Embracing His Syn (18 page)

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Authors: A.E. Via

BOOK: Embracing His Syn
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Yep,” the smaller one
spoke up first. “I’m Detective Green, this is Detective Ruxsburg.
We need to ask you some questions about a homicide that occurred
Thursday night behind your employer’s building.

Your other employer,” the
other detective added smugly.

Furi narrowed his eyes at
them. “Let me see some identification,

Both men reached for their ids.
Metallica shirt pulled out his wallet and revealed his gold badge
with Detective written in black across the shield, while the smug
one pulled back one side of his jacket showing the butt of his
firearm and his badge clipped to his hip.

Where’s your gun?” Furi
looked to Metallica.

You don’t wanna know.” He

Furi rolled his
Let me just get this over
He’d keep it short and simple. He
didn’t really know Starman, so he had little to contribute. He’d
answer their questions and get back to work. He didn’t care what
these bastards thought of the way he earned his money.

Satisfied? Now let’s go,”
the smug one said.

Go where?” Furi looked
between them. “I can answer your questions right here.”

You could if we were the
ones with the questions,” Metallica spoke up. “Our Sergeant and
First Officer will be questioning you down at the

So you’re the errand

And you’re the porn boy,”
Metallica quipped back smoothly. “Now that we got job titles out of
the way, move it, unless there’s some reason you don’t want to

Furi wanted to flip them both off, but
he followed them toward the parking lot. He was sort of glad they
weren’t the ones questioning him, because he didn’t like their

Metallica opened the back door to a
dark Suburban and told him to get in. Furi climbed in and put his
seat belt on, just wanting to get this over with and get back
before midnight. Furi found himself wondering what precinct Syn was
in and if he should tell him soon about his second job. He didn’t
want him finding out through the grapevine or hotline.

Furi was in the little
room for almost a half an hour before the door finally
He took in the young Detective’s appearance. Blond, blue eyes
with an innocent face that was every mother’s dream and every gay
man’s wet dream. Compact muscles could be seen through his white
and gray shirt. His dark jeans fit nice, too nice over his round
ass. Furi looked his fill before letting his gaze travel upward. A
drop dead gorgeous smile was surrounded by pretty pink lips. Oh man
was he pretty, and the way he was looking at Furi, he had to be

A light brown eyebrow rose, followed
by a deep, easy chuckle. “You like what you see?”

Yes. I’m not blind. But I
prefer a stronger jaw, someone a little darker.” Furi smirked right
back. Where the hell had he gotten all this bravado from? He
usually wasn’t so blunt, but it felt good. He was finally coming
into his own. The way his dad had urged him to before he’d

Stronger and darker, huh?
No shit.” The man looked behind him into the one-way mirror,
smiling broadly, making Furi wonder who was behind it.

I’m Detective Ronowski.
I’m the First Officer of a narcotics task force based in this
precinct. Thank you for coming down tonight.”

Well it wasn’t by choice.
I will say your errand boys could use a refresher course in charm
and courtesy,” Furi said with little venom.

Errand boys? Oh, you mean
Green and Ruxs.” Ronowski laughed again. It was a melodic sound
that had Furi leaning back and enjoying it. “Those errand boys are
very skilled men, maybe not in charm, but definitely in
hand-to-hand combat. Just in case someone doesn’t want to come
willingly. But I’m sure you didn’t give them any

No, I didn’t. Anyway, how
long is this going to take?” Furi asked, checking his watch

Got a hot date?” Ronowski
smiled, looking at the window again.

Something like that.
Who’s behind that glass?”

My boss.” Ronowski shot
him that sexy grin again.

Well this is fun, but can
we move it along?”

Of course.” The detective
opened a thin file and looked over a few notes before he asked his
first question. “How long have you been performing for

About nine months.” Furi
would only answer the questions with straightforward answers. He
wasn’t going to elaborate.

You know why we asked
you’re here, right?”

Yeah, 'cause Starman was
killed.” Furi shook his head. It still made him sad to say it out

That’s right. How well
did you know him?”

Just in passing. When I
was there to film, he was sometimes finishing up or starting a

Did he ever mention any
problems he was having?”

No. I didn’t talk to him
much, and when I did it was usually about my tattoos or his. We
didn’t have much in common, I guess. Starman was a ladies' man. I’m
a man’s man.” Furi laughed humorlessly.

Did you ever see Starman
doing drugs?”


Do you?” Ronowski had a
damn good poker face. Furi didn’t know what he was looking

No, never. Sometimes the
performers do ecstasy or take Viagra, but I’ve never taken either,
nor did I see Starman. Like I said, I never performed with

I see you never did any
movies with women. But do you get along with them?”

Furi thought about that question. He
needed to tell the truth. He wasn’t popular with the ladies right
now. “I thought I got along with them. They’ve been acting a little
more hostile towards me lately.”

How so?”

Just real bitchy is all.
The owner of Illustra, Mack, is always trying to get me to do a
scene with a woman. I keep declining. I can’t and won’t have sex
with a woman. No amount of Viagra can keep me hard enough for

Ro laughed again, nodding his head
like he understood.

The last offer Mack came
up with was for me to do a movie with Sasha Pain. Well, there was a
communication screw up because everyone thought I was going to do
it. I heard she’d posted comments about it on her

Ro was writing quickly while Furi

I’m not on social media,
but I hear she made some pretty nasty comments when the shoot was
cancelled. I will tell you though, I just found out today that
instead of my friend Doug filling in for me, Mack put Starman in
instead. I think she was really pissed. At me though, not at

Ronowski kept going, “So you only do

Furi didn’t know if that was a
question or a statement so he didn’t say anything.

Are you waiting to see if
Illustra will eventually branch out into gay movies

What the hell type of
questioning is this? What does that have to do with Starman’s

Hell, no. I don’t care
what Illustra does from now on. I’m quitting in a couple weeks.
Doug and I are finally going to open our own garage. I did what I
had to do to earn my share of the start-up costs.” Furi thought the
questions were way off course. If this detective was hitting on
him, he was ready to get back to the pub. “Do you have any other
questions about Starman, 'cause I really need to go.”

Sure. Where were you the
night Starman was killed?” Ronowski’s easy smile was gone, replaced
with a serious expression.

I was home with my
friend, Doug. I’d called him about eight, we got drunk and

Ronowski wrote that down and
continued, “Do you know of anyone who would want to kill

No, I can’t say that I
do. I don’t talk to or hang out with anyone from Illustra except

Last question. Why did
your husband have to file a missing persons report on

Furi flinched before he
could stop himself.
he really was
pissed. He'd had every right to leave Patrick the way he did. Furi
drug his hands through his hair, pulling on the ends, gritting his
teeth. “My husband was an abusive son-of-a-bitch. When he wasn’t
throwing punches, he didn’t mind letting his brother take a few
shots for shits-and-giggles. So I waited until he was out of town
and I got the fuck outta there. What does this have to do with

Not a damn

Furi’s breath caught at
the sound of Syn’s voice. He came into the room looking like he was
going to hurt Ronowski.
Was he the one
behind the glass all this time? Asshole.

Let’s go Furious.” Syn
stood at the door glaring at Ronowski.

Do you not want your
husband contacted?” Ronowski continued ignoring Syn’s

Furi turned around at the door. “It doesn’t
matter. He’s already been contacted … with divorce papers.” Furi
left the room and took long strides through the precinct until he
was outside. He knew Syn was behind him, though his steps were
light, he could sense him there. Furi was so angry he wanted to
round on Syn and punch him in the face. This meant Syn knew
everything about him. About his husband, how he made additional
money, about every fucking thing. He’d taken away Furi’s control.
That just wouldn’t do.





Nectar of the Most Forbidden Fruit’




Furi was mad, and not just a little
bit. He was like a man on a mission. Syn watched him fling the
doors open and head around the corner. “Furi, can I talk to you?”
Syn asked as calmly as he could.

Furi turned down a side street and
rounded on him fast, his long hair flying over his left shoulder.
He grabbed Syn by the collar of his jacket and threw him hard up
against the wall.

Ugh, fuck! Furi relax, I
can explain,” Syn said, using a soothing tone.

You knew I was going to
be picked up. You stood outside that mirror watching me. Did I
entertain you? You think I give a fuck about you judging me because
I jerk off on camera for money?” Furi growled in his

First: I didn’t know you
were going to be picked up tonight. Ronowski is my first officer
and he deals with that. He reports to me whenever he feels he has
something worth investigating further. Second: he didn’t talk to me
about you until after I left you this evening. Third: I didn’t even
know you worked at Illustra, but now that I do, read my lips; I.
Don’t. Give. A. Fuck.” He watched Furi’s eyes, saw them land on
Syn's mouth. His face just mere inches from his own. He saw Furi’s
anger turn to arousal just as his did. Syn brought his hands up
slowly, desperately wanting to bury them in Furi’s hair.

Put 'em down,” Furi said
harshly against his lips.

Syn dropped his hands to his sides,
breath quickening at Furi’s command. “Let me touch you,” Syn
whispered. He groaned deep in his throat as Furi pressed him harder
against the wall. He parted his lips slightly, inviting Furi to
taste, needing another taste. Syn leaned in and Furi turned his
head, making Syn miss his lips.

Syn growled low, letting Furi hear his
disappointment. “Why are you such a dick to me? You’re either being
a sarcastic ass or making me chase you. You tease me, not letting
me touch you until you allow it. Is this the way it’s done? Is this
how you will always treat me?”

Furi moved in closer, letting Syn
nestle his face into all that soft, fluffy hair across Furi’s ear
and neck. Syn took a deep breath, “Smells so good.”

Furi finally released his grip on his
coat and Syn’s dick jerked in his pants at the feel of Furi snaking
his hands behind Syn’s neck. Furi pulled Syn's head from his hair
and looked at him carefully, trying to decide what to say. “I don’t
want to be mean to you. I just don’t know what to think of you

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