Exposed: A British Bad Boy Romance (10 page)

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o much for being done with Jasper.

Though I resisted it for so long, now that we’ve actually done the deed, I can’t seem to keep my hands off of him. He’s tapped into some deep-down well that seems to have been waiting for him to unleash it.

A well of sensuality and desire that I never knew I had. I don’t know how to deal with this. With him.

No matter how much he gives me, I still want more.

“More,” I moan as he presses me against the shower wall, bucking his hips into me with sharp ragged thrusts.

My god… I expected Jasper to know what he’s doing when it comes to sex but this is… On an entirely different level. He fills me so perfectly. Makes my toes curl so effortlessly. His husky voice in my ear sends me over the edge every single time without fail.

Jasper knows about sensitive spots on my body that even
didn’t know about. He’s discovering secret turn-ons I didn’t know existed and I never want it to end.

For nearly a week we haven’t been able to separate ourselves from each other and I seem to completely forget that I’m supposed to be writing a biography on him. I’m much more interested in learning about him in a more explicit fashion and Jasper seems to have no qualms about it.

“I could watch you cum all day every day, luv,” he murmurs against my neck, sending shivers all the way to the tips of my toes. “It’s a bloody spectacular sight.”

When he says things like that, I feel like I’m in some kind of fairytale. Real men aren’t this…
. Jasper seems too good to be true.

After our shower, Jasper’s getting dressed, “I’ve got some things at
to tend to, I hope you’ll be able to contain yourself until later,” he says with a smirk.

I’m standing in the doorway of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel with one hip cocked against the door jamb watching him cover up all those delicious rippling muscles.

“I don’t know,” I say in a sultry tone, “what if I just get
so horny
thinking about you that I have to take care of myself?”

He growls and steps toward me, settling his hands on my hips.

Why is this so nice? The feel of his body heat seeping into me, the hungry look in his eyes… I could get lost in it.

“I know you’re taking the piss, but I’m going to have to insist you send me pictures if that happens.”

“Oh? You’re
, are you?”

He takes my lips in a kiss that steals my breath away.

I am in so much trouble when it comes to this man.

And yet… I’m not looking for a way out, am I?

“I am,” he rasps, taking my earlobe between his teeth with gentle suction.

I moan and throw my head back against the door frame, letting my hand slide down over the front of his pants, finding his cock thick and hard pressed against the fabric.

I unzip his fly and he hisses with a sharp intake of breath as my fingers close around him and pull him free of the confines of his clothes.

“This is quite the opposite of me getting dressed to go,” he says in a strained voice.

I simply flash him a coquettish smile, drop my towel, and sink to my knees, wrapping my lips around his cock, tasting every inch of him.

“Fucking hell, Susie, you’re going to be the death of me,” he says, but his hands tell another story. His hands are in my hair, moving my head along his shaft in desperate hard juts.

My tongue trails along the length of him and I take his balls in my hand, working my magic on him until Jasper’s groaning and shooting his cum into my mouth.

I release him with a long slow sucking motion and he shudders as the head of his cock pops free from my lips.

“Something to think about while you’re gone,” I say, feeling powerful and sexy as I lick my lips and stand up on my toes to kiss him.

“Not a fucking chance I’ll be thinking about anything else, now. Thanks, luv.”

“Anytime,” I wink.

Who the hell is this girl?
I find myself wondering. I’m not the kind of girl that
. Though, that’s only the tip of the iceberg of things I
do that I’ve
doing with Jasper.

He waits for me to get dressed and we walk out of his hotel room together, holding hands until the elevator doors open on the bottom floor.

“See you tonight?” he asks, still clinging to my fingertips as our hands pull apart.

I flash him a playful smile, “If you’re lucky.”

He laughs, but before I can get away, he lands a swift smack on my ass and I yelp in surprise loud enough to turn a few heads in the lobby, “That’s for being a cocktease,” he says.

There’s a car already waiting for him outside and I hail a cab to take me back to my place. I haven’t been home except to grab necessities in nearly a week and I just
Alisha’s going to have something to say about it.

Though, to be perfectly honest, if the roles were reversed, I’d probably be pretty pissed that she’s not sharing her juicy love life with me.

I decide to text her.

You home?

Her response comes back more quickly than I expect,

Donato’s and girl talk?
I text back, hoping she’s not completely pissed off at me.


My heart slows it’s crazy race and I breathe a sigh of relief. Al’s been my best friend for… forever. I can’t let something like Jasper come between us. Even if I don’t want to admit everything that’s been going on between us, I know Al will never ever forgive me if I don’t let her in the loop.

So, I pick up a pizza from our favorite place — pineapple and mushroom for her, olives and extra cheese for me — and try to put on a brave face as I walk through our front door.

“She lives!” Alisha says with an edge of biting sarcasm.

“And she brings a peace offering,” I say, leading with the giant pizza box.

Alisha’s on the pizza in five seconds flat, folding her first slice and taking a big bite with an audible ‘mmmmmmm’.

“Donato’s is the shit,” she says, swallowing her first bite.

I take one of my slices out and take a bite, chewing slowly as I try to prepare the words I want to say to her.

“Look, Al, I’m sorry that I—”

She holds up a hand to stop me, “I know. I was kind of a jerk about it. I’m just not used to you keeping stuff from me and it hurt a little.”

I frown and slide onto the stool next to her, “I know. It wasn’t on purpose it’s just… everything with Jasper is really complicated.”

Al raises her eyebrows, “So, is that where you’ve been all week?”

I feel my face burn hot and I nod.

“Daaaaaaaamn,” she whistles with an appreciative nod, “go ahead then. Shacking up with a super hot famous chef. I didn’t know you had it in you, Suze.”

I laugh, “Me either! I don’t know how to explain it… He’s so infuriating that I want to hit him and then…”

She doesn’t say anything. I wish she would. I wish she could finish my sentence without me having to say the words out loud. Without me having to acknowledge the things those words will mean for me.

“And then…” she prompts.

“Then he smiles or kisses me or just…
at me in this certain way and all my annoyance just

“I’m pretty sure that’s called ‘sex appeal’ Suze,” she laughs.

“Yeah,” I mutter, “I guess you’re right. I shouldn’t look too far into it.”

She pulls a face and leans an elbow on the breakfast bar, “I didn’t say that. I’m only saying you’re not an alien for getting turned on by him. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re having fun, right?”

The smile that creeps onto my face gives me away before I can even answer, “Yeah.”

But is it just fun? It feels different to me. It feels like something
and that scares the ever-loving shit out of me.

Am I falling for him?

For Jasper Wild?

I don’t have a parachute. There’s no safety net. If I fall, I’m going to wind up broken.

“What?” Alisha asks with her lips pursed, looking for all the world like she’s about to unleash a lecture of monumental proportions on me.

“I… I don’t want to get too attached,” I say, the words fighting against escape. Now that they’re out in the open, just hanging there between us, I’m more scared than ever.

Alisha frowns, “Dude. You are so in your own head about this. Stop trying to jump ten steps ahead. Enjoy the place you’re at now. When are you seeing him again?”

I nibble my bottom lip, “Tonight? Maybe? He kind of mentioned it, but we didn’t make real plans.”

“Okay, so here’s what you do. Put on something sexy, show up at his door, fuck his brains out until he can’t even form any words with that sexy ass British accent. Don’t worry about feelings or futures. Think you can manage that?”

I chuckle a little, finishing my slice, “Yeah, maybe. Thanks for the pep talk, Al.”

She gives me a winning grin and shrugs, “Anytime. You just have to
actually talk to me
,” she says, nudging my shoulder playfully.

“Yeah, yeah. I know you’re right. I’m really sorry again.”

Al gives me an easy smile, “No sweat. Best friends for life, right?” She says, extending her pinkie finger out to me like we’ve done since we were kids.

I hook my pinkie with hers, “Best friends for





’m strutting around
like I own the fucking place — though, I guess I sort of do. Though none of my own money has gone into the restaurant, plenty of my reputation is at stake. And if it fails, I’ll be the one everyone looks to, not the investors.

It’s only a month until our official opening. Even less till we have our preview night for the investors and press.

Surprisingly, even though I’ve been tangled with Susie for the past few days, the place seems to be running with the precision of a Swiss train.

Ricardo and the rest of the staff have the full menu prepared for me to taste and I’m making my way through the dishes, making notes, comments and adjustments.

Meanwhile, my mind couldn’t be further away. Every bite I take I’m imagining my mouth on Suzette instead. Every time I glance down, I’m picturing her naked, on her knees with my cock in her mouth, her lips doing delectably sinful things to me.

That woman…

She’s something else, I have to say.

What exactly, I’m not sure. But I know that I’ve quickly grown obsessed with her. Wanting to spend every moment with her. Buried in her. Hearing her cries of ecstasy.

It’s nearly unbearable to do normal things with the filthy highlights reel playing in my mind and all I can think about is getting this over with and wrapping myself up in Susie again.

And again.

And again.

That shit is
. The fact that being with her and
her doesn’t frighten me at all is especially concerning. My
of trepidation makes me worried.

Then I think of the sinful curve of her lips. The generous swell of her impeccable tits and that sweet, sweet pussy drawing me in, making me cum like I’ve never cum before.

I think about all of that and my worries fade.

Elliot’s waiting for me when I finish the tasting and he has a whole slew of new appearances for me to make.

“You’ve not been in the press at all recently, Jasper,” he says. “For a successful opening, we’re going to need a great deal more coverage.”

“Isn’t that what the interview with Susie is for?” I say before catching my error in using her given name.

Elliot — ever the picture of professionalism — doesn’t bat an eye. Hell, he probably assumes I sleep with any woman I get in private quarters.

Before Suzette his assumptions wouldn’t have been wrong.

Of course, she’s the only woman I’ve been in close quarters with, so I suppose technically he’s still not wrong.

“How is the piece with Ms. Quincy going?” he asks with an arched brow.

I know my smug smile gives away more than I’d like, but I simply can’t suppress it when thoughts of Susie arise, “Well. I think the biography will be quite flattering,” I say, all too pleased with myself.

Elliot ‘hmphs’, pulling up his mobile, scrolling through it as if he’s completely uninterested in what I have to say.

His attitude has been somewhat grating lately. Perhaps my fame has altered Elliot. He certainly enjoys his cut of my fortune, but now I’ve begun to wonder if I’m still his priority or just his gravy train.

“Well, that’s still not coming out for a while and we need to get your face out there. I’ve got just the thing,” he says.

“El, I don’t want to be a part of any more of your publicity grabbing schemes, please. Can we just drop all that ‘bad boy chef’ bullshit?”

Elliot offers me a full-toothed smile and just claps me on the shoulder, “Not to worry, lad. You’ll enjoy this one, I’m certain of it.”

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