Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (31 page)

BOOK: Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She gathered together the condiments without a word to him and returned outside to the patio, with Jess not far behind her with the potatoes rolling on a plate in one hand and the corn cradles and forks in another.

They both placed their items on the patio table when Alex called for them to bring over their plates. They both did so, with Jess also bringing along Alex’s. They stood side by side as Alex placed a steak on each of their plates before he accepted his own from Jess. Setting the plate aside as soon as he had placed his steak on it, Alex then transferred the corn from the grill onto another plate. He then carried both plates back to the table and joined them.

“Don’t worry about shucking your corn, Mags,” Jess said. “Just peel it back like this. You can then use the leaves in place of one of the corn forks. It’s a lot of fun eating them that way,” he finished with a grin.

Maggie felt another knot of tension unwind inside her. Dinner resembled their usual camaraderie, and there was nothing stilted about it. They easily fell into their old routines, and if they were the least bit nervous or anxious around her now, they hid it admirably. She took her cue from them and concentrated on enjoying the excellent meal.

After the first bites to slake their hunger were out of the way, the men fell into easy conversation, discussing their upcoming finals and asking Maggie about hers. With only two weeks left in the term, they were all a bit overwhelmed with last-minute class projects combined with the pressure of studying. Maybe it wasn’t the best time to start dating, Maggie reflected ruefully. And yet, because of the end-of-term stress and craziness, it was the perfect excuse to back off from the current dating craziness. After all, no one said any decisions had to be hammered out and finalized immediately. Surely they wanted to be able to concentrate on their own college-related stress without her adding to the stress in their personal dating lives.

Feeling suddenly much lighter as she felt a weight lift off her shoulders, she threw herself fully into their dinner conversation. They followed their usual clean-up routine afterward, and when Maggie said she had to finish reading a chapter for class tomorrow, neither man objected. She wound up curling up on the sofa with her textbook while Jess spread out his books on the dining room table, and Alex went into the office to finish typing up a paper on the computer.

They both did come into the living room briefly at different times to give her a good-night kiss in the form of a quick peck on the lips but then left the room to turn in for the night. Maggie finally turned in just before midnight and climbed into her cold, lonely bed, where she was haunted by dreams of the hot tub.

Chapter 15

The next two weeks flew by in a frenzy of studying for finals and finishing up final reports. By unspoken agreement, their individual and group dates were put on hold so they could concentrate on passing their classes. When Maggie got her period two days after the hot tub incident, she decided that all her angst had been caused by PMS after all and fell back into the easy routine that they had enjoyed for the past six months of being roommates. With the noticeable exception, of course, that the guys were free with claiming kisses from her, although neither tried to take it any further.

Maggie had just entered the quad on her way to Jess’s car so he could drive her back home for the day when she saw him talking to one of the girls in their study group. She came up to them just as she heard Molly say, “We’re going to have to get together this summer, study in private,” with special emphasis on certain words, while she leaned up against him and nudged him with her hip, a coy expression on her face.

Molly then noticed Maggie and offered her a crocodile smile. “Hey, Maggie. Too bad you’re going home for the summer. I was just arranging some summer studying sessions with Jess. I promise I won’t enter your room when I come over to study with him. Call me later and give me your address,” she said to Jess then as she pressed a folded piece of paper into his hand and walked away with a distinct sway to her hips.

Maggie turned on Jess, anger ablaze on her face as she pressed him up against the column he had been standing by. She reached out and tore the piece of paper out of his hand before she grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulled his head down toward her, and snarled through clenched teeth, “If I ever catch you even looking cross-eyed at another woman, I will cut off your testicles and wear them for earrings! Do I make myself clear?”

Jess swallowed hard at the real threat in her eyes. “Yes, ma’am,” he replied. “And for the record, sweetheart, I had been turning down Molly’s suggestion that we continue our study group this summer. And what did she mean about you going home for the summer? You never mentioned that to us.” He started to look outraged himself.

“That’s a holdover from last year when she asked what I did over the summer, and I told her I spent it back home visiting my folks,” she said as she took a step back.

“So are you going back home this summer, too?” he asked, sounding a bit panicked.

“I’m supposed to. My folks are expecting me at the end of June, though last year I left as soon as the term was over.”

“Why the end of June?”

“Since I have a place to live now and am no longer stuck in the dorm, there was no reason for me to have to pack up and go home right away.”

“So you’re still leaving us?” he asked in a sad voice.

“Those plans were made shortly after I moved in with you two. I completely forgot about them, what with the whirlwind of us hooking up and then the end-of-the-term crap,” Maggie admitted.

“So what are you going to do?”

Maggie sighed. “I really don’t know. My folks are expecting me, and I miss them like crazy. But the thought of leaving you and Alex for any amount of time makes me feel like I’m going to be sick.”

“How long were you planning on staying with them?”

“Maybe six weeks or so,” she admitted.

“Six weeks!” he cried, outraged.

“Better than the entire summer.”

“Still, six weeks is an awfully long time. I don’t think we could handle being apart from you for so long.”

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder?” Maggie asked wryly.

“Hah! If our hearts grew any fonder for you, they’d explode out of our chests.”

And Maggie felt herself melt once again at his sincere, heartfelt words. She walked to his car with him in silence as she pondered what they should do. And she was still pondering when they got home and Jess called out to Alex, “Hey, Alex, did you know that Maggie was planning on going home for the summer?”

She went into the office before Alex joined him in his outrage, and booted up the computer. She wrote a quick e-mail to her mom and then pulled up her instant messenger to see if her mom was online at work. Seeing that she was, she sent an instant message and then settled in to have an online conversation with her.

When Maggie signed off an hour later, she returned to the living room to find both Alex and Jess sitting on the couch in abject misery. Again, her heart soared at the proof that they were just as miserable over thoughts of being separated as she was.

She walked over to the couch and sat down between them. Before she could say anything, Alex gathered her in his arms and kissed her passionately. Her surprise at this unexpected action was soon replaced by arousal. She felt Jess’s lips pressing kisses to her neck as his arm slid between her and Alex’s bodies and squeezed her tight.

As soon as Alex tore his lips away from her to lick down her throat and her cleavage, Jess had her head turned and started kissing her just as passionately as Alex had. Before long, she was stretched out between the two of them as their hands roamed over her body, and pieces of clothing were opened and pulled or pushed aside. Jess was fondling and suckling her breast while Alex and she shared deep, slow kisses while his hand petted her between her legs. She abruptly pulled away from both of them and stood up, and they both collapsed inward onto the couch, breathing heavily and turning their heads to look at her dazedly, seeming confused over her suddenly removing herself from their embrace. But then their eyes widened as she shrugged out of her blouse and dropped it to the floor along with the bra that had already been unclasped. She then undid the fastenings on her shorts and pushed them over her hips and let them drop to the floor. She hesitated for only a moment before she stripped off her panties and then sank back down between them on the couch.

“Are you sure, baby?” Alex rasped even as he was reaching for her.

“I wouldn’t be naked if I weren’t. Now shut up and put up. I need to feel the two of you inside me!”

With a groan, the two men proceeded to make passionate love to her on the couch before their love play ended with them in their bed. Alex slung her over his shoulder for the trip upstairs with his hand firmly clasping her ass. Jess stopped him from tossing her on their bed long enough for him to step up and nuzzle her between her legs as both he and Alex stood there stroking each other’s cocks while Alex kneaded her ass. When Alex had finally tossed her onto her back onto the king-size bed, they had both followed her down onto it.

Maggie had no idea how many condoms they went through, who spent the most time in her, or whose hands were stroking her at any given time. All she knew was that she was blissfully entwined in her lovers’ arms, and there was nowhere else she wanted to be. And she even managed to grant Alex’s wish. Jess had impaled him in a face-to-face sitting position, and Maggie had watched for a moment before she opened a condom. She had then instructed Alex to turn around so that his back was to Jess. Once he had repositioned himself, she had unrolled the condom on him and then climbed onto his lap, lowering herself slowly onto his rampant erection, allowing Jess to support both their weights. Jess had lain down against the pillows and stroked her calves and legs, kissing them as she rode Alex, who had wrapped his arms tightly around her and was kissing her hungrily. When Jess left her legs to grasp Alex’s hips as he increased the forcefulness of his thrusts, she could feel those thrusts in her own body, and that in turn caused her to quicken her own pace upon Alex’s cock. The three of them had orgasmed almost simultaneously and had then collapsed in a myriad of arms and legs.

They dozed for a time after that. She woke up briefly to find Jess’s head buried between her legs and another time Alex slipped into her from behind. Their love play continued like that all through the night, with Alex slipping downstairs at one point only to return with a tray of food and a can of whipped cream. They fed each other from the tray, and then she gasped as Alex pushed her down onto the bed and placed the nozzle of the whipped cream inside her, pushing on the nozzle so that the cream completely filled and overflowed her vagina. The two men then hungrily proceeded to clean up the entire mess with their tongues as she writhed in ecstasy. She even took her own turn with the whipped cream, drawing designs on their cocks that she eagerly licked off.

“You know,” she finally gasped. “I don’t think dairy products were meant to be used this way.”

“Don’t worry. We bought this at an adult toy shop. It’s safe for internal use. You won’t get a yeast infection or anything from it,” Alex reassured her.

“Oh, I hadn’t thought about that. Good to know you guys are always thinking ahead.” She gasped as he delivered another long swipe of his tongue along her nether regions.

“What say we go together and shop?” Jess suggested as he drew lazy circles on her breasts.

“That might be fun,” Maggie agreed as wicked thoughts filled her mind.

It was close to dawn before they finally fell asleep, wrapped in each others’ arms. She awoke to find Jess slowly entering her as she lay on her back. She reached up to him with a smile on her face and drew him down for a kiss, morning breath be damned. Her moans of pleasure awakened Alex, who soon joined in. He wound up positioning himself behind Jess and slid himself home. Maggie watched the ecstasy on Jess’s face as he both made love and was made love to, and her heart burst with the love she felt for these two men.

When they finally staggered from bed, the men drew her into their bathroom and into their oversized glass-block shower. She looked around it in surprise, having never been in their bathroom before. There were four showerheads, two on either end of the shower. The bottom two were stationary and were aimed at their midsections while the other two were detachable and had long hoses on them. A marble bench extended along the back wall of the shower while shelves holding their toiletries were built into the walls next to the showerheads.

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