Doctor Crippen: The Infamous London Cellar Murder of 1910 (40 page)

BOOK: Doctor Crippen: The Infamous London Cellar Murder of 1910
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Living With the Legend
, undated radio broadcast presented by Roger Wilkes.

Newspapers Consulted


British Medical Journal

The Bystander

Chicago Sunday Tribune.

Cleveland Plain Dealer

Daily Chronicle

Daily Express

Daily Mail

Daily Mirror

Daily Telegraph

Durban Daily News

Empire News

The Era

Evening News

The Globe

The Graphic


Holborn and Finsbury Guardian

Hull Daily Mail

Illustrated Police News

Islington Daily Gazette

Islington News & Hornsey Gazette

John Bull

Kent Messenger

The Lancet

The Leader

Liverpool Courier

Liverpool Daily Post

Lloyd’s Weekly News

Los Angeles Herald

Montreal Daily Star

Morning Advertiser

Mrs Bull

The Music Hall and Theatre Review

The Musical Journal

The New Statesman

New York Times

News of the World

Pall Mall Gazette

Penny Illustrated Paper

The People

Reynolds’s Weekly Newspaper

San Francisco Chronicle

The Saturday Post

The Sketch

South London Press

The Stage


Sunday Citizen

Sunday Dispatch

Sunday Express

Sunday Illustrated

The Sunday News

Sunday Telegraph

Sunday Times

Thomson’s Weekly News

The Times

Tottenham and Edmonton Weekly Herald

The Umpire

Watford Observer

Weekly Dispatch

Western Daily Press

Western Mail

World’s Pictorial News

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