Fire and Ice (Guardians) (13 page)

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Authors: Victoria Paige

BOOK: Fire and Ice (Guardians)
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He watched Maia put away the tequila. She was beginning to look flushed.

Thirty minutes later, and another round of tequila.

"So, babe, what's up with the Russian?" Jack asked softly.

"Viktor's planning something..." Maia thought really hard, squinting her eyes. "I don't agree with what he's planning."

"What's he planning?"


"The Russian's name is Lee?"

"No, Lee is the bait. Pour me some tequila."

Jack obliged. Maia tossed it back.

"I thought you were the bait?"

"Yes, me and Lee. Or is it Lee and I?"

"Lee is a Guardian?" Jack asked.

Maia giggled. "No, he is a musi...musician... lead ...rock band."

"He's in a rock band?"

Jack was confused. What does a rock band have to do with the Russians? Maybe Maia had had too much tequila. She's fully reclined on the lounge chair, her eyes closed.

"He was in love with me," she murmured, talking more to herself now.

Jack sat up and watched Maia intently. Who the fuck was this Lee guy? No, not jealous at all.

"So you know, ah ...Lee?" Jack prodded without an ounce of guilt.

"Bali, three times. Big mistake..." Maia mumbled.

Bali? Bali? As in Indonesia? Jack fumed. Three times. She went there three times with this guy?

Maia sat up and took the bottle of tequila and poured two shots.

"Babe, I think you've had enough," Jack said absently. His thoughts were still in a turmoil regarding who Lee was to her. He was also not quite sure how to process tequila confessions from Maia.

"Pfft. Ask Derek, I can handle tequila, baby," she said but instead of drinking from the shot glass she had just poured, started drinking from the bottle.

Screw his scruples, Jack thought. He was gonna find out what he could.

"So, what happened in Bali, babe?"

"Met Lee, he had the sexiest vocals," Maia whispered. "Sex on the beach." She giggled then looked at Jack who was starting to feel murderous. "It's fun, we need to try it."

Right now, Jack wanted to bash this Lee guy's face in and had the overwhelming urge to fuck Maia right where she was. But she was obviously inebriated, and he didn't want to take advantage of her.

"You went there three times?"

"Shouldn't have. Shouldn't have...a mistake."

"Why a mistake?"

"Familiarity breeds attachment ... love. That's a mistake."

"Do you love him?"

"Can't fall in love."

That wasn't exactly a confirmation or denial, Jack thought.

"Why not?"

Maia set the bottle down on the table and stared off into the ocean. And then almost in a moment of clarity, as if she was sober, she said, "It's a weakness. They will know." Then she leaned back, closed her eyes and was out.

Jack understood. Shit, he understood what she meant.


It felt like one hundred little men were hammering in her head. Such was what the morning after too much tequila felt like. Maia was slouched over the kitchen counter with sunglasses on, a huge mug of coffee in hand.

She had woken up alone in bed this morning. She was in Jack's room, but she couldn't recall getting there last night. As usual, Jack had taken the liberty of dressing her up in pajamas and a camisole. She was thankful she wasn't naked. It also looked like he had been gentleman enough not to have sex with her while she was passed out.

He had left a note by the bed: "Babe, went for a run. J."

Maia groaned into her cup. All she could remember talking to Jack about was Viktor, Brett and the Navy SEALs. She enjoyed staring at the ocean immensely, tossing back tequila—she felt free, much like whenever she took her twice yearly beach vacations. The beach and Lee. Damn: why did it feel like she had talked about Lee?

"Are you sure you don't want any Advil, sweetie?" Grace asked kindly. She was moving around the kitchen quietly, although, to Maia's hungover head, not quietly enough.

"I'll be okay this afternoon," she winced. Even talking hurt. "Just need to suffer through this so I don't do it again."

"I can't believe Jack let you drink so much," Grace clucked in a disapproving tone. Just then the door opened and the man himself walked in.

He was dressed in a black tee, running shorts and running shoes. His normally swarthy bronze color was a tad ruddy from his run.

Maia grimaced when the door swung shut.

"Jesus," she groaned. "Quit slamming doors, will you?"

"Someone woke up a bear this morning," Jack drawled as he strode into the kitchen. "Thought you can handle tequila."

"Not when you pour me the entire bottle, you ass!" Maia winced again at the sound of her own voice. She was shutting up now.

"Do you want any breakfast, Jack?" Grace asked.

"No. I'm hitting the gym downstairs. Wanna join me Maia?" Jack asked.

"Leave me alone for the next century," Maia whispered, took a swig of coffee and buried her head on her crossed arms on the kitchen counter.

Jack chuckled and kissed her bent head, "Later, babe."

He disappeared into the study and Grace said, "Never seen him so sweet. He really likes you, Maia."

"Grace," she raised her head from her elbows. "Not another word."

"If you say so sweetie," Grace said indulgently. "I'm going to tidy up the rooms if you don't need me."

Maia didn't say anything, and merely raised her arm to wave her off. Maybe she should lie back on the couch and just sleep it off.

The phone rang. Grace had forgotten to take the wireless with her.


Answering the phone immediately so the blasted thing would stop ringing, "Hello?"

A high-pitched female voice snapped, "Who is this?"

"Um, you're the one who called," Maia replied.

"This is Isabella, Jack's girlfriend. Who are you?"

Oh God, why in the world did she answer the phone. Should she say, your boyfriend's fuck-buddy? More to the point, didn't Jack imply he was not with anyone at the moment? Otherwise, Maia would never had slept with him.

"I'm a friend of the family."

"Well, is Jack there?"

"Hold on." Maia figured out the code to the gym and transferred the call. Now that was that.

She went looking for Grace to hand her the receiver. She was not Jack's secretary and would not be answering calls from his ladyloves.

She found Grace in Jack's room; specifically, Grace was transferring her clothes into Jack's closet and drawer.

"Grace, what are you doing?" Maia asked in alarm as she handed the housekeeper the phone.

"Jack told me to move your belongings in here," the older lady answered merrily.

Maia was speechless. She didn't want to argue right now, not with a raging headache but she vaguely remembered Jack mentioning her moving her stuff into his room. It was a good thing Maia had transferred her weapons bag to the control room.

The intercom feature of the phone beeped.

"Grace," Jack barked. "I thought I told you not to accept Isabella's calls."

Grace eyed her in horror and said, "I didn't, Maia did."


Maia grabbed the phone from the housekeeper and said, "She said she was your girlfriend."

"Ahhh, I was wondering why Grace would get chatty enough to say a friend of the family was staying over," Jack said with amusement. "Is that what you told her?"

"Well, I could hardly tell her I was your fuck-buddy, Jack," Maia retorted then cringed when Grace gasped behind her. "Sorry, Grace." She was making a habit of scandalizing the housekeeper with her unladylike language.

"Damn it, Maia. Isabella and I broke up weeks ago," Jack said in exasperation.

"You don't have to explain."

"We'll talk later."

"Jack, really, it isn't necessary."

"We'll. Talk. Later," Jack said firmly and disconnected.

Shit. Not looking at Grace, she handed her the phone.

"I told you he likes you," Grace said with a knowing smile.

Maia bit back her reply so as not to offend the housekeeper with what she really thought.


Jack sighed as he pushed the button to end the call with his mom. Apparently, Isabella had informed his mom that he was cheating on her and was keeping a woman at the stonehouse.

Shaking his head, Jack thought his ex-girlfriend needed to clue-in. Their conversation had been almost bizarre. Only a few people knew he was at the stonehouse, and heads were gonna roll at the office. Isabella could be intimidating, but his employees should know where their loyalties lay and should know better than to reveal his whereabouts, especially when he was on vacation. He recalled their earlier conversation.

"Why are you calling, Isabella?" Jack asked in barely concealed irritation.

"Jack darling, how long are you going to freak out?" Isabella purred. "I've given you some space and enough time. I know you're not ready to get married and I'm willing to wait, but I can't wait forever."

Jesus Christ. Why, in the eight months they had been together had he not seen how crazy or delusional she was?

"Isabella. We. Broke. Up," Jack enunciated each word clearly.

"Jack, that was just a lover's spat."

"I specifically told you we were done. You moved all your things out."

"Oh, Jack you know it's easy for me to move back in," she continued. "You never let me keep too many things at your place." He could hear the censure in her voice.

"You are not moving back in. It is over, Isabella." If he could reach through the phone he could strangle her.

"I...I... thought... you were just mad." Her confident tone wavered. Finally, he cracked through that thick skull of hers. "Jack, I cleared all my things out so you could have all the space you needed to think. Don't you miss me?"

"I'm seeing someone else," Jack said abruptly. It was of course possible that Maia might not agree.

"What? Who?" she shrieked so loud, he had to pull the phone away from his ear.

"It's her isn't she? She's with you at the stonehouse right now, that friend of the family," Isabella said accusingly.


"You jerk!" she screamed. "Does she know what a faithless bastard you are? You use women, Jack."

Then she hung up. And apparently called his mother.

After Claire, Jack rarely introduced the women he saw to his family. His mother was always hopeful that he would get over what had happened twelve years before and he did not want to encourage that optimism. Having dated Isabella for eight months, it was inevitable that they would meet as his mom had a habit of showing up to see his son whenever she pleased.

Jack had just finished talking to Maia when his mom called his cell phone.

"Mom," Jack said.

"Jack, how are you, honey?" Frances McCord greeted her son.

Jack sighed his response.

"That's not the way to greet your mother," Frances scolded with some hurt in her voice. "What is this I hear about you fooling around on poor Isabella,"

"Mom, Isabella and I broke up over three weeks ago," Jack said.

There was a marked silence before his mother answered.

"Oh, Jack, Isabella is such a sweet girl ..."

He cursed under his breath.

"Don't you swear at me at me, Jack McCord," his mom chastised him.

"I wasn't," Jack said, holding on to his patience.

"So, who's your new girl?"

"I just started seeing her mom, it's too soon."

"But you ..."

"I don't wish to discuss this," Jack said sternly. "I don't want you talking to Isabella about me again."

"All right," his mother said.

"Have you seen Brett?"

"Yes. How much longer are we going to have all these bodyguards? It's so difficult to go anywhere."

"It'll be over soon, mom," Jack said affectionately. "Don't worry."

They chatted a little bit more about his brother before he hung up.

Jack made his way to his room and quickly took a shower. He opened the drawers to his dresser and saw Maia's sexy lingerie. He skimmed his fingers over them and smiled, imagining her indignant reaction at being moved without her express consent.

Jack went running that morning to accomplish two things: the first was to work off the
sexual frustration that had been plaguing him since the night before—he'd never been so hard all night long. Having her snuggled into him was torture but he did not want to set her away from him. He felt the stirrings in his groin again. Damn. The run hadn't done a thing. Second was to figure out exactly what he was doing with Maia. Every word out of his mouth to her implied that he understood their two-week, just-sex arrangement, but Jack knew he would want more after that. Shit, everything with Maia was a first, and he was frustrated by her willfulness and independence. He wanted her to need him, and not just for sex.

A buzz through the intercom interrupted his introspection.

"Jack," Grace whispered urgently. "Detective Tanner is here. He is accusing Maia of lying about the grocery shooting. I think you need to get down here."

"Be right there," Jack replied. Cursing under his breath, he pulled on some clothes and made his way quickly to the first floor.

The two were facing off in the living room. Maia was looking balefully at Rick, her hands on her hips. Grace was nervously looking on from the kitchen.

"I don't care if your CSI guys can't find a trace of the guy who helped us," Maia said. "He took down Benny and his thugs, that's all that matters."

"What the hell is going on here?" Jack demanded.

"I suggest you stay out of this, McCord," Rick Tanner said. "I repeat, Miss Pierce, is there something else you want to tell me?"

"Don't answer that, Maia," Jack warned. "Shall we take this into my office?"

Fuck, Jack thought. The story about the rescuer was, at best, very lame. Could anything lead back to Maia? She'd been very thorough, she even thought to take care of the gun powder residue.

When they got into Jack's office, Rick didn't waste time repeating his question. "For the last time, Miss Pierce, is there something else you want to tell me?"

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