Dreaming of Jizzy (7 page)

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Authors: Y. Falstaff

Tags: #Fiction, #erotica, #Fantasy

BOOK: Dreaming of Jizzy
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“Why is it doing that?” Ginger absently asked as she watched him.


“Long story that will bore you... Here, give it a try now,” Rick instructed, relinquishing the mouse and waiting for her to enter one of her client's files to test it and make sure the adjustment worked.


As he stood behind Ginger's seat, Rick's eyes kept glancing over to the corner he expected Candace to come stepping around at any moment. He had noticed in the past that sometimes her bathroom visits were short and other times they were long. He just hoped this day that her visit was a little longer than usual.


“You're a miracle worker! Thanks!” Ginger then happily announced, having successfully entered the client screen she needed.


“No prob,” Rick replied, and then he quickly stepped out of her cubicle and made a bee-line right for that bathroom where he suspected Candace to be.


Turning the corner a minute later, Rick quickly stepped by rows and rows of cubicles and past other employees dressed in their monkey suits and going about their daily routines. All around him, he could hear and see hundreds of employees at work, on their phones, and managers leaning over desks, helping their employees with their random problems.


Turning another corner a minute later, Rick saw the two bathrooms up ahead in a little nook along the back hallway that really didn't lead anywhere but to a maintenance room, which was rarely used. Peeking behind himself and skipping the final dozen feet, Rick did not hesitate and immediately began to execute his well-thought-out plan. The anxiety he felt inside was explosive, and he knew he had to be careful with this.


Leaning in close and listening at the door to the lady's bathroom, Rick didn't hear any chatter or movement coming from the other side. He knew this would be the tricky part, and if he didn't do this just right, he could land himself in real trouble. Swallowing hard and taking a risk then, Rick pushed open the heavy door, and he quickly peered inside. He didn't see anyone anywhere, and as he suspected, the bathroom was tiny with just three stalls.


Rick knew the only real problem with his plan was if, in addition to Candace, someone else was in the bathroom too, but he didn't hear any sounds and didn't see any other souls. Quickly scooting inside the tiny bathroom himself, Rick peeked behind the door and immediately recognized what he was looking for. He knew the janitors, who cleaned the bathrooms a couple times a day, would post a bright yellow sign outside the door, which indicated that the bathroom was being cleaned and to use another in the time being. Seeing the sign behind the door, Rick quickly snatched it up, opened the door, and then placed it right outside the door to the bathroom, warning away any potential users.


Feeling time rapidly speeding up, Rick could also feel the butterflies in his gut were at an all-time fluttering high. It was like he had stirred up a beehive of activity inside of himself, and already, he could almost feel his fat pole sinking deep inside some hot, wet flesh.


Just as he was turning back around then, Rick heard someone breathe out in one of the stalls, and he heard movement, like someone pulling back up their loose clothing. Having fully thought this whole thing out, Rick excitedly unzipped his slacks, and he pulled his sleeping giant from its slumber and held the fat beast in his hand. Smiling and with a cocked eyebrow, Rick waited for the stall door to open. While one hand held his slowly waking giant, his other pressed his thumb up against his middle finger, ready to execute the snap that would make Candace instantly fall madly in love with him. Then, if all went according to plan, his one-eyed titan would be getting a little action right there in his office. Not only would he be getting his rocks off fucking this twenty-something year old beauty queen that ignored his ass for the last few months, but he'd be giving his company a big middle finger all at the same time. This plan was so awesome, he honestly didn't know how he could make it any better.


Hearing the metal latch to the stall suddenly being fiddled with, Rick wasted no time, and he immediately squeezed his two fingers together.




There was a sudden pause then with the fiddling of the latch, and Rick eagerly waited, his prick now standing almost straight out in front of him, half-erect, and just waiting to be plunged into something hot and moist. With a giddy smile on his face, like a little boy sneaking candy when he wasn't supposed to, Rick then watched the door to the stall swing open. A heartbeat later and once the occupant of the stall stepped out, Rick's eyes bulged and his mouth instantly dropped wide open.


“Oh! I... I was just thinking of you...” came her excited voice.


Standing before him was not the saucy little piece of Ivy League ass he expected, but instead, to his horror, a four-foot five bowling ball of a woman, whose massive tits were individually larger than even his head.


“Cathy?!” Rick blurted out in shock and terror, instantly trembling with fear.


Like he had suddenly seen a ghost, Rick's mind just locked up, and he let go of his dick, his fingers shot out at odd angles, and he literally retreated several steps in abject revulsion.


“What's wrong, baby? You never seen a real woman before?” Cathy seductively purred, as she ran either of her pudgy hands up and down her gravitationally-challenged body.


“Holy mother of god...!” Rick breathed, his back finally hitting the wall of the restroom in his stumbling retreat.


Reaching up and unbuttoning her jacket, Cathy didn't seem to be picking up on Rick's unabashed terror, but instead, she step towards him, like a stalking water buffalo about to charge. Throwing off her business jacket, Cathy then reached up and began unbuttoning her flowery blouse, one teasing button at a time, all the while with an I-want-to-fuck-you expression painted on her fat face.


“No! No, hold on! I, uh, walked into the wrong restroom! This is a big mistake! Sorry...!” Rick riffled off, scrambling to shove his limp dick back into his slacks with his trembling hands.


“Oh, it's no mistake, darling! I see the way you've been looking at me lately, and I got a special little something for you,” Cathy breathed, pulling her blouse all the way open in a snap.


Underneath her flowery blouse, Cathy had a mammoth pale tummy, like an enormous boulder of lard, which hung far out over her belt-line, and she had a bra on that looked like it could house two zeppelin air ships. There was literally more fabric used in the construction of her epic bra, than he had in the makeup of his entire button-up shirt. As Rick cringed and shrunk back against the wall in horror, Cathy reached back and unclipped her enormous bra, and her two mammoth tits came falling out of her bra the next instant. Each of her tits were like two wide and long waterways, split by the massive mountain of her stomach, and each long boob fell off to either side of her body and was accentuated with what looked like a helicopter landing pad of a faded nipple. Instantly traumatized by the sight, Rick couldn't help but notice that her pale flesh was so riddled and lashed with countless stretchmarks that she looked like an obese albino tiger with stretchmark stripes.


As Cathy then lifted either of her floppy breasts in hand, she eagerly stepped up towards Rick, who was melting against the wall with a terrified expression on his face. Desperate and with his mind literally locked on the abomination before him, Rick was initially too overcome with the absurdity of the entire situation to do anything at all but pitifully whine and cower away from her.


The next second, Rick's entire head was suddenly enveloped in the soft, jiggly flesh of Cathy's enormous breasts, as she wrapped either one around his face and pulled him into her.


“Oh, do the motor boat! Do the motor boat, baby! They're all yours!”


Completely paralyzed with fear, Rick even managed to forget to breathe, and he found his chest suddenly feeling tight and little stars started appearing in his vision. Suddenly realizing he was in fact holding his breath, Rick pushed his face up from between her Grand Canyon-like cleavage to where just his lips stuck out from her milky flesh, and he took in a long breath of fresh air.


“Can't... breathe...!”


As if he was below the waves and drowning in a turbulent sea, Rick struggled to break free from the titty headlock Cathy had him in. With his hands limp and down at his side, Rick was so repulsed by the woman, he didn't even want to touch her with his hands, for fear of having that tactile living memory of her in his mind to give him terrifying nightmares in the future. Desperate for a way out, Rick then squeezed down under her by letting himself fall, and he scrambled to his right and stumbled over a garbage can as he broke free from her smothering grasp.


“Oh, come on, baby! Let's not play hard to get anymore. I see that big, fat dick of yours, and I saw that look in your eye when you first saw me. Let's not be coy about it! Come to Moma, baby!” Cathy encouraged, reaching down and pulling down her black skirt.


Thankfully, Cathy's boulder-like stomach was so fat that it drooped far down below what was characteristically normal for a healthy human being, and even though she still wore her panties, he wouldn't have been able to see them or her snatch anyway. Instead, there was just that Leatherface abomination of a tummy staring back at him, which resembled gallons of cottage cheese packed into an enormous white balloon, creased over with hundreds of stretchmarks, and accented with a yawning, cavernous belly button.


The thought then randomly occurred to Rick; exactly, what kinds of alien parasites one might find living deep in that lonely belly button? Was her belly button like an ecological environment all on its own, and if scientists studied it, they would find unique forms of life not found anywhere else on the planet? He could imagine these scientist discovering that these little biological miracles subsisted exclusively off of Cathy's belly button cheese and the odd potato chip or cookie crumb that dropped down onto her mountain of a stomach. With all these crazy thoughts shooting like lightning through his terrified mind, Rick found himself trying to master himself and workout some ingenious escape plan from this terrible folly he had foolishly manufactured for himself.


With his back now against the counter, Rick finally seized the reigns of his panicked mind, and he quickly shoved his very limp pipe back into his slacks and zipped them up in a heartbeat. Putting out either hand in the air in front of him then, he backed away from Cathy, like she was a crazed gunman who had taken him hostage and was now threatening to kill him.


“Hold on! Hold on! There has been a big misunderstand here, Cathy! A big misunderstanding!” Rick pleaded and continued to back away, further into the bathroom.


“Oh, will you just stop it, Rick! Now that we both know how one another feels, let's just get it out of our systems, now!” Cathy eagerly countered, and she grabbed the garbage can and shoved it in front of the door, blocking it.


“No, you don't understand. This is a big mistake,” Rick immediately shot back.


“Oh, no it isn't. You know it isn't. I see the way you look at me. Don't play these games with me, Rick. Come, love me!” she purred, throwing out her arms and stepping towards him once again.


Rick was desperate and knew he needed to find a way to get out of this mess, so he went with the only play he thought might work. Putting his two fingers together again, he let them fly a second time.




“Oh, that's very cute, baby, but come here. Get some lovin!” Cathy continued, now only a few steps away from him.


Seeing that snapping his fingers a second time didn't undue his wish, Rick made a mental note that he'd have to follow up with Jizzy on that later. In the meantime though, he had a horny cow bearing down on him, and he needed to find a way out of this situation pronto before he was stampeded.


“That's it, come here, baby! Let's see that big cock of yours again,” she giggled playfully, reaching out for him.


Just at the last moment, when she was about to wrap her fat arms around him, Rick ducked under her embrace, skirted around her, and skipped a couple feet to the door. As he did so, she gasped out in horror, but Rick didn't turn around to look at her. Instead, he pushed the garbage can out of the way, grabbed the handle of the door with the complete intention of making his great escape.


“Rick, stop! Stop now!” Cathy suddenly raged. “If you don't come over here right now and give me some of that big dick of yours, you're going to be sorry! You are the one in the wrong bathroom, Mister, and once I go to management and tell them, you are not only going to be fired, but you're going to have a lawsuit slapped on your ass for sexual harassment to boot. So get over here and get a little of this honey, right now!”

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