you do?”

“Claim you as my mate.”



About the Author


I woke up one morning and decided to give play time to the people in my head who were keeping me awake. Little did I know that they would be so relentless and want their time right now! I wrote for the pure joy of it and to entertain my family and friends. But mostly it was to get more than an hour of sleep without a story playing out. Of course, the more I write, the more they want. So…well, as a result of sleepless days (I work through the night as a gun toting grandma – nope not a vigilantly but an armed security guard) I have lots of stories written.

Hello! My name is Kathi Barton and I’m an author. I have been married to my very best friend Sonny for at times seems several lifetimes – in a good way, honey. And together we have three wonderful children and then the ones we brought into the world - Paul and Dale Barton, Jason and Wendy Barton and Danielle and Ben Conklin. They have given us seven of the greatest treasures on Earth. They don’t live at home seven days a week! No, seriously, seven grandchildren – Gavin, Spring, Ben, Trinity, Sarah, Kelly and Kian.



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