Fallen Idols MC - Complete (18 page)

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Authors: Savannah Rylan

BOOK: Fallen Idols MC - Complete
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“Goddamn that’s sexy,” he growled, seeing me pleasure myself. “I love a girl who knows how to take what she wants, but it’s my turn to take charge.”

He abruptly pulled his cock out of me, and slid down, replacing it with his tongue. The softness of his wet tongue was such a contrast that it sent goose bumps dancing across my skin. Flicking his fingers over my mound, and his tongue inside me, brought me to the brink of my second orgasm.

As my body tensed up, he pulled his mouth and fingers off of me, smiling cockily. “Do you need something?” he teased with a smirk.

This was payback for playing hide the tip with him earlier, and I wasn’t about to give in so easily. Instead of responding, I simply placed my own fingers on my clit, and began rubbing vigorously. The smile dropped from his face, and he grabbed both of my arms, pinning them above my head.

“Oh, no, you don’t get off that easy,” he tsked.

He leaned back down, and slowly blew hot, moist air across my clit, sending shivers all over my body. He leaned his mouth just above my mound, never touching as he continued to blow softly. It was pure torture. I bucked against his mouth, practically begging for the real thing.

“Blaze,” I begged.

“Tell me what I want to hear.” He placed the tip of his dick right at my entrance, and very lightly ran it back and forth over my pussy. I groaned in frustration.

The smirk returned as he moved his breath upwards, this time over my nipples, his tongue just barely touching the tips of them.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I was wound tighter than a two-dollar watch. “Okay, you win,” I mumbled.

He lightly licked my clit. “I’m sorry. Did you say something?”

“You. Win,” I gritted out. “Just, please, I need you, Blaze.”

He smiled triumphantly. “Well, okay, then.”

He slammed his cock back inside me, fingering my clit while pounding in and out of me. I moaned at the sudden pleasure of it, reached up, and pulled his mouth onto mine, ravishing him with my tongue.

We fell into a rhythm. For every thrust of his dick, I met it with a thrust of my tongue into his mouth. He slid off the tailgate, stood up, and leaned me against the side of the car, hammering in and out of me furiously.

I could feel my orgasm building fast, so I pulled on the thick strands of his hair, and clenched my legs around his waist. That did it. I could feel myself letting go, so I tugged on his hair a little harder. That triggered him. A few more hard thrusts, and he spilled himself inside me.

I tossed my head back in ecstasy, pulling in ragged breath. All of a sudden, there was a banging of the door that echoed through the cavernous space. We weren’t alone. “Shit!” I grabbed my clothes, and ran behind the Escalade where I wouldn’t be seen. Blaze pulled the hatch down on himself, and hid in the back of the cab where I watched him struggle to get into his clothes in the small space. I couldn’t help but giggle at the scene. Somehow, Blaze and I almost always got caught. What I wouldn’t give for one more night in my apartment, where we could keep going without any interruptions.

There weren’t any footsteps, and no one called out to us, which made me nervous. I pulled my gun out of my jacket, and laid my finger on the trigger. I prayed more than anything else that this was the thief, so I could finally catch him, and be done with all of it. Instead, as I slithered down the side of the vehicle, I saw Chen standing there with a smug look on his face.

“I was hoping you would be the one protecting my new package.”

I breathed a sigh of relief, and slid my gun back into my cut. “Blaze, you can come out. It’s just Chen.”

Blaze popped open the hatch, and made it look like he had been hiding in there to assault whoever the thief was. We were pretty excellent at the lying game; it was the only way to not get caught.

“So, where are you shipping this one? Another private client in China?” I questioned.

Chen smiled at me. “Kind of. This is a present for one of my largest clients. His drug rings keep me in business. He came into town about an hour ago unexpectedly. I didn’t expect him until later this evening, and I want to give the car to him as soon as possible. I have a meeting in a half an hour, so let’s make this deal. I’ve already negotiated the price with your father, thirty thousand should do the trick.” He motioned to a man who stood with his arms crossed behind him in a business suit, and he walked forward and gave me an envelope. The wad of cash inside was thick in my small hands. I never counted in front of Chen. It was disrespectful to our relationship, but it certainly felt like more than thirty grand.

“You’re sure there’s only 30K in here?”

Chen smiled briefly. “You always are smarter than you look. The rest is a down payment for those fifteen cars we talked about earlier. I assume you’ve already spoken to Rogue about it?”

I bit my lower lip, unsure what to say. Had Rogue already made the decision without me? “I haven’t been back to go to church yet. We’ll settle it later this evening.”

“It’s my understanding that you’ll go through with the vote, yes? Otherwise, I wouldn’t have put such a significant down payment.”

Blaze finally spoke up. “How much extra is in there?”

Chen’s eyes never left me. “Twenty thousand.”

Fifty k… that felt about right. I was surprised how fast Chen wanted to move on this deal. There must be a few cars that he wanted to ship special. His connections over in China must been desperate for something in that shipment.

“I’m sure Rogue will be in touch this evening. Until then, she’s all yours.” I walked toward him, sashaying my hips. “A pleasure working with you, as always.” He took my hand, and instead of shaking it, he kissed it daintily. I could only hope that, as soon as he got into the vehicle, he wouldn’t be able to smell the sex in the back. The goon who handed me the money walked over to the car and started it. Ryder had placed the keys in the ignition before he left. I crossed the warehouse, and opened up one of the garage doors for him to drive out, while Chen, Blaze and I stood and watched.

Chen nodded to Blaze, and placed a quick peck on my cheek before turning on his heel and walking out. Just as silent as he had entered, he exited. I stood holding the money in my hands until I was absolutely sure he was gone.

“Close the garage door,” I instructed Blaze. I strode over to one of the only windows we could see out of, and I scanned the horizon for the black town car. True, the shipment wasn’t supposed to happen for another few hours, but even if our rat was trying to protect us, this might’ve been a mistake. Chen wasn’t dumb enough to show up to make a deal knowing that the feds were watching, but I just needed to see for myself. Sure enough, no car. It made me question even more if some of Chen’s people were behind the Feds investigating us. He was the only one who knew when he was arriving.

Blaze walked up behind me, and skimmed his hands down the curves of my body. “That was close.”

I spun around, and wrapped my arms around his neck, pushing a rough kiss onto his lips. “Very close. I’m going to call Rogue, and get Cruz to come down here watch the warehouse. I have to get back to the Raven’s Nest, and discuss this business arrangement with Chen. Can you stay down here until Cruz gets back?”

He nodded against my forehead. “Sure, though I admit I don’t like the idea of you riding back by yourself.”

I broke away from him. “You know I can handle myself.”

There was a smirk on his lips as I turned around. “Oh, I know that.” He smacked my ass playfully, and I sauntered away.



By the time I got back to the MC, Rogue had already gathered all the patched members; they were sitting around the table as I walked in. I closed the door behind me, and I placed the envelope on the table. “Payment for the Escalade, and an advance for the new project.”

Rogue nodded. “He’s pretty serious about us stealing those cars, isn’t he?”

I took my seat next to him. “Seems to be. There’s another advantage of taking on this little mission, besides the big ass payout we know he’s going to make, that is.”

I heard a creak as Pops sat back in his chair. Axel usually sat next to him, but his seat was empty. I knew that must’ve been hard for him these past few weeks. “What advantage is that, sweetheart?”

I couldn’t contain my smile. “The shipping company is El Lobo.”

Everyone around the table perked up at my news, suddenly excited to take advantage of our rival gang.

Rev rubbed his hands together. “Las Almas has no idea what’s going to hit them. I didn’t even know they were still running a legitimate business. I thought all they did was run drugs.”

Everyone started talking around him. Rogue pounded on the table to get everyone’s attention. “We told them to knock the drugs off, what they do in their neighborhood is their business, but here in Brooks Landing, it’s ours. The shipping business that Isidro has going on? He’s had it for years. This is probably one of the biggest items he’s ever shipped. Mostly he smuggles drugs in electronic shipments. But shipping cars? They’re not prepared for that.”

Bones looked pensive, but he remained quiet. I wondered what was going through his head. “Bones, what do you think?”

He shrugged. “If they’re getting into shipping cars, it just makes you think that they might be stealing them too, doesn’t it?”

He had a point. “It might be the next step, yes, but I don’t think that they were stealing from us. Chen has it on good authority that one of his dealers is driving around the Lexus that was stolen from us.”

Ace and Rocco immediately made eyes at each other. Ace spoke. “And yet, you stayed at that meeting after we told him that it was someone at his table who was talking. Who would know the shipments better than him? He’s the only one outside of our MC who knows what’s coming in and out.”

I glared at him. “Well, aren’t you glad that I stayed? Because, now, we have this huge payout coming toward us, and a chance to stick it to Las Almas because of Chen. How that car came into their possession, I don’t know. What I do I know that Chan had nothing to do with it. I trust him. He doesn’t want to hurt our business or his.”

Rogue put his hands beneath his chin, and set his head down upon them. “Both of you bring up good points, but I’m with Trista on this one. He put down a deposit of 20K. That’s a serious deposit on a business arrangement that we haven’t even made yet. I’m in on this deal.”

Pops nodded. “I say we take it to a vote. For me? I’m with Rogue. I trust the Red Dragons.”

Rogue scanned the table. “If you agree that we should steal the fifteen cars that the Red Dragons need, say aye.”

Everyone agreed, even Ace and Rocco, though they both looked nervous. I knew that they wouldn’t be excited to see Chen again after their little outburst earlier. It’d been an embarrassment for the MC.

“Any other business?” Rogue asked. No one spoke, and he pounded the table with his gavel. “Excellent, then let’s celebrate. To the Red Dragons, and to a lot of fucking money.”

Everyone clapped their hands, and cheered, before standing to exit. I stayed back with the envelope, and counted the money to make sure all fifty grand was there. Sure enough, it was. I sat and maintained the books while listening to the ruckus going on outside the boardroom. All the men were drinking and enjoying some of the Ravens Nest whores while I stayed in my quiet world of numbers. I only looked up when the door closed, and saw Blaze standing in front of me.

“Cruz is down at the warehouse. Everything checked out fine before I left.”

“Great. Thanks. Just about done with these. Then, maybe we can go upstairs?”

He smiled at me. “And what would you like to do upstairs? Because, last time we were there, I remember getting involved in something very interesting.”

I laughed. “I seem to recall that, too. Though I feel like this time it should be reciprocated. I mean, a girl can only do so much.”

He continued to smile; yet somehow it wasn’t reaching his eyes anymore.

“What’s wrong? I asked him.

“What are we doing here? Are we just going to be fuck buddies?” He began to walk around the table toward me. “Or are we going to be more?”

He pulled me up out of the chair, and his lips met mine. I knew exactly what he wanted, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to give it to him. I didn’t know if my heart was even available. As much as I loved the MC, they had taken a piece of my soul away from me. I didn’t trust anybody, especially with my heart. What if I let Blaze in, and he broke it?

“I don’t know. I don’t know how I feel.” He pulled away from me. “It’s not like that! I know I feel something, I just don’t know what to make of it yet. And we’re going to have to tell Rogue, and the rest of the guys. I just don’t think that’s going to go well.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Can we just keep this quiet little bit longer?” I whispered. He put his hands around my back.

“A little bit. I want to tell your dad, soon.”

I nodded against his thick chest. “We will, I promise.” I gazed up at him, and, just as his lips parted to say more, shots were fired outside the building. I immediately pulled my gun from inside my cut as Blaze did the same. He pulled me down to the ground, underneath the table, seconds before glass broke above our heads. There was screaming and bottles shattering outside the boardroom doors.

“We have to get out there! We have to help them!”

Blaze yelled to me over the commotion. “Go! Just stay low. I’ve got your back.”

I stayed crouched down, and worked my way across the floor. I opened the door just an inch, as more shots were fired. I couldn’t see anyone lying on the ground, just a couple of whores hiding underneath the table. I yelled to them, “Anybody hurt?” They clung to each other, and shook their heads. I pushed the door the rest of the way open, and Blaze and I slid through, still fumbling our way on the ground. The shots stopped, and after a few seconds, we stood, surveying the rest of the scene. Ace was next to the door with his finger on the trigger, and I watched as he ran out into the night.

My mom screamed at him, “Ace, no! Get back here!” There was terror in her eyes. I ran after him, my gun pointed in front of me, as the rest of the MC started to get up, and pulled their own guns. I glanced behind me as I passed Rev on the floor, holding his arm, and yelling a slew of curse words I could hardly understand. “Blaze, you’re with me. Mom, get Bones, and check on Rev. Something’s wrong with him!” She nodded to me, and I disappeared through the door and into the darkness.

Tires squealed just as the door closed behind me. Whoever had just attacked us, they were gone now. I looked frantically for Ace; I had to make sure he wasn’t dead. “Ace! Ace, where the hell are you?”

There was no sign of him anywhere in the parking lot. Blaze and I looked through the parked cars, and around the bikes, but there was nobody. Suddenly, it was clear that he wasn’t dead—he was kidnapped. Rogue and Bones walked up behind me with their guns outstretched. “Where the hell is Ace?” Rogue asked me.

I spun around, tears rolling down my face. I couldn’t help it; I felt like I was broken. “He’s gone! Whoever the hell that was, they just took him!”

Blaze walked up to the three of us with a single piece of paper in his hand. “I found this on one of the cars. Do you know what it means?”

I took a look at it. On one side, three words were written.
Trust no one
. When I turned it over, and looked at the other side, there was a name and a phone number.

“Who the fuck is Paige Morrison?”




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