Dead Man Running: Book Two - Supernatural Bounty Hunter Romance Novellas (11 page)

BOOK: Dead Man Running: Book Two - Supernatural Bounty Hunter Romance Novellas
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Chapter Sixteen


The following evening Alma and Viktor found themselves at a specialty shop called Passion Playthings. 

They had argued off and on all day about Heavenly Bodies.  She insisted that they needed to go to Heavenly Bodies and investigate. 
Or rather, that she needed to go there. 
Given the previous relationship between James and Viktor and their shared animosity, it was unlikely that Viktor would be able to get any information.

But, James didn’t know Alma.  She could go to the club as a regular, anonymous patron, and James would be none the wiser.

Viktor came up with numerous reasons as to why that was a bad idea, all of which were shot down by his determined mate.  His biggest objection was that she might get hurt.  She argued that she would be at a club, with dozens of other people; she’d be safe in public.

He hadn’t liked it but eventually he relented, on the basis that she wear a microphone so that he could hear everything that happened.  He would sit outside and listen to every single word that was being said.  If he thought she was in danger he would come crashing through the doors to her rescue.

Alma actually got pretty excited about the whole endeavor; it made her feel like a secret agent.  She was, however, a little taken aback when she heard that Heavenly Bodies was, in fact, an S & M club. 

Viktor couldn’t help the smug smile that crept across his face when he told her.  He’d assumed that Alma would be horrified and would change her mind. 
He was wrong.

True, she was surprised, and maybe even a little daunted.  She wasn’t exactly a prude about sex, well not anymore anyway, not since meeting Viktor.  She just wasn’t into that sort of thing.  Not that she begrudged other people from doing it, ‘to each their own’ was her motto.  She was just a little queasy at the thought of watching others
do it.  But, she steeled herself and told him it would be fine. 
Hey, she was a woman of the world; nobody in that club would be doing anything she hadn’t heard of, it wasn’t a big deal.

Viktor deflated at that; he’d run out of protests.

After sunset, they swung by an electronics store and picked up the tiniest microphone they could find, as well as a tiny in-ear receiver for Alma to wear so Viktor could talk to her.  Alma listened diligently to how it worked; Viktor couldn’t seem to get the hang of it.  She told him, in her most condescending voice, not to worry about it,
he was kind of old after all…

The young man at the electronics store laughed at Alma’s joke, even though he didn’t get it, whilst staring avidly at her boobs.  Viktor flashed the young man his fangs and snarled, making the sales assistant pale and run off for his break.

Their next stop was Passion Playthings.  It occurred to Alma that she didn’t really own clothes that were suitable for an S & M club.  Given that Heavenly Bodies wasn’t due to open for a couple of hours anyway, she thought it best to do some shopping.

The shop was Viktor’s suggestion.  She asked him suspiciously, how he knew about the place.  Not for the first time in the last few days, he couldn’t meet her eyes.  He admitted he had been in there once or twice, but not since he met her.

As they went in Alma was surprised at how pretty the place was.  It was as lovely as walking into Victoria’s Secret.  She worked it up in her head as being a dungeon full of chains and whips, but they were only a tiny part of it.  Mostly the store was sexy outfits and underwear, sex aids and toys and erotic literature.  It wasn’t seedy at all.

“Viktor!  Is that you?”

A bosomy, black-haired vampire speedily glided over to them.

“How lovely to see you, Ruby,” purred Viktor.

The female vampire eyed the witch speculatively but continued speaking to Viktor.  “We haven’t seen you in a while, how are you?

“I am well thank you, and you?”

Her cold eyes sparkled.  “Very well, business is booming.  I have another branch opening up on the east side.”

“I’m pleased to hear it.  This is my friend, Alma.”  Viktor ghosted a hand down the witch’s back, making her shudder.  “She is attending her first S & M club tonight, and needs something to wear.”

Ruby gave her a predatory grin.  “Kudos!”  The vampire ran her cold hands down Alma’s arms, and her eyes shifted to black.  “You have a lovely figure; I have a number of outfits that would suit you, they are quite pricey but if you would like to, I can accept payment by…”

“She doesn’t,” interrupted Viktor, brusquely.

Ruby immediately removed her hands, and a flash of disappointment flitted over her flawless face.  “Understood.  Alma, why don’t you go to dressing room number one?  And I will bring over some outfits.”

The vampire spun on her heels and stalked away.  Viktor led Alma into the back dressing room; it was a room on its own, decorated in reds and pinks, it was pretty, like a lady’s boudoir dressing room.  Viktor slumped onto the chaise lounge while Alma looked at herself in the mirror, frowning at the tiny lines that had started appearing around her eyes.

“What was that about?” whispered Alma.

Viktor’s face was stony.  “She wanted to feed on you; I made it clear I already had a claim on your blood.”

Vaguely, she wondered how much her blood was actually worth.

Ruby noiselessly slipped in the room, making Alma jump.  She handed a large number of skimpy outfits to Viktor.  “Here you are, see how you get on with these.  And just in case you’re interested, this room is sound proof.  Just remember though, you will have to pay for anything you rip or stain.”  She winked at them and sauntered away, firmly closing the door behind her.

Alma blushed and snatched the outfits away from him, ducking behind the dressing screen.  A few seconds later, he heard her grunting and bouncing up and down.

“Do you need any help?” he called huskily.  The thought of her naked, and shimmying her glorious body into a tiny, tight outfit was delicious.

“No!  I’m fine.”  It was just a little tighter than she was expecting.  It was definitely her size, but apparently whoever made it wasn’t expecting the person wearing it actually to breathe. 
Perhaps it was made for vampire, she thought wryly.

“Are you sure?  Because I don’t mind helping.”

She could hear the excitement in his voice and huffed.  She was not feeling particularly sexy at that moment. 

She adjusted the straps and awkwardly shuffled out from behind the screen.  She put her hands on her hips and tried to affect a sexy pout.

Viktor’s eyes widened before he growled lustily.  Alma always looked divine, but damn she looked unbelievable.  She’d chosen a black, shiny mini-dress; it just covered her ass and had fishnet panels running down the sides.  It was set off by a collar round the neck; that had chains attached to cuffs around her wrists.

“So what do you think?”

Viktor could feel his manhood steadily growing in his pants; his eyes shone black and his fangs eagerly snapped in place.  “Words fail me.”

Unable to stop himself he swiftly bounded to her and ran his hands up and down her body.  “You look amazing, my darling.”

Alma tugged on the collar.  “The whole outfit’s a little tight.  Does it look tight?  Does it show too many lumps?”

His eyes roved over every inch of her.  “You don’t have lumps, my darling.  You are perfection.  Spin around for me.”

She did, secretly pleased at his reaction.  Viktor pulled her into his arms and scraped his fangs over her neck, sending shivers through her frame.  His hands wandered down her back, alighting on her buttocks.

Viktor lavished kisses up and down her neck.

“No, we can’t…” she moaned weakly.

He licked his tongue over her smooth, warm skin.  “Yes, we can.”

She felt her arousal blossom inside her; her sex fluttered in expectation as his tongue, and his hands sent tingles through her body.

“But Ruby…”

Viktor gently nipped her neck, drawing tiny beads of bloods that he lapped up. 

“She might walk in…”

One of his hands travelled under the hem of the dress; he groaned hungrily as he found her enticingly naked underneath.

“I don’t want to ruin the dress; we’d have to pay for it…” 
Even her protests sounded limp to her. 

His rubbed a talented finger up and down her slit and she let out a protracted sigh.  She was clinging to a shred of sanity and reason as her body willingly submitted to him.

Part of her wanted to object and pull away from him.  But that part was absolutely tiny compared to the overwhelming desire to be with him.

Viktor drew back from her neck and grinned.  “It’s worth it, my darling.”

He flicked out a claw, impatiently slicing through the thin dress.  Her magnificent body was bared to him.  He took a moment to drink in her beauty; from her dark, perfect skin to her long legs and her pert breasts, she was mouthwateringly amazing.

Alma blushed under his avid gaze and fiddled with the collar.  He caught her hand and brought it to his mouth for a soft kiss. 

“Leave it on,” he drawled throatily.

He twisted the chains round the fingers of his other hand and gently led her over to the chaise lounge.

He maneuvered her onto the chaise, so she kneeled with her hands resting on the side arm, and her ass arched slightly in the air.  Within seconds, Viktor stripped and flourished kisses up and down her back.

Alma trembled in needy awareness; she was so turned on any thought of stopping him was a distant memory.  Her body was ready and eager to take him inside; she couldn’t bear to stop now.

Viktor began kissing the smooth orbs of her buttocks.  He slid two fingers into her honey-drenched core, and she squealed in pleasure, rocking her hips against him.

He twirled his fingers inside her for a few seconds before pulling out.  She barely had time to protest before he kneeled behind her and replaced his fingers with his cock.  Alma cried out as he thrust into
her.  They made love dozens of times, yet each time she felt anew the delicious surprise as he filled her almost painfully full.

She gripped the back of the chaise lounge as he powerfully
pistoned in and out of her.  His hips slapped against hers as his fingers squeezed her hips.  The cool touch of his skin tempered the heat coursing through her, prolonging her release.

Viktor leaned further over her; she felt his breath tickle her neck and his chest hair rub against her back.  He resumed laving her skin with his tongue, as he slipped one hand around her body, and his supple fingers sought her sensitive clit.  He circled it with his middle finger, eliciting sweet groans from his mate.

His other hand journeyed from her hip up her taut stomach, teasing her belly button before reaching her breasts, massaging them and carefully dragging a claw over her hardened nipples.  Her arms shook as pleasure simmered within her, readying to explode.

Her need for him rose higher and higher, desperately reaching for release.  Alma pushed her body back against his and tightened her inner muscles, desperately trying to take more and more of him.

Viktor growled at the added pressure on his manhood.  He gripped her body more firmly as he vigorously drove inside her, his hand clasping her breast as his fingers furiously rubbed her tender nub.

It was too much for her; his hands, his cock, his tongue, they were all too much for her as she screamed, and her climax surged through her.  She trembled and bucked against him, feverishly tensing around his length.

Viktor let out a piercing roar and buried his fangs in her neck and his cock inside her sex.  Alma squealed and stiffened before dissolving into passion.  Like an echo of the first, another orgasm coursed through her, softer and smaller, but enough to make her moan and writhe beneath her lover.

The vampire drank his fill of his mate, carefully only taking as much of her ambrosial blood as he needed.
Reluctantly, he pulled away and swiped his tongue over the mark. 

Alma panted heavily; her body hung limply, held up by his arms, by his fangs in her flesh and his softening member throbbing inside her.  He rested his forehead on her back, planting delicate kisses between her shoulder blades.

“I love you,” she whimpered, so faintly it was almost missed.

“I love you too,” he rumbled in response.


After shredding the first outfit, Alma found another Viktor liked just as much.  Again it was a black shiny, mini-dress, only just covering her perky ass, but
it was a halter neck with a deep plunge down the front.  By a whisker, it was slightly more conservative than the last.  Although her horny mate found it just as exciting, again he ran his hands all over her and was about to entreat her into a repeat performance when she absolutely put her foot down, and told him they didn’t have time.

Viktor grumbled and snarled, but Alma just shushed him, and told him to stop being a baby.  She gathered all her clothes together, electing to wear the mini-dress out of the shop.  Viktor tried to argue that point, but she, once again, put her foot down and told him it would save time, and besides, lots of people would see her in it anyway. 
That fact made him even more morose.

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