Drive and Determination (14 page)

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can sleep in here.”
            She turned to walk out when Will answered back, “Well, I’m not sleeping in their bed if
            Elyssa stopped suddenly, her eyes widened, and she turned sharply around. “What did you say?”
            An uncharacteristic, but disarming blush spread across his face. “I didn’t quite mean that the way it sounded, Elyssa.” Normally, he carefully thought through every word that came out of his mouth. Why he didn’t catch it this time, he was not quite sure.
            Elyssa could not hold the smirk back any longer. “I certainly hope you didn’t.”
            Inwardly, Will cherished the light banter that had replaced the cold demeanor and biting words that had at first characterized their relationship. He could sense that Elyssa’s feelings had begun to change from bitterness to acceptance. He could only hope that would be enough to erase her resentment towards him and that her acceptance would evolve into something deeper.
            After they both freshened up, Elyssa looked at her watch. “Well, if we want to spend any time up at the market square, we better leave now.”
            “If you don’t mind, I’ll leave my things here and check in at the pension when we get back this afternoon.”
            They each grabbed a bottle of water and placed it in a small backpack Will brought along. They walked out, easily finding their way back to the corner where Manuel had told them to catch the transportation up the hill. A few other people had begun to collect and again they were watched with curious eyes.
            A short while later, both Elyssa and Will noticed the people begin to gather their things and press towards one another as if their transportation had arrived. But in looking down the street, all either of them could see was a rickety looking cattle truck. When it stopped in front of them and people began piling into the back, neither could hide their astonishment.
            “We’re not going up a mountain in that, Elyssa. I absolutely put my foot down!”
            Elyssa looked at the truck and then back at him. “You can put your foot down all you want, even stamp it a few times…” She straightened her shoulders and stared intently at his eyes. “But I am going!”
            Defiantly, she pulled out a few coins from her purse and strode up the ramp, handing her coins to a young man and taking her place
on one side. She stood, placing a firm grip on the side rail. While not looking directly at him, she could see Will out of the corner of her eye as he raked his fingers through his hair in frustration.
            The truck was fairly well packed with people, and the doors were about to be closed in the back. Will held up his hand to stop them and he jumped in. There were too many people between him and Elyssa to easily walk over to her. For that she was grateful, certain that she would have been the object of a very stern scolding.
            As the truck slowly began its ascent up the hill, the breeze played with Elyssa’s hair. She looked over the edge of the truck as the view began to stretch out below them. The abundance of greens covering the hillside and the blues of the water and sky were nothing short of beautiful. The volcanoes off in the distance stood majestically as if they were sentinels guarding the lake. A smile on her face drew all of Will’s attention, despite his misgivings about what they were doing.
            While he had reservations about the mode of transportation they were taking, he had no idea that this little excursion would involve about thirty sharp hairpin turns as the truck made its way up the mountain. He didn’t even want to think about what would happen if they encountered a vehicle coming the other way. Several times he wondered whether the vehicle would even make it up the hill! But in all these things, Elyssa seemed oblivious as she watched with glee the scenery pass.
            At one point, the truck did encounter another vehicle and had to back down the mountain a short way to allow the other vehicle to pass. Elyssa met Will’s eyes briefly with concerned ones of her own, but once the tremulous maneuver was successfully completed, she turned away.
            As Will’s mind reeled between the absurdity of them riding this cattle truck up a mountain and Elyssa’s evident enjoyment of it, he realized that this was the very reason he was so drawn to her. He would have never ridden this truck if she were not with him. If he had to, he would have sought someone out and paid them a nice sum to drive him up in a trustworthy vehicle.
            From that very first evening he saw her at Chad and Janet’s rehearsal dinner, he had seen an endearing liveliness in her that was so unlike the other ladies in his circle of acquaintance. They concerned themselves with always looking their best in designer clothes, being seen in the right places and with the right people, driving the most popular car, and all those other traps that were of no value, at least to him.
            He chuckled to himself as he recalled how angry he had been at her for her outburst at his announcement of Chad’s promotion, while at that same moment he had found her even more appealing. At the wedding, as he stood by her side and escorted her back down the aisle behind Chad and Janet, he couldn’t shake the feeling that she felt so right for him. He remembered chiding himself for his completely unreasonable infatuation and determined to have nothing to do with her.
            A slight jarring of the truck brought Will back to the present and he saw that they finally reached the
            As everyone eagerly stepped down from the truck, Will stepped over toward Elyssa and helped her down, shaking his head. “It’s not often that I risk my life going to the market!”
            “Personally, I found it invigorating!” Elyssa replied with an unrestrained smile. “Besides, driving the streets of Chicago can’t be any less dangerous!”
            “When I drive in Chicago,” he took her arm and guided her in the direction everyone was going. “
am the one in control of the vehicle.”
            Elyssa smiled as they followed the crowd of people to a rather large sized plaza. Here they saw vendors selling a variety of goods from garden fresh produce and baked foods to brightly colored yarns and threads, pieces of wood ready to be carved, and large sheets of leather that would be fashioned into belts, wallets, and assorted other goods. They walked around in silence, each taking in the unique atmosphere of this place. Up here there were no vendors selling souvenirs for tourists; everything was for the locals. Elyssa could clearly understand why Janet had been fond of coming up here.
            A stage was set up on one side and a band played lively music. Occasionally a vocalist appeared and sang. She didn’t understand one word but completely loved it.
            As they meandered through row after row of goods, Elyssa found herself drawn to the yarns and fabrics. She knew she needed restraint, as she would never be able to take home everything that she liked, but she did allow herself to make a few purchases.
            Something caught Elyssa’s eye and she wandered away from Will. When she looked back around, she could no longer see him. Shrugging her shoulders, as if convincing herself she didn’t really care, she began walking around alone. The fresh fruits and vegetables looked delicious and when she found herself staring at basketfuls of ripe, red strawberries, she couldn’t help herself. As Elyssa handed over the small number of quetzals the woman asked for, she was grateful she could at least remember her numbers in Spanish. She purchased a small bag and began to enjoy their succulent taste.
            She continued to wander through the plaza, occasionally looking around for Will. She walked over to a man who was selling hand carved wood. They were beautiful pieces and she began dreaming about what she could do with them.
            She was about to bite into another strawberry when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see that Will had caught up with her. Rather than greet her, he asked what she was doing.
            “Looking at the beautiful wood pieces,” she answered rather defensively. “Why?”
            “Not that!” he said firmly. “That!” he said as he pointed to the strawberries.
            Elyssa could not understand his concern and decided to be lighthearted. “Now you know, Will,” she took his hand in hers and closed his finger within her palm. “It’s not polite to point here.”
            He couldn’t help but smile. “I stand corrected, Elyssa.” He rather enjoyed the feel of her small hand around his, but his concern for her welfare was greater. “What are you doing eating those strawberries?”
            Releasing his hand, she said, “I’m doing just that! Eating strawberries. Why?”
            He reached for the bag and took it from her. “Did you remember to wash these first in your bottled water before you ate them?”
            Elyssa’s eyes widened. “No, other people were eating them right out of the bag.”
            “Yes,” Will answered in a rather long, drawn out way. “That’s because they’re used to the food and water here. Your system isn’t.”
            Elyssa hated being treated like a young child by him but knew he was right. “I am sure I will be all right.”
            “Well, just in case,” and here he took her hand tightly in his. “We’re getting down the mountain. The last thing you need is to make all those hairpin turns with a queasy stomach.”
            They began walking toward the stop where the truck dropped them off, but arrived to see that it had just departed and was making a turn down the street.
            “Great,” he said. “We have no idea when the next one will come.”
            “I feel fine,” Elyssa reassured him. “We can wait.”
            “Now you feel fine. But it won’t last long.” He looked around him and then told her, “Wait here!”
            He quickly departed without allowing her any response. “Ohhh!” Elyssa cried out in disgust. “He makes me so mad when he issues all these orders!”
            She sat down on a bench and began to wonder whether she really would get sick.
I hope not!
she thought to herself.
That’s the last thing I need with him around!
            She watched for Will to return and was startled when a small pickup truck stopped in front of her and Will opened the door and jumped out. “Here, Elyssa. Get in.”
            She stepped into the truck and slid across to the middle of the seat, nodding at the gentleman behind the wheel. As they took off, Will explained to Elyssa that he had asked around whether anyone knew of someone willing to drive them down the hill in a car, and this gentleman said he would. The older man nodded and smiled as Will talked to her, almost as if he understood what he was saying. Elyssa was quite sure, however, that he couldn’t.
            The ride down was much less adventuresome than the ride up and Elyssa was becoming more convinced that there had been no need for alarm.
            As Will carried on a friendly conversation with the driver, Elyssa looked through her treasure of things she had bought. Her favorite find was a brightly colored embroidered shawl that cost her almost nothing.
            Leaning her head back, she felt comforted by the voices, particularly Will’s. He had a very soothing voice, and as she really could not understand anything they were saying to one another, before she knew it she had drifted off to sleep.
            She awakened when the truck came to a stop at the bottom of the hill. Her eyes opened slowly and none too soon did she discover that her head had toppled against Will and his arm was wrapped snugly about her. She quickly righted herself and he withdrew his arm. He opened the door and stepped out, reaching for her hand, as if nothing had happened… almost as if it had been the most natural thing for her to fall asleep up against him.
            They walked the small dirt streets up toward what Elyssa thought would be considered the center of the village. Small markets, a variety of stores, and eating places lined the street. Will seemed to be looking for something as he gazed down the street.
            “Are we looking for something in particular?” Elyssa asked.
            Will nodded. “Manuel recommended a place to eat. Are you hungry?”
            Without any warning, Elyssa paled and wrapped her hands tightly around her stomach. “I don’t think so, Will. I think we better get back to the house. I’m not feeling very well.”



Chapter 13

Will took hold of Elyssa’s arm and began walking at a faster pace. “The house is still a few blocks away. Do you think you can make it?”
            Elyssa grabbed her stomach tightly as she nodded. Presently, it was merely cramping and the situation was nothing more than bothersome, but she already felt all the mortification that her unthinking actions would lead to. All she could foresee was locking herself in the bathroom as her body rebelled against some bacteria that it was not used to.
 she thought,
does he have to be here to witness this?
 She cast a sly glance up at him.
And why does he always have to be right?
            Elyssa’s steps became slower while her sense of urgency increased. About a block from the house, she suddenly doubled over, the cramping in her stomach overtaking her. Will reached down immediately and picked her up. Her face, which was normally vibrant and rosy, was now pale and dull.
            It was awkward carrying her with the bags she had purchased up at the market, but it felt good to have her in his arms. It gave him a sense of gratification being there to help her. He liked the feeling, especially when she relaxed against him and turned her head and rested it upon his shoulder. His delight in holding her was tempered, however, knowing how poorly Elyssa must be feeling.
            They arrived at the home none too soon. He put her down to open the door and as soon as it was opened, Elyssa made a beeline for the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. She turned on the water full blast, hoping it would cover up some of the sound. Then she sat on the floor next to the toilet and waited for the inevitable.
            Will went to the small pantry that Janet and Chad had just off the kitchen and he looked inside. Seeing a small box of crackers and a bottle of 7Up, he pulled them out. When she was ready for something to eat and needed something to drink, these would be best. He knew Pemberleo recommended that their employees in Guatemala keep them on hand for this very reason and was grateful to find them stored away.
            He settled down in a recliner in the living room and waited. He knew it would be a long day and might be a long night and he had no intention of leaving her here alone.


            Will made several attempts throughout the afternoon to get Elyssa to open the door, offering her crackers, 7Up, or plain bottled water, but she refused all.
            “Go away!” she moaned when he knocked on the door. “You might as well check in at the pension now, because I’ll be in here a long time.”
            “Elyssa, you need to drink some fluids. You don’t want to get dehydrated.”
            “Just leave me alone!”
            Will tried the knob to the door again, hoping it would open, but she kept it securely locked. “I’m not leaving until I know you’re feeling better.”
            He looked down at the knob and figured all it would take was some sort of screwdriver to open it from his side. Having no idea where to even look for one, he deemed it wiser that he not attempt that unless it was truly needed. Elyssa would be even more angry with him if he opened the door against her wishes.
            Telling Elyssa that he left crackers and drinks outside the door, Will returned to the living room.
            Will took a seat in the recliner and picked up a book. He didn’t often find the time for the luxury of reading and decided he would try now to begin the book he brought along.
            After reading through a couple chapters of the book, Will put it down as his hunger began to increasingly overtake his desire to read. He didn’t dare cook anything inside the house, being all too aware from experience that the scent of the food would not sit well with Elyssa considering the condition she was in. He called to her through the door to let her know he was running out to pick up something to eat.
            A moan let him know she had heard him. Stepping outside, he walked quickly down the street in the hopes of finding something close by.
            Elyssa listened for the sound of the door closing and slowly pulled herself up. She looked in the mirror and groaned. She looked terrible and she felt worse. Her body ached both inside and out. She had chills that caused her to shiver even though the day was quite warm. Her stomach was cramping and in the last few hours she had either been leaning over the porcelain throne, sitting on it, or curled next to it on the hard, cold floor. She knew there was not much she could do but let it run its course. However, she could do something about her comfort.
            She slowly opened the door, and as the next wave of nausea swept over her, she took a deep breath to push it down. Looking out at the small hall outside the bathroom, she saw what looked like a linen closet. She gingerly walked down the hall and opened it. Inside were some linens and she gratefully reached for a blanket and pillow, taking them back with her to the bathroom. Before locking herself inside again, she pulled in the food and drink that Will had left for her. She wasn’t sure she was ready for any of it yet, but when she was, she wanted it inside with her. She smiled weakly at Will’s thoughtfulness… and the fact that he hadn’t yet said, “I told you so!”
            Elyssa dropped the pillow on the floor and wrapped the blanket around her, warding off a new round of shivers. Then she curled up on the floor, feeling more miserable than she had in a very long time.
            Will found a small family run cafe a little over a block away and guiltily enjoyed a couple Guatemalan soft tacos. He ate quickly as he was anxious to return to the house. On the way back, he stopped at a small market and picked up a few items that might come in handy later.
            When he returned, he put the food away and then went straight to the hall and stood outside the bathroom door to inform Elyssa that he had returned. He noticed that she had taken the food and drink in with her. He was relieved. Hopefully she was able to keep something down.
            He tapped lightly on the door. “I’m back. Let me know if I can do anything for you.”
            He was answered with a long groan that admonished him to leave her alone. He stood outside the door silently wondering how long this would assail her body. He finally retreated back to the living room, picked up his book, and sat in the recliner chair, putting it in its most reclined position. He was here for the long haul -- whether she liked it or not!
            Will had barely read a few more pages of his book when he quickly lost interest. Thoughts of Elyssa crowded out any comprehension of the written words on the page. He went from feeling concern for her well being, to joy at just being able to be with her, to disappointment that he had pretty much lost any opportunity that day to spend time in her company, to the smallest hope that things had begun to change between them.
            He also had the anticipation of tomorrow, when Elyssa would surely begin to feel better. Although he was obliged to visit some of the coffee growers in the area, he trusted that Elyssa would wish to join him, although she still may not feel up to it. He didn’t have much time left. As he contemplated these things, he became very drowsy and soon drifted off to sleep.
            A very vivid dream beckoned him. He was not usually one to have dreams -- or at least remember them -- but in this dream, he saw Elyssa standing up in a boat on a lake. He was on shore and wondered how to get to her. She didn’t seem in danger; she was just frustratingly out of reach. He ran along a dock that stretched far into the lake, but the farther he ran, the further the boat seemed to be. She looked everywhere but at him. He contemplated jumping in and going after her, but something prevented him from doing so. He wasn’t sure if it was something sinister or was it just his own fear? He watched in dismay as the boat drifted away and faded from his sight.


            Elyssa wasn’t sure how long she had been in the bathroom, but she knew it had been several hours. Her body still swung tumultuously between chills, aches, nausea, and now, unsurprisingly, a throbbing headache. Whenever she suffered any sort of stomach ailment, she frequently experienced a splitting headache. When she was younger, she had always trusted Janet to sit by her side and gently rub her throbbing head until she was able to fall asleep. She always thought Janet would make an excellent nurse because she cared so much for people and was so compassionate. Unfortunately, Janet could not stand the sight of blood and therefore never aspired to being one. Tears began to sting Elyssa’s eyes as she realized she would never have her sister’s tender care again.
            “Oh, Janet,” she whispered. “Why can’t you be here with me now?” Elyssa put her hand up to her forehead and rubbed it as she closed her eyes. “I know you would be able to help me feel better.”
            Once her silent tears had been shed, she slowly sat up. She waited to see if her stomach would rebel, but it didn’t. She felt weak and a little dizzy, but other than that, she felt she would be able to stand up after a few minutes. She waited until the dizziness passed and pulled herself up. She leaned over the sink and splashed water on her face.
            Elyssa took a washcloth from the towel bar, put it under the water, and cleaned around the sink and toilet. Then she sprayed some air freshener around the room. Just that little effort completely exhausted her, but she wanted the room to be clean if Will needed to come in here. She was sure at some point he would.
            Elyssa knew she may have to come back in here in a moment’s notice, but she was more than ready to remove herself from the bathroom. She
to get out of this cold, confining room. All she wanted to do was to sleep, but she didn’t want to fall asleep here on the floor.
            Finally, garnering enough courage to lift her eyes to the mirror, she gasped at what she saw before her. Her hair was a tangle of snarls, her face was pale and her eyes were red. Her thoughts went to Will, who most likely was still out in the living room. Elyssa shook her head.
If the way I have treated him since his arriving here didn’t cause him to run in the opposite direction, the sight of me right now certainly will!
            As she peered at her reflection, she wondered whether or not that mattered to her. Letting out a bemused huff, she decided she would tackle that issue when her mind was a little clearer.
            Elyssa picked up the blanket and pillow from the floor, hugging them both tightly against her stomach as another wave of nausea threatened to delay her escape. She stood very still, taking slow, deep breaths until it passed. She closed her eyes as her head began to throb again with an occasional sharp pain arcing across her temple. She steadied herself by bracing her hand on the sink and was tempted to simply collapse back on the floor, but decided to brave her body’s upheaval and move herself to the living room.
            Before leaving the bathroom, Elyssa took another look at her reflection in the mirror. In disgust, she took the blanket and slung half of it over her head, so that it covered her like a hood. She wrapped the rest around her, keeping her pillow snug against her, and opened the door.
            It was quiet when she stepped out. She wondered whether Will had finally tired of sitting around doing nothing. Had he finally gone to the pension and checked in? She rolled her eyes as she thought to herself,
Oh, I hope so!
            She quietly walked down the hall and at first didn’t see him. A sigh of relief almost escaped, but stopped abruptly when she noticed a pair of shoeless feet stretching out from the recliner that faced away from her. She walked up to him and peered out through her blanket. He was fast asleep.
            A weak smile touched Elyssa’s lips as she looked down at Will. He looked quite
a driven corporate executive. Her fuzzy mind tried to comprehend this man who had gone from being a hated ruthless executive… to being a thorn in her flesh… to something of an enigma to her.
            As she gazed down at him, one of his brows lifted and an eye slowly opened; then the other. He stared at her for a moment trying to make sense of this woman with a blanket covering her face, and then shook his head to rid it of its grogginess and imagery from the dream.
            “Well,” he said, as he straightened up in the chair. “Have you at last come back from the dead?”
            “Not quite,” Elyssa answered from underneath the blanket. “All I want to do is sleep and the bathroom floor has just become a little too uncomfortable.” She let out a breathy moan. “I feel lousy enough that I might not wake up for hours.”
            “Mmmm, it’s that bad, is it?” Will stood up from the chair. “Come, Elyssa, if you need sleep that much, I insist you sleep in the bed.”
            Despite Elyssa’s frail condition, she remained adamant. “No, the sofa will do.
            Will shook his head in exasperation as she turned and threw the pillow down on one end of the sofa.
            “Right now all I want to do is sleep and forget about the last five or six hours.” Keeping the blanket covering her face and wrapped about her, she collapsed onto the sofa.
            Will left the room and went into the bathroom where he picked up her stash of food and drink. Before taking it to her, he stopped by the kitchen and rummaged around for a big bucket. Unable to find one, he finally found a large cooking pot. Bringing them all back, he leaned down. “Have you tried eating or drinking anything? You really must.”
            She waved her hand. “I ate a cracker a little over and hour ago and sipped some 7Up before I came out.”
            “Well, it’s here for you in case you get hungry. I’ll leave it on the table. In addition,” here he paused and stroked his chin, looking for a delicate way to say it. “I’ll put this pot on the floor in case you can’t make it to the bathroom in time.”
            Elyssa groaned, “Oh, thanks. And I don’t want any more to eat.” Barely able to speak another word, she mumbled, “You might as well check into the pension now, I won’t be much company.”
            She turned away from him, covering herself completely with the blanket. Her head still ached, but the comfort of the sofa, although not quite long enough for her to completely stretch out upon, was much more preferable than the bathroom floor. She quickly found herself drifting away and although Will was saying something, it was completely lost to her.
            “You know I’ll not leave you like this, Elyssa. Don’t you know that by now?”
            Her breathing deepened and Will knew she had fallen asleep. It was close to six o’clock and he decided he would go into the kitchen and make a sandwich with some of the things he had purchased at the market.
            After eating, he returned to the living room and stood over Elyssa. She seemed to be getting restless on the small sofa. He watched as she squirmed and moaned causing the blanket to slip down off her feet. He reached down and picked it up, putting it back over her. When he tucked it in around her shoulders, he became alarmed when he noticed how warm she felt.
            He touched the back of his fingers to her forehead and realized she had a fever. When he went to remove his hand, however, he was taken by surprise when she suddenly grabbed it. “Elyssa, what is it?”
            “My head… it hurts so much.”
            “Is there something…”
            He was interrupted by Elyssa’s slurred words, “Janet, rub my head.”
            Will tensed and tried to pull his hand away, but Elyssa tightened her grip and held it in its place. He began to gently rub her forehead and she seemed to settle down, but he was now quite alarmed. She obviously was feverous and thought he was Janet. He shook his head as he wondered what to do. He didn’t know whether to try and shake her out of it or help make her as comfortable as she could be -- all the while Elyssa not truly realizing he was the one doing it!
            Will carefully lifted up her head and sat down, placing the pillow on his lap, and then lowered her head back down on top of it. When he removed his hand from her, she seemed to writhe and groan until he returned it to its place and stroked it again. He enjoyed looking down at her sleeping face as his fingers kneaded circles around her forehead. They occasionally strayed and nestled deeply into her mane of thick, dark hair, massaging her scalp. He felt more than a little guilty pleasure in his actions.
            As the evening wore on, he wondered whether Elyssa was actually getting any sleep, as anytime his hand stopped or he removed it, she seemed to notice it. He wasn’t sure whether she knew it was him and not Janet, but she hadn’t said anything since that last outburst.
            One thing he was sure of, though, was that she would be much more comfortable in a bed and would probably get a better night’s sleep there than she would on the sofa. He looked down the hall and tried to calculate whether she would be angrier at him for placing her in the Blakelys’ bed or awaking and finding herself asleep on his lap.
            He knew her stubbornness would rise up and challenge him for going against her wishes, but he knew it was for the best. He shook his head and ran his free hand through his hair. “You may not be happy about this, Elyssa,” he said softly, “but I’ve got to do it for your own good.” He chuckled. “Besides, I’m getting a little stiff sitting here and I need to get up!”
            Being very gentle so as not to awaken her, Will extricated Elyssa from his lap and laid her head back down on the sofa while he stood up and stretched his legs. He went to the window and looked out. There was a small view of the lake and he saw that the sun was setting. The deep colors from the sunset spilled across the sky and as he looked back at Elyssa’s sleeping form, he wished he could take her for a walk down to the lake’s edge. He was quite sure she would have enjoyed it. He knew
would have enjoyed just having her by his side.
            As if she knew he was watching, she dug her head deeply in her pillow and one of her legs dropped down the side of the sofa.
            “That does it,” he said softly. “You’re going into the other room.”
            Will went into the bedroom and pulled back the covers. “It’s not like Chad and Janet would be upset that you’re sleeping in their bed! I’m sure they’d want you to!”
            He walked back into the living room and Elyssa was moaning again. He decided it would be better for him to wait until she was in a deeper sleep so she wouldn’t wake up as he carried her in. He sat down in the chair and waited until she had settled down.
            Will drifted to sleep occasionally, waking whenever Elyssa let out a groan. Finally, at well past ten o’clock, Elyssa seemed to be back in a deep sleep and he went over to pick her up. He touched his fingers to her head again and breathed a sigh of relief that her temperature seemed to have gone down a little.
            Lifting her up in his arms, he carried her back into the bedroom. When he placed her on the bed and began to pull the blankets snugly up over her, she reached out for his hand again. “My head…”
            He sat on the edge of the bed next to her, leaning on his one arm while his hand went back to her forehead.
            “This is just great, Elyssa. All I need is for you to wake up and find yourself in Chad and Janet’s bed with
by your side! You’re really intent on setting me up, aren’t you?”
            Each time he tried to remove his hand, Elyssa moaned or reached back for it. As the evening wore on, Will found himself more and more uncomfortable. Finally, he reached over for the other pillow that was on the bed and put it behind him. He was propped up at an awkward angle against the headboard, but at least he had some soft support behind him. He wouldn’t be here very long, anyway. He would wait until she was fast asleep and then he would quietly leave and go back into the living room and sleep.
            That was his very last thought.

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