Enemy One (Epic Book 5) (102 page)

BOOK: Enemy One (Epic Book 5)
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Grabbing hold of the railing and clinging to it, Kraash-nagun said, “Only he can properly monitor the ship’s systems and calibrate the crystal! Without Wuteel, we will not be able to function.”

The sound of more movement emerged behind Kraash-nagun. Svetlana recognized Ei`dorinthal’s light, Ithini footsteps. Moments later, his voice came to her mind.
Kraash-nagun is correct. No one else on this vessel possesses the knowledge with which to maintain this spacecraft.

Svetlana’s stare stayed on Wuteel. At no point did a look of conceit or crossness come over him. He looked desperate for her to listen to his brethren. Tilting her head, she bore into Wuteel’s eyes.

There was no reason not to believe Kraash-nagun and Ed. Not only had both fought alongside her, both valued their freedom. If they said Wuteel was necessary to run the vessel, it meant the engineer was.

“We will monitor him,” said Kraash-nagun, approaching her from behind. “If he attempts to rebel, I
slay him. I do not fear him—he is a coward.”

Taking a cautious step back from the engineer, she addressed him. “You allowed them to torture me after I helped you. It is for the sake of this spacecraft, and for its sake alone, that you still breathe. But know this, Wuteel.” Her eyebrows arched downward. “I learned Bakmanese. I can learn how to operate this vessel. I will not make the process painless.”

Nodding his head quickly in a way that was almost humanlike, Wuteel said, “I will serve you as I served Nagogg!”

“You had better.” Stepping aside, Svetlana allowed Kraash-nagun to take her place in front of Wuteel. The Bakma elite had defeated Gabralthaar without eyes—Svetlana wasn’t worried about how he’d fare against Wuteel. Looking back at Ed, she said, “Release Tauthin and the Kalarael. I will return to the bridge shortly. I expect everyone to be there.” Briefly, she looked back at Wuteel and Kraash-nagun. “Everyone.”

Bowing his head obediently, the Ithini hurried out of the engine room.

Svetlana looked at Wuteel for one last time, allowing her stare to linger on the engineer. Nothing was said to him before Svetlana turned away—he’d heard everything he’d needed to hear. Walking past the guard rail that encircled the quartz crystal, Svetlana made her way toward the exit.






Tauthin had heard the goings on outside the brig—the assault rifle fire in the bridge and the skirmish in the hallway. Though unable to communicate with the pair of Kalarael beside him, the looks they shared could be universally understood. Was Nagogg actually being defied?

When Ei`dorinthal opened the door and ran inside, Tauthin’s deep purple orbs widened. “What is happening?”

The Ithini went straight for Tauthin’s chains. “Nagogg has been killed and his zealots removed!”

“Who has done this?”


Tauthin blinked.
he asked in disbelief as the chains around his ankles were unlatched. Moments later, his wrists were freed, too. The Bakma leader fell crouched to the floor of the brig.

“She has freed us,” said Ei`dorinthal. “Only Wuteel remains, and he is too shaken to defy her.”

Speechless, Tauthin watched as Ed moved to the Kalarael, where the Ithini began to free them, as well. Looking down at his wrists, Tauthin rubbed the indentations where he’d been restrained for so long. This was real. He was actually free. Not simply released.


Tauthin almost felt lightheaded as he approached the door to the hallway. When he stepped outside and looked down the hall, he saw Nagogg’s body lying lifelessly on the floor. Goose bumps broke along the Bakma’s skin as he stared at it. Facing the other way, he set his sights on the place he needed to be—the place where, by his own namesake, he was meant to be. The bridge. Drawing in a lung-filling breath, he set his hardened gaze on the antechamber turn. With steadfast determination, he strode toward it.


The bridge was a wreck of bullet holes and the mutilated carcasses of Nagogg’s crew, but it was intact. Though the view screen was set on the distant sun of Kalar, it was not the view outside that captivated the Bakma leader’s attention. Tauthin’s dark purple orbs were set on the chair in the middle of the room.

Passing through the carnage as Mishka watched passively from the far corner, Tauthin ran his gnarled hands along the guard rails until he came to a stop just to the side of what had once been Nagogg’s throne. What had once been the head of the militant creation. Sliding around its front, Tauthin lowered himself into the bloodstained seat. It felt chillingly normal. Setting his hands atop the armrests, Tauthin stared ahead at the endless expanse before him. At freedom, right there for the taking. At what was, at long last,

It was a moment he had dreamt of for ages—of escape from religion, escape from the chains that had bound him long before he’d ever been captured on Earth and tortured at the place they called
. Long before his name had ever been chosen for him. His destiny was now his to decide.
No one
would take that away from him again.

“You are in my chair.”

Tauthin flinched, and he turned his head around. The Bakmanese words had caught him off guard—but not so off guard as who they came from. His bulbous eyes widening, he stared in haunting wonderment.

Stained with the blood of the slain, and with Nagogg’s spear firm in her grasp, stood Svetlana. Behind the loose strands of hair that fell over her face, the nose-less war maiden stared at Tauthin with unsparing expectation. She said not a thing more.

For several long seconds, Tauthin gazed back without a word. Turning his head slightly, he watched as the lumbering canrassi, Mishka, dragged itself subserviently to Svetlana’s side, where it lowered onto its haunches. Behind Svetlana, flanking her at both ends, were the Kalarael.

Only moments ago, Tauthin had sworn that no one would take his freedom away. It was a statement he’d intended to keep. But that statement said nothing about choosing to freely give it. And for this one?

For this one, his service was owed.


The next chair Tauthin slid into was not in the center of the bridge—it was somewhere just below it. Hands grasping the controls that Nik-nish had manned not so long ago, Tauthin looked up at the view screen and awaited his orders.

From her command seat, Svetlana Voronova—daughter of Earth, purveyor of hope—surveyed the star of the Kalarael. With irises as brilliant and blue as the deepest of oceans, she gazed steadfastly into the infinite. There was no scar capable of detracting from her, no condition overwhelming enough to shame her. She was a creature evolved. The example had become master and commander.

Lifting her chin, with one hand holding upright Nagogg’s spear and the other buried deep into Mishka’s fur, she prepared to issue her first order. Behind her, Ei`dorinthal, Kraash-nagun, Wuteel, and the Kalarael waited for it. A vast universe lay before them, and in its furthest reaches, a dark empire that felt destined to rule it. But destiny had a habit of shifting to suit the needs of the believer.

And that suited Svetlana just fine.


E P I C • B O O K






Hell hath no fury.















Epic Universe Forums





God: This novel is a testament to You. Only You could have given me the strength to get this done. Use this for Your will.


Lindsey: God knew what He was doing when He put us together. Thank you for always encouraging, believing in, and loving me. I love you.


Levi & Lawson: You boys bring so much joy to my life! Thank you for being a daily reminder as to what’s important. I love you two.


My parents and family: Thank you for always being a source of support and help for me when the going has gotten rough. You are amazing. I love you.


Jody, Fiona, Lorenz, & Kasia: You guys never fail to impress me. Thank you for your words, your keen eyes, and your undeniable ability. You’re the production team that makes this possible.


Stevie: You’ve always been there to provide support and encouragement (and constructive criticism when it’s needed!). It’s never gone unnoticed. Thank you for being an unwavering friend.


Lee: I’m so glad our paths crossed, man! Thank you for your awesome beta-reading and for the amazing support. You’re a part of this now!


Aaron, Josh, Chris, Calvin, and dbella: What you guys did for me will never be forgotten. Thank you for supporting me in my time of need in a way I never saw coming. May God bless you all.


Shannon & Toni: You gals are such a big part of Epic. Thank you for your help, your encouragement, and of course, your mad, mad skillz. I’m proud to call myself a Ninja.


Derek & Stephanie: You guys have been so unwavering in your support and enthusiasm for Epic. I can’t tell you how many times I myself have listened to your reaction podcast for TGB just to fire myself up to write on those days when it’s hard. Thank you for being a part of this.


Earl & Denise: I’m always so excited when it comes time for you guys to read Epic. The thought and honest criticism you give me is invaluable. Thank you for always giving me both.


Epic’s Incredible Fans (you): Thank you from the bottom of my heart for lending me such patience over these years. You guys are what keeps me going. As always, I can’t wait to show you what Epic has in store next!


About The Author




Lee Stephen is a native of St. Charles Parish, Louisiana, where he lives with his wife, Lindsey, their sons, Levi and Lawson, and their dog, Jake. In addition to writing, Lee serves as an emergency coordinator with the Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness.


To read Lee’s Christian testimony, visit

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