Don't Moose With Her (Bearbank Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Don't Moose With Her (Bearbank Book 1)
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“What worries me most,” Leo stated. “Is that if Becca was killed several months ago, then he may have already picked out the next woman. We have less time that we thought. He’s likely already stalking her and she’ll be the last one in this area.”

“I know,” Ethan growled with frustration. “And we have no idea who.”

Chapter 6



Dana almost tripped over the box on her doorstep. Catching herself at the last moment, she stooped down to pick it up. The label was simple, just her name written on it. She smiled to herself as she opened the door and carried it in. She had received several such gifts in the last couple of months and she still had no idea who they were from. For a moment, she wished they were from Ethan. It didn’t seem likely though. For one thing, he hadn’t known her name earlier, he’d had to ask. The gifts all came with her name on it. A secret admirer then? Awesome.

Opening the box, she found a box of fancy chocolates and a smaller box containing a beautiful necklace, silver and sapphire. Probably not what she would have chosen for herself but she couldn’t deny that it was lovely. Now she was a little freaked out. Sure, it was exciting to have a secret admirer but it was also somewhat creepy. A secret admirer who was now sending her expensive presents. A secret admirer who knew her name and where she lived. That was worrying. She set the box carefully aside.

She had agreed to meet with Fiona and another friend, Katie, at the pub later. Maybe she’d talk to them about it, see what they thought. After changing out of her uniform, she made herself dinner and sat in front of the TV for a while, barely registering what she watched. Her brain buzzed with thoughts of her admirer and also Ethan. Life would be much simpler if they were one in the same. Sadly, life was rarely that simple. Eventually, she switched off the TV and went to get ready.

She had just finished getting dressed when her phone rang. Checking, she didn’t recognise the number and ignored it. She hated answering the phone and would only answer it for someone she knew. Almost as soon as it stopped ringing, it started again. The same number. She stared at the phone. Nope. Not answering it. Would it ever stop ringing? She wouldn’t answer it but she couldn’t ignore it either. She just stood there, frozen, staring at the phone and willing it to go silent. Finally, it stopped, the silence shocking.

The silence was short-lived. The phone buzzed, letting her know she had a text message. She edged towards it, noting that the message was from the same number yet again. Someone was persistent. Persistently annoying.

The message read, “Answer your phone, sweetheart.”

She had only just finished reading it when the phone rang again. She gave a pathetically girlie squeak and jumped back. Ethan had called her sweetheart earlier, perhaps it was him. Maybe someone had given him her number. It seemed unlikely though. She really didn’t want to answer. If it was him, she’d only make a fool of herself again. If it wasn’t, then she wasn’t sure she wanted to know who it was.

She waited, heart pounding, for the phone to stop ringing and then she picked it up. She opened the text message again and hit reply.

“Who is this?” she sent, going for the direct approach.

Silence for a moment. The phone buzzed again.

“Your admirer. Answer your phone.” Not bloody likely.

Scowling, she typed, “I hate phones and I never answer them. What’s your name?”

Another buzz. “I’ll tell you if you answer your phone.”

Immediately afterwards, the phone rang yet again. Startled, she practically threw her phone. It shot across the room and landed on the floor. No way was she answering it. Her Freak-O-Meter was screaming at her and she didn’t want to play this game. Finally, the phone fell silent before buzzing with one final text.

“See you later, sweetheart. Wear your new necklace for me.”

Chapter 7



She hadn't answered her phone. He hadn't anticipated that. He had watched as she'd taken the box inside her home. He had hoped that she'd open it where he could watch her reaction but he had been disappointed. Instead he'd gone home and called her, hoping to talk, but she had refused to answer. Once they were together, she'd answer the phone when he called.

He'd heard her speaking with the goth girl at work earlier and he knew that they had plans for the evening. He also knew when and where. Maybe she'd be wearing the necklace. Perhaps he'd drop by and see for himself. She didn't know him yet and the place would be busy. He could watch her and stay out of sight. He couldn't think of a better way to spend the evening.

Chapter 8



The taxi driver was a middle aged man. Human. He didn’t seem particularly nervous to be talking to the police. Ethan had briefly considered that this could be their man but it didn’t seem likely. The scent was wrong and his wolf snoozed in the back of his mind. Of course, his wolf was still refusing to talk to him so he wouldn't get any help there. A quick background check had revealed that the driver had lived here all his life. He seemed a perfectly average human being. Nothing about him screamed ‘Murderer’.

“So you definitely picked up Becca Jones and took her to her home?” Leo asked, leaning against the man's car.

“Yeah, I mean it was months ago. I only remember because of all the fuss about her disappearing right afterwards. Police came and talked to me then.” The taxi driver shrugged. “It’s a shame, nice girl like that. I just don’t know anything that can help.”

“And you took her to her home?” Leo asked.

The driver nodded. “Yeah.”

“Yet her sisters say she never came home,” Leo pointed out.

“Look, mate,” the taxi driver said. “I don’t know what to tell you. I got the call, I picked her up, I took her to the address she gave me. That was it.”

“What address?” Ethan asked. Perhaps Becca had decided to go somewhere else.

“I don’t remember,” the man said. “I just know it was on London Road. I don’t remember the number.”

Ethan and Leo shared a look. Becca didn’t live on London Road. Fishing in his jacket pocket, Ethan produced a photo of Becca and showed it to the driver.

“Is this the woman you picked up?” Ethan asked, watching for the man's reaction.

The driver shook his head, his expression puzzled. “No, definitely not. I've never seen that girl. The one I picked up was blonde. She was waiting outside the pub. I called 'Jones' and she got into the back of the car. So, that’s not the missing girl?”

“No,” Leo answered. Turning to Ethan, he added, “How did no one notice this?”

Something that Ethan would like to know too. Clearly the human police had not bothered to confirm the identity of the taxi’s passenger. They had just assumed it was Becca. Someone, somewhere, had been incompetent and had cost them valuable time in the investigation.

Thanking the taxi driver, they dismissed him and walked back to their car.

“So Becca never got into the taxi,” Ethan stated, opening the driver's door. “She disappeared from the pub.”

“We need to speak to Darren,” Leo said, getting in and closing the car door. “I know him, he’s a good bloke. Shifter too, so definitely not our guy. No CCTV at the pub?”

“None,” Ethan answered with a sigh. “That would be too easy.”

Leo grunted. “I think it’s best if we go get changed first. We rock up in suits, we might spook someone. I say we go in casual and see what we can pick up from the locals while we’re there for Darren anyway.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Ethan agreed.

Chapter 9



Man, the music was a little loud tonight. Dana had debated staying home after her scare with the phone. All the people here had her on edge but she really didn’t want to be home alone right now. She needed the comfort of being around other people. She also needed the comfort of vodka. Lots and lots of vodka.

“I always wanted a secret admirer,” Katie said. “Now I’ve changed my mind. He seems really creepy, hon. You okay?”

Dana nodded. “Yeah, just a little shaken.” Now that she was in a public place with people she knew, she felt safer. A little freaked, sure, but having her friends there helped.

“You should go to the police,” Fiona said.

“And tell them what?” Dana asked with a shrug. “He hasn’t threatened me, only sent me gifts and texts. The letters are sweet.” Before the phone calls and texts, she had enjoyed knowing that there was someone who liked her. Who didn't like being admired?

Katie looked unconvinced. “Yeah, but what about the Shifter Stalker? You’ve heard about him, right? Starts out as a secret admirer and then abducts and kills his victims. They found one victim just outside town a while back. You have to tell the police.”

“I guess,” Dana sighed. “I just don’t want to waste anyone’s time. Other people get secret admirers. Remember, Jenny? She reported her secret admirer to the police and it turned out to be her ex-boyfriend trying to win her back. Robyn’s admirer was her boss. Karen’s was her husband. With everything going on, everyone just got nervous.”

“Yeah, with good reason,” Katie insisted. “Tell the police and let them work out whether or not it’s serious. In the meantime, I don’t think you should be home alone. He obviously knows where you live.”

“Do either of you want to stay with me tonight?” Dana wasn’t too proud to admit that she was spooked. “I would like some company.”

“We both will.” Fiona smiled at her. “Girlie night!”

“Damn straight,” Katie raised her glass.

Several drinks later and Dana was feeling decidedly mellow. It took a lot to get a shifter drunk but she could get pleasantly buzzed. The sounds of the pub washed over her. Her friends were right, she should speak to the police the next day. It was probably nothing, just some guy overstepping boundaries. Still, the Shifter Stalker did appear to be in the area and it was better safe than sorry. She had no intention of meeting up with any strangers but she wasn’t sure exactly how the infamous Shifter Stalker abducted his victims. She didn’t really want to be alone for a while.

“We could always kill your admirer,” Katie said, hand motioning across her throat.

“We don't know who he is,” Fiona pointed out. Ever the voice of reason. Somewhat slurred reason right now, but reason nonetheless.

Katie waved her hand in the air. “Mere details. We can find out. Then we can kill him. Plus, you know, carnivore,” she said, pointing at herself. “I can eat him and then there's no evidence.”

“I'm not sure he's done anything to deserve Death By Katie,” Dana said, smiling. “But we can bear it in mind.” Sometimes it paid to have carnivorous friends. Okay, so she probably wouldn't allow her friend to eat anyone for her but it was nice to have options, right?

“I need another drink,” Katie announced, frowning at her empty glass.

“Same again?” Dana asked, standing to go to the bar. The girl had just offered to eat someone for her, least she could do was buy her a drink. Waiting at the bar for the drinks, she felt someone behind her. It could have been anyone but she knew. Only one person made her feel so hot and bothered just by being there.

“Hello again, sweetheart,” his voice came from right behind her ear, the vibrations making her shiver.

She span around to face him and found herself closer than she realized. Yet again, she found herself incapable of speech, as she stared at him and breathed him in. He was in casual clothes this time, black jeans and a black leather jacket. Just as she’d pictured him earlier. The jacket was open and she could see that his black t-shirt was taut across his chest. She swallowed hard. There was absolutely no doubt. This was her mate. His nostrils flared slightly as he stared at her.

“Cat got your tongue?” he asked, smiling at her. “It’s making the wolf jealous.”

Flustered, she blushed furiously. What the heck was she supposed to do with him? Or at least what was she supposed to do that wouldn't get her arrested when in a public place? Something about him just threw her off balance. Stupid mating hormones.

He quirked an eyebrow at her. A sexy, sexy eyebrow. “You know, I’ve been dying to ask. Deer, right?”

Dear what? Oh, right. Deer. Her inner animal. He was asking what kind of shifter she was. She knew the answer to this one. Halle-bloomin-lujah! Taking a breath, she blurted “Moose.”

He looked a little surprised but then shrugged and smiled. “Cool.”

She racked her brain for something to say. Between the mating hormones and the vodka, her brain was mush. Nope. Nothing in there right now. As excruciatingly awkward as the conversation was, and as much as she desperately wanted to run away, she quite perversely didn’t want it to end. A fine time to realize that she was a masochist. Think, Brain! There must be something vaguely intelligent she could say. Something impressive. All that sprang to mind was an image of Winnie the Pooh, tapping his head and saying ‘think, think, think.’ Followed by ‘Oh bother.’

“Oh bother?” Ethan asked.

Uh oh, she said that out loud, didn’t she? Here she was, face to face with her hunkalicious mate and she was quoting Winnie the Pooh. First impressions weren’t that important, right? Of course, this was actually a second impression and was so far managing to be worse than the first. Dagnabbit.


She said that aloud too, didn’t she? She tried squeezing her eyes shut and hoping it all went away. An alcohol induced dream maybe. If you glossed over the fact that she was awake and not actually drunk. An unimportant detail.


Not a dream. Also not going anywhere. Opening her eyes, she peeked at him, noting his worried expression.

“Are you okay?” he asked, face creased with concern. “I’m going to need actual speech this time.”

She nodded. “I’m okay.” Embarrassment wasn't actually a fatal condition, right?

“You sure?” He didn't seem convinced.

“Would you accept that I’m drunk?” she asked hopefully.

“Uh, we both know that it’s highly unlikely but sure. We can go with that,” he answered. “As long as you’re okay.”

“I’m fine,” she sighed, managing to sound a little less like a crazy person. “Honest. I’ve just had a tough day and now I’m tipsy. And you’re standing right there, confusing me. My brain isn’t cooperating.”

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