For His Protection (18 page)

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Authors: Amber A. Bardan

BOOK: For His Protection
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“Today you get to watch me fuck you.”

Her thighs fell open. Farther open really. Her chest bowed,
her nipples aimed to the ceiling. Ty growled and leaned forward, sucking one into
his mouth. Brooke groaned. Her pussy throbbed and ached as though she hadn’t
just had a mind-blowing orgasm moments before. Ty leaned up, plucked a pillow
from the bed and lifted her head, then placed the pillow under her neck. He ran
his hands over her exposed body from her throat to her pelvis.

She arched into his touch like a hungry little cat.

Ty’s gaze fell to her exposed center and the muscles in his
shoulders strained toward the surface of his skin. He grasped his cock and
rubbed it over her pussy. The fat lip of his mushroomed head flicked over her
swollen clit.

Pleasure slammed into her womb like a wall of flame.

“Mother-fucker,” Brooke groaned, entire midsection straining
off the bed.

Ty stared at her and his jaw hardened. He pressed his cock
against her pussy.

“Watch, Brooke,” he said, “Watch what I do to you.”

Brooke pulled her gaze from his face to where he entered her.
He glided in. One excruciating, blissful fraction at a time. He splayed her
open and she could see it. Could see her flesh open to him, surrender, take
everything he had. The sight anchored her to her body, stopped her mind from
floating away yet made every sensation that much more real. The pleasure all
the more shattering. He pulled out then sank back in. Her insides contracted.
He looked up from her pussy and his gaze locked on hers.

Ty let go, plunging into her and fucking her as she’d wanted
him to but never had the nerve to let him. Complete sensory takeover. Movement
and pleasure wide out of her control. She wanted to reach out, grasp his
forearms and hold on. But all she could do was arch and bow and strain. All she
could do was take and take and take. So she took. Took until she couldn’t keep
herself together anymore. Took it as he gave her every inch of his beautiful
cock, with one deep thrust after another.

He filled her beyond fullness. Every vacant emptiness, every
hollow she’d ever felt inside, replenished and completed. Her body remade,
wiped clean and fresh with his touch. Then she came, muscles clamping down on
his cock and the pressure pushed outward, expanding until her skin felt tight
then somehow burst free and pulsed through her entirety.

She shouted and Ty thrust harder then pulled out, shooting
hot semen onto her abdomen. He collapsed onto her, breathing hard, and rolled
her with him onto her side.

Brooke’s pulse slowed, breath by breath.

Her shoulders strained, reality reminding her of the actual
awkwardness of being tied up. She laughed softly. Possibly they don’t show that
part—the beached turtle bit, that is—of kinky fucking in dirty books and

“What?” Ty said against her cheek.

She laughed again a little louder. “You can untie me now. This
is kinda awkward.”

He drew back and looked down at her. “Just pull your wrists

“What?” Brooke frowned and tested the restraint. The knot
glided open with little resistance and her hands slid free. She brought her hands
in front of her face and looked at Ty. “You mean I wasn’t really restrained?”

Ty slung his arm over her waist. “You were restrained as
long as
wanted to be.”

“I thought you wanted to be in control?” Brooke whispered.

“I was in control.” His fingers made little circles against
her skin. “I was in control because you gave it to me not because I took it
from you.”

“Because I trusted you?” she said, sense sliding home.

“Because you let yourself love me,” Ty said. “Because you
gave me everything.”

Brooke sniffed, a prickly sensation burning behind her eyes.
Goddamn it. Girl-mode… Once switched on, it’s a bitch to turn off. “Now you
have it, Ty. My heart and everything else, I’m never going back.”

Ty reached out and stroked his thumb over her cheek,
slippery from tears. “I love you, Brooke.”

“I love you too,” she hiccuped and kissed him.

He kissed her back.

Warmth flowed through her. Not that sexy warmth from before
but a warmth that started in her chest and gushed sweetness into her soul.

Doors once chained, locked, bolted and boarded-up tight
burst open. Light shined bright on her. Through those open doors the landscape
of their future stretched before her—green, rich and fertile with promise.


One year later…


“Have you got it?” Charlize spoke out of the corner of her
mouth like someone conducting a drug deal.

Brooke glanced at Ty’s retreating back as he followed Connor
into the living room.

“Yeah,” Brooke whispered and tapped her handbag.

Charlize grabbed her hand and led her through the living
room where the men had plonked themselves and had turned up the sound on the
television for the impending basketball game. They veered out of the room, into
the hallway and into Charlize and Connor’s bedroom.

Charlize peered out the door then shut it quietly.

“Okay let’s see.”

Brooke pulled the package out of her bag and handed it over.
Charlize tore at the box, pulled out the three plastic strips inside and a
leaflet then dropped the empty box on the bed.

She scanned the leaflet and pulled a lid off one of the
strips, muttering to herself as she wandered into the adjoining bathroom.

“You’re doing it now?” Brooke called after her.

Charlize set two of the strips on the bathroom counter then
yanked down her pants to sit on the toilet. “Yes, I have to while Connor’s busy
with the game.”

Brooke turned away with a soft laugh. Clearly the woman was
pregnant. The tinkling of pee filled the bathroom. No test needed. Already
hormones were messing with her because Charlize had apparently lost her

Brooke sat on the bed and waited.

Charlize emerged from the bathroom with the strip and set it
on the dresser. “Have to wait two minutes.”

She perched herself on the bed next to Brooke and crossed
her legs. “You didn’t tell Ty, did you?”

Brooke shook her head and watched Charlize glance at the
strip on the dresser.

“Nope. Not a word.”

“Good, I don’t want Connor getting his hopes up again.” Her
mouth curled. “We’ve been trying for over six months.”

Brooke’s chest grew heavy and she placed a hand on
Charlize’s back. Dammit, she never knew what to say in these situations.

She cleared her throat. “Ty and I are going to try a
fertility specialist after the wedding…”

“Really?” Charlize blinked and glanced at her.

“Yeah, apparently I still have eggs or something. But there
are no guarantees.” She linked her hands in her lap and twisted the engagement
ring on her finger. “Figured it’s worth a try though.”

“Of course it is,” Charlize said and smiled, wrapping her
arm around Brooke. “I’m happy for you.”

Brooke sighed and looked at the dresser. “I think it’s been
two minutes.”

Charlize jumped up, snatched the strip off the dresser and
held it in front of her. “Two lines.” She blinked. “What’s two lines?”

She glanced around then ran into the bathroom.


“What happened?” Brooke ran to the bathroom door.

Charlize peered down into the toilet. “I dropped the

She leaned down and pulled out the instructions with two
fingers and set the paper in the sink, then turned her head. “Can you read what
this says?”

Brooke approached the sink and looked at the leaflet. It
swelled with moisture, dark liquid blotting out the words and images. “Maybe we
could dry it with a hairdryer?”

Charlize sighed and leaned against the vanity. “I don’t
think so, the ink has bled.”

“Damn, maybe we could Google it?”

“Or…” Charlize said and picked up a still-wrapped test. “You
could pee on one and be my control.”

“No.” Brooke shook her head and backed away.

“Please, Brooke.” Charlize’s eyes went wide and luminous.

Crap, now Brooke knew why Connor couldn’t say no to his
bride. Charlize blinked and her eyes went wider.


Brooke snatched the test from her friend’s hand. “Fine, but
this makes me godmother.”

Charlize squealed and clapped her hands. “Of course. Who

Brooke pulled the cap off the end of the strip. “So I just
pee on this bit?”

“Yep, that’s it.”

She set down the cap and moved to the toilet. “Turn around.
Geez, Charlize.”

Charlize laughed and turned her back.

Brooke peed. Amazing really, because her bladder usually had
stage fright. Not lately though. She had the bladder of a toddler recently.

“There.” She put the cap back on and set the test on the
vanity next to Charlize’s.

They waited.

Charlize stepped closer and looked down at the strips. Her
face fell. “Oh.”

Brooke looked at the tests. Identical. Both with two neat
little lines on the display panel.

“I’m sorry, Charlize.”

She put her arm around her friend’s waist.

“There’s always next month,” Charlize whispered. Then her
features crumpled completely and she cried.

Chest hurting, eyes stinging, Brooke hugged Charlize close.

“I was so sure this time.” Charlize hiccupped. “My boobs
hurt, really freaking hurt, and the smell of soap makes me want to barf.”

Brooke stroked her back then stepped into the bedroom to get
the tissues from the side table. Her gaze landed on the empty box on the bed.
“Oh look,” she said and flipped the box over, “there are instructions on the
back of the—”

The room spun.

“What?” Charlize emerged.

Brooke’s heart beat like a crazy thing.

She had to pee again.

Charlize plucked the box from her hands and looked at it.

“They’re broken,” Brooke said and pulled off her jacket and
dumped it on the bed. “Clearly broken. Sorry, Charlize, I must have brought you
the shit ones.”

Charlize shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. Says here
it’s ninety-nine percent accurate.”

“I’m going to pee on the other one.” Brooke stormed into the
bathroom and opened the other test, went to the toilet and remarkably she still
had yet more pee in her newly magical bladder.

It didn’t take two minutes for the second line to appear. It
showed up as soon as the test screen changed color.

Holy fuck-balls.

“Oh my God, Brooke.” Charlize appeared next to her. “Do you
know what this means?”

* * * * *

The door burst open. Connor and Ty exploded into the
bedroom. Connor rushed to the bed where Charlize cried and Brooke patted her

“We heard screaming.” Ty sat carefully next to Brooke. “What

Brooke turned to Ty. Her ears rang and her head was light
and funny like after a few too many drinks. “She just found out she’s going to
be fat at our wedding.”

Ty frowned then his gaze flicked to Charlize, who held a
strip out to Connor.

Connor bounced to his feet, letting out a booming roar as if
he’d just witnessed the winning slam-dunk, then he scooped up Charlize and spun
her around the room.

Ty grinned. “That’s awesome.”

“The thing is, Ty…” Brooke’s voice broke. “I think I will be
too.” She handed Ty her two strips. He looked at them, his brow wrinkling.

Brooke handed him the box. He held the tests up against the
box and his gaze flicked between the two.

He dropped the box. “These are yours?”

“Yes,” she somehow managed to whisper over her tight throat.

Ty’s jaw snapped shut and he stared at her a moment before
his expression dissolved and he grabbed her. She wrapped her arms around him
and buried her face into his neck. He said stuff into her hair. She wasn’t sure
what because she was too busy with a noisy cry. The back of her head seemed to
be getting damp.

So he must’ve been crying too.

About Amber A Bardan


After spending years imagining fictional adventures, Amber
finally found a way to turn daydreaming into a productive habit. She now spends
her days as a graphic designer but her nights writing scintillating tales about
heroes with tough exteriors who are warm inside.

She lives with her husband and children in semi-rural
Australia, where if she peers outside at the right moment she might just see a
kangaroo bounce by.


The author welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses on her
bio page



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Also by
A Bardan


Her Protection



Ellora’s Cave Publishing





For His Protection


ISBN 9781419993640


For His Protection Copyright © 2014 Amber A Bardan


Cover design by Allyse Leodra

Cover photography by shutterstock


Electronic book publication November 2014


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