Excess All Areas (9 page)

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Authors: Mandy Baggot

BOOK: Excess All Areas
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Well it is a surprise. I mean, wow! Nicholas Kaden asking you out on a date,’ Emma said for the second time.

Christ Emma, get a grip. You’re making it sound like I’ve accepted an audience with the Pope,’ Freya spoke.

He’s more famous than that. He’s a devastatingly handsome Hollywood actor that the entire female population would bitch fight for a date with. A man, who owns at least half a dozen houses in enviable locations, has his face on every magazine cover in existence and someone who is probably on first name terms with Bruce Willis. He probably has his number in his mobile,’ Emma announced, practically hyperventilating.

But apart from having money and things and connections, he’s the sort of person who accepts the challenge of dating a fat woman for the grand prize of a weekend at a boys club. And if he gets his tongue down my throat he gets a week in the Caymans being massaged and, the pies de résistance, if he gets me into bed it’s a whole two weeks skiing and fondling buxom yodelling milkmaids while sleigh riding. That, quite honestly, sounds like an impossible combination,’ Freya explained.

You’ve lost me,’ Emma stated, the turn in conversation too quick for her.

Oh come on Em, catch up. You didn’t really think someone like him with all his cash and flash and probable Bruce Willis connections would want to actually date someone plain and ordinary like me! Like you said, he could have his pick of women. Gene and Bob, our amiable dining companions, bet him to date me, I overheard them. So when we left the restaurant I knew he was going to come looking for me to ask me out,’ Freya told Emma as she finished her drink.

Oh Freya no,’ Emma said, putting her hands to her mouth in shock.

Yes, so there you have it. I’m going on a date tomorrow night with someone that thinks so little of the feelings of another human being that he’s willing to kick them when they’re down already, for the sake of a cheap thrill and a few lousy treats, that of course to him are the equivalent cost of a Marks & Spencer sandwich. Remind you of anyone?’ Freya asked.

Emma took hold of both her friend’s hands and squeezed them tightly. And then she let go, slowly reacting to what Freya had actually said.

Sorry? Did I hear you wrong? Did you say you were
on a date with him?’ Emma asked, looking at Freya.

Oh yes, I accepted,’ Freya replied.

But why? Normally you would have called him something extremely rude and told him you would rather poke your own eyes out than date him.’

You are so in tune with my vocabulary, even after all our time apart. It’s impressive.’

Freya be serious. You’re not going to go are you?’ Emma asked.

Yes I am and I’ll tell you now, it’s going to be a date like he’s never had before. I’m going to show him that no one, no matter who they are, no matter how much cash they have in the bank,
no one
makes a fool out of me. I’ve done it before and I will do it again,’ Freya stated seriously.

She took a deep breath and held the thought.

Freya, don’t think back about things. It’s all behind you,’ Emma spoke, as if reading Freya’s thoughts.

I know, it’s just events keep stirring things up all the time. Just when I think it’s really all gone, something like this reminds me and I get angry like I was before,’ Freya answered her.

You’ve come so far. You were right, they are all arrogant, childish and pathetic and we shouldn’t have joined them for dinner,’ Emma stated.

Well, it’s done now. Why don’t you get us some more drinks and sign me up for the karaoke,’ Freya suggested with a smile.

Are you sure? We don’t have to stay if you don’t want to, it’s your night,’ Emma reminded her.

Exactly. It’s
night and nothing is going to spoil it. I’ll do something by Cher,’ Freya told her.

OK,’ Emma agreed and she picked up their glasses and went towards the bar.

As soon as she had gone Freya’s smile dropped and she took off her glasses to rub her eyes. She felt drained and sad, but most of all disappointed. Disappointed with herself. Why did she let these people get to her? She had worked so hard to become the person she was today yet not only could she not succeed in changing the one thing that seemed to matter to everyone, her appearance, her weight, she still let herself be bothered by it. She desperately wanted to be slim and have the confidence that being slim gave you, not just have the big girl bravado she had now. But it was hard.

The comfort eating had started when she was sixteen. It was an accessible vice and food had been one of her only friends during a traumatic period of her life. Food had always been there for her, never let her down, always left her feeling satisfied and never asked any questions.

She liked nice tastes, who didn’t? But Freya knew she liked a lot of nice tastes a lot of the time and she didn’t want to spend her life eating Ryvitas or eating ten trifles and chucking them back up again thirty minutes later. That was what her mother had done and probably still did. Freya had been a disappointment to her in so many ways.

She wiped her eyes and put her glasses back on her face. Nicholas Kaden and his fancy friends had chosen the wrong person to mess around with this time. He didn’t know what she was capable of.

Emma returned with the drinks and Freya hurriedly replaced her smile.

How many people before me on the karaoke?’ Freya asked her.

Two, including Samos from the kebab shop so you have real competition,’ Emma told her as she passed Freya her glass.

Let’s have a toast,’ Freya started, holding her glass aloft.

What to?’ Emma asked.

To Gene and Bob - may they both retire to daytime television and guest appearances on
Sue Thomas F B Eye
,’ Freya spoke.

I’ll drink to that,’ Emma agreed and knocked her glass against Freya’s.

And as for Mr Kaden - well he’s going to get what’s coming to him,’ Freya added and took a swig of her drink.



It was close to 1.00am when the two women arrived at Petroholis Restaurant. It was the establishment Yiannis and his parents jointly owned. It was an outside restaurant with a large canopy covering all of the thirty five tables. It was set a road width away from the edge of the harbour and was in the perfect position to entice in custom because of its good view of the sea.

There were still a few people finishing their meals when they arrived.

Slim, dark haired Yiannis was wiping down tables when the women entered the restaurant and Mr and Mrs Petroholis were sat at a table with another couple chatting over, what looked like, a bottle of retsina.

I return triumphant!’ Freya exclaimed loudly and she held aloft a bottle of sparkling wine. She quickly realised that she needed another hand to steady herself when she fell hard against a chair.

Freya won the karaoke. It was a sing off between her and Samos, but Freya’s rendition of a Slade classic had the whole bar on their feet and won the day,’ Emma announced as she approached her boyfriend.

You sound like you have good time,’ Yiannis spoke, slipping his arms around Emma’s waist and kissing her lightly on the lips.

We did, but we missed you,’ Emma told him sincerely and held him close to her.

Oh please! Put him down! Where’s my hug?’ Freya exclaimed and she manhandled Emma out of the way and enveloped Yiannis in a giant embrace.

Hello Freya, it is great to see you. You look well,’ Yiannis told her as he kissed her cheek.

Hmm you mean I haven’t lost any weight since you last saw me,’ Freya translated.

No, I mean you look different. It is your hair I think, a new style,’ Yiannis remarked, holding her away from him to get a better look.

Yes, thanks to my fashion adviser here,’ Freya announced and threw her arms around Emma, very nearly causing her to topple over.

Freya? Is that you my darling girl?’ Mrs Petroholis called as she made her way over to the group.

Mrs Petroholis was a mountain of a Greek woman, six feet tall and almost as broad. She was a stark contrast to her husband who was barely over five foot and of slim build. Together they were an affectionate couple who went out of their way to make people feel welcome in their company.

Mrs P! It’s wonderful to see you,’ Freya spoke and she let herself be caught up in the arms of Yiannis’ mother.

You look like you have lost weight! You need meatballs at once. Come, I get Spiros to make you some, come, come,’ Mrs Petroholis ordered and she pulled Freya towards Yiannis’ father.

Oh Mrs P I’ve had quite a lot to eat tonight. I’m not sure I could do justice to your meatballs,’ Freya spoke, secretly ravenous because of all the alcohol she’d consumed.

Hmm you had a lot to drink huh? Then you need more food. Spiros, some meatballs for Freya,’ Mrs Petroholis ordered her husband.

Ah Freya, it is good to see you. Come, sit down. This is Nikos and Angelica. Come, all of you, sit down. I get some food and more drinks,’ Mr Petroholis announced, moving chairs hurriedly around to accommodate everyone.

Oh well, if you insist,’ Freya replied and joined the couple at the table.

Yiannis, come help in the kitchen,’ Mr Petroholis ordered him.

I won’t be long,’ Yiannis told Emma and he followed his father.

So girls, you have nice food tonight?’ Mrs Petroholis asked as she too sat at the table.

It was nice. We had the sunset table - in the end,’ Freya told the group.

You won’t believe it but we ended up having our meal with Nicholas Kaden, Gene Bates, Bob Crosby and their film colleagues,’ Emma announced.

Oh these Hollywood people! I no impressed with them. They come into village and stir everything up,’ Mrs Petroholis said waving her hands about.

That’s exactly what I said Mrs P, nearly to the word,’ Freya told her.

It can only lead to one thing and that is trouble,’ Mrs Petroholis concluded.

Freya caught Emma’s eye and smiled. Yes it did mean trouble. Trouble for Nicholas Kaden the following night.












Another day, another hangover and another session of rampant lovemaking from the couple in the room above. This time Freya was forced out of her apartment completely, due to the fact that the couple had left open their verandah door and the noise was just as loud, if not louder, when she was sat on the balcony.

She had a headache and no painkillers so she headed out of the Calypso Apartments to visit the pharmacy. It was nearly 9.00am and Kassiopi was already bustling with delivery lorries for the bars and shops and there were visitors wanting breakfasts.

The sun was already shining viciously and Freya soon began to wish she’d worn her hat. Sunscreen she had put on early in case she actually got to sit on her balcony.

As she neared the harbour she saw the jewellery shop was just opening its doors for business. That fact excited her and she stepped up her pace a little. She was soon at the entrance and walking up the stone steps to enter the shop. At once she was surrounded by all manner of rings, bracelets, necklaces and watches. It was a lovely little shop filled with bright, shiny things and Freya just loved being in it.

Hello there. On holiday again?’ the dark haired woman who worked in the shop spoke as she entered from the rear.

Yes, I’m staying with a friend,’ Freya said, still looking around the shop in awe.

Then I expect you would like me to get something out for you to look at,’ the woman said with a smile.

Oh! It’s still here?! I didn’t expect for a minute it would still be here,’ Freya exclaimed in pure excitement.

Yes, it is still here - here we are,’ the woman said and she brought out a tray of rings and placed it on the glass counter.

It looks even more beautiful than I remember it,’ Freya remarked as she looked at one particular ring on the tray.

It was a platinum band with a cross shape in diamonds and aquamarine attached to it. It was the most gorgeous item of jewellery Freya had ever seen.

She had been going to the shop and gazing lovingly at it since she was twenty five. Every time she visited Emma she went to the shop, always expecting it to have been sold. It was a one off, a handcrafted original. And here it still was, five years on.

You can try it on,’ the woman reminded her, as she always did.

No, I don’t want to try it on,’ Freya said quickly.

She never tried it on. It wouldn’t be right. She looked at its lustre, watching the light reflecting off its many facets. It was the perfect ring.

Is it still the same price?’ Freya enquired.

Yes, is the same,’ the woman answered.

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